771. Karl (Charlemagne) sole ruler.
772--803. His wars with the Saxons.
774--775. March to Italy; overthrow of the Lombard kingdom.
777--778. Charlemagne's invasion of Spain.
788. Ta.s.silo, Duke of Bavaria, deposed.
789. War with the Wends, east of the Elbe.
791. War with the Avars, in Hungary.
800. Charlemagne crowned Emperor in Rome.
814. Death of Charlemagne.
814--840. Ludwig the Pious.
843. Part.i.tion of Verdun.
843--876. Ludwig the German.
879. The kingdom of Arelat (Lower Burgundy) founded.
884--887. Karl the Fat unites France and Germany.
887--899. Arnulf of Carinthia.
891. Arnulf defeats the Nors.e.m.e.n in Belgium.
900--911. Ludwig the Child.
911--918. Konrad I., the Frank, King of Germany.
911--918. Wars with the Hungarians.
=The Saxon Emperors.=
919--936. King Henry I., of Saxony (the Fowler).
928. Victory over the Wends.
933. Great victory over the Hungarians, near Merseburg.
933. Upper and Lower Burgundy united as one kingdom.
936--973. Otto I., the Great.
939. Otto subjects the German Dukes.
952. Rebellion against his rule.
955. The Hungarians defeated on the Lech.
962. Otto renews the empire of Charlemagne.
973--983. Otto II.
982. His defeat by the Saracens.
983--1002. Otto III.; decline of the imperial power.
1002--1024. Henry II.; increasing power of the bishops.
1016. The Normans settle in Southern Italy.
=The Frank Emperors.=
1024--1039. Konrad II., Emperor.
1026. His visit to Rome; friendship with Canute the Great.
1033. Burgundy attached to the German Empire.
1039--1056. Henry III.; Poland, Bohemia, and Hungary, subject to the empire.
1046. Synod of Sutri; Henry III. removes three Popes.
1046. The "Congregation of Cluny;" the "Peace of G.o.d."
1054. Pope Leo IX. captured by the Normans.
1056--1106. Henry IV.
1062. Henry IV.'s abduction by Bishop Hanno.
1073. Revolt of the Saxons.
1073. Hildebrand becomes Pope as Gregory VII.
1076. Henry IV. deposes the Pope, and is excommunicated.
1077. Henry IV.'s humiliation at Canossa.
1081. Death of the Anti-King, Rudolf of Suabia.
1084. Henry IV. in Rome; ravages of the Normans.