A Different Kind Of Journey - 55 Arc 3: Phase 2: Tenchi Bridge Part 1

55 Arc 3: Phase 2: Tenchi Bridge Part 1

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, Looks like we've finally entered Arc 3! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Take note: This is the first part of the Tenchi Bridge Incident.

Expect some grammar and spelling mistakes along the way.

Thank you for Understanding :)

Arc 3 : Phase 2

Chapter 20: Tenchi Bridge Part 1

Being Miyuki's a.s.set or a.s.sistant for a long time was a big changed in his life. Before the unemployment crisis came about, he was able to apply for a job, luckily his resume got accepted and he was placed under her office, thus the beginning of an adventure that he really didn't expected in the first place.

Another thing about his job was that it was obviously dangerous. Being part of a division that investigates illegal and heinous activities in or out of the Pure Land, it was kind of a b.u.mmer that he would always be placed in the front lines of the operations and considering he'd been doing this thing for a long time now, he was already used to it.

Showtaro had been exhausted for these pa.s.sed couple of days. He had no rest because he really needed to not wasted any of his time. It was a complete rush hour and he must locate the team that was sent for the retrieval mission, especially the two time travellers who were a part of the said team.

To be honest, he really wasn't sure why Miyuki would instruct him to warn and inform those two teens about the whole situation. It was all cla.s.sified information and it all started when the young woman just woke up one day thinking of filing a leave of absence then taking a vacation in the Human world. It was a major turn of events at least for him, but he understood the fact that working with the council that was slowly turning into a corrupt government had drained much of her faith, so maybe that was the reason why she did it in the first place?

He may never know the truth until he gets back from his mission. Although, she did told him that, she had just came back from a crazy journey in the future and all that hocus pocus. It really doesn't matter to him now as long as he was working for the light.

He surveyed his surroundings as he flew across the land. Being a duck really has an advantage, he got that free flight to himself and is free of charged.

"There must be here somewhere." Showtaro said as he finally reached the area where the bridge was located. All he have to do was find them around the area near the bridge.

All he could see now was mostly green because of the forest, but after a few moments, he immediately sensed a presence from a certain spot. He narrowed his eyes while forming a smile on his face." Gotcha!" He said as he proceeded to head to the certain spot.

He also took note that the enemy would be also somewhere around the area closely watching by and he really had to be careful on being caught or else trouble may come early.


It was a day full of preparations to be exact. The team had spent all the time in the morning getting ready for the big event that was expected to happened later on. It was pretty much a role play rehearsal, each of the them had their own scripts which they followed and used it to reenact the scenarios on how would they handle the upcoming situation.

Boruto stood at a certain area where he can properly overview the reenactment. It was like watching a movie being produced, complete with characters and dialogues. He observed and watched as his young dad, Sai, and Yamato attempted their twentieth take of the scene where they were gonna capture the spy.

Naruto and Sai acted as themselves while Yamato took the role of the target. The scene began at the bridge where the meeting will be held, followed by a staged ambush attack on the target, then a brief chase and finally at the last part where the two will have to engaged the target in a battle before finally capturing him.

The script was a bit short but it was actually difficult to reenact in real life. There were times where they suddenly forget their roles or lines in the script but eventually all of them were able to successfully finished every take. Boruto watched as his young dad and Sai engaged a small battle with Yamato for the twentieth time, focusing more on offensive side and capturing the target. Naruto was yelling all over the place, trying his best to over matched the brown haired man while Sai just kept quiet and focused more on the thinking side.

It eventually got into the point where Yamato was able to trick or outsmart one of them by secretly creating a puppet decoy attached with a trap and it was none other than Naruto himself, who's recklessness just took over, as he went for the decoy and got himself entangled by its hard ink rope substance courtesy of Sai.

As for the young member of root, he was able gain the upper hand and eventually captured the target by using his signature technique, the Super Beast Scroll, which quickly summoned a set of ink creatures that captured the brown haired man by subduing both of his legs and immediately tying up both of his hands around his back.

Yamato immediately lost his balance and fell down on the ground. He was surprised to discover that something had tied his feet and hands at the same time, and he found himself laying almost face down.

Sai gave a smile, this was his twentieth catch of the day and he couldn't helped but rubbed his victory on the blonde's face, who was still entangled with the fake Yamato dummy.

Boruto could only sighed as he thought this time things would be different. He thought that his young dad would eventually be the victor but that only on his dreams. The reality of it was on his doorstep knocking. He then proceeded to walked and head towards the direction were his young dad was very much still entangled.

Meanwhile for Naruto, He was irritated and loud as ever. His temper got the best of him again, and began yelling for Sai, who placed him into this mess.

"Dammit Sai!"

"Get your a.s.s back here and untie me you piece of c.r.a.p!"


It was this time that Boruto had finally arrived at the scene and immediately headed towards his young dad's side and helped him break free from his entanglement.

"Calm down Naruto!" He said.

Naruto immediately calmed down." Oops sorry about that." He said as he still retained an annoyed looked." That Sai is really a pain in the neck." He voiced his complaint.

Boruto gave a sighed." You don't have to put all your anger towards him." He explained." Remember, this is only a simulation." He said as he examined the substance that was binding the blonde all together.

Boruto raised an eyebrow as he then tried to cut the rubber ink substance with his Kunai but he wasn't able to fully cut it." You've got to be kidding me!" He thought to himself. There was only one way to removed this rubbery subtance.

"Alright, this might sting a little." The rookie said and warned. He secretly channeled his chakra, thus tapping into his lightning release as electricity filled the Kunai.

Once it was all ready, he then proceeded to cut the rubbery substance.

As for Naruto, He didn't quite heard on what the rookie had said.

"I guess you're right, I think I should- d.a.m.n, what the heck was that!?" He wasn't able to finish his sentence as he suddenly felt electricity around the rubbery ink substance.

A few seconds later, the substance was cut and dissolved into the ground. He was finally free from his entanglement, but with questions in his head. What was that electricity just now? Was it just in his imagination though?

As for Boruto, he secretly gave a little chuckle as helped his young dad stand up." I guess we have to thank Kami for that." He commented.

"I guess so." Naruto said, before a thought came into his mind." By the way where is Sakurchan and Saradsan?" He asked and his blonde counterpart.


"Looks like the Coast is clear so far."

Sarada informed as she gave the pink haired teen a smile. Sakura simply nodded as she marked and carved a "Check" sign at a certain spot in the forest which had a good view of the bridge although, it was kind of a few distances far from the actual bridge itself.

Yamato had apparently instructed the two teens to search for perfect hiding spots somewhere near area of the bridge. The hiding spots will eventually served the team later on as their own positions for their surprised ambush against the target. It's only a matter of time before the main event happens.

It been quite sometime now since they began their tasks and they were at the point where the two were now finis.h.i.+ng their jobs. They'd really made sure that everything goes smoothly as planned later on and they went to the point where they doubled check the areas. Once they were finally done with all of their task, they headed back to base camp.

It was during the final rounds checking when the Uchiha girl herself noticed something strange. Sarada was overseeing the bridge when she caught a glimpse of a human figure standing at the otherside of the bridge. She quickly fixed her vision to get a good looked only to discover that no one was there anymore.

She just stood there with puzzled face, figuring out on what she had seen. It was not until the pink haired teen called her name and asked her about the current condition of the area. Sarada immediately headed back and gave her report.

Once they were all done with the tasks, they set their journey towards bse camp by walking along the little forest pathway and as also during this time the two teens engaged in a conversation.

It all started when Sakura noticed something about the raven haired rookie. She was indeed quiet, with a puzzled face as if something was bothering her altogether. Of course, this immediately made the pink haired teen a bit concerned.

"Hey Sarada are you alright?" Sakura asked, which caught the attention of the rookie." Is something bothering you?"

Sarada snapped back to reality when she heard her young mother's voice calling her. She then turned around to face the teen." Uhmmm, Yes I'm alright!" She said with a smile on her face.

"Are you sure? You looked as if you've seen something shocking." Sakura said. She was suspicious this time and she was used to seeing people hiding their problems as secrets which she quite didn't like.

It was after several moments that Sarada finally sighed and gave in. Her mother's stern stare was the main culprit that really give her the discipline vibes. She thought as if she was talking to her actual mother in front of her even though it was a teenage version of her that she was talking to.

For Sakura, she was sticking to her job as a mentor to guide the rookie and it all starts with her trying to know any possible problem from Sarada herself. It was definitely her main job throughout this mission.

"It's alright, you can tell me." Sakura gave an a.s.suring smile.

It was after a few moments that the raven haired rookie took slight deep breath as she began to tell her reason." Well, I was just thinking if we're being followed recently." She explained.

"What do you mean by being followed?" Sakura raised a questionable eyebrow.

Sarada then took another deep breath." Well, during the surveying of the areas, I noticed something strange from the otherside." She replied. She would then go on to explained that there was this mysterious human figure that she saw moving around the forest but was suddenly gone the second she looked back.

Sakura was even more puzzled and confused." Uhmm, I'm really not sure on what to say about this but I think we're just gonna have to be ready for anything that's going to happen." She said.

"Oh I see."


"I wasn't really sure if I was just seeing things from my imagination but I won't judge early, I still have to know what's exactly going on or what's really happening so far. My only guess is that the figure it could be the spy or that it could be one of those strange hooded figures that Bolt claimed that he saw. during the previous mission."


The topic of the conversation immediately changed after that, the two began discussing about the mission itself and the possible situations that might happened. It was Sarada that actually started the conversation. She started asking some questions regarding the target and more.

"So about this target that Yamato-sensei had brief us about, where do you think he got the information from?" Sarada asked, it felt like she knew about it but somehow can't remember.

There was a quietness that took over for a short period of time. Sakura thought about it at first, she knew it was cla.s.sified information but dhe thought of the rookies and their right to know information.

"Well, it was actually me that told Lady Tsunade and then Yamato-sensei about the information, and speaking about the source, I got it from guess who, Sasori." Sakura explained, with a grin on her face. She would then go on to tell that the former member of the Akatsuki had told her of the information during their the end of the Kazekage rescue mission.

Sarada didn't react with any surprise, she just simply nodded in understanding." Oh, I think that's great!" She said." At least that's many steps on towards rescuing P Sasuke Uchiha?" She almost fell there but managed to put in a way of being a little not sure about the results.

Sakura gave a smile, when she heard that particular name." Yup, that's right!" She paused for a little bit before continuing." I guess you haven't met him yet but he used to be a member of Team 7 before he left the village." She explained.

"He left the village?" Sarada asked, although she already heard of this story, she still wanted to know some of the important missing details, that she missed.

Sakura simply nodded and gave a sad smile." Yes, but that was a long time ago, It's kind of a sensitive topic for us to talk about that." She explained." Although, I can only tell you that if you met him in person, you might want to be careful because he is a girl magnet." She chuckled, referring to her teammate's ability to attract girls.

At first, Sarada was a little bit confused but managed to understand what the pink haired girl had told her." Oh, I get it." She said, without any reaction except for surprise.

Sakura then raised an eyebrow." It seems to me that you're not even surprised on what I'm talking about him?" She said.

"Oh sorry about that, I'm just really not quite familiar about the term, that's all." Sarada gave a nervous chuckle. In fact, to think that she would fall in love with her dad was a really a weird thing to be honest.

"Oh I see." Sakura said." So you're not into the relations.h.i.+p yet huh?"

"Sarada gave a shrugged." I guess so." She replied." But, if you're going to ask me about Bolt, you're wrong, He's just a childhood friend." She also gave a chuckle.

"Hmmmm, Really?" Sakura gave a puzzled looked before finally nodding in understanding.

As for Sarada, she retaliated it with a question." What about you though? Do you somewhat like Sasuke?"

Sakura gave a sigh." Well, I used to be one of his fan girls but as time pa.s.sed by, things changed." She said. She would go on to explained that chasing a dream boy all your life was not worth it and it was a good thing that she focused more on getting stronger.

Sarada gave a smile." I see, you really are an inspiration." She commented.

"Thank you Sarada." Sakura said as she gave a chuckle.


"It was very much a very friendly conversation with Sarada and It felt like as if I was talking to a person that I've known for years."



"Great Job Sai! It's your twentieth catch by the way."

Another praised was then heard again, from the team's brown haired instructor as the rubbery ink substance binding him was dissolved and he was finally back on his feet. Naruto was finally back after being a.s.sisted by the blonde rookie a little awhile ago, while the two girls had just arrived from their surveying task at the real bridge.

"Looks like simulation is finally over!" Yamato announced to the rest of the team with a smile, he had to admit that preparing for the real event was quite a challenge but he still kept that confidence on his team alive.

However, some things were still not going as he envisioned.

The wind grew blew stronger, there was a quietness that took over and the there was a little tense in the atmosphere. It was much obvious that another stare off between Naruto and Sai was happening yet again. An event that has become usual throughout the mission.

Boruto was more worried than ever, he was aware that he had officially become some sort of baby sitter to his hot tempered teenage dad. His worries eventually came true in a matter of moments when his young dad went up against Sai and held him by the collar.

"What the heck is your problem!?" Naruto exclaimed, his eyes boiling with frustration.

"Do you have any idea what teammwork means!?"

"Do you have any idea what the word "Friend" means!?"

"Or are you just playing dumb!?"

The blonde was very furious, he really thought the guy already knew what teammwork is or what he was supposed to do when a mistake was committed, but he was yet fooled yet again.

Sai just kept smiling amidst the continous yells and sermons of the blonde teen. He really didn't mind, in fact he was even keen to tease or would like to fuel his anger more. So drew out a small empty scroll, opened it and wrote a single word on it which was revealed to be none other than the word "Friend."

It was the reason why Naruto stopped yelling for awhile and stared at the small scroll, eventually he became confused but with a little sprinkle of annoyance. "What's this supposed to mean?" He asked.

Sai simply smiled." I'm showing this to you to boost your brain cells up." He said." I really don't know if stupidity has caught up with you." He added.

With that statement said, Naruto gritted his teeth and formed a fist, he was going to charged at the black haired teen before being stopped by Boruto from behind, who reminded him to calm down. He didn't understood on why the rookie was preventing him but he was right that he should keep cool and handle this professionally.

Sai continued." You do not realized that you're recklessness and stubborness almost cause us another take." He explained." And that's why I took action in the first place to prevent things from getting worst." He added.

"He has a point though." Sarada thought, from behind.

Another quietness had took over the area, everyone was placed on thoughts thinking about on what the black haired teen said. However, for the blonde, his pride and emotions took over and he gave an irritated look.

"I still don't give a d.a.m.n!" Naruto said, as he narrowed his eyes." I won't accept you!" He added as he then turn his back and began to walk away.

"Nor as a friend, a comrade, or member of this team!"

It was yet another conflict between the two, Yamato was shaking his head as hs thought the two werw finally in good terms but he was wrong yet again. The rest of the members just stood and watched the scene unfold, Sakura didn't knew what to say or do at this moment, while Boruto and Sarada just tried to understand the situation.

Although, it didn't stop from there. Sai then spoke again regarding a sensitive topic.

" I wonder what Sasuke will do in this situation." He said, while Naruto stopped his tracks when he heard the name." Would he have fought while protecting you?" He added. "After all you consider him as a friend or a teammate."

Naruto didn't respond, he just slightly turned in front and gave a look.

Sakura was more worried than ever." This is not good at all. At this rate, He might lose control." She thought.

Sai then gave a sigh." a.s.suming that you can still call someone a friend, who betrayed his own village and even attempted to hurt you as a friend" He added.

Another silence took over yet again. The tense in the air had grew as everyone waited for his response. Even Boruto and Sarada were a bit nervous even though they were trying their best to calm down.

After a few moments, Naruto finally spoke." I'd do anything to protect and save my friends." He simply said before turning back and walking away towards a certain area, before that he gave the blonde rookie a wink and a grin

Everyone thought that he was gonna go beserk yet again but surprisingly, he handled things differently this time. It was a surprised for both Boruto and Sarada because they were already expecting another trash talking fest yet again. Both rookies looked at each other with amused reactions before being called on by Sakura.

"I'm really sorry for what's happening right now." She apologized." But, we really have to understand him." She added.

"Sasuke-kun was like a brother to him." She said." They shared a bond that was considered to be unbreakable." She explained to the rookies.

Both Boruto and Sarada nodded in understanding. Both of their fathers were considered a tag team and the best of buddies back in their time. It was just really natural for young seventh to care for his best friend and teammate.

"As much as I wanted care, I really don't bother." Sai spoke as he caught the rest of their attention.

Remember, the book t.i.tle that I discussed you about?" He said." I really don't have that much emotion or whether to feel about it." He added.

Sakura slightly narrowed her eyebrows." Even if you're brother was killed?" She said.

Sai smiled." My brother is already dead for a long time, there's no point of thinking or reacting to that much." He explained.

"What kind of a statement is that?" Sakura asked. She totally disagreed with him but she tried her best to convinced him that there are things more than meets eye rather than just being emotionless and stuff.

She also tried to explained to him that all things were for the better if he really stops being a nutcase, that if he cooperates on helping getting Sasuke back, then things might be well off from then on.

As the two continued their debate continued, a short conversation struck the two rookies from behind.

Boruto gave a tapped on Sarada's shoulders and gave her a smile.

"I'll go on ahead and check dad out for awhile." He said.

Sarada then nodded." Okay, I'll stay here for the meantime." She said, as she chose to remain as a possible referee if anything goes haywire.

"Good luck!" Boruto as he headed towards the area where his young dad went off to.

Things just never changed.


"I was practically an unofficial baby sitter for my teenage dad in this mission. I really had to carefully watch every move he makes whenever he gets angry. I really can't imagine the possible scenarios if we weren't here."


"Well, one of the common problems of a team is having a bad chemistry. With members not getting along, the chances of a mission failing are definitely high."



"See what I did there Bolt?"

"You should you've seen his face, He thought I was really gonna go at him, but of course, handling this in a professional way is much better! Dattebayo!"

It was all smiles and proudness for one Naruto Uzumaki. He never thought that he would really pull this one off in this mission. He stood proudly as he gave the rookie a friendly pat on the shoulder. "I really couldn't do this without you Bolt!" He praised the rookie.

Boruto stood there staring at his young dad. The rookie was confused yet somehow glad that to see him slowly handling things in a more calm way. He was surprised because he thought he was going to restrain him yet again from charging at Sai.

"Uhmm, I really don't know what to say." Boruto replied while scratching the back of his head." But I guess you really got us there." He added.

Naruto gave a grin." Well, that's the power of the Uzumaki!" He exclaimed." Tell me kid, if you were a part of this awesome bloodline, what would you do to handle this kind of situation?" He asked.

There was a bit quietness that took over. Boruto was indeed getting confused and he felt the awkwardness creeping up to him. He just didn't have enough courage to say that he didn't understand any single thing that his hyperactive teenage dad was saying. It was already a long speech to him since he had said so many words already.

"So if you wanna be an Uzumaki, you really gotta work hard." Naruto proudly finished his speech with a smile. He also gave the rookie another pat on the shoulder yet again.

"Ya know, I can really see the potential in you Bolt." Naruto said as he then observed blonde's cerulean eyes for a moment." Ya know, sometimes I thought that you were some kind of a long lost twin brother." He said.

Boruto gave a surprised look. "A long lost brother? How's that so?" He asked.

Naruto gave a chuckle." Well, we had the same blonde hair and eyes, although except for the scar on your right eye and the patches on your cheeks." He said." Did you get into an accident or something?"

Boruto took a breath." Uhmmm, actually yeah, I got it from a training accident long ago." He explained." And I kind of forgot all about it."

For a few moments, Naruto stared at the rookie with a surprised look before finally nodding." I understand Bolt, n.o.body really wants to remember the bad memories." He said." But, Hey as long as we are here, we can still create good memories!"

"I guess you're right, Naruto." Boruto gave a small smile.

It was at this moment when Naruto place his hand on his forehead as the blonde teen suddenly felt dizzy. He felt as if his head was boiling to the point where it was now considered a headache. In fact, this was the first time, that he had one.

Boruto immediately reacted as he caught and prevented the blonde from falling down on the ground." Hey, are yoh alright?" He asked with concern in his voice. He was caught by surprised when his teenage dad suddenly lost balance and almost fell down.

Naruto gave a smile." Yeah, I'm fine." He said before giving a chuckle." I thought I was gonna pa.s.sed out there for a second." He said, before finally recovering from his strange feeling.

Boruto sighed in relief. He thought something bad was gonna happen to him as he wondered about the mysterious headache that strucked his teenage dad.

"Hey guys!" A familiar voice suddenly interrupted the silence.

Boruto then turned around only to meet Sarada, who had just arrived at the scene." Saradchan?" He said.

The Uchiha girl stopped her tracks as she arrived with an important announcement." Yamato-sensei is calling you two back to base camp." She said." He's going to brief us later on.

"Alright copy that!" Naruto said, he was fully recovered and thanked the other rookie as he headed back first.

"Catch you guys later!" He said before disappearing from the scene.

All that's left were the two rookies.


Boruto immediately took a deep breath to relieved his exhaustion. He felt as if he partic.i.p.ated in three marathons in one day. Baby sitting was not really on his resume but he just tried his best to to stay calm and understand the situation as possible.

Sarada headed towards her teammate to check if he was alright. She gave this warm smile as she placed a hand on the blonde's shoulder to cheer him up." It really made you exhausted."

Boruto sighed but smiled." Yup, there's nothing I can really do about it." He said." This is how teenage dad acts and I'll just have to do my best to adapt to him."

"Just like how my old man did when I was still a brat vandalizing the Hokage Monument." He added.

Sarada simply nodded. She understood what he mean't and she was also a witness to his old antics when they were still kids." From what I see in front of me, A fine looking mature brat." She gave a chuckle.

Boruto then raised an eyebrow with small ." Don't try to tease me Saradchan." He said." I know your style."

Sarada chuckled." Oh come on, I'm just cheering you up!" She said, folding her arms around her chest.

The two rookies engaged on a playful debate. It was for the fun actually, Boruto teasefully praised his teammate while the other fired back. Eventually it was a tough battle with Boruto eventually giving up in the end, because he really can't beat his teammate in stuff like this.

It was a situation that the two cherished before they were going to face the real danger. Even though, they were just going to be placed on the audience side, they had a feeling that they were gonna be forcibly thrown into the pit again once the danger arrives.

It was at this moment, when the two were about head back that they heard a loud crash at one of bushes nearby which really startled them. Sarada was in the midst of her sentence when they heard the loud crash. She slightly moved closer to her teammate and unawarely held him in his right shoulder.

The two began to wonder on what just happened, thoughts were running around in their minds, was it just one of those random animals roaming around the forest or something else. Investigation was the only word so far and they decided to go near to see what it was.

Of course, no one would really thought that the enemy had arrived in front of them.

Both of them felt their hearts slowly beating faster as they neared the certain bush. It was not more than a few seconds that something white and feathery burst out from the bush giving one more little scare. Sarada shrieked as she raised her hand in the form of a fist in the air, not aware that her teammate was almost caught by her punch.

Boruto sighed in relief, he was able to avoid on what's coming to him. Looks like he survived this time.

"Looks like I made it just in time." The white and feathery creature which was revealed to be cute duck.

"Woah, It talks!" Boruto commented. He was very much surprised to see a duck in front of him that talks.

Showtaro just gave a deadpanned expression. It pretty much obvious for anyone to see him like that. He just wondered on why people had to comment it loudly. Although, putting that aside, he went straight forward to the point.

He then adjusted his voice properly as he gave them a smile to ease out the tension." Sorry for the interruption kids but are you Boruto and Sarada? The two teens that Miyuki told me about?"

Both of the two gave surprised reactions to learn that this talking duck knew Miyuki. Just who is this person exactly.

"My name is Showtaro, I'm Miyuki's a.s.set and she was the one that sent me here." He introduced himself to the teens." I'm here to bring you information that you two should really know right now. He said while still catching a bit of his breath.

Boruto and Sarada gave glances at each other before turning towards Showtaro." What information?"

Showtaro then cleared his throat yet again and started to tell all the important information that they needed to know.

"Information about the enemy and one of them is already here."


It was a quiet time as Naruto was on his way towards the main base. He walked along the forest, with only the rustling trees as his company. Thoughts were also running in his mind as he wondered about the sudden dizziness and headache that he felt not too long ago.

Even though, He has fully recovered, he waa still a bit dizzy as he walked his way throughout.

He really had no idea on what caused his headache but he hoped that he was not getting the same thing as his pink haired teammate. He had to admit that this was the first time that he had experienced this before and at the same time when it happened, he saw something flashed before his eyes. He didn't knew what exactly it was but he thought it was some sort of vague memory that he couldn't understand. A vague memory about a man standing and observing the Hokage Monument which surprisingly had seven faces carved instead of five.

And two little kids besides that man which were somewhat familiar.

Naruto suddenly stopped his tracks as he drew out his Kunai and turned around only to see that not a single soul from behind. "What?" He muttered.

He thought felt someone following him or at least someone was watching him from behind. Although, that could only be his imagination or his mind playing tricks with him yet again.

Naruto took a deep breath to ease out his tension as he then placed his Kunai back and continued on his way. It was really strange to be honest, there was this feeling that everything was going to go into chaos later on, he just couldn't figured it all out.

As he left the current area that he was in, a silhoutte of a white human figure can be seen standing near one of the trees.


AN: Thank you for reading the chapter:)

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