A Different Kind Of Journey - 12 Arc 1: Resolve

12 Arc 1: Resolve

I don't own Naruto. Kis.h.i.+moto Does.

Author's note: Hey there Readers, I'm back with a new chapter! Although this one is a bit short, so I Hope you guys enjoy!

Take note: Since I am going to be a little busy because School works. I will have to adjust the schedule on updating the story. Maybe a twice or once a week.

One more thing, I will be putting any idea of OCs in the story aside. Instead I will be focusing on the main characters and main storyline.

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Thank you for Understanding:)

P.S: I am just newbie so go easy on me

Special Short Chapter: Tsunade's resolved

The Job of the Hokage is considered to be one of the most difficult and neck breaking jobs of all time. Difficult because you must take care of an entire village by yourself. Neck breaking because it might break your neck of all day looking down at the h.e.l.lish stack of paperwork that almost seemed impossibly endless.

Tsunade sighed. The blonde-haired woman yawned and as she rubbed her tired eyes. She hadn't gotten enough sleep for the past few days. She was handling a case that was deemed cla.s.sified. She was the only one to know about this case except for a handful people. She made them swore that no one will talk about this case to anybody. There are just too many moles and people that are hard to trust in this system.

The case was about a trio of teenagers who came from the future. They arrived in the village a several days ago and managed to set up a meeting with the Hokage herself with the help of an unlikely one Hyuuga girl. To determined that if they were telling the truth, a DNA test was conducted by matching their bloods to that of two certain people. Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha.

Now several days have pa.s.sed and the results were expected to be released from the public eye. She had to make sure this would stay secret or else old guys like Danzo and his corrupt officials might interfere. The blonde Hokage had apparently sent s.h.i.+zune to retrieve the results in the hospital at this moment.

Tsunade stopped her hands from writing. She stood up and stretched. She felt that her neck and back were breaking for sitting the whole time. She really needed to stop this habit occasionally.

The blonde haired Hokage then headed to the large open window nearby. She gazed at the beautiful view of the village. The wind was strong but calm enough to send the latter in her thoughts. She thought about that time she met the raven-haired girl for the first time. She saw both Sasuke and her student in her. She had a strong-willed spirit inside and She still doesn't what made her convinced to agree and believed the latter's testimony. She found herself in deep shocked when the girl showed her incredible strength and Sharingan, which only an Uchiha possessed.

It was impossible for girl to have that kind of ability unless she is a long-lost surviving Uchiha. But when she told her the whole story, she began to slowly believe the girl. Even s.h.i.+zune, looks convinced! They just had to make sure this DNA will settle everything.

She also had met the siblings, which of course were the brat's future children. Who knew Naruto would marry someone and have kids in the future? Their Traits, Physical appearance and Att.i.tude pretty much reminded them of him. When they explained furthermore on how they survived the destruction of the village, she was shocked and saddened. The siblings were left as Orphans. But to all of that, they still managed to maintain a very light mood conversation. She had to admit the siblings were good jokers to be in fact.

Tsunade smiled. A thought came to her that if Naruto were to meet them, what would be the interaction like? Would it be so dramatic, or would it be just a normal meet up? Who knows?

What will be Sarada's reaction when she learns of the real Uchiha history here in the village? Her father a defector and fugitive and her Uncle who was currently a member of a dangerous organization. How would she handle it? There was also Sakura Haruno, her student. Which according to the raven-haired girl, is in fact her mother. It was like 2 surprises combined into one.

The door to main office suddenly opened. Tsunade snapped from her thoughts as she turned around to see s.h.i.+zune who was back from the hospital and was holding the results of the DNA test which were concealed in an envelope.

"Back so soon s.h.i.+zune?" Tsunade asked. She was surprised that it did not took a long time for the latter to get the results.

s.h.i.+zune smiled." Well, if you are gonna conduct a DNA test with the special orders of the Hokage, there is a 100 percent chance of getting it earlier." She explained as she handed the envelope to the blonde-haired woman.

Tsunade made a small smile and shook her head. "Alright let's see what the results are..." The blonde Hokage said as she then carefully opened the envelope revealing the results which were pieces of papers.

There was crucial silence in the main room. s.h.i.+zune was staring and waiting for the big reveal. She herself too was feeling nervous about the results. On the other hand, Tsunade just kept quiet as she began to read the results from top to bottom. It did not take long when that Sannin's eyes slowly widened in surprised and shocked. The more she read the more she realized that this all nothing but true!

The results revealed a unanimous 100 percent match between the blood of the trio to that of the Uzumaki and Uchiha. It was the biggest revelation that she had witnessed so far. She then darter her eyes to the waiting s.h.i.+zune and nodded at her.

s.h.i.+zune's eyes widened. All of these were true, and this was unbelievable. They were really from the future. There was nothing to doubt about the results. These were not forged or faked. These things were authentic and real.

"You've got to be kidding me" s.h.i.+zune commented. She sat down on of the chairs in the room and thought about this.

There was silence that took over the main room. Thoughts were running around in their minds like a wild wheel. As for Tsunade, she had to act fast right now. She had to protect the trio from any possible threat from now on. It was dangerous for them to interact with anybody in this timeline.

"What now, Lady Hokage?" s.h.i.+zune asked. She was getting worried about the trio.

Tsunade sighed. There were a lot of options. But the best way for them to be protected is to blend in this world unnoticed and resume their normal lives no matter what. The blonde Hokage observed the results again. She was not going to allow them to be subjected into one of Ibiki's interrogation methods. It was just too much for any human person especially for youngsters like them.

Tsunade sighed yet again. She then looked up the black haired young woman who was still waiting for a response from her... She then gave her smile of confidence and said.

"I have an Idea"


AN: Thank you for reading the short chapter:)