6. _Vigilia invita._ ---- watchfulness.
_Catenated with External Influences._
1. _Vita ovi._ Life of an egg.
2. _Vita hiemi-dormientium._ Life of winter-sleepers.
3. _Pullulatio arborum._ Budding of trees.
4. _o.r.g.a.s.matis venerei periodus._ Periods of venereal desire.
5. _Brachii concussio electrica._ Electric shock through the arm.
6. _Oxygenatio sanguinis._ Oxygenation of the blood.
7. _Humectatio corporis._ Humectation of the body.
_Decreased a.s.sociate Motions._
_Catenated with Irritative Motions._
1. _Cutis frigida pransorum._ Chillness after dinner.
2. _Pallor urinae pransorum._ Pale urine after dinner.
3. ---- _a frigore cutaneo._ ---- from cold skin.
4. _Pallor ex aegritudine._ Paleness from sickness.
5. _Dyspnoea a balneo frigido._ Shortness of breath from cold bathing.
6. _Dyspepsia a pedibus frigidis._ Indigestion from cold feet.
7. _Tussis a pedibus frigidis._ Cough from cold feet.
8. ---- _hepatica._ Liver-cough.
9. ---- _arthritica._ Gout-cough.
10. _Vertigo rotatoria._ Vertigo rotatory.
11. ---- _visualis._ ---- visual.
12. ---- _ebriosa._ ---- inebriate.
13. ---- _febriculosa._ ---- feverish.
14. ---- _cerebrosa._ ---- from the brain.
15. _Murmur aurium vertiginosum._ Noise in the ears.
16. _Tactus, gustus, olfactus_ Vertiginous touch, taste, smell.
_vertiginosi._ 17. _Pulsus mollis a vomitione._ Soft pulse in vomiting.
18. ---- _intermittens a ventriculo._ Intermittent pulse from the stomach.
19. _Febris inirritativa._ Inirritative fever.
_Catenated with Sensitive Motions._
1. _Torpor genae a dolore dentis._ Coldness of the cheek from tooth-ach.
2. _Stranguria a dolore vesicae._ Strangury from pain of the bladder.
3. ---- _convulsiva._ Convulsive strangury.
4. _Dolor termini ductus_ Pain of the end of the bile-duct.
_choledochi._ 5. _Dolor pharyngis ab acido_ Pain of the throat from gastric acid.
_gastrico._ 6. _Pruritus narium a vermibus._ Itching of the nose from worms.
7. _Cephalaea._ Head-ach.
8. _Hemicrania et otalgia._ Partial head-ach, and ear-ach.
9. _Dolor humeri in hepat.i.tide._ Pain of shoulder in hepat.i.tis.
10. _Torpor pedum variola_ Cold feet in eruption of small-pox.
_erumpente._ 11. _Testium dolor nephriticus._ Nephritic pain of testis.
12. _Dolor digiti minimi_ Pain of little finger from sympathy.
_sympatheticus._ 13. _Dolor brachii in hydrope_ Pain of the arm in dropsy of the _pectoris._ chest.
14. _Diarrhoea a dent.i.tione._ Diarrhoea from toothing.
_Catenated with Voluntary Motions._
1. _t.i.tubatio linguae._ Impediment of speech.
2. _Ch.o.r.ea sancti viti._ St. Vitus' dance.
3. _Risus._ Laughter.
4. _Tremor ex ira._ Trembling from anger.
5. _Rubor ex ira._ Redness from anger.
6. ---- _criminati._ Blush of guilt.
7. _Tarditas paralytica._ Slowness from palsy.
8. ---- _senilis._ ---- of age.
_Catenated with External Influences._
1. _Somni periodus._ Periods of sleep.
2. _Studii inanis periodus._ ---- of reverie.
3. _Hemicraniae periodus._ ---- of head-ach.
4. _Epilepsiae dolorificae periodus._ ---- of painful epilepsy.
5. _Convulsionis dolorificae periodus._ ---- of painful convulsion.
6. _Tussis periodicae periodus._ ---- of periodic cough.
7. _Catameniae periodus._ ---- of catamenia.
8. _Haemorrhoidis periodus._ ---- of the piles.
9. _Podagrae periodus._ ---- of the gout.
10. _Erysipelatis periodus._ ---- of erysipelas.
11. _Febrium periodus._ ---- of fevers.