1491: New Revelations Of The Americas Before Columbus - 1491: new revelations of the Americas before Columbus Part 32

1491: new revelations of the Americas before Columbus Part 32

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Map designs by Nick Springer, Springer Cartographics. Maps on chapter 2, 3, and 5 by Timothy William Gibson and author; maps on chapter 1, 4, 6-10 and frontispiece by the author.

Chapter 1: data from Diehl, 1983; Martin and Grube, 2000; Flannery and Marcus, 2000, 2003; MacEwan, Barreto, and Neves, 2001; Heckenberger et al., 2003; Parssinen, 2003; Denevan pers. comm.; Erickson pers. comm.; Petersen pers. comm.; Woods pers. comm.

Chapter 2 Map-1, Chapter 2 Map-2: after Salisbury, 1982; Vaughan, 1995; Plimoth Plantation Education Dept.

Chapter 3: after Hyslop, 1984; Moseley, 2001; Parssinen, 2003 Chapter 3: data from Rowe, 1946; Moseley, 2001; D'Altroy, 2002; Parssinen, 2003 Chapter 4: data from Berdan and Anawalt, 1997; Townsend, 2000; Pollard, 2003

Chapter 5: after Haynes, 1964.

Chapter 6: after Haas, Creamer, and Ruiz, 2004.

Chapter 7: data from Flores, 1974; Bernal, 1969; Coe, 1994, 1999; Martin and Grube, 2000; Flannery and Marcus, 2000, 2003; Pohl, Pope, and von Nagy, 2002; FAMSI, n.d.

Chapter 7: after Owen and Goldstein, 2001; Stanish, 2003.

Chapter 8: data from Brown, 1992; Saunders et al., 1997; Petersen pers. comm.; Woods pers. comm.; U.S. National Park Service, n.d.

Chapter 8: after Fowler, 1997.

Chapter 8: data from Martin and Grube, 1996, 2000; Guenter, 2003; Fahsen, 2003 Chapter 9: after Denevan, 1996; MacEwan, Barreto, and Neves, 2001; Heckenberger et al., 2003 Chapter 10: data from Doolittle, 2000; Denevan, 2001; Whitmore and Turner, 2001; MacEwan, Barreto, and Neves, 2001; Denevan pers. comm.; Petersen pers. comm.; Pyne pers. comm.; Roosevelt, pers. comm.; Woods pers. comm. (The author is extremely grateful to Steven Pyne, Jim Petersen, Bill Woods, and especially William Denevan for putting aside their entirely justified misgivings and helping him with this map.) ILLUSTRATION CREDITS.

(*) Image digitally altered by author, usually to remove dust, scratches and bleed-through Chapter 1 (t) Martti Parssinen, University of Helsinki; (b) Clark L. Erickson, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (*) Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 6 Photo-1, Chapter 6 Photo-2, Chapter 7 Photo-1, Chapter 7 Photo-2, Chapter 7 Photo-3, Chapter 10, Appendix D Author's collection Chapter 2 (t) Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division (hereafter LOC), Reproduction No. LC-USZ62-53338; (b) LOC, Reproduction No. LC-USZ62-54015

Chapter 2 LOC, Reproduction No: LC-USZ62-54018.

Chapter 3 Photo-1, Chapter 3 Photo-2 Julia Chambi and Teo Allain Chambi, Archivo Fotografico Martin Chambi, Cusco, Peru

Chapter 3 LOC, Reproduction No. LC-USZ62-97754.

Chapter 3 Royal Library, Copenhagen, facsimile with transcription from Guaman Poma Web site, www.kb.dk/elib/mss/poma (*) Chapter 3 Rutahsa Adventures, www.rutahsa.com (photo by Ric Finch) Chapter 4, Chapter 6 Photo-1, Chapter 6 Photo-2, Chapter 6 Photo-3, Chapter 8 (t), Chapter 9 Peter Menzel, www.menzelphoto.com Chapter 4 Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Mexico City (painting by Miguel Covarrubias) Chapter 4 (t) Bibliotheque Nationale de France, MS Mex. 385 (Codex Telleriano-Remensis, folio 45v.) (*); (b) Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, Santa Fe, N.M. (Fray Bernardino de Sahagun, Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva Espana, vol. 4, book 12, plate 114) Chapter 5 Peabody Museum, Harvard University, Photo N25826; (r) Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C. / Art Resource, N.Y. (Painting by Nicholas R. Brewer [1857-1949]) Chapter 5 National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution (hereafter NAA), Photo MNH 31,213

Chapter 5 Pete Bostrom, Lithic Casting Lab (*).

Chapter 5 University Photo Center, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz.

Chapter 5 Vanderbilt University (photo by Steve Green).

Chapter 6 Proyecto Arqueologico Norte Chico.

Chapter 7 National Geographic Image Collection (photo by Mathew W. Stirling) Chapter 7 Joyce Marcus, University of Michigan (originally printed in Marcus 1976) (*) Chapter 7 Mount Holyoke College Archives and Special Collections (Codex Zouche-Nuttall, 1902, facsimile, original at British Museum)

Chapter 7 Paul Harmon, QalaYampu Project, www.reedboat.org.

Chapter 7 Library, American Museum of Natural History (hereafter AMNH), Neg. no. 334876 (photo by Shippee-Johnson Expedition) Chapter 7 AMNH, Neg. no. 334611 (photo by Shippee-Johnson Expedition) Chapter 8 University of Pennsylvania Museum, Tikal Project Neg. No. 64-5-29, Vessel 10E-52 Chapter 8 Southeast Archaeological Center, National Park Service (painting by Martin Pate) Chapter 8 Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site ([t] painting by Lloyd K. Townsend; [b] painting by Michael Hampshire) Chapter 8 (b) Courtesy Gabriel Gonzalez Maury, www.campeche.com

Chapter 8 James Porter (*).

Chapter 8 Justin Kerr.

Chapter 9 Araquem Alcantara.