Abyss Of Silent Heroes - 120 Siblings' Serious Conversation

120 Siblings' Serious Conversation

" Wow..." She was glued looking at him and it seems he was worth - staring at the moment. While the four men surrounding the table turned their heads in a military way that caught her s.h.i.+mmering smile.

" My...goodness...no comment." Albrecht blurted while sipping some mushroom soup.

The folks were just so timid on commenting neither Baldur was so understanding on not to react. But the ambiance filled a couple of teases when she stood up and pulled him to sit by her side - and it's too close, take note. Since the husband was also shocked by her gesture but the more when she raised his spoon and scooped some sprouted beans then slowly fed him - so sweetly smiling. Afterwards she divided the sweet potatoes and used the spoon to pick a chunk of it and fed him again. Everyone was astounded and they even stopped like statues, looking at her while George winked an eye to Baldur signaling to everyone on not to disturb his wife from what she's doing. So they all one by one stood up, leaving the couple like love birds. Although they all vacated from the table but Albrecht just stood up beside the kitchen door, still wondering on how her sister was so attached to him like a magnet. Then on, George couldn't almost swallow everything she fed after being instantaneous of doing it.

" Were you looking for me? I thought you're here so I brought you your s.h.i.+rt, pants and towel. Hmm, anyway, here, I separated the mushroom from its soup as I know you like this so ....I'm excited you'll eat these." Then she smiled while looking at him as she wiped his sweats.

" She's...experiencing a pica and probably starts to conceive right now, I presume, haha! I need to observe to get it more clearer. Great heavens! I'm so excited! But she's...she's making me as the subject of her pica, that's the problem. How's my job? if she'll acting like this all the time then I can't do anything anymore. Hmm...but anyway, haha! I love this! Yeah, she's very sweet..oh my...perfect!" He smiled while she handed to him the mug filled with water.

" Hmm...why, why you're looking at me that way?"

" Mag, are you pregnant? No, no...I'll help you answer that. I'll ask you questions and you need to recall the number of days but don't worry, I can recall, yeah, of course." He stuttered and t.i.tillatingly smiled.

" Ah...really? how do I know." She was also excited.

" I guess we need to return to our house immediately so that we can maturely talk about this."

" You're right, but don't go away next time without me knowing your whereabouts. Just...just stay by my side, always. Okay, let's go up now." Then she leaned her head on his shoulder, curled his hands on his arm like a month old girlfriend and started their walk under.

" Hmm, and why you wanted to tag me along with you always?"

" ...on not to miss seeing you every now and then, your face, your smile and I can hold you dear."

" Oh my, is this the payback of my long suffering? haha! I want her pica to last for a lifetime. But interestingly, our firstborn is pro- Daddy, haha!" He thought and suddenly picked her softly and carry her on his arms.

" How about this." He smirked and consulted her but she pretended sleeping already and immobile.

" What? you're sleeping already? Haha! gracious heavens! What would I do with you for being unconscious after a couple of minutes.

" He was laughing on her style and when they reached in room number three she right away put her on bed.

" What? she's really sleeping on my arms going here?"