d.i.c.kINSON, GOLDSWORTHY LOWES.--Historical writer. _Revolution and Reaction in Modern France_, _The Development of Parliament in the Nineteenth Century_, _The Greek View of Life_, _The Meaning of Good_, _Letters of John Chinaman_, _A Modern Symposium_, _Justice and Liberty_ (1909), etc.
DILKE, SIR CHARLES WENTWORTH, BART., P.C., LL.D., etc. (1843).--Political writer. _Greater Britain_ (1868), _The Fall of Prince Floristan of Monaco_, _Problems of Greater Britain_ (1890), etc.
DOBSON, HENRY AUSTIN, LL.D. (1840).--Poet and biographer. Poems, _Vignettes in Rhyme_ (1873), _Proverbs in Porcelain_ (1877), _Old World Idylls_ (1883), _At the Sign of the Lyre_ (1885). Prose, _Thomas Bewick and his Pupils_ (1884), _Eighteenth Century Vignettes_ (3 series, 1892, 1894, and 1896), Lives of Fielding (1883), Steele (1886), Goldsmith (1888), H. Walpole (1890), Hogarth (1891), Richardson (1892), etc. Ed.
Diaries of Madame D'Arblay, J. Evelyn, etc.
DOUGHTY, ARTHUR.--Historical and miscellaneous writer. _Life and Works of Tennyson_ (1893), _Song Story of Francesca and Beatrice_ (1896), _The Siege of Quebec and Battle of the Plains of Abraham_ (6 vols. 1901-2), _The Fortress of Quebec_ (1904), etc.
DOUGHTY, CHARLES MONTAGUE.--Traveller and poet. _Wanderings in Arabia_ (1908) (new ed. abridged from _Arabia Deserta_), _The Dawn in Britain_, _Adam Cast Forth_ (1906), _The Cliffs_ (1909).
DOUGLAS, SIR GEORGE BRISBANE SCOTT, BART. (1856).--Poet and miscellaneous writer. _Poems_ (1880), _The Fireside Tragedy_ (1896), _New Border Tales_ (1892), _Poems of a Country Gentleman_ (1897), _History of Border Counties_, Lives of James Hogg and General Wauchope, etc.
DOUGLAS, JAMES (1869).--_The Man in the Pulpit_ (1905), _The Unpardonable Sin_ (1907), _Theodore Watts-Dunton_.
DOWDEN, EDWARD, LL.D., D.C.L. (1843).--Literary critic, etc.
_Shakespeare, his Mind and Art_ (1875), _Shakespeare Primer_ (1877), _Studies in Literature_ (1878), _The French Revolution and English Literature_ (1897), _A History of French Literature_ (1897), books on Sh.e.l.ley, Browning, Montaigne; ed. Shakespeare's Sonnets, _The Pa.s.sionate Pilgrim_ (1883), the Correspondence of Henry Taylor, Works of Sh.e.l.ley, Wordsworth, etc.
DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR CONAN, LL.D. (1859).--Novelist. _A Study in Scarlet_ (1887), _Micah Clarke_ (1888), _The Sign of Four_ (1889), _White Company_ (1890), _Firm of Girdlestone_ (1890), _Adventures of Sherlock Holmes_ (1891), _Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes_ (1893), _Exploits of Brigadier Gerard_ (1896), _Uncle Bernac_ (1897), _Sir Nigel_ (1906), etc.
DUDENEY, MRS. HENRY (WHIFFIN) (1866).--Novelist. _A Man with a Maid_ (1897), _Folly Corner_, _Men of Marlowe's_, _Robin Brilliant_, _Wise Words_, _The Orchard Thief_ (1907), etc.
EDWARDS, MATILDA BETHAM.--Novelist, etc. _The White House by the Sea_, _Dr. Jacob_, _John and I_, _The Sylvesters_, _France of To-day_, _The Golden Bee_ (ballads) (1896), _Anglo-French Reminiscences_ (1899), _A Suffolk Courtship_ (1900), and _Home Life in France_ (1905).
EDWARDS, OWEN MORGAN (1858).--Writer on Welsh history and literature.
_Story of Wales_ (1902), and several books (_Tro yn yr Eidal_, etc.) in Welsh, and has ed. various Welsh texts, etc.
ELLIS, ROBINSON (1834).--Scholar. _The Poems and Fragments of Catullus in the Metres of the Original_ (1871), _A Commentary on Catullus_ (1876), _The Ibis of Ovid, etc._ (1881), _The Fables of Avia.n.u.s_ (1887), _Noctes Manilianae_ (1891), many separate lectures on cla.s.sical subjects, etc.
ELTON, OLIVER (1861).--Critical writer, etc. _The Augustan Ages_ (Periods of European Literature) (1890), _Michael Drayton_ (1906); has ed. some of Milton's poems and translated Mythical Books of Saxo Grammaticus'
_Historia Danica_.
ESLER, MRS. ERMINDA (RENTOUL).--Novelist. _The Way of Transgressors_ (1890), _The Way they loved at Grimpat_ (1894), _'Mid Green Pastures_ (1895), _Youth at the Prow_ (1898), _Awakening of Helena Thorpe_ (1901), _The Trackless Way_ (1904), etc.
EVERETT-GREEN, Miss EVELYN (1856).--Novelist, etc. _Last of the Dacres_ (1886), _Dare Lorimer's Heritage_ (1892), _French and English_ (1898), _Heir of Has...o...b.. Hall_ (1899), _Dufferin's Keep_ (1905), etc.
"FIELD, MICHAEL".--Poet (pen-name adopted by two ladies, understood to be Miss Bradley and Miss Cooper). _Callirrhoe_ (1884), _Brutus Ultor_ (1887), _Fair Rosamund_ (1884), _The Father's Tragedy_ (1885), _Stephania_ (1892), _Canute the Great_ (1887), _Anna Ruina_ (1899), _Julia Danna_ (1903), and _Wild Honey_ (1908).
FINDLATER, JANE HELEN.--Novelist. _Green Graves of Balgowrie_, _A Daughter of Strife_, _Rachel_, _Tales that are Told_ (with Mary Findlater), _Story of a Mother_, _Stones from a Gla.s.s House_, _The Affair at the Inn_ (with K.D. Wiggin), _The Ladder to the Stars_ (1906), etc.
FISHER, HERBERT ALBERT LAURENS (1865).--Historian. _The Mediaeval Empire_ (1898), _Studies in Napoleonic Statesmanship_ (1903), _A Political History of England_ (1906), etc.
FISON, LORIMER, D.D. (1832).--Anthropologist. _Kamilaroi and Kurnai_, _Group Marriage and Marriage by Elopement_ (with A.W. Hewitt), _Land Tenure in Fiji_, _Tales from Old Fiji_, etc.
FITZMAURICE-KELLY, JAMES (1858).--Writer on Spanish literature. _Life of Cervantes_ (1892), _History of Spanish Literature_ (1898), _Lope de Vega and the Spanish Drama_ (1902), _Cervantes in England_ (1905), ed.
complete Works of Cervantes, etc.
FLEMING, DAVID HAY, LL.D. (1849).--Historian and antiquary. _Charters of St. Andrews_ (1883), _Martyrs and Confessors of St. Andrews_ (1887), _Scotland after the Union of the Crowns_ (1890), _Mary Queen of Scots_ (1897), _Scottish History and Life_ (3 sections, 1902), _Story of the Scottish Covenants_.
FLINT, ROBERT, D.D., LL.D. (1838).--Writer on philosophy, sociology, and theology. _Philosophy of History in Europe_ (1874), _Theism_ (1877), _Anti-Theistic Theories_ (1879), _Historical Philosophy in France_ (1894), _Socialism_ (1894), _Agnosticism_ (1903), etc.
FORMAN, HARRY BUXTON, C.B. (1842).--Biographer, etc. _Our Living Poets_ (1871), ed. Works of Sh.e.l.ley (1876-80), _Letters of John Keats to f.a.n.n.y Brawne_ (1878), _Poetical Works of John Keats_, and books on E.B.
Browning, W. Morris, etc.
FOWLER, ELLEN THORNEYCROFT (MRS. FELKIN).--Novelist, etc. _Concerning Isabel Carnaby_ (1898), _A Double Thread_ (1899), _The Farringdons_ (1900), _Fuel of Fire_ (1902), and with A.L. Felkin, _Kate of Kate Hall_ (1904), _In Subjection_ (1906), also some books of verse, etc.
FOX, JOHN (1863).--American novelist. _A c.u.mberland Vendetta_, _The Kentuckians_, _Blue Gra.s.s_, _Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come_, etc.
FRASER, ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, LL.D., D.C.L. (1819).--Philosopher. _Essays in Philosophy_ (1846-56), _Collected Works of Bishop Berkeley_, annotated (1871), _Life and Letters of Berkeley_ (1871), _Locke's Essay on the Human Understanding with Prolegomena, etc._ (1894), _Philosophy of Theism_ (1898), _Biographia Philosophica_ (1904), etc.
FRAZER, JAMES GEORGE, LL.D., D.C.L., (1854).--Writer on comparative religion, etc. _Totemism_ (1887), _The Golden Bough_ (1890), _Lectures on the Early History of the Kingship_ (1905), _Adonis, Attis, Osiris, Studies in the History of Oriental Religion_ (1906), _Questions on the Customs, Beliefs, and Languages of Savages_ (1907), etc.
FURNESS, HORACE HOWARD, Ph.D., LL.D. (1833).--Shakespearian scholar.
Variorum ed. of Shakespeare (1871).
FURNIVALL, FREDERICK JAMES, Ph.D., D.Litt., (1825).--Scholar. Has ed.