A Different Kind Of Journey - 45 Arc 3 Special Chapter : The Uchiha

45 Arc 3 Special Chapter : The Uchiha

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, I'm back with a new chapter! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Arc 3: Special Chapter

Special Chapter: The Uchiha

The sounds of a heart monitor could be heard beeping all over a certain room. The room was indeed a very quiet place and it was almost shrouded in darkness if not for the small lamp that was displayed beside the door. In a specific spot in the room, a hospital bed was located, on the bed itself, lies a certain person in an unconscious silent state.

Not too long, the door to the room suddenly opened to reveal a man with has onyx eyes and ash-grey hair, which he normally keeps in a ponytail. His most consistent feature are his black rimmed circular gla.s.ses. He donned a dark purple s.h.i.+rt with a high collar, a white under-s.h.i.+rt, and dark purple pants with a white cloth waistband.

Kabuto Yakus.h.i.+ entered the room quietly as he headed to the certain bed where the most interesting person that he'd ever met was located. He held his clipboard and pen as his eyes finally met and saw Sasuke Uchiha, who was in a deep state of slumber.

"Looks like He's still unconscious." He thought to himself. This was the third day that he was in this state since that grueling training session.

The man observed the Uchiha teen for a moment before darting his eyes towards the machines and monitors that were keeping and treating the teen well. He then proceeded to do the daily check up on the raven haired Uchiha.

"He's overall vital signs are normal and his wounds are recovering faster than before." Kabuto commented as he used his pen to checked everything on the clipboard. He was amazed that the kid could recover fast from a series of vigourous trainings that almost put him into the brink of death.

He's drive for revenge was still going strong.

Kabuto never understood this whole revenge thing coming from Sasuke Since day one when the kid arrived, he wasted no time on getting himself stronger day by day, he pushed himself on every training session that he had with Orochimaru.

The most suprising thing that he'd seen and heard is that the kid allowed himself to get experiment just to make himself stronger, which was one of the most craziest decisions ever made, just so that he could face his big brother and get his revenge on him for killing all their family and the entire clan.

Sasuke Uchiha was indeed a self-proclaimed tragic hero, who left and betrayed his own village. His fall to darkness was quick as lightning as all traces of his goodness can't be found in these past two years.

Kabuto also noticed that the kid rarely shown emotions everytime he'd seen him, He just really won't talk to anybody and if he did, it was to Orochimaru or himself that he would asked to send him people that he could fight to test his newly acquired skills, especially his Sharingan, which he would really torment them and show no mercy. For a teen at his age, he was already a fierce force and not to be mess with or else.

The Sharingan was his and Uchiha clan's most prized possession, the snake sanin had strive all these years just to get that ability. He failed the first time to take it from Itachi, but now he has this second opportunity to finally have it through Sasuke himself.

Speaking of the Sharingan, it was the main reason on why the kid ended up like this, the reason was simple, he had overused it during the recent training and sparring sessions with the snake sannin himself or it might be those headaches that the kid frequently suffers from then on.

These were two main cases and the man believed that both of these things caused him to end up like this. Kabuto would noticed the teen placing his hand on his head and cringing in pain, there were times that he would heard the kid mutter a couple of names of two persons that was pretty much unknown to him and could also barely hear from time to time. Sometimes, He would see the kid show strange emotions when he was all by himself.

He really had no explanation for the teen's headaches except for the fact that it happened whenever Sasuke was all by himself or training. The last thing that he noticed was that there was something else about him, he was really not sure but he led himself to thought that he was suffering on some kind of schizophrenic disorder but who knows? It was just a really strange but interesting case for him.

After he finished all the routine check up, Kabuto was now poised to leave the room to take handle on some other matters. Before leaving He took one last looked at the unconscious teen and observed him for one last time.

"He's going to wake up in a few days time, Why should I be worried?" He smiled and commented as he then turned around to leave the room. There was nothing to worry about right now, it was a waste of time to worry for a person who is alive and well. He had other things to do.

As the door finally closed, silence took over once again. There was also tension that began to rise inside the room in every moment. Sasuke Uchiha laid down on the bed, there was a hint of consciousness brewing inside him as a few fingers from his right hand slowly began to move.

Not too long, his eyes suddenly opened revealing the blood red three tomoe Sharingan, and that only mean't one thing, he was now finally back.


AN: Thank you for reading the special chapter.