A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature - Part 54

Part 54

BURNAND, SIR FRANCIS COWLEY (1836).--Humorist and dramatist, ed. of _Punch_ (1880-1906), to which he contributed _Mokeanna_, _Strapmore_, _Happy Thoughts_, etc. Has written over 120 plays, including _Black-eyed Susan_, _The Colonel_, _Contrabandista_, _His Majesty_, etc.

BURNETT, MRS. FRANCES HODGSON (1849).--Novelist and dramatist. _That La.s.s o' Lowrie's_ (1877), _Haworths_ (1879), _A Fair Barbarian_ (1881), _Through One Administration_ (1883), _Little Lord Fauntleroy_ (1886), _A Lady of Quality_ (1896), _Making of a Marchioness_ (1901), etc. Plays, _Phyllis_, _The Showman's Daughter_, _Esmeralda_, _Little Lord Fauntleroy_, etc.

BURY, JOHN B., LL.D., etc. (1861).--Historian. _History_ _of the Later Roman Empire from Arcadius to Irene_ (1889), _History of Greece to Death of Alexander the Great_ (1900), _Life of St. Patrick_ (1905); has ed.

_Pindar's Nemean Odes_ and _Isthmian Odes_, Gibbon's _Decline and Fall_, and part of E.A. Freeman's works.

BUTCHER, SAMUEL HENRY, LL.D., etc. (1850).--Scholar. _Prose Translation of the Odyssey_ (1879), with A. Lang, _Some Aspects of the Greek Genius_ (1891-1904), _Aristotle's Theory of Poetry_, (1895, 1903). etc.

BUTLER, SIR WILLIAM FRANCIS, G.C.B. (1838).--Traveller and biographer.

_The Great Lone Land_ (1872), _The Wild North Land_ (1873), _The Campaign of the Cataracts_ (1887), _From Naboth's Vineyard_ (1907), Lives of Gen.

Gordon, Sir. C. Napier, Sir G.P. Colley, etc.

CABLE, GEORGE WASHINGTON (1844).--American novelist. _Old Creole Days_ (1879), _The Grandissimes_ (1880), _Madame Delphine_ (1881), _Dr. Sevier_ (1884), _John March_ (1884), _The Cavalier_ (1901), _Bylow Hill_ (1902), etc.

CAINE, HALL (1853).--Novelist.--_Shadow of a Crime_ (1885), _Son of Hagar_ (1886), _The Deemster_ (1887), _The Bondman_ (1890), _The Scapegoat_ (1891), _The Manxman_ (1894), _The Christian_ (1897), _The Eternal City_ (1901), _The Prodigal Son_ (1904), several of which have been dramatised. Has also written books on Rossetti and Coleridge.

CAMBRIDGE, ADA (MRS. CROSS) (1844).--Australian novelist. _A Marked Man_ (1891), _The Three Miss Kings_ (1891), _A Little Minx_ (1893), _Fidelis_ (1895), _Materfamilias_ (1898), _The Devastators_ (1901), _A Happy Marriage_ (1906), _The Eternal Feminine_ (1907), etc.

CAMPBELL, WILFRED, LL.D. (1861).--Poet. _Lake Lyrics_ (1889), _Dread Voyage Poems_ (1893), _Mordred and Hildebrand Tragedies_ (1895), _Beyond the Hills of Dream_ (1899), _Ian of the Orcades_ (1906) (novel), etc.

CASTLE, EGERTON (1858).--Novelist. _Consequences_ (1891), _The Light of Scarthey_ (1895), _The Jerningham Letters_ (1896), _The Pride of Jennico_ (1898), _Desperate Remedies_ (play), _Young April_ (1899), _The Secret Orchard_ (1899), _Incomparable Bellairs_ (1904), _Wroth_ (1908) (with Agnes Castle), etc.

CHAMBERS, ROBERT WILLIAM (1865).--American novelist. _In the Quarter_ (1895), _The Red Republic_ (1896), _Lorraine_, _The Cambric Mask_, _The Maids of Paradise_ (1903), _A Young Man in a Hurry_ (1906), _The Fighting Chance_ (1907), etc.

CHESTERTON, GILBERT KEITH (1874).--Essayist, etc. _The Wild Knight_, _Greybeards at Play_, _Twelve Types_, _The Napoleon of Notting Hill_ (1904), _Club of Queer Trades_ (1905), _Heretics_ (1905), _All Things Considered_ (1908), books on R. Browning, d.i.c.kens, G.F. Watts, G.B. Shaw, etc.

CHOLMONDELEY, MARY.--Novelist. _Diana Tempest_, _Red Pottage_, _Moth and Rust_ (1902), _Prisoners_ (1906), etc.

CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1871).--American novelist. _The Celebrity_, _Richard Carvel_ (1899), _The Crisis_ (1901), _The Crossing_ (1903), _Coniston_ (1906), _Mr. Crewe's Career_ (1908).


CLIFFORD, MRS. W.K. (LANE).--Novelist, etc. _Mrs. Keith's Crime_ (1885), _Love Letters of a Worldly Woman_ (1891), _Aunt Anne_ (1893), _A Woman Alone_ (1901), _The Modern Way_ (1906), etc., and various plays.

CLODD, EDWARD (1840).--Scientific writer, etc. _The Childhood of the World_ (1872), _The Childhood of Religions_ (1875), _Myths and Dreams_ (1885), _Story of Primitive Man_ (1895), _Primer of Evolution_ (1895), _Animism_ (1906), etc.

COLERIDGE, CHRISTABEL ROSE (1843).--Novelist. _Lady Betty_ (1869), _The Face of Carlyon_ (1875), _An English Squire_ (1881), _A Near Relation_ (1886), _Waynflete_ (1893), _The Winds of Cathrigg_ (1901), etc.

COLVIN, SIDNEY, D.Litt. (1845).--Writer on art, etc. _A Florentine Picture-Chronicle_ (1898), _Early Engraving and Engravers in England_ (1906), Lives of Keats, Landor; ed. Letters of Keats and R.L. Stevenson, and the Edinburgh ed. of the latter's works, etc.

"CONNOR, RALPH" (Rev. C.W. GORDON) (1860).--Novelist, etc. _The Sky Pilot_, _The Man from Glengarry_, _The Doctor of Crow's Nest_, etc.

CONRAD, JOSEPH.--Novelist. _Almayer's Folly_ (1895), _An Outcast of the Islands_ (1896), _Tales of Unrest_ (1898), _Lord Jim_ (1900), _Typhoon_ (1903), _Nostromo_ (1904), _The Mirror of the Sea_ (1906), _The Secret Agent_ (1907).

CORELLI, MARIE (1864).--Novelist. _A Romance of Two Worlds_ (1886), _Vendetta_ (1886), _Thelma_ (1887), _Soul of Lilith_ (1892), _Sorrows of Satan_ (1895), _Mighty Atom_ (1896), _Murder of Delicia_ (1896), _Ziska_ (1897), _The Master Christian_ (1900), _G.o.d's Good Man_ (1904), _The Treasure of Heaven_ (1906), _Holy Orders_ (1908).

COTES, MRS. EVERARD (DUNCAN) (1861).--Novelist. _A Social Departure_ (1890), _American Girl in London_ (1891), _The Simple Adventures of a Mem Sahib_, _Story of Sunny Sahib_, _His Honour and a Lady_, _Pool in the Desert_ (1903), _Set in Authority_ (1906), etc.

COURTHOPE, WILLIAM JOHN, C.B., LL.D., etc. (1842).--Critic, biographer, etc. _Ludibria Lunae_ (1869), _Paradise of Birds_ (1870), _History of English Poetry_ (vol. vi. 1910), and Lives of Addison and Pope.

COURTNEY, Wm. LEONARD, LL.D. (1850).--Critic, etc. _Studies New and Old_ (1888), _Dramas and Diversions_ (1900), _The Literary Man's Bible_ (1909), etc.


CROCKETT, SAMUEL RUTHERFORD (1860).--Novelist and poet. _The Stickit Minister_ (1893), _The Raiders_ (1894), _Lilac Sunbonnet_ (1894), _Bog, Myrtle, and Peat_ (1895), _Men of the Moss Hags_ (1895), _Grey Man_ (1896), _Standard Bearer_ (1898), _Joan of the Sword Hand_ (1900), _Love Idylls_ (1901), _Me and Myn_ (1907), _Bloom of the Heather_ (1908).

CROMMELIN, MAY DE LA CHEROIS.--Novelist. _Queenie_, _My Love She's but a La.s.sie_, _Orange Lily_, _For the Sake of the Family_, _Crimson Lilies_, _I Little Knew_, etc.

CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM, D.D. (1849).--Economist, etc. _Growth of English Industry and Commerce_, _Western Civilisation_, _Modern Civilisation_, _Use and Abuse of Money_, _Path Towards Knowledge_, _Rise and Decline of Free Trade_, etc.

CUNNINGHAME-GRAHAM, ROBERT BONTINE (1852).--Traveller, essayist, etc.

_Father Archangel of Scotland_ (1896), with Mrs. C.-G. _Aurora la Cugini_, _Mogreb el Acksa_, _Journey in Morocco_ (1898), _Thirteen Stories_ (1900), _A Vanished Arcadia_ (1901), _Life of Hernando de Soto_ (1903), etc.

DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING (1864).--American novelist, etc. _Soldiers of Fortune_, _The Princess Aline_, _In the Fog_, _Captain Macklin_, _Real Soldiers of Fortune_ (1906), also books on his adventures in Venezuela, Cuba, South Africa, etc.

DE MORGAN, WILLIAM FREND (1839).--Novelist. _Joseph Vance: An Ill-written Autobiography_ (1906), _Alice-for-short: A Dichronism_ (1907), _Somehow Good_ (1908), _It Never can Happen Again_ (1909).