A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - Chapter 261: Character introduction――Estate and Surrounding (Includes spoilers)

Chapter 261: Character introduction――Estate and Surrounding (Includes spoilers)

***Those Who are Outside the Main Story, Character 261 Character introductionEstate and Surrounding (Includes spoilers)***

Change is in bold.

- Attributes

Order----Values rules and discipline, universal concepts, and emphasizes a well-organized society and law.

Chaos----Values individuals and their emotional thoughts, valuing will over social discipline and morality.

Neutral----Does not lean towards either Order or Chaos.

Good------Altruistic disposition. They put more importance on the morality they believe in than their own profit and martyred for it.

Evil------Selfish disposition. Places importance on one's own interests and is willing to kick others down the road to achieve them.

Neutral------A moderate temperament that does not swing either way.

- How to read the names of the nobles of the kingdom

Example: (1) Gildanstein, (2) Kalnaros, (3) Vel, (4) Sarcarinea, (5) Alberan

1. Name: Gildanstein

2. The largest land in the area under his management: Kalnaros.

(This is simplified, originally, it's very long as it includes all of the areas under one's management.)

3. Male royalty with the right of succession to the throne: Vel, Female royalty: Vera.

4. Honorary title: Sarcarinea

5. Family (house) name: Alberan

Officially, between (4) and (5), military ranks such as Marshal or General, or words indicating royal court positions such as Prime minister, are added, or words indicating titles such as Grand Duke are added after the family name. However, since the horizontal letters are already too long, the necessary ranks and titles are written in kanji (Chinese characters) at the end of each sentence for the sake of clarity.

Basically, other than the family name, the title is not necessarily inherited by the child, but unless there is a particular problem, the legitimate son will customarily inherit the land and the title.

However, only the honorary title of no. 4, which indicates military exploits as a warrior, is not inherited.

When a person without a surname receives title quasi-knighthood of Nea, they often name their place of birth. (Example) Gallen Nea Kalka.

- Height Profile Glossary (in cm)

The average height for men is around 175cm, and for women is around 160cm.

+No entry: average height

+Medium build: average height

+High stature (tall/large): About 10 cm taller than average. In the case of men, if it is written as 6 shaku, it exceeds 180.

+Small stature (petite): About 10cm lower than average.

+Comparatively: Tall/petite is below average.

+Extremely (very): Tall/small is above average.

- Character - Height - Roughly - Vague Imagination (author's)

Krische - 140, latter half - 147

Bery - 150, first half - 152

Selene - 150, latter half 159

Kreschenta - 140, first half - (I-Im still growing)

Kalua - 160, latter half - 168~169

Mia - 150, latter half - 158

Elvena- 160, latter half - 161~162

Anne - > 160 < - > 160 <

Lira - 150, latter half - 157

**Midyliarize- 150, latter half 156**

**Calshe - 160, first half 163**

** Those who Remained

Thoe who Departed**

- ------Estate in Fantasy World

Krische Alberinea Christand --- Order Evil

God-like and childlike type of girl. Adopted daughter of the Christand House. Alberinea. The estate demoness.

Krische is known as the The baby who doesnt cry, the Cursed Child of the royal family, and the first princess of Alberan who was erased.

She was supposed to be killed, but her caretaker servant, Nora, let her escape, and she was brought up in the village of Kalka.

Krische was an abnormal person who lacked empathy and had no remorse for murder or violence. However, as a result of the strong love she received from good people, she has come to be able to understand ethics and emotions as well as anyone else.

Fundamentally she can only take people's words as they are and is not good at reading their emotions.

Apart from this, Krische is literally a genius with superhuman talent in every aspect. She has the ability to easily absorb and develop any technology with just a glance.

No matter what she does, she acts on the basis of her idea that it is natural that she can do it''. She is strongly obsessed with her own excellence and is a hard worker.

In terms of human relationships, Krische basically acts on a profit-and-loss basis, but she is not good at reading other people's emotions. As a result, she tends to overestimate what others have given her, and underestimates what she gives to others.

Because of this, she tends to demand of herself an excessive amount of "return" in exchange for the genuine favors she receives from others., and, she has the nature of no sparing any effort necessary for it.

Krische behavior is based on her poor skill of human relationships. Although one side of her can be said to be very good, her reputation differs greatly depending on whether you see her as a mere deviant or a girl who is too pure.

As an individual, she is an overwhelming existence that no one can match, but she is dependent, mentally young, and fragile.

The more she deepens her relationships with those around her and the more human happiness she gains, the weaker she becomes mentally. Compared to the time when she was mentally independent and did not value others, she has gradually drifted away from the "perfect existence" she had desired.

However, her obsession with being perfect is fading, and she wants to become a person who can feel various things like a normal human being than be perfect that has cut out many things.

There are times when she thinks she's grown up a little emotionally, but she's still just a child.

She has a magical taste imprint on her tongue, the same as the taste imprint on Bery's tongue.

**After Bery's illness caused by the dragon's blood, she had understood almost all of the structure of the world, and by discovering Soul and Origin, she mastered its depths, and together with Kreschenta she created Heavenly Pole, a magical well that filled the planet itself with magical power.

She transforms the world and uses the immense magic power to create a fantasy world, Fuyofuyofuwan (note: named by Krische), that overlap with the world, and decides to move there.

The official name was decided as Krisneit" at the First Christand Conference in the new world, in the ancient language, it means the Abode of the Moon.**

**After Moving

Even though she has literally gained the power of a god, she still does housework in an apron dress.

There are villas and huts handmade by Selene all over the world, and although Krisches work was increasing every year, she has no particular problems and enjoys doing housework while organizing her schedule.

Since she could easily disrupts the market by mass-producing creations of divine craftsmanship, money-oriented production is prohibited, so she often helps with Selene's craftsmanship, Bery's fields and gardens, and wine-making.

Basically, her job is to hunt rampaging demonic beasts.

As the quantity of meat continue to increase, she and Bery research and establish various cooking methods for magical beast meat. It's generally tough but highly flavorful.

She periodically goes berserk on a regular basis, and when she get into Spoiled Krische mode, she becomes uncontrollable.**


In history, she was the greatest hero in history who led Alberan to the unification of the continent, and in the history of magic, she is the ancestor of magicians called primordial magicians along with Kreschenta.

She made her debut battle at the age of 14, and ran around the battlefield as the sword of Queen Alberan, and it was said that, without exaggeration, she has took over a thousand commander's heads.

She is also known as a genius tactician and inventor, but many descriptions, regardless of friend or foe, primarily highlight her tremendous combat abilities

She is also known as a genius tactician and inventor, but many accounts of her, both enemy and ally, first mention her tremendous fighting ability as an individual, such as the destruction of fortress walls and stone trebuchets with javelins, etc. There is no doubt that she was an absolute force in her time.

In particular, her sword skills were unparalleled, and she was feared as a head hunter because of the way she easily split the necks of her opponents with a small curved sword, and many generals died before her blade.

From numerous anecdotes pf her ruthless on the battlefield, many texts depict her as a pleasure-seeking murderer with psychological defects. However, writings from those close to her consistently describe her as a kind person, showing the divided opinions about her character.

In magic history, many descriptions and surviving magic crystals suggest that she was the first to carve magical formulas into the sky, creating magicher title, Alberinea, remains as the highest honorific title among magicians.

Her artistic magical inscriptions have yet to be completely reproduced, with even the advanced encryption spells engraved on Jareia-Gashea's main core magic crystals remaining unbroken.

Given the mass production of such advanced magic crystals, it's believed that there might have been magic to automatically carve magic formula on them.

Her end varies in accounts, some said she ascended to divinity along with Queen Kreschenta using the "Grand Magic of Heavenly Changes, which filled the world with magic. Others claim she failed and perished. However, legends of encounters with them or being aided by them are widespread worldwide.**

Combat Command

Extremely aggressive in both combat and tactics.

A commander with the disposition of a hunter who places the highest priority on mobility to inflict fatal damage on his opponents, always uses his mobility to confuse the enemy, trap them, and never fight in a disadvantageous situation.

She makes the most of the strongest piece (pawn) that is herself, preferring the "headhunting tactics" to prioritize enemy commanders and eliminate them without question, She boasts overwhelming strength against enemies that fight her head-on.

Fundamentally, other than the bare minimum she demanded of her subordinate, she doesnt expect anything else from them, and she assembles tactics to win that that in mind, despite that, she has a bad habit of always not being satisfied if she didnt aim for maximum results.

Although she is usually covered by the Black Flag Special Force, she often falls ill due to the excessive burden on herself, and yet she always pretends to be fine, which is not good for her.

She is a troublesome commander who will collapse if others do not follow her lead. Her only flaw, which makes her the strongest, is a very elementary oneshe is too stubborn and childish to manage her own physical condition properly.

**However, that was back when she was just a human, and when she used her magic, there was no one other than Kreschenta who could stand against her.**

Appearance: Long silver hair. Purple eyes. Very petite (small stature). Slender. Moderate chest. Like a fairy. **A magic formula on her tongue.**

Armor: casual clothes, gloves, reinforced boots, **garter belt.**

Self-evaluation: Very smart and talented, but still has a lot of immature parts. Maybe a little stupid. Berys. **A little bit of adult.**

**Strong points: Magic. Calculation.**

Likes: Housework in general, including cooking. Sweet stuff. Be pampered. Kisses, hugs and general physical contact. Caring others. Watching Berry's face. **Nightcap. Wine making.**

Dislikes: Anything that disturbs the peace around her. War. **Death of people close to her.**

Worries: **Being too happy.**

Selene Argillite Rinea Christand --- Neutral Good

A type of girl who won't tolerate distribution of public morals. The head of the Christand House. The estates conscience.

The only Child of the military house Christand.

She is a hardworking girl who has a complex about being a woman and works hard to follow in the footsteps of her heroic and respected father. Until a few years ago, she cursed herself for being a woman instead of a man and put in so much excessive efforts, enough for the people around her feel uneasy until she met Krische who was overwhelmingly talented.

As she takes care of Krische, who is young and likes housework in spite of her talent, she broadens her horizons, which had only allowed her to see herself as the daughter of a general, and she begins to cherish the small things in her life.

Though she is talented, hardworking, and because of that she is extremely excellence, she is basically a hard worker who tends to push herself too hard.

Her father, the Hero, Bogan, and his subordinate, as well as Bery and Krische.

Due to growing up surrounded by gifted people, she tends to underestimate herself. She has a serious and overly responsible personality, often imposing unreasonable effort on herself.

She has a workaholic constitution, she dedicates herself to her studies and work whenever she has free time.

Since she became a marshal, she has become a habit of saying that she is too busy, but she is full of motivation because she was able to fulfill her father's wishes, such as the establishment of a military school.

She loves Krische as a younger sister but is also very concerned about her abnormality.

She feels that it is her own inadequacy faults that Krische had to fight, and it is her goal to help her lead a peaceful life away from the battlefield.

She hates herself for relying on and taking advantage of Krische, but the heavy responsibility and situation given to her doesn't allow that.

Although she has a strong respect for Bery, she also feels a sense of rivalry and jealousy towards Berry's abilities and behavior, and it is her dream to one day beat her.

**Bery's illness caused by dragon's blood caused her to face her complex towards her head-on, and at one point she considered leaving them due to her disappointment in herself.

However, she realized that Krische loves Selene not for her abilities, but for Selene's own clumsiness, and she takes time to accept this and decided to walk together with them.**

**After Moving

Eternal paradise created by a young godexecutive officer of its public morals committee (actually one person).

She spends her days regulating the mansion's discipline, which would otherwise descend into endless chaos if left unchecked. The Morals Committee has established a number of rules for the mansion, including mutual monitoring, and encourages moderate interactions, but as Selene is the only one to police them, and that she would often time got swept away with them, the rule repeatedly reduced to mere formalities then strict then mere formalities.

She is an extreme workaholic who would die without work, so she often spends her spare time creating things, such as forging swords and making pots. She is one of the mansion's sources of income, and from time to time famous swords and works of art whose creators and sources are unknown appear on the market.

Recently, they have been digging for high-quality iron ore and searching for soil, and most of their trips are usually at Selene or at Bery's request.

She is also very particular about building houses, and has built various cabins and villas in various locations. The fine hut built next to Regalaves bed was destroyed eight times by the flapping wings of the visiting dragon.**


She is commonly known as Alberinea's older sister, and for professional soldiers, she is especially known as the mother of the military.

She extensively implemented the military staff plan left by her father, the hero Bogan Christand, promoting the educational leveling and individualized training of commanders,, who had previously relied on individual inherited education and self-study. Because as deeply involved in the establishment of military schools aimed at standardizing the military's capabilities, in later generations she was often referred to as a genius military politician, the counterpart of the genius military strategist Alberinea.

Even today, many military books still include with her Christand House, "The Lightning and Hawk Emblem" at the front, and her military structure incorporating the General Staff is known as the Christand style.

She became a marshal at a young age and wrote many book with commentaries on the strategies and tactics of the time and those of Alberinea, and many of her manuscripts and copies have survived as reference books for military personnel.

Some of the original manuscripts contain sections that appear to have been added by Alberinea, and there are colloquial comments and footnotes in the corners of her commentary, suggesting that their relationship was very close.

Although she rose to the position of Marshal, the highest position in the Kingdom of Alberan, she never took a husband and bore no children, and from many accounts of that time, the prevailing view is that she had a relationship with Alberinea that was more than just sisters.**

Combat Command

She is aggressive by nature, but she always doubted her own abilities and will not overdo it.

She places importance on making the most of the abilities of her excellent subordinates, constructing her tactics from the exact opposite of Krisches point of view.

She prefers basic tactics and coordination that push through with the quality and numbers of her troops, rather than any kind of surprise (strange) tactics, and places great importance on securing superiority at the strategic stage.

Her underestimation of her own abilities has become a kind of virtue in the current position, and the way she honestly evaluates the abilities of others and assigns roles to them has no political overtones, she is beginning to be regarded as a pure military commander of the kingdom.

**Because she rose to the position of marshal without gaining any experience, he never really grew as a tactician, but she never made any strategic mistakes and led the kingdom to long-term stability as an excellent marshal.

Even after moving, she continues to swing her sword and is steadily improving her skills.**

Appearance: Long golden hair. Blue eyes. Slender build. Average chest. Graceful.

Armor: Plate mail with silver wind and silver wings.

**Krische: A hopeless idiot. But she love it.**

**Strong Points: Sword forging. wood processing. Making pots.**

Likes: Swordsmanship. Reading. **Making things.** Spoiling Krische.

Dislikes: War. **Violating rules. The flapping of dragon wings.**

**Worry: The morals of the mansion.**

Bery (Lipus) Argan --- Neutral Good

A girl with a weak sense of reason who fights against reason. A servant of the Christand house. The estates witch.

Selene's aunt and the daughter of Argan house, which fell into ruin due to a business failure.

Originally sickly and weak, because of this she has extremely low self-esteem and an introverted temperament.

She Concern about the trouble she causes others with her body and when she was a child, she intentionally adopted an indifferent attitude so that others would not have to worry about her, however, this make the servants hated het, and it worsened her mental state, leading her to live her life wishing for her own death.

Even after her family's downfall and her physical problems are resolved when she comes to Christand, her self-loathing only grows.

When her older sister, whom she adores, entrusted her to take care of Selene, who is too serious, she tries to act cheerful to take her sister's place, but that doesn't work either, and she curses herself for not being able to do anything right.

She was one of the people who were saved when she met Krische with her pure affection and goodwill.

Although outwardly gentle and good-natured, she suffered from a slight distrust of men after the fall of the Argan house, and her introverted temperament has also led her to draw a line when it comes to human relationships.

She is a genius and has a talent that is too good to be left as a servant, but due to her temperament, she is content with her position as a servant and does not want to be in the public eye.

She is currently devoting most of her talent and passion to cooking, which Bogan, Selene, and others feel is a waste.

She may look gentle, but she is stubborn and though she looks like a logical person she is in the feels/intuition faction.

When it comes to what she feels is good, she tends to prioritize her emotions over her reasoning.

She has a strong affection/love for Krische and puts her happiness first, but her possessiveness is growing stronger.

Her strong self-loathing and introverted nature, and her affection/love has a strong dependence nature, but because Krische who is the target of her affection/love also has the same disposition, theres no one who could handle it.

Recently, she has had a breakthrough and feels that what Krische wants is what she wants.

She feels that it is right, and believes it is not a mistake.

Or perhaps she had found something that she was looking for in herself after spending time with her.

She is troubled by the fact that she had a devious feeling toward Krische, who has a matching magical engraving on her tongue.

**She didn't think it would be a bad thing for her to die from the dragon's blood, but she was completely blown away by the fact that Krische wanted her even after dying.

The bad one is Krische-sama.

The excuse to bind her eternally was something she truly desired from the bottom of her heart.**

**After Moving

Eternal paradise created by a young godthe person responsible for regulating the morals.

In the absence of duties related to the Christand House, there is an incredibly unhealthy duty of pampering Krische and Kreschenta, in order to avoid Selene's sermons and maintain her rationality, she spends her time in the vegetable garden and fields, improving the varieties of crops, making processed products, and planning trips.

Her hobby, the vegetable garden, has expanded year by year, and the area surrounding the mansion is now planted with fruits, vegetables, and herbs from all over the world, these and their processed products are also one of the mansion's sources of income.

Under the guise of a peddler, she sells harvested products and processed products in various places, and like spices, she also focuses on wine production, as it is suitable for sale.

However, this has led Krische and Kreschenta drinking under the pretext of tasting and asking to be pampered while pretending to be drunk, the emergence of "Drunk Krische" and "Drunk Kreschenta, the Drunk Twins troublesome personalities. Currently, the 87th alcohol prohibition bill is under review at the Christand conference.**


The world's most famous servant. Commonly known as Alberinea's servant.

In order to save her beloved servant, Alberinea single-handedly challenged the mighty ancient dragon and made a pact with it. The anecdote is one of the popular themes of Kleimeer's era due to its simple and beautiful plot. Paintings, plays, and even songs have been created using them as motifs.

Controversy had arisen over the kiss, which is recorded in several memoirs, but it began to subside after the painting, The Holy Spirit and the Maidens'' (by Philippine), which is very close to the truth.

A thousand years later, when Jareia Gashea's weakness of being unable to attack red-haired women became known, she was worshipped as the goddess of love and luck by the soldiers of the Allied Forces. This led to the acceptance of the succession of Alberinea by magicians (even the highest-ranked magician in Kleinmeer used the name Alberinea)

The tradition of naming red-haired girls Bery became popular shortly after the war.

As time passed, the trend faded away, and the name Berry, which was only preserved in "In the Noble Hawk's Mansion" and a few other records about "The Covenant of the Dragon," was largely forgotten by the people, often referring to her as "Alberineas servant" as if it were a proper noun.**

Appearance: Red hair trimmed at her shoulders. Brown eyes. Small stature. Large chest. Cute baby face. A magic seal on her tongue.

Armor: Maid's uniform (garter belt optional).

Krische: An existence that is more beautiful than anyone else. **My Krische.**

Strong points: Household chores in general, including cooking. Etiquette. Sophism. Art of self-defense. **Board game.**

Likes: Household chores in general, including cooking. Teaching. Loving Krische. **Going on a trip.**

**Dislikes: Her weakness to temptation.**

**Worry: Her reason and sanity**

Kreschenta Fana Vera Alberan --- Order Evil

A god-like dog girl. She is the first princess of Alberan Kingdom. The mansion's dog.

Known as the The baby who doesnt cry'', the royal family Cursed Child. but thanks to the quick wit of her servant named Nora, she survived and was raised as a princess.

Like Krische, she lacks empathy at the cost of a high level of intelligence and has no remorse for killing others for her selfish purpose. She has killed her own father, brother, and servants in various ways to gain power, and has no hesitation in getting her hands dirty to protect herself.

As a result of being almost killed as a Cursed Child, she is obsessed with the idea that she is in a position where her life is always in danger. In a sense, she is even more abnormal than Krische, but her upbringing in the royal palace has given her a morbid ability to act, and her abnormality has not been exposed.

She recognizes her older sister, Krische, as the only equal being to her, and feeling that they can cooperate with each other, she frames her uncle Gildanstein for the King's murder and takes refuge in Christand.

Her interactions and relationship of mutual trust with Krische and people around her, Bery and Selene have caused changes inside her.

She has become more softer in recent years, partly because she has realized the happiness that can only come from emptying her head, but she has not lost her essential nature or her obsessiveness.

She is even more obsessed with safety and peace of mind than Krische.

Her willingness to kill stems from a strong attachment and obsession with security, and she is not a pleasure killer.

She has become calmer mentally these days.

As expected, her growth stopped at 1/1 Krische.

**She continued to regret that she had killed Berry with her own hands, and she could not forget it.

She was afraid of being hated by Bery and was scared of seeing her again, but she finally freed herself from her suffering by venting with Krische and met her again.

At the time that she ceased to be human, she finally became human.**

**After Moving

This world because of myself, I am the greatest. The owner of the mansion. She hasn't changed in the way she acts so proudly, calling herself the god of this world.

She often follows around behind Berry, complaining about her work and Selene's craftmanship. Helping depend on her whim.

When Berry teases her, she would get angry and go to Selene, and when Selene makes fun of her, she go to Bery, and it has become a regular sight for her to repeatedly go back and forth between the two of them.

Because she has a difficult personality that cannot accept being pampered without making excuses, she uses her excellent brain to intentionally induce situations where she can use various excuses, such as not being able to move her head when he wakes up, holding sweets hostage, being drunk, or being cold.

Intentionally preventing this leads to her reaching the limit of her endurance (note: small) and starting to sulk, requiring a minimum of several days of indulgence to calm her 'Coddling Kreschenta' mode.**


She was essentially the great queen who achieved world unification (as Alberan civilization level overwhelmed other continents). Feared as the Demon Lord of Alberane. In magic history, she is known as the primordial magicians alongside Krische.

She is a legendary ruler who is said to outshine even the Alberan Queen Grabaraine, and has extraordinary foresight, swallowing up various countries and preventing major rebellions. It is said that she had the eyes of God because she stabilized a vast territory.

She spoke all existing languages as if they were her native tongue, and is said to have memorized every detail of the countrys finances, even towns and villages around the world. Many of her descriptions either praise or fear her extraordinary intelligence.

Apart from a few recorded major purges, her reign was flawless. She prioritized the prosperity of the nation and the relief of the lower classes above all else during her rule, and combined with her peerless beauty, she enjoyed immense popularity among the people.

For nearly fifty years, the kingdom functioned normally without her presence, and there are several reasons for this, but above all, it is believed to be due to her absolute charisma.

The existence of the buried major purge and the subsequent actions of Alberinea after unification.

The attitude of showing no mercy to political opponents and her abnormally high abilities.

There is a strong view that she and Alberinea were the so-called Cursed Child of Alberan, and there are many opinions that she had a distorted mentality, just like the founding kings Bazariche and Grabaraine.

However, regardless, her achievements were not overshadowed, and it would be no exaggeration to say that the peace that lasted for several hundred years from the early to middle stages of Kleinmere was created by her, and there is no doubt that she was an unprecedented wise ruler.

The reasons for her relinquishing the completed kingdom are unknown, but it is certain that it was planned from decades ago with policies such as the spread of education and the appointment of commoners, and the establishment of a parliament, and active debate about this topic are still ongoing.**

Appearance: Long reddish-gold hair. Purple eyes. Very small stature. Slender. Chest non-existent. Fairy-like.

**Krische: Stupid and kind older sister. An idiot. Has no shame.**

**Strong points: Lying. Acting. Calculation. Making excuses. Imitating of a dog.**

Likes: Herself. Being pampered. Skinship in general. Cookies. Rewards. **To instruct. Tasting wine.**

**Dislikes: To be looked down upon.**

Worry: **Disciplining bossy and poor people.**

Anne Giterns --- Neutral Good

No matter how many years have passed, she is still a clumsy girl. A servant of the Christand family. She is a bystander at the mansion..

She is the daughter of a Marquis and was given an education for gifted children by various tutors, but it did not go well. Fearing for her future, her parents sent her to serve as an apprentice in the Royal estate.

However, there she encountered Bery, a servant of the Christand house, and became so enamored with her that she threw off her position as a servant in the Royal estate that her parents had begged for her to accept, and became a servant of the Christand house, even as she was on the verge of being disowned.

While she is not lacking in intelligence or ability, her stage fright, delusions (imagination), and optimistic thinking often lead her to make mistakes at crucial moments, which often irritate those around her.

Despite this, she is serious and good-natured, comes from a good family background, and has good looks. If only she could sit still, she would be a favorite, but her temperament prevents her from doing so.

Recently, she has witnessed the immoral reality of the Christand house and cannot stop fantasizing about it.

She became close to Gallen, who always praises and kind her, she secretly wants to talk to Mia, who has a similar atmosphere to her.

She is beginning to feel threatened by Elvena, a talented young woman who has emerged on the scene.

Since the day Gallen departed, she had been writing about what happened in Christand in her spare time.

**The second volume of the book describes the true Christand daily life in a frank and evasive manner, it also describe Gallen, a respected old man.

It mentions his loving demeanor and explains why Arne decided to dedicate her life to Christand after he passed away.

It's like a letter in the form of a book, and most of the first to second volumes are actually prefaces.

She realized that Kreschenta euthanized Bery and knew she was suffering because of it.

She was hesitant to mention it, but seeing Krisches enduring kindness over the years, she ultimately decided to tell her.**

**After Moving

She breaks plates regularly, and the number of plates she has broken has long since exceeded 1,000.

She spends time with Elvena as a servant and always helps Bery and the others.

For some reason, she leads a busy life alone every day, and in her spare time, she writes fairy tales and stories as a hobby. Occasionally, she donates them to orphanages, but many of them depict the love between the master and servants of the mansion, causing concern among educators.

She had no idea that "In the Noble Hawk's Mansion" has become a famous historical document.**


Known as the author of In the Noble Hawk's Mansion, a servant of Christand.

At first, due to the pompous way the story was told and the unexpected appearances of the great people who appeared, some people doubted that it was a later creation, but when compared with the memoirs left by those close to them, it is now recognized as very close to their truth.

As a result, the lost second volume which is thought to contain contents such as the dragon covenant and the Great War of the Five Nations is regretted, and there have been several occasions where fake second volumes have circulated, along with stories that it was not actually lost and is still being circulated.

From the self-talk that was inserted whenever there was a chance, the Alberan researcher uselessly knew the image of Annes life in detail.

In 'In the Noble House of Hawks,' she refers to Bery and elevates her to a bizarre degree as an extraordinary genius among ordinary people, the servant of servants, and loved by the goddess of beauty and servants, leading to a trend of speculation that Bery coerced her into writing it.**

Appearance: Black hair that hangs down her back, tied back in a bun. Dark brown eyes. Medium build. Cute.

**Krische: A kind eternal girl, the master of a respected servant. Seductive innocence.**

Strong points: Decent cook. General household chores. An all-right etiquette. Interpreting situation favorable. Bad timing. **Making a story.**

Likes: Delusions. Christand House. Gallen. **Making a story. Daily observation of the mansion.**

Dislikes: **Her lack of concentration.**

Concerns: **Unhealthy thinking.**

Elvena --- Chaos Good

Pretending to watch but actually luring them type of girl. Servant of the Christand family. Mischievous imp of the mansion.

She is from a village in the southern part of the kingdom and is the daughter of the village chief. The youngest of four sisters, Kaluas younger sister.

She followed her sister out into town and rode in her sisters carriage, While she was lost searching for her sister, she was unlucky enough to be caught by a slave trader who sold her body because of her good looks.

Roland was a customer of the slave trader and was now bought by her to work as a servant in his mansion, but she was saved by Krische, who gave her a job as a servant at the Christand.

She has a temperament of goodness, but her sense of ethics is a little broken due to the environment she has lived in, and she has a devilish (temptress) disposition.

She has a strong sense of gratitude and fondness for Krische, but when she sees Krische, innocent and unguarded like a chicken dancing next to a pot, sometimes her desire to tease her comes out.

She is not fond of the opposite sex because of her past history, but on the other hand, she has little resistance to such activities, and her skinship is wide-ranging.

She has always been strongly attached to her older sister, Kalua, but this has been exacerbated by her life up to this point.

She is second only to Krische in knowledge of Jarea Gashea and is becoming an important figure in the kingdom without realizing it.

Up until now, she had thought of her position as a servant as just a job, but recently she had set Bery as her goal, and is full of motivation.

Although she has repaid her debt to Christand with the reward from Kalua's subjugation of Suiko, she still serves the Christand family, saying that she has not been able to repay her debt.

**Although she was worried about eternity, she valued herself as Elvena, who was saved by her sister and Krische, more than anything, and refused to let it be lost due to her reincarnation, so she decided to follow them.

She feels happiness in her current self, knowing that she is loved by her sister, who sacrificed a glamorous life for her, and considers loving her own personality as proof of her love for her sister, promising to continue loving her sister in a different way than Mia.**

**After Moving

Like Arne, she helps other with their work and conducts research on magic and sorcery as a hobby in her spare time. Her flexible thinking aligns with Bery's, and they often discuss various unsolvable problems together.

However, her enjoyment lies in the girls themselves, and she uses her position as a knowledgeable advisor to guide their thoughts with her skillful tounge.

She enjoys testing the rationality of individuals like Serene, Bery, and Lira and prefers watching them fall victim to her manipulation. She was the one who istigated the twin by saying they would ger pampered if they pretend to be drunk during the wine tasting. A mischievous imp.

Selene understands her true nature and intentions hidden beneath the guise she puts on and considers her one of the evils disrupting the moral of the mansion. But like her sister, she is skilled at escaping and Selene couldn't get hold of her tail.

Her plans are often thrown off by Anne, who can't read the atmosphere and she is her secret enemy.

She was happy to learn that the reborn Kalua and Mia were still living happily together, and was relieved that there was no much turmoil in her heart.

Even if the two of them are reborn, even if two of them have forgotten it, the happiness she experience here is the continuation of it.

Their memories together, even now, still continue to be woven seamlessly, uninterrupted.**


An existence that is subtly known as a rival of the Christand's servant, who is known as the author of In the Noble Hawks mansion.

It is said that she worked as a magic research assistant for Alberinea, and that her older sister Kahlua's activities on the battlefield suggest that she was also a genius of some kind. There are very few records, and many of them are shrouded in mystery.**

Appearance: Shoulder-length black hair. Dark brown eyes. Slender build. Large breasts. Graceful (beautiful).

Krische: A benefactor. Pure and lovely. **Both master and servant is so cute the her mischievous desire to tease her come out**. Dependent on Bery.

Strong points: Household chores in general. **Formula engraving. Thought guidance.**

Likes: Cheerful people. Pure people. Long hair. Cleaning. Serving others. **Magic research. Gazing aat corruption. Aesthetic decadence.**

**Dislikes: Missing the good parts.**

**Worry: Anne sometimes breaks the mood at the perfect time.**

Lira Sharana -- Chaos Good

An easy mark girl from the countryside who is confused by the city breeze. She is the Holy Priestess of Kreisharana. Easy mark of the mansion.

She is the priestess of Kreisharana who devotes herself to the Holy Spirit, and a priestess in the service of the Holy Spirit Yagernaus.

She is a girl who is religiously equal or superior to the Miko Princess of the Arna Imperial State, and is treated with the same respect from the priests of the Arna Imperial State.

In Kreisharana, however, she works and lives as any other woman would, due to the unique custom that "women are one who bring fruit.

The priestess of the Holy Spirit is a prestigious role, but it is not a particularly rewarding one, and she devotes her life to the Holy Spirit and Kreisharana.

Though there aren't many people who truly want to become the mino, after losing her mother at an early age and being cared for by the priestess who preceded her, she decided to take over after her death.

Although many people, especially boys her own age, desperately tried to stop her from making such decision at a young age, she herself is satisfied with her current position as the mother of Kreisharana, just like the miko before her.

She speaks the language of the plains fluently and has an excellent intellect, but she is less cautious and insensitive to her own charms.

She is somewhat like a certain adjutant in that she is somewhat out of it, but the costumes she wears, the feminine charm she possesses, and her naivete and unquestioning nature make her a dangerous girl in more ways than one.

Somewhat of a brocon.

After reporting the details of her visit to the kingdom to Regalave, she is asked to report whenever something changes, and she repeats the audience more often than before. The number of times that Regalave speaks directly to her is increasing, and she need to rack her brain to answer the questions.

As she watched her older brother's children and those of her age grow up, she began to think about her role as a priestess, as a mortal being and the eternal Holy Spirit.

**Through interactions with the kingdom, Kreisharana gradually began to accept their culture, and she could see that someday the Priestess of the Holy Spirit would become a mere shell and disappear.

The Holy Spirit is eternal, but human activities are not eternal.

When Krische visits Regalave to create Heavenly Poles, she heard her story again and decides to serve the Holy Spirit forever as the final shrine maiden.

To show that she was not greedy, and that she was not afraid of death, she cut off all communication with the village except for those related to her audience, retreating to the inside of the forbidden area, spending several decades alone.

Her father, brothers, and elders gradually accepted her resolve, recognizing her as the last priestess of the holy spirits.**

After Moving

After her truly lonely and ascetic life, what befell her was an irresistible temptation.

Exquisite gourmet food, high-quality bedding, lots of skinship that she couldn't help but marvel at.

For about the first ten years of her life, she was able to not drown in it and not worry about it.

Maintaining a life of simplicity and practicing self-restraint is admirable. However, for Lira-sama, who has faithfully adhered to such admirable teachings thus far, it is unthinkable for her to fall into depravity so easily. Rather than turning away from temptation, accepting it and exercising self-discipline could be considered true self-restraintsuch whispers from Elvena smoothly lead her into corruption.

Elvena's manipulation also leads Krische thoughts, such as considering that the ultimate servant should be one who could satisfy Lira-sama in consideration of efforts in self-restraint and abstinence. She quietly enjoyed pitting them against one another.

She regularly reaffirms her vows of abstinence, cultivates self-control through restraint, and repeats the cycle of corruption, but her inherently trusting nature leaves her unaware that she is being toyed with.

Lately, indulging in rewards after periods of abstinence has become her secret habit.


She is said to have had a close personal relationship with the Alberinea, and have been passed down in Kreisharana as a great Holy Priestess.

The faith in holy spirits and the teachings of Kreisharana have been passed down to the temples and monks of Arbyagel for thousands of years, and the anecdotes of her being the last holy spirit priestess who dedicated herself to the holy spirits are still engraved in their hearts.

It is said that even after her death, her spirit remained with the Holy Spirit, and there are stories left behind in Kreisharana of seeing her during the audience or hearing her conversations with her until the Holy Spirit disappeared.

Along with Alberinea, she is deeply respected as the pinnacle of her humanity, and is known as a great woman who gave up her earthly desires through lifelong training.**

Appearance: Black hair in braids that hangs over her shoulders. Brown eyes. A toned body. Quiet a large breasts. Pretty.

Armor: Overly revealing wraps and loincloth.

Krische: A pure person. Very beautiful and lovely. **A symbol of temptation. An opponent that tests Lira's self-control. She hasn't been winning at all lately.**

Strong points: Collecting fruits. Taking care of griffins. B**eing conversation partner to Holy Spirit. Resolve to abstinence.**

Likes: Delicious food. Washing. Older brother. **Abstinence. Just a bit. A reward for hard work. Because it's a party.**

**Dislikes: Dreams seen during abstinence**.

**Concerns: It seems like the reward period is coming soon.**

Gururun Chaotic Neutral

A cat type girl who is used to people. Suiko.

A Suiko from Arbyagel, a Suiko who was fed by Krische and became attached to her.

She has lived a comfortable life in Arbyagel and has grown up happily and comfortably, and even for a green tiger, she is rather large and highly intelligent.

Perhaps because she was in a position of absolute power in a rich environment, it has never been hungry and is extremely wary of a wild beast.

While gorging on the carcass and entrails of the Suiko left uneaten by Krische, she was following her scent out of territorial instinct, but the mystery deepens as fresh meat is offered one after another.

What was left behind, moreover, was the most delicious offal.

She wonders if this might have been left for her, and when she catches up with Krische, she finds that she is also being offered the entrails of an Ranka.

After getting her clear answer, she decides to work with the mysterious two-legged meat provider Krische.

She seems to be enjoying the environment that somehow provides her with meat even though she does not hunt, and is very satisfied with her current life.

**Familiar face gradually disappeared one by one, and she was a little worried about Krische who looks lonely.**

**After Moving

For some reason she doesn't understand, the face she stopped seeing has returned to her, now younger, so she continues to eat and sleep as usual.

Lately, he has been able to understand most of what they say, and when it's convenient, she pretends not to understand, leading a lazy daily life and taking it easy.

Thanks to her strong magical power, she has good fuel efficiency for her size, but she still likes to eat regardless.

Her only job is to carry luggage.**


A legendary green tiger said to have been used by Alberinea.

Carnivorous magical beasts are extremely ferocious among magical beasts, and species that do not form herds are not accustomed to humans. The fact that the prideful Suiko was not kept in a cage and was left to roam free and cared for by servants was unbelievable among demon beast researchers, and many sacrifices were made for the research.

To date, there has been no successful case of taming a Suiko, and it is thought that some kind of mysterious technique was used.

There is a record that it was called by the name Gururun, but based on previous naming of Alberinea, it is believed that ancient words such as Guraurun or Gureuran were used, and it is strongly believed that the writer misheard it.

The description of her favorite horse too, Beiran, in In the Noble Hawks Mansion is written as Bururun, and it is thought that there were few people who could accurately understand the pronunciation of the ancient language.**

Appearance: Green body hair with black vertical stripes. **An extremely huge tiger 10-shaku at shoulders height.**

Krische: Two legged that for some reason feed her. A Honorary Suiko. Tickles her maternal instinct. **Sometimes strict.**

Strong points: Hunting. **Carrying luggage.**

Likes: Walking. Sleeping. Eating. Brushing. **The two-leggeds toy. Playing tag. A feast after hunting monsters.**

**Dislikes: Being told wait.**

**Concerns: None.**

- ------Neighbors

Regalave -- Chaos Neutral

An ancient dragon that used to be talked about a lot. Regalave of Arbyagel. Yagernaus.

A survivor of dragons, a race that once dominated the world.

In the Dragon War, a territorial dispute that occurred in ancient times, They killed many dragons and sprinkled Their blood on the earth.

Since there are no more dragons left to fight for territory, and everyone has grown bored of fighting and moved away, They now stays in Arbyagel to watch the world change.

They are relatively close to people among dragons, and although They could be said to be an oddity among dragons, more or less all dragons surviving today spend their time in this way.

As a dragon, They are also highly intelligent, but due in part to Their original abilities, They do not make much use of them, and are content to devote Their days to philosophical questions and answers.

Treated as a pervert by Krische because of Their strange propensity to laugh while being impaled on a spear, but They dont mind it.

**To protect Regalave, They moving here was ostensibly because of Kreisharana, but it was largely motivated by Their concern for Lira.**

**After Moving

They still spends Their time thinking, but recently They has become addicted to games that use the head.

Once feared for Their ferocity in killing many dragons in the past, many of the dragons were quiet so as not to provoke Regalave and Kushenaras, but at the same time, as strong dragons are respected, after learning that the two had become quiet, many dragons came to Their nest. Popular one.

Although They have excellent memory and are good at using magical power that They has been accumulated over many years, dragons are not particularly good at instantaneous thinking speed, and are basically at humans level of intelligent.

If it's just a simple game on the board, They can enjoy it with Selene, Lira and the others, but of course They are no match for Krische and Kreschenta.

Just, as the two of them, who come up with the best solution without hesitation, it made Them easy to see Their own weaknesses, which is also enjoyable in its own.**


An ancient dragon worshiped in Arbyagel.

There is no doubt about its existence based on various descriptions and the World Tree that usually exists in dragons' homes.

It is an ancient dragon that made a pact with Alberinea, and at the same time is known as an ancient dragon of the Holy Spirit Covenant, and is famous as a great being who brought harmony to the human world.

It is the most famous ancient dragon in history, and when speaking of ancient dragons, Yagernaus is usually the first name that comes up.

No one knows where the ancient dragons disappeared, and the relatively popular theory is that they became one with the World Tree.

As the opposite of Kushenaras, who is known as the demonic dragon, in stories that feature the two as a motif, its treated as dragons of justice, and their relationship was one that never intersect.**

Appearance: Reddish-purple eyes. Rocky blue-gray scales. A huge body equaling a castle. Huge bat-like wings.

**Krische: An arrogant and funny one for small one. Eternal Covenant. One who revealed the truth. Apparently not good at solving mysteries.**

Strong points: Emission of magic power. **Riddle. Comparing wisdom.**

Likes: Contemplation. Observation. **Smart little one.**

Dislikes: things that disturb contemplation.

**Concerns: Imbalance of luck.**

**Kushenaras --- Chaos Evil

Don't disturb My sleep type of ancient dragon. Kushenaras of Dougal Az. Demon dragon.

A survivor of dragons, a race that once dominated the world.

An ancient dragon that was feared by many dragons along with Regalave during the Dragon War, a territorial dispute that occurred in ancient times. Because of the unpleasantness of being stabbed with a spear while he was sleeping, They hates humans like vermin.

Earned the nickname "Land Clearing Dragon" among dragons for its relentless destruction of human nations whenever They took flight.

The magic They uses is not for dealing with dragons, but for cleaning purposes only.

It was created to efficiently process humans, and f the first ancient dragon that Krische challenged was Kushenaras, there was a high probability that she would have died.

There is an anecdote that the great empire Rusheran, which had an area equal to that of Elsren at the time, was destroyed in three days, and as a remnant of this, there was a huge lake named Rusheran where the imperial capital was located.

There are multiple anecdotes about ancient dragons being feared, but most of them were created by Them.

After going on a rampage, it became more and more troublesome, as the survivors come sacrificing many lives to beg for Their mercy, so They forgive them on the condition that they would not have anything to do with Them from now on and that Their sleep would not be disturbed. He established the Holy Spirit Kingdom of Foutaria and managed the mountain where Kushenaras was sleeping as a forbidden place.

The dragon hunting in the middle Kleinmeer period triggered Them to fly into the sky again and burn down the surrounding area, but it soon became troublesome, and They decided to move to the fantasy world where Regalave and other dragons were, partly because Krische came to invite Them.

After Moving

Has found other joys apart from killing each other, in the sworn friend, Regalave, and is enjoying life.

It is interesting for the other dragons to see these two fiercest dragons spending their time together, without killing each other, and because of this, Rigalave's sleeping area has become a hangout spot for many dragons.

Among the humans, Selene is Their favorite because she is always serious, has a certain amount of grit, and is able to win to a certain extent.

On the other hand, They don't really like Bery who entertains while staging a 5-minute battle and subtly guiding Them, but They also dont like Krische and Kreschenta, who won by a landslide without Them being able to struggle.


Among dragons, They are feared as the worst demon dragon in history.

There were several dragons that intentionally killed humans, but Kushenaras was the most prominent among them, and is said to have destroyed more than a dozen countries, large and small.

The sealing barrier and anti-magic barrier used by Kleinmeer have no meaning against the dragon who is serious. Many proverbs were created to make people aware of the fear of an awakened dragon and the limits of humans, such as waking up a sleeping dragon, and putting a dragon on a human's scales.

It is feared that They may still be sleeping in Dougal Az, and though it still hadnt been confirmed, the area has been designated as a forbidden area, and anyone who enters the area for any reason, or anyone who plans to do so, is subject to capital punishment with no questions asked.

While many dragons receive similar treatment, Kushenarass range of influence is particularly extensive, with magic use and research being prohibited in surrounding areas.

Appearance: Red-purple eyes. Dark blue-gray scales like rock. A huge body rivalling a castle. Huge bat-like wings.

Krische: One who uncovered the truth of the world. A waste of living wisdom.

Strong points: Magic against human.

Likes: Contemplation. Competition. Gambling.

Dislikes: Things that interfere with contemplation. Human.

Concern: Winning strategies in games.

Linasera --- Neutral Evil.

A mischievous old dragon who loves board games. Linasela from Linares. Observer.

They are the oldest of the dragons, a race that once dominated the world.

During the dragon wars that took place in ancient times, They were on the side of waiting and watching, but since then They has been observing the ecology of various creatures and humans.

While many dragons who tried to master magic were swallowed by the Origin, this dragon had no interest in pursuing it, and among the existing dragons, They are the most skilled in magic.

Known as an observer who can see through all things, They can see all over the world, and during the Dragon Wars, They used a roar to deter or shoot down opponents before they could invade, scaring young dragons.

Although They never interacted directly with humans, they often pretended to be gods from a distance and enjoyed watching and giving various advice, so in that sense, it is not as if They had never interacted with each other.

They were intrigued by the board games that seemed to be popular over there, so They moved to the fantasy world.

After Moving

While observing the humans hasn't changed, They now have a new sense of enjoyment in thinking about games.

Lira doesn't really notice it, but They usually watches the Regalave games from afar.

They sometimes spoke to the people in the mansion from a distance, but when Anne was surprised, she would break a plate or drop soup (strangely, Anne often carries something only at such times). This happened so often that it was banned by Krische.

They often appear next to Kushenaras and shows off new games They has devised, but Their first and second moves are often unbalanced. It is customary for Them to have Krische and Kreschenta inspect it, much to the two annoyance.

They are good at predicting the future and are extremely strong when it comes to battles between dragons, who are patient and wont complain even if one move takes an entire day. Their thinking speed is not that fast, so if you set a certain amount of time limit, They will lose all at once.

Their favorites are Elvena and Lira, who would properly go along with Them.

They considers Bery to be a good opponent, as They fought a hopeless battle with Bery, spending three years fighting one move a day, ending in a thousand-day battle. After the rules were revised, They are currently in the third game of best of seven match with one win and two losses.

It is expected that many dragons will gather to watch the final battle, but there is usually a gap of nearly 100 years between each battle, so there is a long way to go.


Although They are famous among dragons, They are unknown to humans.

However, some of those who received that advice acted as if they had received a message from God, and some of them went on to leave their names in history.

Appearance: Red-purple eyes. Rock-like pale blue-gray scales. A huge body rivalling a castle. Huge bat-like wings.

Armor: Full plate of magic eye visor.

Krische: Survivor of the Origin. The landlord of the fantasy world. Game tester.

Strong points: Space magic. Foreseeing ahead. Long contemplation.

Likes: Contemplation. observation. human. Oracle. Making games.

Dislikes: Being rushed.

Concern: Next move.**