A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady - Chapter 103

Chapter 103

So hes the one who saved Milady. Hes so handsome.

What? Dont tell me, you actually like that kind of face?

Oh, heavens. Im just telling the truth. Youre handsome too, Young Master.

No, what?

Before Violet knew it, Mary and Cairn were really getting along well now, and their conversation flowed smoothly as well. She had half a mind of warning Mary because everything shes saying could be heard by those around her, but she decided to leave that for another day.

In any case, Aldin had been invited today due to a combination of political reasonswhether it was to show off Violets friendship with him, or whether it was to make sure that connections were being formed with the next knight commander of the imperial guard.

Violet was in full awareness of this, but she had no intention of dancing to Roens tune. Cairn wasnt one whod think deeply about the circumstances around him, so he wouldnt know anything about whats going on.

Aldins gaze never once deviated from Violet. It was not a thick or sticky gaze, but there was a little affection there.

Ah, these clothes dont suit me, do they? Still though, I decided to wear pants because I thought theyd be more comfortable to wear than a skirt.

No, I apologize if my gaze was unpleasant. Actually, it suits you really, really well, so

As Aldin looked at Violet as though he was completely entranced, there were various emotions melting together behind his gaze. No one noticed.

Well, except one in particular.

That punk, dont tell me

* * *

Despite the intention to walk through the exhibition casually, they found that there were quite a few people in attendance.

Originally, more escort knights and attendants would have accompanied her as well, but Violet staunchly cut the number in half.

Having an excessive number of escort knights and attendants would only attract unnecessary attention.

Cairn jumped up and confidently assured that no one else would hold a candle to him in terms of skill, but he was promptly ignored.

As a result, they moved together only as a small group composed of Violet, her maid, House Aesirs son and House Everetts son. As they were part of the great aristocracy, its inevitable that there were knights attached to them, but they moved in a separate group so as not to draw attention.

Well, the sight of House Everetts ducal lady and House Aesirs illegitimate son together was bound to be a topic of controversy. And people quite like rumors, of course.

A rumor could serve as a fatal weakness. But on the flip side, it could also serve as a weapon that could be wielded.

Roens intention was clearly the latter.

Violet was escorted into a carriage by a knight. Cairn tried to escort Mary, but she rejected him.

All because of all the fussing of the dukes heir, two carriages had been prepared.

And despite the fact that he was going to be riding the carriage alone with his friend, Cairn got into the second vehicle without any hesitation.

Well, its not as if he didnt say anything. He complained and said that it would be faster and much better if they just went on horseback.

Aldin was very used to thoroughly ignoring his close friend.

Thus, the two carriages set off separately. Violet really only wanted to be as low key as possible during this outing, but the carriages were certainly not helping when theyre undoubtedly giving off the impression that the people inside were rich.

As she was able to be alone with her lady as she wished, Mary chatted on delightedly.

Ive only heard about him, but I didnt expect him to be such a gentleman! Its no wonder, too, since he has a similar atmosphere to you, Milady. How did you two become close?

Well, it just happened. I met him by chance. I was lost and got into some trouble, and he saved me.

He did? How?

Mmh Funnily enough, its a bit hard to explain. Do you want to hear the details?

Yes please!

As Mary was a girl at a very lively age, she blushed and listened to Violets story.

After patting Marys head, Violet explained by moderately exaggerating some things and omitting some other details.

So I decided to ask him out as my partner at the next banquet.

Kyaaah! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Hes like a knight in a novel! Maybe that handsome knight actually has feelings for you, Milady? I knew it, he must be interested in you! Of course its only natural because Milady is the prettiest and the sweetest Nobody would be able to resist falling for you!

Youre exaggerating a lot. But I guess its nice that you think highly of me.

Oh, youre quite blind to your own charm, Milady! Especially how you are today. Nobody can help but fall madly for you, dont you know?

At Marys excitement, Violet immediately answered firmly. However, Mary quickly refuted as she stood by her conviction.

Before answering Mary, for a moment, Violets thoughts wandered elsewhere.

Objectively speaking, Aldin Aesir was a good man. He was capable and serious, and perhaps thats why he wasnt the type to be rash with his words.

But that seriousness of his at a young age might become like poison to him.

Violet had no intention of telling outsiders of her own story. At the very least, not where other households employees were present.

Delving into ones weakness was no different from opening those old wounds once again. And, if that weakness were to devolve into a rumor, she wouldnt know how far it would spread.

If she could go back to that day, even if she would have to personally hit Cairn on the head with a hammer, she would not have revealed her story to him.

As succinct as possible, the fact that this was House Everetts weakness would not change.

Even so, Aldin said nothing. As someone whos very existence was bound to be House Aesirs weakness, on that day, he acted as if he was like the air itself. And he pretended not to be listening to the whole story.

Its not just Aldins capabilities and household that Roen was valuing highly.

Milady, you really dont believe that he has a crush on you? Even when its like honeys dripping from his gaze?

t/n: as it was scheduled, i was supposed to take a break last month on July 30, but ive moved it to this week instead. effectively, all breaks after this will be moved forward as well <3 regular updates will come back on September 3!

hope you guys have a wonderful week ahead~