1001 Ways To Be Romantic - 1001 Ways to Be Romantic Part 25

1001 Ways to Be Romantic Part 25


429 22 Creative Ways to celebrate Valentine's Day Devote yourselves 100 percent to each other on Valentine's Day.

Rent a local hotel's Honeymoon Suite.

Take the day off from work on Valentine's Day.

One day simply isn't enough! Celebrate for a solid week!

Buy several boxes of kids' valentines, and flood your partner with them!

Give your partner one card every hour on the hour.

Make a batch of heart-shaped cookies.

Make a giant Valentine card on the back of a travel poster- And have vacation travel tickets (to that location) taped to the poster.

Plan a solid day's worth of romantic music.

Stay at a local bed & breakfast.

Send ten Valentine's Day cards.

Send a hundred Valentine's Day cards!

Spend the entire day watching romantic movies.

Give your modern gal a piece of antique jewelry.

Bake a heart-shaped cake- And decorate it with red frosting and heart-shaped sprinkles.

Spend every Valentine's Day together-no matter what.

Send a Valentine's Day card each day for a week.

Send a Valentine's Day card each day for a month.

Find the best "Lovers' Package" at a local hotel.

Spend the entire day in bed together.

Chapter Theme Song:.

"Love Struck Baby,"

Stevie Ray Vaughn

"Love the heart that hurts you, but never hurt the heart that loves you."

-Vipin Sharma


430 Create special "signals" to let your lover know you're in the mood for love. Herewith, some ideas from creative Romance Class participants: Have "your song" playing when he returns home from work.

Play anything by Billie Holiday on the stereo.

For men: Casually say, "I think I'll shave tonight..."

One couple has "His" and "Hers" Japanese kimonos. The interested party changes into his or her robe...and if the other is interested too, he or she changes, also.

One couple has a special pillow that says "TONIGHT" on one side, and "NOT TONIGHT" on the other side.

431 Some couples have created signals or gestures for use in public, all of which mean "Let's blow this joint, rush home, and make love together!"

Holding hands and giving three quick squeezes.

A code word, such as using the word red several times in a row.

A code phrase, such as, "Is it hot in here, or is it just me?"

Hum "your song" in her ear.

Scratch your left ear with your right hand.

Chapter Theme Song:.

"Mood," Chante Moore "To be loved for what one is, is the greatest exception. The great majority love in others only what they lend him, their own selves, their version of him."

-Goethe 432 Create a bouquet of "Long Stem Panties" for her. Buy a dozen red, pink, and white panties; buy some plastic roses; remove the plastic buds and replace them with the rolled-up panties.


433 A lifelong passion for chocolate inspired one couple in the Romance Class to embark on a round-the-world search for the Ultimate Chocolate. They actually arrange their vacations so they can visit all of the major chocolate manufacturers in various countries! Now that's fanatical!

Visit the Nestle chocolate factory in Broc, Switzerland. Call 41-21-924-2111, or visit www.nestle.com.

The Chocolate Train takes you on a delicious tour to several Swiss chocolate factories. Call them at 888-382-RAIL.

Or stay closer to home: Visit Chocolate World at the Hershey Chocolate factory in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Call 717-534-4900, or visit www .hersheys.com/chocolateworld.

Best Chocolate-Related Book Title (nonfiction): Death by Chocolate: The Last Word on a Consuming Passion, by Marcel Desaulniers 434 People hold wine-tasting parties, right? So why not hold a chocolate-tasting party? Invite your best friends, ask them to bring samples of their favorite chocolates, and create a formal methodology for judging the qualities of the finest chocolate. Conduct blind taste comparisons; rank each chocolate for its aroma, texture, sweetness, depth, initial taste, aftertaste, combination of ingredients, etc.

Best Chocolate-Related Book Title (fiction): Bittersweet Journey: A Modestly Erotic Novel of Love, Longing, and Chocolate, by Enid Futterman 435.

The Book of Chocolate, by Jeanne Bourin, John Feltwell, Nathalie Bailleux, Pierre Labanne, and Odile Perraud Chocolate Obsession, by Michael Recchiuti and Fran Gage The Art of Chocolate, by Elaine Gonzalez Pure Chocolate, by Fran Bigelow and Helene Siegel ChocolateChocolate, by Lisa Yockelson


436 Romantic gestures have no ulterior motive. Their only purpose is to express love and appreciation; to show that you've been thinking of your partner; to bring love alive in the world.

This is a goal to strive for, but one that we rarely achieve perfectly. That's okay. Don't worry about it. Love isn't about perfection, it's about love. And romance isn't about perfection either; it, too, is simply about love.

437 When it comes to love-the emotional side of relationships-men and women are much more alike than we are different.

When it comes to sex-now here's where most of the differences kick in!

You see, humans are a complex mixture of physical and psychological attributes. The more you move down the physical/sexual end of the scale, the more pronounced the differences between men and women are. The more you move up the psychological/emotional end of the scale, the more similar men and women are.


Romance is an art, not a science.

Love is a cooperative sport, not a competitive sport.

Romance is not a business. There's no bottom line.

Love is not a battle. "War" metaphors are harmful to your health.

Love is simple,

but it's not easy.



You can lose yourself in love without losing your individuality.

You can compromise without compromising yourself.

You can change without losing your uniqueness.

You can grow without growing apart.

You can give without losing anything.

You can open up without being judged.