A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady - Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Mary, its rude to speculate someones feelings carelessly.

Goodness me, my dear lady! Youre slow when it comes to things concerning yourself! Really, really, Im telling you. I saw it with my own two eyes!

Ah, come to think of it.

As expected, you felt it, right? Kyaaah~! Its exactly like a romance novel, oh my gosh!

He asked me if I dont remember him. I think weve met before.

Mary gasped.

Then, isnt it that hes been adoring you since then, Milady? Isnt this like a fateful reunion?

Your imagination is running wild, Mary.

A conversation thats as normal as normal could be went on. With her eyes closed, Mary was smiling as though she had already fallen into her own imagination.

Violet denied Marys supposition completely.

Even if Mary was right about the knight having some affinity for Violet, if he really had met the former Violet, theres no way that hed like that ducal lady.

Her memories from years ago were dim, but she knew that the moniker of wicked woman thats been attached to her wasnt given to her for no reason at all.

Considering how she was in the past, theres no reason for people to have liked her.

Struck with the realization of just how terrible of a person she had been that nobody would have liked her, she was filled with a sudden sense of unease.

If what Aldin felt for her was antipathy rather than affinity, then No, if he could remember her only because of such negative emotions

It was more likely than not.

Not being able to fully remember her own past, Violet was frustrated.

Milady? Whats wrong?

No, a thought just crossed my mind

S-Should I get you some water? Excuse me! Mary called out to someone.

Meanwhile, as the wheels of the carriage ahead were rolling as they were.

Hey. Do you like my sister?

The two sons of high aristocrats in the following carriage were having a suffocatingly tense scuffle.

Cairn threw out this question with not a single regard for propriety, whereas Aldin simply remained silent. Cairn complained about just how wronged he felt.

Ugh, Im already sad enough because Im being ignored at home, but even youre doing this to me too?! Why the hell is everyone ignoring me!

If you wish to complain about the injustice that youre feeling, then look back at your own behavior. Courtesy is a two-way street.

Were the same age, but why do you keep talking in such an old-fashioned way, huh? Even the slyest person in my family doesnt talk like you!


Seeing that his friend had drawn a sigh because of him, Cairn became even more unruly.

Although theyre friends, their personalities clashed too much. Not knowing just how it was they became close friends, they continued to have an unconversational conversation.

So, do you like my sister?

I dont understand the intent of your question.

Then, let me spell it out for you, hm? Does Aldin Aesir have feelings for Violet S. Everettthats what Im asking!

Youre not gonna answer?

Why are you so fixated on that question

Im asking because I wanna know the answer! You like my sister, dont you?

As he wasnt given an answer, Cairn himself had answered for Aldin, who could do nothing but sigh.

There were times when Cairn had this animal-like intuition, and the question and answer he had posed was utterly spot on.

At times like this, that sixth sense was really quite annoying.

Aldin thought over it for a moment before replying.


It was a short, simple answer. And ironically, the one who asked the question got surprised by this simple answer.

Why though?

For what reason are you even asking me?

No, I mean, isnt it weird that you like that witch? Do you really?

Youre the one whos weird when you asked with such conviction.

That, well Ha. How do I put it I guess its true that she has a pretty face. After all, she looks like Mom. But isnt it kinda weird to fall in love just by looking at someones face?

Aldin narrowed his eyes. Despite how hed been reprimanded over and over, Cairn still refused to fix that tongue of his.

Every time hed hear Cairn call his older sister a witch, Aldin had half a mind to make him stop.

Faced with unrestrained murderous intent right then, Cairn complained of the injustice he was being given.

What the heck, whats with that glare, huh? What are you even thinking Hey! Hey?! Yeah, okay, never mind that you seriously have a weird and spiteful personality, huh? You pretend to be normal in front of others, but arent you actually just a really terrible person?

Thats called common courtesy.

Ah, whatever, thats not the topic at hand! Im asking you one thing and one thing only Just what the hell do you see in her that you went ahead and fell in love! If you like her only for her face, Im telling you to stop right now!

As though he was trying to read Cairn, Aldin continued to look at the other man with narrowed eyes.

Faced with Aldins pale purple eyes, Cairn felt awkward for no reason. He coughed in vain. He couldnt express what he wanted to say properly, and it felt as if his stomach was going to explode out of frustration.

In any case, Aldin concluded. If its Cairn, it most definitely wouldnt be strange for him to go up to Violet and say, Hey, Witch. That punk likes you.

Aldin didnt think this through. He instantly and severely regretted that he admitted to his feelings in front of this guy.