A Different Kind Of Journey - 10 Arc 1: Confrontations

10 Arc 1: Confrontations

I don't own Naruto. Kis.h.i.+moto Does.

Author's note: Hey there Readers! I'm back with a new chapter! Although this one is a bit short, so I Hope you guys enjoy!

Beta Reader: Silverblossom

Arc 1: Confrontations

As the door slowly but finally opened, Himawari prepared yet again as she braced herself from another surprise. She just didn't know who this person behind the door was. Besides, she already knew that her big brother and Uncle Neji were outside bidding farewell to or parting ways with Tazuna and Inari.

When the door finally opened, A person stepped in and it was none other than, her big brother who surprisingly came early and was also carrying a plastic of bag of snacks and drinks. The lavender haired girl sighed in relief, She thought that it was someone else.

Boruto smiled at his little sister. Apparently, after parting ways with Tazuna and Inari, the blonde decided to head back to the room but not without buying some food to eat at the nearby convenience store, courtesy of Neji's budget. He did not have money right now.

The blonde sat down on a chair beside his little sister's bed. He placed the snacks and drinks on the side table and grabbed a can of juice and sandwich. He was really hungry right now.

"Himchan, feel free to grab a snack, in case your appet.i.te catches up." The blonde informed his little sister as he munched away his sandwich. His stomach was already demanding for food.

Himawari just smiled." Why not? I'm really craving for a yummy sandwich right now." She cheerfully exclaimed. She would like to have any food right now to satisfy her hunger.

As the Uzumaki siblings enjoyed their snack time, with Boruto consuming two sandwhiches because of his big appet.i.te while Himawari just enjoyed hers slowly. But of course, their snack time would not be complete without a conversation between the two siblings.

Himawari was the first one to break the silence." Boro-Nii." She called her big brother's name.

Boruto raised both of his ears and eyebrows as he turned to his little sister. He expected that she would be asking a question sooner than later.

"Yeah, what is it Himchan?" He asked.

"Where is Saradnee by the way?" The lavender haired girl asked. She wondered why the raven haired Uchiha was not here.

Boruto smiled and sighed." Well, She and your Aunt Hanabi went out to get some fresh air and maybe decided to have some to drink some hot tea along the way." He explained. He also expected that the two will be taking too long. When he was a boy, he remembered how his Aunt was this kind of curious person, she would always get the truth out of someone if they were too mysterious and suspicious.

Who knows? Sarada might be showing off her Sharingan right now to the girl. It was the only evidence that she got to make her believe that they are from the future.

"Boro-nii?" Boruto thoughts were interrupted yet again by his little sister.

"Yes Himchan?" He asked, raised both his eyebrows.

"Are we really in the past?" Himawari asked her second question. She was probably prentending just now to the people that she was talking to. But inside, she did not know a thing or what happened after that fight between her big brother and a cruel person named "Kawaki". She only remembered that she was engulfed by the bright light.

Boruto could sighed." Yes Hima, we are in the past. 20 years exactly." The blonde replied. He had no choice but to tell her the truth. Seeing their Uncle Neji was enough evidence for her to be convinced.

Himawari just kept silent. There were thoughts going around her mind. She took a deep breath as she drank her juice.

Boruto stared at the silent Uzumaki girl. He was a bit concern, she did not deserve to be seeing this and being in this current situation. She was just a young teenager. He began to think of a way to make sure that his little sister and raven haired teammate would always be safe no matter what.

"Boro-nii?" Himawari called his big brother's name yet again.

As the blonde then turned his eyes to the lavender haired again. He unexpectedly met the eyes of the worried Uzumaki girl. He wondered why would she be worried? They were currently in a safe place for now.

As for Himawari, she gave her big brother worried eyes. In truth, she was concern about the safety of her big brother. They must remember that anything can happen right now or later. The Unexpected things had the edge against the Expected things. She had to really wonder on what if they were not safe in this place. Considering on what her big brother faced before, she was just afraid that someday she might see him sacrificing his life just to protect her and Sarada.

Tears were falling from her eyes. Her emotions had finally come out after a very long journey." I'm sorry..." She muttered as tried to wipe the tears out yet it just kept on falling down.

Boruto gave a sad smile as he headed towards the lavender haired girl. He sat on the bed beside her and pulled her into an embrace as his little sister continued to sob on his shoulders.

"It's alright, you can let it go." He whispered as he tried his best to comfort her. Caressing her back slowly.

He knew that things would be different from now on. With their home, family, and friends gone forever. They found themselves trekking through this vast journey to the unknown. As the leader and big brother of their own group, Boruto swore that they will survived no matter what.


"It was at that time that we realized that it was us against the world at the point. We really had to persevere again of we wantes to survive altogether."



"What a Beautiful Sunset!" Neji commented as he watched the sun set in its glory from the rooftop of the hospital.

The Brown haired Hyuuga really enjoyed this kind of moments. It was nothing but pure beauty to him. It was like all the aspects of negativity wasn't here now. The perfect scene for anyone looking for peace.

Neji took a deep breath and relaxed himself. So many things have happened in just one day. He was only just expecting to have a normal hyperactive but boring day with his team and after that will go straight home to face the family life that he did not want to see. Although, Thanks to a girl named" Himawari." and her big brother, It was slowly changing him and made him a better person. It also gave him the inspiration and motivation to think about changing his family's lifestyle from now on.

It was just toxic for him.

He also thought of inviting the two siblings to the compound someday. That they would get to know the rest of the family especially Hinata. Maybe the siblings can establish a connection with her and give her the confidence that she needed. Although, this would be taking a lot of time to do so. They were still in the hospital, and n.o.body knows on when will his niece be discharged.

His niece.

In addition, they still have to talk to the Hokage and tell her everything that she needs to know for them to be safe and staying here. But he doubted the interrogation schemes in the village. The interrogation process in the village was just too much for him. In other words...

No mercy.

Neji sighed. These thoughts were overwhelming him. Although, He began questioned himself about his ability to protect Hanabi and Hinata. Someday, He will be risking his life on dangerous waters and when that time comes, He will do everything he can just for them to be safe. Would he survive though?

Neji's thoughts then changed the topic to none other than his cousin. Hinata was kind of a shy and timid person since they were kids. In addition, He also noticed that she was often the private person that she is. If there was any problem, He won't reveal anything and would keep it to herself. That was a factor that alienated the relations.h.i.+p between him and her.

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Although, Speaking of Hinata, what was she up to these days? And what was she doing right at this moment? He hoped that she was alright wherever she is now.

More than ten minutes had pa.s.sed, Neji decided to that it's time for him to go back to the room. The siblings might be waiting for him back inside. He needed to make sure that they are alright and coping.


An Hour pa.s.sed as The Uzumaki siblings were still in the room. Boruto took the time on reading some magazines that he found, which were displayed on the table, while Himawari turned on the television and began watching the different channels until it stayed on the movie category.

The Uzumaki siblings were really enjoying their time, they really deserved a good rest. After all the ordeal that has happened before. For Boruto, He could finally say that all that back breaking hard work had paid off.

A thought then came into the blonde's mind. He wondered about his Uchiha teammate, on what was she doing right now. If she indeed went to the Hokage building to have a meeting with Granny Hokage then he could only wish her the best of luck.

Although, He had that full trust and He believed in his friend. She has that strong spirit of her mother. She was will not go down or surrender that easily. She will fight for what is right and for what is true.


Tsunade stared at the raven-haired girl. She was currently listening at the girl's testimony of her coming from the future. The blonde woman just rolled her eyes as if she was just listening to a kid's story. It was nothing but just fairy tales to her unless she had evidence to prove it.

Tsunade sighed." Look kid, Time travel doesn't exist alright, except for movies." She told the raven haired teen as she stood up from her seat.

"Please, Lady Hokage you have to believe me. What am telling is the truth." Sarada pleaded and explained. She was trying her best to convince her but at the same time not to bring out her temper.

As for Hanabi, She did what all she can to back her up, trying to explain things in a more organized way. But at the end of the day, She was just a teenager. She was talking against the Hokage herself. But still n.o.body had the guts to talk to her like what the raven haired kunouichi was doing right now.

Hanabi was impressed. The Hokage had given the girl the chance to talk and present her case and she wasted no time trying all the best techniques just to convince her. The raven-haired girl talked as if her life dependent on it.

To all her best efforts, it wasn't enough, The Hokage was going to leave soon for her occasional night out drinking and gambling. The hopes of convincing her was dwindling fast. Sarada was running out of time.

However, the fighting spirit of the raven haired teen never faded away.

It also turned out to be quite unexpected. Whoever knew that the conversation would reach until the outskirts of the Hokage building.


Tsunade had always described herself as rather normal and ordinary (as normal as a Sannin could be, that is). She wasn't that old, but she did agree to consider an early retirement, if only because she wanted to have some semblance of a private life (though it would probably be one consisting of insane amounts drinking and gambling). But when a snot-nosed brat named Naruto Uzumaki entered her life… well, suffice to say, it changed. She became a leader—G.o.daime Hokage of Konoha, in fact.

Yes, it gave her a purpose in life, but she was still adjusting, even after two years. Some nights, when she'd finished with her duties as Hokage, the sneaky blonde-haired woman would head to her favorite bars and casinos and resume her old lifestyle. After all, she had suchconvenient days off...

As for s.h.i.+zune, well, her apprentice didn't really have any choice but to follow her. Tsunade was older than her, was her teacher, and she was the Hokage to boot—there was nothing s.h.i.+zune could do about this habit of hers. So, it didn't really seem as though anything would change.

It was about a month later when she found a raven-haired girl, accompanied by Hanabi Hyuuga, waiting in her office. She and s.h.i.+zune had been about to get their things on that Friday afternoon when she discovered the two girls waiting inside.

Apparently, the raven-haired girl had wanted to have a meeting with the Hokage—at the wrong time, given that Tsunade had just been about to leave for another night of gambling at her usual place. Nevertheless, despite being quite irritated about being delayed, Tsunade decided to give the teen a chance to talk.

So she did. The girl explained her purpose, claiming she came from a future where Konoha had been reduced to rubble, the land left a barren wasteland. To Tsunade, it seemed farfetched from the beginning, but as the girl continued her explanation, she could see that s.h.i.+zune, at least, seemed more and more convinced, and it seemed as though her apprentice had slowly come to believe the raven-haired girl. The Uzumaki siblings were currently at the main hospital waiting for her, the girl claimed.

However, Tsunade herself refused to believe these outlandish claims without proof—she wasn't going to be gullible enough to believe any kind of hocus pocus. She was a skeptic, and she refused to believe the teen—after all, was a teenager really trustworthy? It was far more likely that this was a prank of some sort. Tsunade ended the conversation, deciding she had already heard enough and had wasted enough of her time.

However, for whatever reason, the raven-haired teen refused to give up.

When all hope of convincing her was lost. Sarada finally had enough as she tried to push it for one more time.

"Please Lady Tsunade, I'm telling you that this is all true!"

"Sorry Kid, but I'm quite busy now."

"Better luck next time."


"Lady Tsunade, Wait!" Sarada grabbed Tsunade's arm. Gritting her teeth, the blonde woman turned around again, but this time, she sent a roundhouse kick at the girl's face, annoyed at all those interruptions. Realizing how much of a bad idea it would be to attack a civilian out of the blue, it was too late to stop her leg now. She was about to make contact with the girl's face when the raven-haired girl bent backwards, being just fast enough to dodge the kick.

s.h.i.+zune and Hanabi were struck speechless, surprised that Sarada had been fast enough to dodge the attack.

"Beginner's luck," Tsunade arrogantly commented, slightly surprised as well. The girl may have gotten lucky once, but it wouldn't happen again. She s.h.i.+fted gears, sweeping her leg downwards into a second attack.

This time, Sarada was expecting it, and managed to avoid it again by performing a full body backflip out of the way. A crater formed where Tsunade's foot crashed into the ground, the floor shattering under the force behind her kick. Tsunade, surprised and annoyed, struck the ground with her foot, causing a small earthquake that split the ground behind, the shockwave headed towards the young woman.

This time, Tsunade was sure that there was no chance of the raven-haired girl blocking or avoiding her final attack. That only seemed to make the Uchiha girl more determined, however; the Uchiha girl had settled back into a ready-stance after she'd landed the backflip, and as she saw the shockwaved coming at her, she performed a counterattack, one accompanied by a familiar catch phrase.

"SHANNARO!" Sarada yelled, landing a punch on the ground that obliterated any trace of the shockwave and stopped the earthquake.

Shocked and surprised couldn't even begin to describe everyone in the area right then; it should've been impossible for a teenager to fully counter an attack from the Hokage. Tsunade herself was perhaps the most surprised, knowing exactly how much power had been behind her attack.

Sarada was barely out of breath, giving every a confident smile. Looking up, a pair of mesmerizing red eyes with the signature three tomoe spun lazily.

Tsunade widened her eyes—what she was looking at should've been even more impossible.

Sharingan…" Tsunade whispered. When the girl said she was an Uchiha, For a short, crazy moment, she had wondered if the girl was speaking the truth, though she immediately dismissed the thought. But now, the same girl was looking straight at her with the Kekkei Genkai of an almost extinct clan, so unless when Itachi Uchiha was murdering his clan he accidentally missed someone (highly unlikely), that girl was really... "Who exactly are you?" She hissed to the girl.

Hanabi was shocked, but she overcame her surprise quickly, the corners of her mouth curving upwards into a smile. She had often times disliked her Hokage's att.i.tude and lifestyle—as Hokage, Tsunade really should have been performing her duties—and she found herself rooting for the raven-haired girl, hoping for her to teach Tsunade a lesson, since, usually, challenging a legendary Sannin was pretty much a death sentence.

s.h.i.+zune, who was behind the woman, was greeted by shock and surprise. She was about to step in to prevent the problem from arising, yet the mystery girl managed to held her own.

Hanabi was speechless. She didn't knew what had exactly happened just now but it seemed to boil her blood. Her eyes lit up in amazement as she found herself watching the Uchiha girl standing up for herself and against a semi-arrogant Hokage.

It didn't seemed to be the case now, so Hanabi cheered for Sarada. "You go girl!" she exclaimed.


" I was really cheering for her during that time, despite doing it in front of the Hokage, I didn't care, I could really see her determination and perseverance."


Sarada's temper almost got the best of her, but she managed to keep herself from challenging the Hokage to a duel. Instead, she used her brain, hoping to reason with the older blonde woman.

"This isn't what we should be doing!" the Uchiha tried. "If we keep doing this, then we aren't going to get anything important done here!"

She was met with shock and silence, except from Hanabi, who was nodding and smiling along, sensing that things were about to change.

"You're the Hokage! You should know how to listen to someone else!" Sarada exclaimed, furious now.

"Hey kid, I listen to them but—" Tsunade was interrupted as the girl cut her off.

"Yes, you listen to them, but you don't care! You're always so preoccupied with the things you care about," she explained, small tears beginning to pool in her eyes.

Were she to be the Hokage, she would never be like that; there was a difference between a Hokage who was willing to listen and understand no matter what and one who merely listened, and then walked away, doing nothing.

Tsunade fell silent, thinking over the girl's words. She looked down, realizing that what the girl was telling her was an inescapable truth. She hadn't even realized she was going back to her old ways; even if she was the Hokage now, she was still the same old person inside.

Sarada took her gla.s.ses off, wiping away her tears. "Please, Lady Hokage, if you can just listen and believe me." A sob escaped her, before she quickly regained her composure.

She was doing this for herself, and for the Uzumaki siblings, she reminded herself. They'd been through a lot, and she wasn't going to give up this chance to make things right. She was almost there, too.

s.h.i.+zune stared at the girl with awe. She had a good reason, and the only things left was to wait to see how Lady Hokage responded.

After a few moments, Tsunade looked up at the Uchiha girl, a serious look on her face, and took a deep breath. "Alright, take me to the hospital then," Tsunade said calmly.

Sarada blinked, surprised. Lady Hokage just agreed to go! But how? Why had she changed her mind? For Hanabi, on the other hand, it didn't matter; the Hokage had been convinced, and that was that.

"Okay, I'm going to perform a DNA test to see if you really are his daughter, and if what you said is true. The same goes for the other two brats you told be about," Tsunade said, turning and beginning to walk towards the hospital.

s.h.i.+zune stared after her, as speechless as the rest. She had just witnessed what, quite possibly, could be the most impossible feat to ever happen.

"s.h.i.+zune! Let's go!" Tsunade called.

"Yes Ma'am!" s.h.i.+zune replied, immediately rus.h.i.+ng to the Hokage's side, beckoning the other two girls to follow them.

A still-shocked Sarada turned to Hanabi, who raised her palm in a sign of approval. The raven-haired girl blinked a couple times as she realized what she had just done. "Did I just convince the Hokage?!"


"I really had no choice at that time. I needed to push things to limit just to convince her that I was telling the truth. I didn't bother what else could happen but it was for the better and to get things going.



Something funny really did happened inside the very hospital. It all started when the pink haired teen was on her way to retrieved the blood sample of Himawari that she had b.u.mped into Neji, who was on his way back to Room 205.

Sakura being the lonely girl right now had asked the Hyuuga teen to accompany him to the lab and the guy reluctantly agreed. By the time they had reached the lab, they easily retrieved the blood sample. Yet, there was only one problem that hindered them from leaving the room. As soon they were about to leave, there was a certain small coackroach that suddenly showed up in front of them as it flew right towards the two, particulary Neji himself, who was also scared s.h.i.+tless.

This also caused the pink haired teen to instantly freaked out and threw a punch which directly and accidentally hit Neji on the face, specifically his right eye while the c.o.c.kroach, who nearly landed on the Hyuuga's right eye, managed to survived by flying away from the scene.

Luckily, it didn't send the Hyuuga flying away with the exception of being knockdown on the floor.

Sakura could only apologized repeatedly to an almost half conscious Hyuuga.

Now she found herself walking through the corridors of the hospital, finally on their way back to the room. After what happened when they had retrieved the sample of the girl in the office (which, in hindsight, was kind of funny, though it had been somewhat scary at the time), they sighed in relief that it had ended as quickly as it had.

Neji was sporting a black eye from where Sakura had accidentally punched him—she'd been startled by a c.o.c.kroach that had unexpectedly flown towards them. Sakura felt a tad guilty about Neji's black eye, so the walk was a bit awkward, both of them staying quiet and trying their best to bury that incident. Neji winced ever so often, while the pink-haired girl did her best to distract him from the pain.


"These kinds of scenario would always happen to me and I don't know even know why. Could somebody help?


As they pa.s.sed the main entrance, they saw some unexpected newcomers.

"Lady Tsunade?" Sakura wondered, watching as her s.h.i.+shou, quickly followed by s.h.i.+zune, entered the hospital's main entrance.

Sakura headed towards them, Neji not far behind her.

Tsunade seemed like she'd had a bad day, her eyes wholly serious for once. Behind her and s.h.i.+zune, two more girls strode through the door. Sakura recognized Hanabi Hyuuga, Hinata's little sister, but not the other. She studied the raven-haired girl, noting her red gla.s.ses and the fact that she was about the same age as her.

"She looked familiar, Have I seen her before?" Sakura thought. But why? She had never seen the girl in her life, but there was something in the way she carried herself, in the shape of her eyes, that was familiar, somehow.

"Sakura!" Tsunade's stern voice echoed through her ears, snapping her from her thoughts.

"Yes Ma'am!" she said, just barely keeping herself from stuttering.

"Get me a medical kit," Tsunade instructed. She noticed the blood sample in the Sakura's hands. "Whose blood sample is that?"

"Room 205, Ma'am," she replied." The teenage girl to be exact." She added, also wondering why her mentor asked.

Tsunade hummed, simply taking the blood sample from her. "Go get me the blood samples of Naruto and Sasuke too."

Sakura nodded, beckoning for the brown-haired Hyuuga to follow her but the guy raised a hand which means that he was going to join the rest while still holding that small Ice pack on his right eye.

The pink haired teen understood it all since, the punch gave the Hyuuga a little trauma. So she had no choice but head there by herself this time.

As for Tsunade she gave a look and met Sarada's eyes; this DNA test would prove whether or not the girl was telling the truth. Sarada simply nodded, knowing that she had spoken nothing but truth, and soon, she told herself, Tsunade would see it too.

"Don't walk slow!" She raised her voice calling out to the raven haired teen.

Sarada broke out of her trance. "Right!" She ran up to catch with Tsunade and the rest as she began to walk again.

She also noticed the Hyuuga, who somehow had a black eye on his right eye." Are you alright?" She voiced out her concern for the guy.

Neji gave a sigh." Well, it's a long story, but you don't have to worry about me." He a.s.sured her with a small smile.

"Okay?" Sarada muttered, giving shrug in the end as all of them headed to the room with the exception of one.


As for Sakura stared at the two as they made their way down the hall, away from her.

"What was that about…?" She wondered, her gaze sliding from her mentor to the girl beside her. She wondered yet again about this mystery girl.

"Have I met her before?"

it was then that a sudden head-splitting pain flashed behind her eyes, and she dropped her clipboard and grabbed her head from both sides, falling to her knees, panting. A blurry image of a pair of arms receiving another pair of arms which held a sleeping baby girl covered and wrapped in a bundle of blankets.

Before she could even figure this all out, the pain had stopped and she found herself alone again.

"What was that?" She asked the empty hall in confuse, panting.


Back in the room 205, Boruto began to stir, though the girl remained fast asleep.

Boruto slowly opened his eyes, registering how stiff and sore certain parts of his body were. He yawned, slowly standing up and stretching. "I must've fallen asleep," he realized, feeling refreshed and surprisingly well-rested. The TV was off, but the remote remained in Himawari's hand; it looked as though his sister had fallen asleep while watching TV.

He slipped the remote out of the girl's hand, and was about to place it down on the table when the door suddenly opened, shattering the peace in the room.

His eyes widened in surprise as another blonde stepped into the room. He was staring at the Hokage—the fifth Hokage, to be exact, in her prime. She was closely followed by s.h.i.+zune, Hanabi and Sarada not far behind.

Boruto was shocked that he dropped the remote on the floor, the greeting of "Tsunade-baachan!" slipping from his mouth. He then promptly tripped over the remote and crashed to the ground in a heap of flailing limbs.

Tsunade was not amused by the nickname. Bad enough when Naruto called her that; now, this boy was doing it too?

The thud of Boruto's fall was loud in the previous silence of the room, loud enough to wake the younger Uzumaki. Himawari immediately shot upright, startled, taking a few seconds to gather her thoughts. What had happened before she'd fallen asleep? She scanned her surroundings, a habit born of s.h.i.+n.o.bi paranoia, and was startled as she caught sight of the annoyed-looking blonde standing in the doorway with her arms crossed. Wait, that was the legendary fifth Hokage!

There was a brief silence, Himawari's confusion practically tangible.

"Tsunade-baachan?" She called out the name and said.

Tsunade, already irritated by being called that once today, felt her eye begin to twitch. "For crying out loud," she snapped.

"Stop calling me by that NAME!"


AN: Thank you for reading chapter! Thank you also for the favorites and Follows! Much appreciated!