A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - Chapter 262: Character introduction――Christand and Kurofuyo

Chapter 262: Character introduction――Christand and Kurofuyo

***Character 262 Character introductionChristand and Kurofuyo***

Change is in bold.

- Attributes

Order----Values rules and discipline, universal concepts, and emphasizes a well-organized society and law.

Chaos----Values individuals and their emotional thoughts, valuing will over social discipline and morality.

Neutral----Does not lean towards either Order or Chaos.

Good------Altruistic disposition. They put more importance on the morality they believe in than their own profit and martyred for it.

Evil------Selfish disposition. Places importance on one's own interests and is willing to kick others down the road to achieve them.

Neutral------A moderate temperament that does not swing either way.

- How to read the names of the nobles of the kingdom

Example: (1) Gildanstein, (2) Kalnaros, (3) Vel, (4) Sarcarinea, (5) Alberan

1. Name: Gildanstein

2. The largest land in the area under his management: Kalnaros.

(This is simplified, originally, it's very long as it includes all of the areas under one's management.)

3. Male royalty with the right of succession to the throne: Vel, Female royalty: Vera.

4. Honorary title: Sarcarinea

5. Family (house) name: Alberan

Officially, between (4) and (5), military ranks such as Marshal or General, or words indicating royal court positions such as Prime minister, are added, or words indicating titles such as Grand Duke are added after the family name. However, since the horizontal letters are already too long, the necessary ranks and titles are written in kanji (Chinese characters) at the end of each sentence for the sake of clarity.

Basically, other than the family name, the title is not necessarily inherited by the child, but unless there is a particular problem, the legitimate son will customarily inherit the land and the title.

However, only the honorary title of no. 4, which indicates military exploits as a warrior, is not inherited.

When a person without a surname receives title quasi-knighthood of Nea, they often name their place of birth. (Example) Gallen Nea Kalka.

- Height Profile Glossary (in cm)

The average height for men is around 175cm, and for women is around 160cm.

+No entry: average height

+Medium build: average height

+High stature (tall/large): About 10 cm taller than average. In the case of men, if it is written as 6 shaku, it exceeds 180.

+Small stature (petite): About 10cm lower than average.

+Comparatively: Tall/petite is below average.

+Extremely (very): Tall/small is above average.

- Character - Height - Roughly - Vague Imagination (author's)

Krische - 140, latter half - 147

Bery - 150, first half - 152

Selene - 150, latter half 159

Kreschenta - 140, first half - (I-Im still growing)

Kalua - 160, latter half - 168~169

Mia - 150, latter half - 158

Elvena- 160, latter half - 161~162

Anne - > 160 < - > 160 <

Lira - 150, latter half - 157

Midyliarize- 150, latter half 156

Calshe - 160, first half 163

Those who Remained

Thoe who Departed

Bogan Argillite Vezrinea Christand --- Order Neutral

A heroic man of unwavering integrity and decisive action, he was Selene's father and Bery's brother-in-law, now deceased and known as "The Thunderbolt".

The Kingdoms hero, rising from a fallen baron to a Margrave in one generation, and from a squad leader to a general.

His experience climbing up from the bottom gave him unique insight into the various problems of the army, he has succeeded in raising the level of Christand abilities by assigning several tactically intelligent adjutants to each military commander and dividing the workload among them.

Although known for his aggressive attacks, staged tactical retreats, and flamboyant tactics, he firmly believed that the strength of Christand lay not in on-the-spot tactics, but in the ability to process information through advance preparation.

Although he is calm now, in his youth, he was reckless and loved to wield his sword on the front lines.

He was called "Christand the Thunder" by his soldiers because of the countless enemies he knocked down with his wild swordsmanship and the way he pushed forward.

Unusually for a nobleman, he is devoted to his dead wife and has never taken a concubine.

He died in a duel against Gildanstein, the Royal Prince.


Known as Selene Christand's father and a pioneer who created the general framework of the General Staff Department concept.

He often appears in war records and memoirs of the time, and is also famous as a hero during the final stages of Alberan. The fact that several songs praising him remain, indicates that he was extremely popular among his subordinates and the general public, and was also strongly feared by people in enemy countries.

There are many descriptions of him in the books left behind by Selene Christand, there he was described as a great father who could never be surpassed, but no memoirs of his own have been found.

He made great achievements on many battlefields, rose from a lower class noble to become a margrave in one generation, and was entrusted with one of four sides of the kingdom, the north, making him famous as a rare tactician, however it was said that his true talent lay in military government.

He advocated for merit-based personnel placement and thorough training for non-commissioned officers.

Since then, the Christand army has been highly praised for its high level of proficiency.

As a general, he issued directives without personally engaging in battles, leaving the battle itself to his subordinates, and by giving them great discretion, he achieved great results.

What a general must demonstrate on the battlefield is not valor, but only a clear direction policy, their job is to develop the ability to execute these directions in advance.

Although Selene Christand quoted many of his words, she clearly wrote that his father's death in the civil war was ultimately due to his failure to uphold that iron law.

Due to a defection, he was lured out by Gildanstein during the battle in the Dragon's Maw, where he met his end due to serious injury suffered during battle with Gildanstein.

After his death, many of his subordinates in the Christand army were promoted and made great achievements. Many people, including the famous general Nozan Verreich, continued to rever him until their later years as a hero who should leave his name in history.

Some historians say that the civil war that took place in Alberan and his deaths, rather than the war of continental unification, was the final battle of the Age of Heroes, as Alberineas ingenuity changed the course of the war after the civil war.**

Battle Command

He was originally an excellent front-line commander with an aggressive temperament, but after having a wife, he refrained from this and always emphasized the importance of being a commander who makes the most of his subordinates' abilities.

He believes that what a general should do is to identify the qualities of each individual, creating extreme chaos (disorder) that change the battlefield to the advantage of his allies through bold offensives and retreats.

In order to accomplish this, he believed that it was important to raise the level of ability of each commander, and he always trained his subordinates with a training that is one rank above them so that a centurion would have the perspective of a battalion commander, and a battalion commander would have the perspective of a corps commander.

He is very good at reading the moment for withdrawal and has never failed in a retreat battle, even when the odds were against him.

Appearance: Blonde hair with a sprinkling of gray. Blue eyes. Large and muscular. Fearless, A masculine fierce dace. Moustache.

Armor: Dark grey plate mail.

Krische: Child prodigy with exceptional talent. A distorted but kind daughter.

Strong points: Lorca-style swordsmanship. organization building. command operation.

Likes: War history. Liquor. His daughter.

Dislikes: Politics. Extremist (radical party).

Concern: There is no young man who seems to be worthy of his daughters. Bery's partner.

Gallen Rinea Kalka --- Neutral Good

A simple and sincere man, known for his blunt honesty. Krisches grandfather and Bogans former superior, currently serving as Selene's adjutant.

He was once a genius centurion who rose from the ranks of a single soldier, and despite his lack of magical powers, he performed numerous military exploits with Bogan.

He was respected by his men and had the ability to aim to be a general in the future, but he resigned from the army after regretting the burning of a village on his superior's orders.

Following his resignation, he returned to his hometown of Kalka and worked as a hunter, leading a peaceful life with his daughter, her husband, and his adopted daughter Krische. However, tragedy struck when his family was killed in a bandit attack, forcing him and Krische to leave the village and seek refuge with Bogan and return to the army.

He is a diligent worker who finds happiness in Krische's contentment and the fact that she has found someone who understands her in the Christand household.

He had his own feelings about the people around him who had preceded him in death, but he has come to realize that he has a role to play because he has survived, and he continues to work hard.

Lately, he has been seeing his beloved daughter figure in the clumsy Anne.

He worked tirelessly even after the War of the Five Great Powers, but when he suddenly noticed Krische living happily ever after, and realized that his role was over, he collapsed.

An old man, who had lost many loved ones and regretted his own helplessness, was satisfied with his final journey as he departed, being watched over by his granddaughter, who was more important to him than anyone else, and he passed away with a smile on his face.

What he really wanted was for the day to come when his helplessness would be forgiven.


Alberinea's step-grandfather and former superior of Bogan Christand.

He was one of the famous centurions of his time, but had a bad relationship with his superiors, which led to his retirement from the army. After that, Alberinea, who had lost her step-parent, was adopted by the Christand family, and he returned to active duty as an adjutant in the Christand army.

This was an unusual career advancement, and although it would normally have been seen as a case of nepotism that would have been criticized, it was said that he was respected even within the Christand army.

Serene Christand also highly valued him as a person who built the foundation of the Christand Army in a small organization of centurions. She praised his abilities, pointing to his flexible thinking and broad perspective, saying, He is my father's teacher and Krisches grandfather after all.

Although he is an old man with no magical powers, he was said to have killed five magic possessors with a bow and a short sword. She said that his superior thinking ability turns even old people into monsters, and explains the importance of cultivating that ability.

It was said that Alberinea also always showed respect and love towards him, and several memoirs talked about the two's close relationship. In In the Noble Hawks Mansion, it was said that Alberinea was a granddaughter to him.

In In the Noble Hawks Mansion, the number of characters used for him was unusually large, despite the fact that he appears only a few times. There was a research result that when they try to count it, he came in third place after the portrayal of the author herself and Bery Argan, and it has become a common knowledge among Alberan researchers that he was Anne Giterns' favorite.**

Battle Command

Never pushing it and never pursue too far.

He has the nature of a hunter, waiting for an opportunity to create a decisive disadvantage for the enemy.

Withdrawal, retreat, surprise attackhe is a born hunter, the opposite of fair and square, and prefers to build tactics that target the opponent's carelessness and openings.

Killing his opponents without killing his troops.

He hates unnecessary losses more than anything else, but when he sees an opportunity, he will turn around and launch a desperate offensive.

He has a wide field of vision and is skilled at leading in melee battles.

Appearance: Messy gray hair. Dark brown eyes. Muscular. Brusque fierce face.

Armor: Dark grey half-plate.

Krische: A little different from others but is a good girl and kinder than anyone else.

Strong points: Archery. Command operation. Forest. Adversity. Never losing sight of himself.

Likes: Drinking. Hunting. Tool care.

Dislikes: Unjust (inhuman).

Worry: None.

Lazura Christand --- Chaos Good

A fatalistic girl with a steel mentality, she is the wife of Margrave Christand and Bery's older sister. Daughter of the Argan family, which fell into ruin due to business failure. Selene's mother.

She has a bright personality that is the complete opposite of Berry, and she is a strong-willed and lively woman.

She is a maverick woman who will go ahead with what she feels is right, without regard to social rules, and is willing to sacrifice herself if she feels it is necessary. When the Argan house fell, she selflessly sacrificed herself to protect young Bery from the malice of merchants and nobles.

Always kind and earnest, she prioritizes Bery's happiness even when confronted with her sister's obstinacy.

Even after she learned that there was no future for her, she worried about Bery following in her footsteps, which led her to entrust Selene, not just out of concern for her child as a parent, in Bery's care. Her second child was stillborn, and she later succumbed to postpartum fever.

Like Selene, she is clumsy and rather crude.


Bogan Christand's wife and Selene Christand's mother. She is also Bery Argan's half-sister.

No other records remain, other than what is written in Nozan Verreich's notebook that she was a cheerful, intelligent and beautiful woman.**

Appearance: Long red hair. brown eyes. Petite. Big chest. Beautiful.

Krische: ...who is it?

Strong points: Quibbles. Winning argument. Breaking rules.

Likes: Words such as love and belief. Destiny. Siblings.

Dislikes: Rich people.

Concern: Not being able to give Selene a sister or brother. Leaving Bery behind and passing away first.

Bururun -- Order Evil

Loyal, rampaging horse boy. Horse.

A horse that was chosen by Krische as a replacement for her foot because it is large and seems to have a certain amount of strength.

Originally owned by the Christand army, he was a rough and difficult horse to handle, but now he is owned by the Christand family because he has taken to Krische so well.

Rather than being violent, he is smart and calm, but he seems to be particular about how he is touched and how well he is cared for, and he is very sensitive, and has very strong likes and dislikes.

Although he has bad combability with Selene who has a rough personality, but treated with respect, he will easily become attached.

He is a fine horse with a strong and seemingly inexhaustible physical strength, and can run as if flying, but he does not have many opportunities to make use of this strength.

His temperament is more suited to being used as a fast horse than as a warhorse.

His recent favorites are Berry and Elvena, who often take care of him and let him walk around the royal territory.

Used to go to the spring seeding festival every year.

After he got older, theres nothing special that happened, and he spent time enjoying walks with his children, before passing away. His descendants resembled him and run well, and when Selene no longer rode horses, they were passed on to other nobles, much to their delight.


During the civil war, he is famous as a famous horse that ran like the wind, carrying Alberinea when Selene Christand was in a dire situation.

It was said that he was later taken in and kept by the Christand house, but there are currently no primary historical records showing his name other than Bururun, which is written in In the Noble Hawks Mansion.

The famous horse Beiran (an ancient word meaning Child of Gale), which was famous in equestrian competitions during the mid-Kleinmeer period, was said to be its descendant.

Since the name was said to be derived from Alberinea's famous horse, Alberinea preferred to use archaic words for naming, such as Jareia Gashea, and Alberinea's name Krische itself was an archaic word from that time, the name is often used in plays as it is close to the reality of the time.

From things such as Bururun and Gururun, it is believed that even people in the noble class at the time, such as Anne Giterns and others, were unfamiliar with many archaic words and their pronunciation derived from Alberan, at least by the end of the Alberan period, it was thought to have been beyond the scope of general education.

Even today, famous horses that are said to be descended from him still run around the continent.**

Appearance: large stature. fawn color. Long mane.

Krische: A two legged that sure know how to touch him. Feed him a lot and take care of him.

Strong points: Running.

Likes: Walking. Brushing. To challenge the limits.

Dislikes: Sloppy two legged.

**Concern: Want to sleep**

- ------Black Flag Special Forces Company

Mia Rinea Kilnan--- Neutral Neutral

A pitiful girl who is treated poorly in spite of her excellence. The adjutant of the Black Flag Special Forces Company. Commander of Kuroshutans irregular forces. The Director of the Black Flag Swordsmanship Dojo.

Hailing from Kilnan village in the northern part of the kingdom, it is adjacent to Kalka, where Krische was picked up.

Initially, she joined the Christand army as a migrant worker, hoping to leverage her exceptional stamina and physical strength to help carry luggage for the army. However, Krische, who saw through her magical talent and exceptional skills, recruited her, and before she knew it, she was fighting on the front lines.

Despite being uneducated and possessing only the knowledge of a country girl, she is quick-witted and has a sharp mind.

She is a natural talent, having learned to build imaginary muscles with magical power without any guidance. However, perhaps due to her stubborn and somewhat slow nature, she ranks lower in swordsmanship skills among the Black Century that it would be faster to count her from the bottom.

She often gets absent-minded at the most critical moments and is prone to talk back.

In contrast to her quick-witted best friend Kahlua, she is easy to pick on, and she is often unreasonably yelled at.

Despite her popularity in the village, she suffers from low self-esteem and is dense. Several men in the village have confessed their love to her on multiple occasions, but she has let them all slip without realizing it.

A childhood friend, who had made a passionate approach to her, confessed to her again when she returned home, but she refused, prioritizing her duties at Black Flag Special Forces, while giving grateful advice that he should take it a step further at an earlier stage.

Since her return home, she has felt a greater sense of belonging to the Black Flag Special Force, and she has been training vigorously.

She was relieved that she was able to deal with the Suikos attack but feels the need to train because of her own inexperience, as without Kalua she would have died.

**She fought through the civil war to the end of the continent unification war, and after the reorganization of the Black Flag Special Forces Battalion, she became the commander of the Kuroshutan (Note: Krisches naming. There is no formal name on paper, and it is the Alberinea private army), and took control of intelligence activities across the continent in order to maintain public order.

As the Heavenly Pole stabilization of magical power in the atmosphere progressed and Kreschentas own information monitoring and control system, Heavenly Eye, was established, the opportunities for Kuroshutan activities decreased, and together with Kalua, she built the Black Flag Swordsmanship Instruction Center in the royal capital, and spent her later years as its director.

Although she did not directly instruct the students, Kalua trumpeted her as a transcendent swordsman who even surpassed her in Black Flage Special Force, and that caused the students to look at her with respect.

The other members also got carried away saying that she had a dual personality and that once she hold the sword she wouldn't stop until she killed the opponent, because of that she wont swing the sword in front of other for fear of destroying their dream.**


Her name remains as an adjutant from the Black Flag Special Force led by Alberinea, its predecessor, the Black Century.

Although she was young, Alberinea directly appointed her as an adjutant, and because of her tremendous military accomplishments during the Black Flag Special Force, it was often said that she was a talented swordsman with an intellect similar to Kahlua.

After unification, it is believed that espionage activities were entrusted to Alberinea, and based on his depiction in In the Noble Hawks Mansion, she had a close relationship with Alberinea both in public and private, and is thought to have been her de facto right-hand man.

Since she established the Black Flag Swordsmanship Instruction Center in the 12th year of unification era, it is assumed that this timing marked her effective retirement, and from which the kingdom's espionage activities may have been conducted through other means, which is why even now it was still the focus of much attention.

Direct instruction by the Black Flag Special Forces personnel who ran on the front lines with Alberinea was a hot topic, but it was gradually diminished due to the magic doctrine of the Kleinmeer era. Although it was closed down in the middle of the Kleinmeer period, there was still a school of practical swordsmanship with it as the foundation today.

The fact that she never wielded a sword in spite of being the director of the dojo leads many to believe that she may have laid down her sword after leaving the battlefield.**

Battle Command

She has learned basic tactics, has a clear mind and a broad vision, and is very capable as a centurion. She has learned how to conduct a melee battle with a unit composed of magic possessors, and is able to fully manipulate their abilities, which are different from those of mere soldiers.

However, she always moves with the assumption that the quality of the soldiers in the unit is superior, and often misjudge opponents with equal or greater strength that would cause the unit to lose its superiority, making them vulnerable to unexpected situations.

She emphasizes stability through cooperation and operating together by utilizing the abilities of the troops.

Appearance: Shoulder-length chestnut hair. Blue eyes. Average height. Gentle undulation (chest). Cute.

Armor: Black leather armor.

Krische: A lovely, pure, and scary corps commander. She is smart and strong, but she is childish and can't be left alone. Friend with Dragon

Strong points: Quick wit. Physical strength. Poor sleeping position. Bad timing. Throwing spears.

Likes: Sleep. Bathing. Beautiful women. Black Flag Special Force. Kalua.

Dislikes: Unreasonableness.

**Concern: Want to be blessed with a good sense of athleticism in my next life.**

Kalua Rinea Belyus --- Chaos Neutral

She seems to be easy-going and is relatively easily pressured. Squad leader of the Black Flag Special Force. Adjutant of Kuroshutans irregular forces. The head instructor of the Black Flag Swordsmanship Dojo. Black cat

She is from Belyus village in the southern part of the kingdom. Daughter of the village chief. She used to be a graceful village chief's daughter.

She has a reputation for being a caring, clever, and good-natured girl, and is loved by everyone in the village because of her temperament.

She had planned to learn business from a merchant with whom she had a connection for the further development of the village, but when her youngest sister was kidnapped by a slave trader, she left everything behind and traveled all over the country in search of her sister.

Traveling alone as a woman was not an easy one, and she continued her journey for several years as various realities wore her body and mind, but her strength was not enough, and she could not find any clues.

Somewhere along the way, she realized that resignation was filling her heart, but she could not stop.

She chose to fight out of inertia and volunteered for the Christand Army, which was hostile to the notorious Gildansteina member of royal family said to be connected to many slave traders.

Shes the only person who calls Krische Usa-chan to her face, and he often takes care of her like a child that she can't leave alone.

There was also an aspect of act of compensation thinking of the kidnapped Elvena, but now that her sister had been saved, she pledges her heartfelt gratitude and loyalty to her.

Through her various experiences on her solo journey, she developed a manly manner, preferring to use a brusque tone of voice and a rough attitude.

However, she was born with a strong sense of etiquette and can act like a lady if she wishes.

She has lost her innocence and is not interested in love affairs. Unexpectedly weak to being pushed (weak-willed).

Like Mia and others, she was decorated with the rank Rinea for her distinguished service in the Black Flag Special Force.

**As a reward for defeating a Suiko, she was offered the right to manage a small village, but she turned it down. Instead, she received a small house in a first-class city and the prize money to pay off the debt to the Christand family.

During the war to dismantle Elsren, she took many of the opponents head , and though she held the position of commander of the Special Force Company squad, she was given the title of Nifrinea. Nif meaning lithe one, cat, and as the black cat of Alberinea, she was respected by many soldiers.

She defeated the war god Nitrias together with Kolkis, and has achieved outstanding military results in the Black Flag Special Force, but all of the results belong to her squad and she declines any personal rewards at the victory ceremony, requesting that they be distributed among the members.

Originally, she was supposed to receive a larger territory to manage from the Suiko hunt had given her, but since she herself didn't like it, and it was quietly decided that it wouldn't be bad for the performance.

The Black Flag Special Forces members received a large special pension from the government, and the story was talked about among the people as a beautiful story that showed their unity and the Queen's personality.

As Kuroshutan's deputy, she basically works as the head of the active force, with the main mission of capturing and securing rebels. Due to her skill as one of the best swordsmen on the continent, she was able to survive until the Kuroshutan disbanded without suffering any casualties to its members.

In her later years, she taught swords as the head instructor at Black Flag Swordsmanship Dojo, but most of her students did not understand the techniques she learned from Krische and honed on the battlefield. Although she was highly respected, her teaching was somewhat unpopular.

Nevertheless, those who had the insight to understand even a part of her swordsmanship, called Usa-chan's style swordsmanship, continued her legacy, keeping the Black Flag Swordsmanship alive for centuries and passing down its lineage.

By the way, what was taught there could be described as comprehensive combat tactics, emphasizing fighting techniques that leveraged the advantages of magic possessor or focused on strategies for non-magic possessor against magic possessor.**


One of the most famous members of the Black Flag Special Forces Company. She was the older sister of Elvena, a servant of the Christand family.

She is a true warrior who achieved many military results as the Sword of Alberinea, and although she remained in the rank of non-commissioned officer until the end, there was no one else who achieved as many military results as her. She was respected by her fellow soldiers as a warrior among warriors.

The nickname Black Cat of Alberinea was engraved in the memoirs of soldiers and civilians at the time. It was said that even the generals treated her, who was just a soldier, with respect. This serves as an example of the still prevalent Warrior Culture from ancient times.

She hunted Suiko, killed Nitrias, who was known as the Eastern God of War, and collected countless heads, leaving behind many memorable anecdotes. As a result, there were few plays or stories with her as the protagonist.

Even today, when speaking of members of the Kuroshutan Special Task Force, the first name to be mentioned would be hers.

It is said that she was such a presence that she was allowed to call Alberinea by nickname, and there is a strong view that she was a unique genius who did not fit into the mold.

Although she herself did not leave any notes of her own, there are some stories that are said to have been taught by her in the notes of her students at her Black Flag Swordsmanship Dojo. It is one of the important historical documents regarding the battlefields of the time and Alberinea as an individual.

She seems to have viewed Alberinea from a different perspective than the general image, such as referring to her as a kind child, and similar to the way she is described in In the Noble Hawks Mansion.

Whenever she visited the swordsmanship school, she would show a childish side and cling to her like a child, and it is said that both she and the fellow members deeply loved such Alberinea.

From the memoirs of those who attended the swordsmanship school at the time, it can be seen that every one of them had a very favorable impression of Alberinea's character. Despite being like a figure that is above the clouds, she was never distant from the people and was always described as being close to the people.**

Battle Command

Her mind is very quick, she has quick wit, and she has aptitude as a commander.

In terms of coordination at the individual level, she is one of the best, and can coordinate instructions and move with other soldiers on the spur of the moment.

However, she prefers to wield a sword by herself and is prone to narrow vision, so in order to make the most of her abilities, she should be placed in the back of the center rather than at the head of the line.

She is one of the best in terms of individual level cooperation, and she can immediately give instructions and cooperate with other soldiers.

Appearance: Waist-length black hair. Dark brown eyes. Slender and relatively tall. Large breasts. Beautiful.

Armor: Black leather armor.

Krische: A slightly crazy girl genius. She is kind and admirable child. So defenseless that its scary. The person to whom she has pledged her eternal loyalty.

Strong points: Self-taught swordsmanship. Flight. Hiding.

Likes: Slashing. Nap. Children.

Dislikes: Slave traders.

**Concern: None.**

Dagra Rinea Arkus --- Order Good

A serious man who loves military life. Commander of Black Flag Special Force Company. Bald Eagle. Baron. Staff officer of the irregular forces Kuroshutan.

A commoner with magic power. Although he has no outstanding points, he has no weaknesses, He is an experienced, quick witted, soldier who respects military discipline and orders and the type of military man that Krische likes.

He is an ideal centurion who is strict but always treats his subordinates with sincerity. During the war against the Holy Elsren Empire, he participated as a centurion in the special attack force of Selene and Krische.

He was highly praised for his solid performance there and was nominated as the squad leader of the Black Century, a unit under Krische direct control consisting of only those who possess magical powers.

At first, he was excessively afraid of Krische unusual abilities and cool-headedness, but when he learned of the trust she had placed in him, the magnitude of the role he had been given, and the true image of the girl Krische Christand, he pledged his wholehearted loyalty to her.

He is a serious and strict man, a soldier by nature, who prefers life in a military organization above all else. He thought marriage was out of the question for a soldier like him, but he has fallen due to his friend's daughter's enthusiastic advances and is now a father of a single child.

He is not particularly bald, he shaved his head every day to keep clean even in military service, and although his aquiline nose stands out, he is by no means ugly.

He admires Krische concern for his health and her refusal of him accompany her and is prepared to lay down his life for Krische, whether in public or private life.

He realized that the existence of the Black Flag Special Force determines even the victory or defeat of 10,000 battles itself, and he feels more strongly about his responsibilities as Krisches adjutant and as the commander of the company.

In recognition of the great contribution of the Black Flag Special Forces Company, he was given the rank of baron, and at the same time was given the right to manage a post town on the outskirts of the royal capital.

**He continued to fight through the war to dismantle Elsren as the commander of the Black Flag Special Forces Company, but at that point he was nearly 80 years old and the harsh demands of front-line command became a burden, and his health often deteriorated.

Krische felt uneasy about Dagra, who continued to push himself to meet her expectations, ordered Douglas Dagra serve as a training instructor with Mia as the commander in the subsequent planned unification war.

Although he was happy to heat this, the unification war is Krische final battle.

He received Mia's permission to accompany them, and although he did not participate in the actual battle, he worked with Krische and her subordinates as a member of the Black Flag Special Forces Company until the end of the Unification War.

After that, he served as Kuroshutan's staff officer for about a year to help it get started, and when Krische told him Bald Eagle has become a yobo-yobo (tottering, decreipt) old man, so Bald eagle is fired and with a laugh, he ended his long military career.

He was given the title Honorary Kurofuyo Commander for Life and the main flag of the Black Flag Special Forces Company, remained on display in his bedroom until the end of his life.

Although his noble rank was not inherited, his flag was passed down to his daughter and her husband, and their children.

It was stolen during the turmoil of the founding of Kleinmeer, and after 1300 years of changing hand, it appeared in front of Krische.

That flag still stands proudly in front of its master.**


The commander of the Black Flag Special Forces Squadron, who achieved great results in battle.

It is said that he was a subordinate whom Alberinea trusted more than anyone else, and it is said that he was give the flag of Black Flag Special Force for his great contributions.

He was described as a man of character who turned a group of commoners, most of whom were amateurs with no military experience, into the world's finest century, and who was loved like a father by the members of his unit.

Selene Christand spoke of him as an indispensable part of Alberinea the soldier's achievement to this day, and praised him as the best soldier who taught her sister, a genius who left others behind, the unique society of the military, and whose contributions can be compared to those of even the most famous heroes in history.

In plays in which Alberinea is the main character, he usually appears as her subordinate.

In Kleinmeer's old plays, he was called by his nickname, Bald Eagle, and this is still the norm in modern plays, but its origin is unknown.**

Combat Command

Experienced, coming from a light infantry unit that often operates under special circumstances such as in the mountains, he returns to the basics in any situation and does not make errors in judgment.

He is accustomed to fighting in numerically disadvantageous situations, such as surprise attacks, maneuvers, and diversions, and he fully demonstrates his command ability even in a chaotic situation where he is cornered.

Unlike Mia, he wasnt purely cultivated on a unit where all of its members are all magic possessors, so he often chooses the safe side based on his experience when dealing with troops.

However, because of this the amount of wear and tear is small, and the Black Hundreds under his command are very stable.

Appearance: Skinhead. Dark brown eyes. Muscular. Eagle nose (aquiline nose).

Armor: Black leather armor.

Krische: A superior officer to be respected, a girl to be protected and assisted even at the risk of his own life.

Strong points: Action in the mountains. Battle Command. Inspiring troops. Leading.

Likes: Discipline. Military organization. Black Century.

Dislikes: People who break discipline. Straggler.

Concern: Regarding the future of Black Flag Special Force during peacetime.

------ Members of the Black Flag Special Force------

Most of the people listed here have been informally decorated with the rank of Rinea (knight).

Koza --- Order Neutral

A family-oriented person, the kind that Krische would even smile at. **Commander of the Black Flag Special Forces Company Archers. Captain of anti-air pishuun. Head chef of the Crescent Moon at Dawn.**

Despite having a fierce face with old scars that stand out, he loves to cook.

He is homely and attentive to details, and when he gets home, he does more housework than his wife.

Naturally, Krische holds him in high regard.

He is also an excellent soldier with a broad perspective, and his overall strength has earned him the position of 2nd squad leader, which in case of an emergency, he acts as the commander.

In the final battle of the civil war, he fought alongside Mia against Nakirus.

He is not particularly talented in archery, but after the war he was evaluated for his wide field of vision and was appointed as an archer commander equivalent to a normal captain.

He received a reward for subjugating Suiko, and he bought a house in the castle town of the royal capital.

**After the War of the Five Great Powers, he was involved in the development and operational testing of the installed magic power projection cannon, Pishuun, and actually operated Pishuun together with the magicians.

Because of that relationship, after the war he worked with the magicians and Krische instead of working with Kuroshutan, and was engaged in the work of improving Pishuun, but as the magicians became the main focus, he decided to call it quits. Together with Beltz, he started running a boarding house called Crescent Moon at Dawn.

It became a hangout spot for former soldiers after the war, and as a place where heroes gathered, many people wanted to hear their stories, and it became quite prosperous.**

Tagel --- Neutral Good

A refreshing sportsman type of boy. **Centurion of Black Flag Special Forces Company. Baker.**

Like Mia, he has consciously learned to use his virtual muscles since he enlisted and is an excellent talent.

He is an impeccable person with military experience, a good head, good swordsmanship, and a good personality. However, his lack of flaws is his only flaw, making him a man without any interesting points.

He is a hot-blooded man, and as a military commander, he is still a little inexperienced.

He usually commands the 2nd to 10th squad.

In the final battle of the civil war, he fought alongside Selene facing Gildanstein.

Having survived the fierce battle, he was promoted to centurion in due course.

He married the daughter of a baker who lived near his house after receiving the Rank of Rinea.

**Concerned about worrying and saddening his wife during long military service and the potential harm to loved ones due to the nature of his missions, he decided not to participate in Kuroshutan, instead he took over his wife's family home, put down his sword, and opened a bakery. However, he also had a fair talent for baking bread, which delighted Krische who occasionally visited the store.

Blessed with many children, he lived a long life, passing the shop to his eldest son. He spent his time painting as a hobby, capturing memories like precious gems.

Philippine, who painted The Holy Spirit and the Maidens, was his grandson.

In order to remember the joy of drawing during his long years as an apprentice, he once again saw the drawings of his grandfather, who had taught him how to draw, which gave him the impetus to take flight.

While not at a level to be commercially sold, what was depicted there surely was something he had been seeking.**

Corinth --- Order Good

He is a calm veteran non-commissioned officer. A centurion of the Black Flag Special Forces Company.

He was originally a subordinate of the century commanded by Dagra and held the position of captain.

Although his ability as a magic possessor is not very high, he has a high command ability in melee battles and has a wide field of vision. He has the mental strength to remain calm and not panic in any situation, and is highly trusted by Dagra, is also admired by Tagel as a senior captain.

Basically, he often commands the 11th to 20th squads.

He fought alongside Mia in the final battle of the civil war but was wounded during the battle and is currently recuperating.

He suffered no permanent injuries and became a centurion after his return.

He is saving for his child.

Although he was younger than Dougla, he aged quickly, and was transferred to the engineering team after the battle with Vezrea.

As Nagal's assistant, he expressed various opinions on improving magic weapons based on his extensive experience.

The improvement and production of magic weapons by the engineering team is gradually entrusted to the magicians, and once they have produced enough of the most important secret Jaragasha, they completely discard the duplicate crystals. After that, he was mainly involved in the net planning of Gatangoton.

He went to sleep after witnessing the completion of the memorable first line, the railroad to the north.

As he fell asleep, his ears heard the merry rattling sound of wheels rolling around in a peaceful world.

Beltz --- Neutral Neutral

A man who is good at cooking, the type that Krische would even smile at. Corporal of the Black Flag Special Forces Company. Cooking instructor. Shopkeeper of Cresent Moon at dawn.

He was born into a family of chefs, but when he was young, he had a fight with his parents and ran away from home.

From the start, he had a fierce face and strong physical strength, so he lived from day to day while working as a caravan escort.

Because of his past, he disliked cooking, but after joining the Century and with Krische's guidance, who places an emphasis on cooking, he rediscovered the joy of cooking.

He gets along well with Koza, who also likes to cook, and they cook together at Koza's house on holidays. He is scruffy in appearance.

In the final battle of the civil war, he fought alongside Mia.

Because of his skills, he has been promoted to the rank of captain, and at the same time, Krische has ordered him to serve as a culinary instructor for the Black Flag Special Force. He is a little happy inside.

He is thinking of opening an inn with meals in the castle town after he gets old and retires, and has invited Koza.

**After unification, he joined the Kuroshutan, but due to his dream of an inn with meals, he requested to serve in the royal capital rather than in the active military unit.

At first, he thought of a compromise plan to serve as an information exchange for Kuroshutan, but as a result of discussions, he was sent away by Krische, who told him, If you have a dream of cooking delicious food, you should prioritize that, and he started Crescent Moon at Dawn' together with Koza.

When Krische visited for the 17th time, he was finally recognized for its taste, and when the restaurant allowed him to wear the simple crest of Christand, the grown man's eyes welled up and he and Koza hugged each other.

Crescent Moon at Dawn became a famous restaurant that continued until the middle of the Kleinmeer period, although it stopped being an inn and changed into a simple restaurant as time went on, but due to the Kleinmeer's belief in the supremacy of magicians becoming stronger, it go out of business.

However, after Kleinmeer collapsed and things calmed down, a restaurant called Crescent Moon at Dawn was revived in Albeneria, thinking it was auspicious in terms of the times, and is still operating to this day.**

Birza --- Neutral Good

A black doctor type of guy. He is the head of the medical team of the Black Flag Special Forces Company. **Father of emergency medical care.**

He was born into a pharmacist family, but as the third son, he could not take over the family business and spent his days working in the fields.

When a caravan stopped by his village looking for soldiers, he thought his knowledge might be useful and joined the army.

He is a thin young man who is not good at fighting, and like Mia, he is not very skilled with a sword. However, he has knowledge of medicinal herbs and simple medical skills and is in charge of treating injured people.

His team was originally made up of people who were not suited for combat, and their role is similar to that of a medical team.

In the final battle of the civil war, he fought alongside Mia, and was in charge of treating wounded soldiers.

The former 17th Squad has now been assigned to the Black Flag Special Forces medical team, and is currently working on a medical book loaned to him by Krische.

Recently, he has been apprenticed to a doctor in the royal capital, and during long vacations he travels around as an assistant.

**After the Unification War, he accompanied his team members to Kuroshutan's operational unit.

After that, he used his experience to create an easy-to-understand manual for emergency medical procedures on the battlefield, and instead of becoming a military doctor through military school, he focused his efforts on training soldiers who had learned the same medical skills as himself.

His accomplishments were even greater than when he was at the Black Flag Special Forces, and his manualized emergency medical procedures for the harsh environment of the battlefield later became popular and saved the lives of many soldiers, so he is considered one of the greats personage.

Krische-sama, who found me in a mediocre position and gave me this role, and the many of my friends who died on the battlefield taught me my destiny even though I had no good skills at all.

He wrote this in the afterword of his own emergency medical procedure manual.**

Kilik --- Neutral Neutral

A craftsman-type man with dexterous hand. the leader of the Black Flag Special Forces Squadron's escort team. Christand's private escort squad leader.

He was born into a family of craftsmen, but the business was not going well, so he left the house to his older brother and worked away from home.

He originally worked as a merchant escort and bouncer and lost one eye in the process.

Although he has no military service experience, he has plenty of experience as a caravan guard. Because he was born into a family of craftsmen, he is also very dexterous with his hands.

He also has knowledge of inspecting and repairing carriages and was chosen as Kreschentas carriage escort.

His swordsmanship is second only to Kalua's, and he has been through many rough battles.

Many of his team members are also craftsmen.

As Krisches trusted soldiers, they are basically assigned to act as Queen Kreschentas bodyguards during the war, and are unlikely to be seen on the battlefield.

Although he is single, he does not go on extravagant trips and continues to send money back to his brother at home.

**After the Unification War ended, he continued to train himself even as he grew older, maintaining his own physical strength as the honorable leader of the escort team, and until he was no longer able to maintain it, he fulfilled his duties as Kreschentas personal bodyguard.

Kreschenta likes him as a loyal soldier, and after unification, she personally gives him one of the famous swords.

When he announced his retirement due to his physical decline and asked for the sword to be returned because he had no successor, she accepted the sword in recognition of his past loyalty, and informed him that the sword to be a personal gift to her, and that it would be displayed at the entrance to the mansion rather than in the kingdom's treasury.

His sword still remains in the mansion, and while Kreschenta complains about it being a nuisance and something she shouldn't have said, she occasionally takes care of it until its shiny.

She remembered the figure of him crying, unable to lift his head.

She won't forget.

She never forgets what she sees or the words she hears.

Everything she touched, everything she felt, his efforts, his loyalty, everythingforever and ever.**

Daz --- Order Neutral

A somewhat pitiful Piririn-type guy. Honorary Piririn team leader for life. Honorary Kuromimi team leader for life.

The former leader of the 8th Squad, known for his fierce look.

Originally a bouncer at a bar, he was used to roughing things up and was a brave captain who was looked up to by the soldiers. However, he lost his left arm in the last battle of the civil war, and as a result, he was put in charge of the 1st Piririn Squad.

He considers the selection work of the Squad Unit to be a prestigious job, and he is very grateful to Krische, but he does not allow anyone other than Krische to call it the Piririn Squad, and he will be furious whenever he is called the Piririn Squad leader by other members of the squad.

Now that the recruitment process for the Black Flag Special Forces Company has come to an end, he is working with Nagal, Waltza, and others to improve the materials for his prosthetic arms and legs.

**After the Battle of Vezrea, he became the leader of the First Kuromimi team, which was involved in the construction of the long-distance intelligence communication system "Pururun Net" using the Heavenly Pole, in order to install Pururun resonance crystals that read the internal conversations from the vibrations of windows in important bases in various places. He traveled all over the continent in cooperation with Dagris, who was the head of the kingdom's intelligence department.

Due to his advancing age, he was originally supposed to retire after that, but he had nothing special to do, so he asked Krische to be allowed to come back as a member of the operation team.

He was helping Nagal and the other in the production, but several years later he collapsed while working and never woke up.

A model of Gatangoton was buried with him in his grave.**


A wounded soldier who is not pitiful. Chief of the Craftsman team. Director of Albenaria Arsenal.

He was born as the third son of a merchant and is relatively rare in the Black Flag Special Forces being able to perform literacy and arithmetic.

He is not a soldier selected from the general soldiers, but from the new recruits of the logistics department, and although he was not the leader of the unit, he is well-liked by the soldiers because of his good-natured personality.

He is an excellent soldier and a swordsman, and for someone who had never wielded a sword, he had made remarkable progress, but in the final battle of the civil war, he lost his left wrist.

He feels a strong debt of gratitude to Krische for giving him his prosthetic arm and pledges his lifelong loyalty to him.

He worries about the cruelty that weapons created by Krische such as Jarea Gashea and Baumje-Ira bring to the battlefield, but he comes to the idea of weapons as a deterrent and is satisfied with it for the time being.

The time spent improving prosthetic limbs with Daz and Waltza is a nice break to him.

**The heartless Jarea Gashe, with its cold thought processes refined, and the Baumje Ira, which can end many lives in an instant by sensing humans and automatically detonating not only that, but within the Albeneria Factory, there are several prototype weapons that were too powerful and too cruel, leading to their abandonment during the trial and development stages.

There are magical projection devices that can turn entire cities into seas of fire from beyond the horizon and force field deployment machines that can cause the bodies of living beings to burst by inducing a runaway of their internal magical power. Krisha showed no mercy.

Great power rsuppresses war and creates peace.

Although he understood her thoughts, the number of people he had indirectly killed was well over 10,000, and after that, he was horrified when she imagines how many people will be killed if a war that cannot be prevented occurs, and he begged Krische to stop the production of magic weapons.

Seeing the distressed Nigel, Krisches, considering it was enough for the stability of the world situation for the time being, agreed to it.

He decided to completely entrust new development and production to enthusiastic magicians, destroyed the prototype weapons and duplicate crystals that had been lying dormant, and declared that he would no longer make Alberineas magic weapons.

He was finally freed from his suffering when it was decided to focus on the Net Project.

The drawings posted in the Albenaria Arsenal, which had turned into a demonic world that spawned hell, included Jaleia Gashea and various magical weapons, as well as plans for a continental railroad and blueprints for a magical railcar, what was being planned there was not an efficient murder, but a plan for future peaceful use.

Local specialties and masterpieces reach all parts of the continent, and people can freely traverse the continent from west to east.

Talking about such a peaceful future with his friends and worrying about it reminded him of the joy of making things, which had become a pain before he knew it.

One by one, many of his colleagues disappeared, and young craftsmen took their place.

Before he knew it, Nagal was the oldest person there, yet he continued to make Gatangoton and teach many young people until just before his death.

Dreaming that Krische-Christand's masterpiece will one day fill the world, spreading happiness instead of death.**


The type of guy who broke Jaragasha in the first battle. Craftsman squad. An early member of the continent Gatangoton and Net. The first generation Gatangoton pilot.

Although he was born in a farming village in the northwestern part of the kingdom, he participated in recruiting during the civil war, dreaming of success in life.

He was a man who could do anything better than most people, but in the final battle of the civil war he injured his left leg, which got worse and had to be amputated.

After that, he joined the craft team and was mainly responsible for the production and operation of Jarea Gashea, but his high ability and wide perspective led him to become involved in the continental net network project from the beginning.

He was moved by the way the prototype No. 1 they had built ran, and said that he wanted to solicit volunteers from the Black Flag Secret Service for the first few units because of information confidentiality and operational testing. He volunteers to be the first, and becomes the first generation's pilot.

Although he was seriously injured once due to problems such as wheels coming off due to poor construction and damage due to lack of strength, he calmly dealt with it and survived, saying it was not as bad as on the battlefield, and completed the first route to the northern part of the kingdom with his companions.

After that, he was assigned various important routes, and as a pilot and mechanic, he exchanged opinions with Nigel and others that this was not good, that this was the problem, etc. He visited the factory on vacation and rode around in the updated, state-of-the-art Gatan-goton like a toy.

I never thought I would have so much fun after losing my leg and becoming an old man.

It is said that every time he drank alcohol, he cheerfully talked about such things.**

Zaka --- Chaos Neutral

A wounded soldier who can fight. A squad leader. First team leader of the irregular Kuroshutan operational unit. Black Flag Swordsmanship Instructor. Whispering Zarka.

He was an excellent sword fighter who came from a merchant guard unit, but was wounded in his left eye on the last day of the battle of Bernaich.

He was also injured all over his body, so he left the battlefield to recuperate, but returned without any aftereffects other than the loss of his left eye.

He is currently serving as the head of the escort team for adjutant Aleha.

**He is a roughneck, but he loves his subordinates and is well-liked by his teammates.

After unification, he worked as the leader of Kuroshutan's operational unit.

Disguised as a caravan escort, he spent 10 years in the eastern part of the continent, where there was a disturbing atmosphere shortly after the occupation, and fought his way through without letting any of his comrades die, while securing many unsettling elements with his comrades, or burying them in the dark.

After Kuroshutan was disbanded, he was happy to have completed his mission and spent every night drinking and making noise at the Crescent Moon at Dawn, and taught alongside Kalua and the others at the Black Flag Swordsmanship Dojo.

Although he has a foul mouth, he is good at teaching others and is a good talker, so he is very popular with the young boys who admired the Black Flag Special Forces Company, much to Kalua's chagrin.

You still don't understand. It may sound like a joke, but if Mia gets serious, she's stronger than anyone else here. She is the only one who has been able to land even a single blow on Alberinea.

He secretly tells the boys in such a way that he becomes a figure respected as Whispering Zarka in the "Legendary Strongest Swordsman Mia Legacy Game."

Members of the Black Century

Bagu Chaos Neutral

A young man who couldnt completely be a villain. A member of the 1st squad.

A war orphan, he grew up in a slum and resorted to stealing from an early age. Despite being skilled with his hands and rough work, he was ridiculed by those around him because he couldn't perform jobs such as kidnapping and robbery.

He fell in love with Kalua at first sight, and when he tried to approach her by force, she turned the tables on him. Since then, he has been making efforts to win her over through a straightforward approach and has been striving to become a serious soldier.

Thanks to his abilities in acrobatics and his ambidexterity, he is often paired as a follower of Kalua, who relies on brute force, but he died protecting Kalua.

Adol Neutral Neutral

An older brother-type man who seems to frequent bars. Member of 1st squad.

He was the eldest son of a farming family, but he got fed up of working in the fields and came to the city. He is confident in his skills, which he puts to good use as a caravan escort, where he meets Kels, and they hit it off. After teaming up with Kels, they became well-known and joined the Chritand Army, where they thought they would be able to rise in the ranks.

Along with Kels, he is the most powerful person in the squad, but in order to buy time, he desperately tried to hold down Gildanstein and died.

Kels Neutral Good

A boy who lavishly spends his money in a day. Member of 1st squad.

Like Adol, he is the eldest son of a farmer, and left the village out because he got fed up with field work. He is a caravan escort for the same reason as Adol, and he and Adol hit it off when they meet by chance. Their reasons for leaving home, the way they spend their money, and the way they work. All of them miraculously matched, and they formed a pair, thinking that if they were to team up, it would be with this guy.

His swordsmanship is as strong as Adol's, but he challenged Gildanstein, throwing his life, to create an opening for Adol's sake and died.

Kienitz Chaos Good

The type of men you could leave your back to. Leader of the 10th squad.

He once retired from the army but returned to the army to repay his debt to Christand, who stood up for Princess Kreschenta. He had always been an excellent soldier, but he had a rough personality and was constantly fighting with his superiors and colleagues due to the difference in ability between himself and those around him, which was one of the reasons why he left the military.

However, after joining the Black Hundred, he learned about magic, and seeing his comrades following him as a matter of course, he decided that this was the place he wanted to be, and he was resolved to die here.

Although his rough personality never disappeared, he worked energetically as a group leader and was a good leader who was loved by his subordinates.

In the final battle of the civil war, he was killed by Gildanstein as the rear with his men to buy time for Selene.