A Different Kind Of Journey - 46 Arc 3: Phase 2: Getting Along

46 Arc 3: Phase 2: Getting Along

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, Looks like we've finally entered Arc 3! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Take note: I had a very week again because of school But I was able to find time to write. Although, this might be the last chapter before I enter the preliminary exams this coming week. It's really going to be busy days ahead.

Take note 2: For the readers who doesn't like this story and kept bas.h.i.+ng it. I really don't care what you say or what you think. You are just wasting your time here and If you don't like the story, just leave.

Thank you for Understanding :)

Arc 3 Second Phase:

Chapter 12: Getting Along

(Earlier Before)

Location: Hokage Rooftop

Miyuki stood by the roof deck and gazed at the view of the whole village. The wind was much stronger than before as she was expecting someone to arrive right at this moment. She was sure that the figure that she saw just awhile ago, while talking to the trio, was the one that she was waiting for.

For a little while, she dove down deep in her thoughts as she recapped on what happened in the past several weeks. She had to admit that it was a very long wait and it took her at least a three months of waiting for the trio to arrived here. In fact, she was the first one to arrived in the past and smack dab found herself up back as her past self.

In the original timeline, her tenure as a member of the council stretched from the beginning of its creation and until present day, where the everything started to fall apart in one sudden chain reaction of events. During the final stages of her investigation on finding out the main culprit, through an a.s.set, she had managed to get hands on a blueprint or a plan that had been in the making for the past thousand years.

She discovered that all these events that happened in human world, specifically the Elemental Nations, where forced or manipulated to happened in someone's favor. From the Kaguya Incident, the Four s.h.i.+n.o.bi Wars, and the eventual peace that followed where all part of the plan to get the desired goals that he wanted. She also learned that the enemy uses the human world as some kind of chess board, where he uses the people that he view as his chess pieces to manipulate important events that happened in history.

For instances, the aftermath of the battle between Kaguya and her two sons saw the creation of Black Zetsu which was created by none other than the rabbit girl herself, who's purpose was two act as a spy, but the main culprit saw this as a chess piece and used it to corrupt and manipulate the older son of Hagomoro into darkness, thus it set off a bitter grudge that would last for hundreds of years.

This was an example of an event that was played into his hands. Although, Miyuki knew that was not case. She knew that most of the important events happened specifically in this timeline, and since this is where the blonde kid's Jougan sent her, she had no choice but to adapt to what was going on this time.

The first thing that she did when she arrived was to file a very long vacation leave in the human world, which to her surprised, the other members of the council gradually accepted and allowed, although it was already confirmed that she was not really banned from going to the human world. She also made sure that her leave would remain unnoticable from the enemy, although she expected that her true motives would eventually be discovered in the future.

Now that she was here, she had the chance to interfere and ruin his plan. She was going to enter this game as a a new player and will eventually have her own counter pieces against him. Before leaving the Pure Land, She instructed an a.s.set/a.s.sistant to continue the investigations on the main culprit and discover any information regarding his plans and next move.

This is why Miyuki was here at the rooftop, she also considered this as a meeting place between her and her a.s.set/a.s.sistant. Not too long, she felt a presence nearby and heard a series of noises coming from a nearby spot.

Miyuki then turned her head towards the source of the presence and noise, which was near the metallic wall gates after a few moments, something white and feathery came out from the wall gates of the rooftop, and was finally revealed to be a white duck with blue eyes and was wearing some kind of chinese cap, which struggled a little bit to climbed up before falling to the rooftop grounds.

Miyuki sighed and shook her head." Well, that was an entrance Showtaro, What took you so long?" She asked.

Meanwhile, the cute white duck now known as "Showtaro" continued to catch up his breath as it was really difficult for him to climb up the building. A few moments later, he finally recovered and flapped his wings to adjust his balance. He then gave a grin at the woman.

"Sorry about that Miyuki, I just had a bad fall, I thought was going to safely land on the rooftop but c.r.a.p happens so yeah hahaha." He gave a chuckle to much to the confusion yet amus.e.m.e.nt of the young woman.

Miyuki just sighed yet again, she then wasted no time as she decided to get straight to the point." You're fine Showtaro, I'm really glad you were not caught, but can I asked if you manage to find some clues about his plan?" She asked

By this time, the atmosphere around them changed, it was still a quiet and windy place but however there was a sense of alertness that began to rise up.

Showtaro took one more observation on his surroundings before darting his eyes towards Miyuki. He then took a deep breath before finally opening his mouth and lettting out the new information that he managed to acquire.

"Well, yes I managed to find several proposals that were written by him and then submitted to the council for an apparent check up." He explained."

Miyuki raised an eyebrow." So what's this proposal about and when was this submitted?" She asked.

"The proposal was submitted not too long ago, and it contained details about a group of individuals that were going to be sent to the human world with the purpose of guiding recent souls who had just pa.s.sed on, onwards to the afterlife." He explained.

Miyuki raised an eyebrow." Guiding souls? but I thought that type of process had been dissolved!?" She exclaimed. She thought that the council had already removed that type of process of bringing souls to the light anymore since they have brand new ways of doing it.

"I'm also surprised about it, plus the council themselves couldn't see anything wrong with the credentials and details of that proposal, that they instantly approved it with no hesitation. "He then took a short deep breath before continuing." But when I dug deeper into the mystery, I managed to get a hold of an important piece of information of the doc.u.ment." He explained.

"Do you have them right now?" Miyuki asked.

Showtaro then took a deep breath yet again and gave a grin." Well, apparently yes!" He said as he then drew out an brown envelope, which was labeled "Cla.s.sified" and also contained the important pieces doc.u.ments that he was talking about just now.

Miyuki then received the envelope and immediately opened it and drew out the doc.u.ments. She then began to examined its contents to which she discovered and took note two vital pieces of information. First, she took note that were a number of 8-9 individuals that were being sent to the human world. Second, they were to be placed in specific locations which she thought didn't even make sense. For instances, there was one individual placed in a designated area somewhere in the desert where there stood ruins of an ancient structure which reached underground.

Miyuki wondered if there were any even people living in those ruins and since it was ancient, those people probably died and pa.s.sed on to the otherside way before. Unless, there was someone new using it for another purpose and when she asked her a.s.set about it, she got an interesting answer.

"Well, according to what I've studied, the ancient ruins right now is being used by a human named "Orochimaru" as location for his experiments." He explained and then continued." This person is apparently a madman and has probably killed a lot of people."

"Well that's scary, Have you checked his background by the way?" She asked

Showtaro simply nodded." Yup apparently, this guy originally was a s.h.i.+n.o.bi from the leaf village before going mad and betraying his own home." He said and then continued." In my personal opinion, the death of his parents, who were mysteriously a.s.sa.s.sinated, is the main reason on why he became crazy in the first place." He explained.

Miyuki simply nodded while still examining the papers." Looks like He was a witness to his parents' death, Who were they anyway?" She asked.

"Well, the guy's father was a bodyguard for the first Mizukage, He resigned from his post to live a normal life and had married a young woman from the leaf village and permanently settled there. However, some of the guys from the Village of the Mist thought that He had gone rogue and betrayed his own village so they sent hired a.s.sa.s.sins to kill him and his wife years later." Showtaro paused for awhile to let the other absorb the information." And I guess you were right that He had witnessed their deaths." He said.

Miyuki just sighed, she was used to hearing tragic stories much like this, she also deduced that this Orochimaru person suffered a trauma that would eventually make him insane as he would looked to experimentation just to be immortal or maybe bring his parents back to life.

"Well, the good news is that his parents are now in the Pure Land and doing good although, it seemed that they had apparently forgotten their son." Showtaro explained and then continued." And I have arranged a scheduled to pay them a visit to know more details." He said.

"Well, that's even more worse, but do you really think this Orochi person is their target?" She asked.

Showtaro shook his head." Well, that could be possible although I really need to research more on this, but for the meantime, just stay tuned and when there is clue, Il'l immediately inform you about it." He said with a grin.

On the other hand, Miyuki decided to checked the list of individuals that were on the doc.u.ment, she studied and began to realized that this group of 8-9 persons seemed so familiar. Even though, she was already a thousand years old, she had a habit of forgetting the people that she had met over the years and also events that transpired.

As for main culprit, She knew him personally and was actually good friends with him since the beginning. He was there to protect her during the climax of "Chaos" sealing and he was a member of the council alongside her and helped maintained peace and balanced. Although, she really can't believed that He was the one responsible for all the mess that happened throughout those years. Back in the original timeline, she was too late when she had learned the real truth and by sheer of fate, the Jougan allowed her to go back and prevent this from happening all over again.

By this time, she had finally remembered that about those 8-9 persons that were sent to the human world, they were his personal group of henchmen that he recruited throughout the years. She didn't managed to get to know them but she was sure that they were notorious.

If those people were really the group of individuals that were sent to the human world then the game has gotten a lot harder this time, and they were really considered a threat to anyone who comes across them.

Miyuki then took a deep breath and gazed back at the view of the village. There was concern building up from the inside as she thought of Boruto and Sarada, who were currently in the early stages of their mission. She really hoped that they won't have to cross paths with them, but at the same time, they were the only hope that could put to stop to all his plans.


The countryside really looks great!" Boruto commented as he observed and looked out across the rice fields in between the road that they were walking along.

It had been half a day since the team had departed the village, and in those six hours, the two groups had traversed the different placed en route towards their destination, which was none other than Orochimaru's hideout, where their target could be possibly be also located in for this retrieval mission.

Not much had happened in during those hours, the team was pretty much only greeted by the calmness of the forest then the wider and clear vast image of the countryside. It was a more better journey than the last previous one for Boruto and Sarada as there were no traces of arguments or conflicts happening inside the team.

Both of the two were also engaged in a conversation while the rest where eerily quiet which was first noticed by the blond himself.

"Is it just me or is everybody really quiet for half of the day, Saradchan?" Boruto whispered to his teammate only to find out that she was surprisingly busy with a familiar object.

Sarada, who was able to hear the blonde's voice, took out one of her earphones" Yes Boruto?" She asked, giving him her attention.

On the other hand, Boruto blinked a couple times in surprised before snapping back to reality. He was really in disbelief on what he was seeing right now." Hey, Isn't that what I think it is?" He said.

"Oh you mean this?" Sarada said as she took out a small rectangular black object, which emitted colourful lights and shapes. It was none other than a smartphone, which she held right in her hand.

"B-But How?" Boruto stuttered throughout his words. It was really impossible for a device like this to exist in this timeline except in the future where they were just everywhere.

"Well, its a very long story but to summarize, It turns out that I've keeping my phone in my pocket ever since we got sent to the past, and I forgot about it." Sarada explained as she gave a grin and a slight chuckle.

Boruto raised both eyebrows." Oh, does it still have its signal?" He asked.

Sarada gave her small sad smile." Unfortunately No, since we are in the past and the signals here are not compatible with advanced devices like this." She paused for a little bit. "Although, the good news is that the phone still has its batteries alive and well, which means it also has it's memory retained and that I can listen to songs whenever I want to!" She expressed her joy of unexpectedly reuniting with one of her treasured things from the future.


"I never really thought that my phone would survive that blast. Almost as if it can withstand anything!"


Boruto then scratched his chin and wondered."I think that's cool, but if I were you, I would be careful on showing that to the people here. I mean who knows? They might treat as some kind of alien weapon, if you know what I mean." He explained.

"I understand what you are trying to say, but by the looks of it right now, I think the others don't mind about it." Sarada said as she was referring to the rest of the team who were really focused on other things.

She then gave a smile." Besides, because of this thing, I finally now have the chance to take a lot of selfies in this mission hehe.' Sarada chuckled.

Boruto could only sighed but smiled and shook his head." I guess that would work, besides you can also record signifance events that happened in this current mission right now." He said.

Sarada smiled." Well, why don't we take our first selfie right in the road?" She smiled and asked as she looked at him straight in the eye.

As for the blonde himself, he was taken surprised when his teammate said that. They were on the road as such things like this haven't been done before, not in this timeline. Although, there goes a saying "You only lived once" so why not?

Boruto eventually agreed and nodded as he and his raven haired teammate then posed for their first selfie in the past, The blonde was doing the peace sign while the raven haired girl was giving her usual selfie pose and after a few moments, Sarada pressed the b.u.t.ton and thus the first selfie of their journey was finally taken.


The whole journey was expected to be uneventful, at least for the first half of it. Along the way the time travelling duo immediately noticed a strange tension building up as they darted their eyes to focused on Naruto and Sai who were staring at each other as the tension was most likely building up between them.

As they were in the midst of their journey across the countryside, thoughts began to crawl up on Naruto's mind as He began to doubt this newest member of the team." I guess, He does sort of looked like him a little bit." He commented inside his mind. There was this comparison between him and sasuke that had been going on since the beginning of the mission.

At the same time, Sai suddenly turned towards the blonde and gave him a look." What it is and why do you keep staring at me like that?" He asked, which caught the attention of the pink haired girl.

Naruto ignored the question as he still continued to observed him." He talks much like him too!" He thought once again.

"Can you please stop staring me like that or else I'll smack you in the head." Sai added, with a calm voice.

This triggered Naruto's temper as he clenched he clenchef his fist right in front of him." You know, every time you talked, you p.i.s.s me off! Dattebayo!" He exclaimed. "This jerk isn't a bit of Sasuke after all!"

"It's nothing personal."

"Yes it is!"

"I'm just a potraying myself as a kind person, who say things like that."

"I don't care!"

The argument between the two burned like wildfire. Both of them exchange words as if they were in heated debate. Naruto argued the fact that such a person like him can never replaced his former teammate while the other just continued to fire sarcastic tirades which only fueled the conflict.

"You will never be a part of this team! You're just a temporary replacement!" Naruto exclaimed, which finally caught the attention of the team's replacement instructor Yamato.

Everyone stopped their tracks as their attention solely focused on the ongoing conflict between two teens. For Boruto and Sarada, they were caught in the midst of an event that was pretty much new to them. They were surprised to discover that there was an ongoing beef between him and Inojin's dad, the first time these two guys met.

"Hey now! this no way how you act in front of your captain, Naruto?" Yamato finally spoke as he confronted the two teens." Trust and Teamwork are the two most important attributes of a team." He explained.

"I know Kakas.h.i.+-san taught you that way." He added." He is a great man, and considering that you're a part of this team, your att.i.tude worries me."

"I know that Yamato-sensei, but this guy is not part of the team!" Naruto argued back as he pointed his finger unto the paled skin teen.

"The only member that is a part of this team is Sasuke!" He added." This guy is only chosen to fill in the gap that He left."

"I refused to accept him as a teammate!"

There was silence amongst the rest of the team. Boruto and Sarada couldn't believed what the future seventh hokage had just said about this person that would eventually become a trusted friend and a good man in the future. Right now, they were really not sure whether to interfere or not. They never really knew how hot-temprered the blonde really was when he was younger.

On the other hand, Sai just smiled. He wasn't really affected at all and responded." Well, that suits me fine, Sasuke left the village and run off to join and serve Orochimaru."

"Please don't put me in the same group as that traitor and little h.o.m.o." Sai calmly added the most insulting part of his sentence.

Boruto and Sarada managed to control their temper and reactions when the guy just insulted the man. They understood on what was happening in this situation.


"I was really getting annoyed of Sai-sensei's teenage self. Even Sarada wanted to take action, although who are we to speak up right now?


As for Naruto, He narrowed his eyes in irritation and anger as he clenched his fist as he was about to charged at the guy for firing insults directed at his friend, when a certain pink haired teammate stood in his way to prevent him from doing it.

"Naruto." Sakura said as she halted her blonde teammate. She also beckoned the blonde to turn towards the two rookies, who were just watching the whole scene unfold.

"Oh." Naruto muttered as he quickly realized on what he had just done and immediately controlled himself. He then gave the two rookies, a wave and an apologetic smile.

'I apologized, Please forgive Naruto, He doesn't know your whole story." Sakura said. She was much calmer than expected while Naruto turned his attention back to her.

"It's alright, apology accepted !" Sai smiled. He thought he had won the battle.

Sakura just stood there and silently smiled. " Oh really? that's great!"


Everyone widened their eyes in shocked when the pink haired girl suddenly landed a fist and a punch that directly headed towards Sai's face as he was sent a few distances away and landed and slided on the ground.

Sai was able to unconsciously braced himself from getting a horrible land as the might of the pink haired girl's punch was just so fast and strong. He held his bruised cheek and stared at the pink haired teen.

"I, on the other hand, don't care if you forgive me!" Sakura spoke." And you don't ever talked about Sasuke-kun like that!"

"Or else, I'll punch you for real next time." She said and threatened him.

"I never knew Mama would be such a bada.s.s when she was younger." Sarada commented. She can see that her young Mama really loved her Papa even before back then.

"And I guess this is the reason why everyone should not really mess with her." Boruto added to his thoughts.

As the conflict continued, Sai recovered from the ground and stood up. He was not giving up that easily as he slowly walked towards the two main teens, while still firing out his thoughts.

"You know, with that fake smile, you could literally fool anyone." Sai said." But of course I really won't interfere with your past or problems or whatsoever."

"It's just really a waste of time to be honest." He added.

Naruto gritted his teeth in frustration." Why you son of " He was about to charged yet again when something unexpected yet again.

"Mokuton: s.h.i.+chuuro No Jutsu!"

Yamato exclaimed as he formed a hand sign which in turn summoned a series of giant woods from the earthly ground that burst out to to form a huge cage shaped-like object that mightily stood in front of everyone.

"No way..." Boruto muttered, He knew he'd seen a lot of these wood tricks before in the future but this was the first time that he'd seen this performed with style.

As for Sarada, She somehow figured out that this type of jutsu belonged and performed by the none other than the First Hokage himself. She just wondered on how a person like Yamato could have that ability. Unbeknownst to raven haired girl, Sakura also had the same thoughts as her.


"And then Yamato-sensei came in and showcased his ability, which was pretty dope to be honest. He got that artificial Senju DNA in him.


Meanwhile, Yamato stood there with a sterned face while crossing his arms. He was really not in the mood for this kinds of childish conflicts, He had a goal for this mission and that was to guide this teens along the way. Although, when everything seemed to be going out of hand, He had no choice but to finally interfere and implement discipline.

"Here's a proposal for you kids." He said." I can either locked all of you, (except for the two rookies) in this cell for one day to improve your teammwork or we could spend the rest of the night in the hot spring."

"Which do you prefer?" He added.

When the brown haired instructor mentioned the word "Hot Spring", everyone was taken by surprised, especially for Boruto and Sarada who didn't expected that a trip at the hot spring would be included in this mission.

"I guess you three don't know me well that much and How I handle things with diplomacy." Yamato spoke once again." I really don't mind on controlling people with fear." He said as he gave his infamous scare face.

Naruto immediately freaked out from the man." What the heck Dattebayo!" He comically exclaimed as he hid behind his pink haired teammate. He really never seen a face so scary that it would almost make you c.r.a.p.

"Really Naruto?" Sakura sighed at her blonde teammate's overreacting antics. Although, this was indeed the Naruto Uzumaki.

Yamato then took a deep breath and spoke." So let me ask again, which do you prefer?" He asked.

There was silence that took over the area. The three main members of the team kept quiet and just stared at the brown haired instructor. They were just suddenly faced by two choices and they really have to make the right decision in a short time.

However, the silence was then broken later when a certain familiar blonde rookie raised his hand and spoke." Uhmmm, I guess going to the hotsprings is a lot better than being stucked in a creepy wooden cage."

The rest turned to see the blonde rookie, Boruto who was the one that broke the silence and apparently made and sealed the final decision.

Yamato then gave a smile." Well, then I guess this rookie is far more faster on deciding which is better than the rest of you three." He said, with an intention of motivating the three main members to work together.

On the other hand, Boruto just gave a nervous grin. He really didn't like interfering with other decisions but he was gonna really do it for the greater good of everybody and to also saved the day.


"Things were getting out of hand, so I gained the b.a.l.l.s to speak up and it somehow worked! 


He just hoped that He didn't made everyone offended right now. Although, the smiles from Naruto and Sakura proved that the two weren't and especially Sarada, who supported him all the way.

As for Sai, He almost forgot about this rookie who was with them during the journey. He really looked a lot liked Naruto but there was something different about him that he couldn't figured out.

As for Yamato, he was having the same thoughts as Sai, he knew that he was handling a number of members in this team and besides Naruto, this blonde rookie and his raven haired friend had fueled his interest on getting to know them more.

These two rookies were really mysterious to his eyes.


AN: Thank you for Reading the Chapter!