Zombie King Opens A Restaurant In Her Last Days - Chapter 5

Chapter 5

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In just one day, it seemed as if the world had turned into an entirely different place.

    People who loved reading doomsday novels in the past felt heavy hearted, because they never thought that there would really be such a day where they would experience the end themselves. They were petrified even just by its sight.

 From every corner of the city came the signs that the apocalypse was upon them. It was said there was also an accident at the hospital and whoever went there didn't show up at school again. No one talked about it but deep inside they all knew why.

The teachers and students in the school felt like the world was disappearing in front of them; a black hole slowly swallowing away their dreams and hope.

The weather was hot yet even then instructors could feel their blood icy and muscle tense.

 In the afternoon, inside the cafeteria; food was ready to serve, most of the teachers and students in the school gathered there to eat. They were afraid they'll starve if they remained timid and didn't eat.

 Of course, there were also a large number of people who were scared and frightened. They were too afraid to go out. Together with the people in the dorm rooms, they guarded against everyone, distressed that others would suddenly turn into zombies too.

 Inside the cafeteria, only the clanking of utensils could be heard, accompanied by the faint sound of crying.

    Zhang Zhongmin's face looked very ugly. He was one of the instructors who came to the school this time and because they listened to Chen Meijia's words, the instructors who turned into zombies were stopped in time otherwise the consequences were……unimaginable. 

    The students also came down to eat one after another yet there weren't many people who were sitting in the cafeteria. Not everyone had the courage for that. It could be very thrilling when you read these novels, but entirely different when you experience them. Dread and fear that rotted your brain. 

 The students finished their meal, took their lunch boxes and washed them respectively but who knew that someone walking in the hall midway would suddenly faint and collapse.

    “Ah!” somebody screeched, it was apparent that the students couldn't even bear a little stimulation now. When they saw someone fainting, they screamed in horror and scampered far away.

    Zhang Zhongmin hurriedly walked over.

   Meanwhile , the students who had just eaten in the cafeteria pa.s.sed out one by one.

 Chen Meijia, who finally had the courage to enter the cafeteria, walked down with her lunch box, suddenly paled. She stood there tremblingly, her feet seemingly rooted. She could not move at all…

    She's the kind of person who loves to read apocalyptic novels, watching the protagonist make his way in the doomsday world, shooting anyone down who harms him as he goes. But when the apocalypse really came, she was almost scared s.h.i.+tless.

 “What's the matter? Quickly!, everyone help pick up the fainted students.” so many people fainting together, it felt unnatural.

 She could feel ominous dark clouds shrouding her heart .

 “Don't!” Chen Meijia screamed out consciously: “Don't approach them, they will become zombies!”

Zhang Zhongmin's rugged features were alluring, the kind that stopped you in your tracks.  Because of long term outdoor training as an active soldier, he had a dark wheat-ish complexion. He scrutinized Chen Meijia, the girl who was glued to the spot, terror stricken; pale-faced.  

He remembered that this student had been sent to the dorm room by him. If it were not for her who informed them, he would not have noticed the instructor who turned into a zombie beforehand.

    “What's the matter? They'll turn into zombies when they faint?” Zhang Zhongmin asked seriously as he walked over.

    Now that the signal is out of reach, they have completely lost contact with people outside the premise of this school. They don't know what's going on out there, all they can do is send people to inform the military and wait for news.

    Chen Meijia shuddered and said, “The water source, it must have been infected. The student who ate this meal fainted, and should have been infected …”

    In fact, she herself wasn't so sure, but only a little certain, because nine times out of ten, all the water in the doomsday novel is bound to be infected.

    Water is needed for cooking. If the water source is infected, it means that everyone will be consuming the infected water source.

    Chen Meijia was already hungry. If it were not for the snacks that she brought with herself when she got off the bus, she would have remained starved. She would never leave the bedroom.

Zhang Zhongmin immediately greeted other instructors and asked them to help him pick up the rope and tie up those fainted individuals first. Since they had no rope at the moment, the curtains in the cla.s.sroom were removed and cut into cloth strips for them to use it as a rope.

 “Ah !!!” Zhang Zhongmin turned around and saw a boy with a knife, glimmering in dark blood, the boy wiped out a girl who had become a zombie and was tied to the playground.

    “They are zombies, they have become zombies. They are no longer human, kill them. Why not kill them! If we don't kill them, we will die, we must kill them !!”

 Colour drained from his face, his hands trembled as he held the fruit knife. 

The boy blinked briny tears from his bloodshot eyes, his sobs stifled as he silently shed a seemingly endless flow of tears. 

“What are you doing!” Zhang Zhongmin strode over quickly, only to catch his breath when his gaze came in contact with the blood on the knife.

The blood sticking to the knife was as dark as ink, not even a drop of red blood could be seen.

He turned his head to look at the zombie whose neck had been penetrated, smeared with something obscure, trying to pounce on him with its mouth open as black blood continued to overflow from the wound on its neck.

  Zhang Zhongmin only felt that his heart was pounding, a thundering realization shoved him to panic;  is it really the end? How can a normal human after being stabbed on his neck, still not die? How could it be black blood? How could the blood give off such a foul smell!?

 “Wow …” The boy who had just summoned up his courage to wipe off the neck of that zombie already had been unable to bear the pressure in his heart, took in a sudden intake of breath and stumbled backward. Sitting on the ground, his shoulders shook in fear. His tears dripped down from his face.

Zhang Zhongmin gulped and his Adam's apple bobbed slightly, as he glanced at the zombie who was howling and still trying to lunge towards them.

He walked over to Chen Meijia's side in silence, “Zombie… How can we kill it?”

Chen Meijia shuddered as she pursed her lips. “In the novel, the head of the zombie must be cut off–“

 Since Fu Cao's got a villa in a very remote place, she can hardly hear the clamor happening in the city, although there are also a few scattered self-built small villas around.

Everyone likes to live in the city nowadays. Hence, these cottages are almost empty.

The water source had long been infected, and communication damaged. Fu Cao, who sat in the study where the shelves were overflowing with novels, was holding a novel with relish.

There haven't been any power outages thus far, weather seems fine too but she knew everything was developing in the same direction as before.

Several days after, Fu Cao departed for the city . 

She had bought a battery car earlier just for this day. Although she wanted to buy a car at that time, after thinking about it, she realized she really couldn't drive it

Driving on the road in a battery car, she quickly entered the city.

    What Fu Cao did not expect was that the first thing she saw after she set foot in the city would be a dead city with zombies coming at her from all directions.

In a world where different kinds of doomsday novels are all over the place, there is hardly anyone who is still not on guard, these days everyone is vigilant. Those who were sluggish at first became zombies but later when they all reacted, they hid inside their houses and dared not to go out.

Whilst the fearless already started killing zombies.

It's just that there were still quite a lot of people who didn't realize that the water source had already been contaminated, turning them into those they feared.


 Fu Cao frowned. She genuinely couldn't understand why these zombies came to surround her?

These first-order zombies, although they responded slowly, they had a lot of energy. However, their body's defense was not strong. As long as someone used strength equal to an adult, it wouldn't be too demanding to kill these first-order zombies.

Of course, they had to be careful of their sharp nails. If not, when their skin gets scratched by those nails, their bodies would also get contaminated.

 Only when mankind unlocked their abilities, they wouldn't have to be afraid of getting infected. In fact both the ability users and the zombies are infected with the virus. The ones who turned into a walking dead or better known as zombies are like this only because they could not fuse the virus.

While those who used abilities were successful in doing so and evolved into a new species, neo-humans.

Therefore, as long as the person involved got his share of abilities, there was no such thing as fear of being infected. However, it only applied to zombies, as for the water source, even those neo-humans would not dare touch it.

   The road was littered with cars, buses, bicycles and battery cars, parked haphazard in all directions. Few vehicles rolled over, some had their roofs smashed into the guardrails.

Fu Cao also caught sight of some zombies trapped in their cars, howling at her sight, trying to get out.

Although these first order zombies are relatively strong, they are not strong enough to brutally destroy the car and get themselves free.

The zombies who tried to follow her were all left behind by Fu Cao because of their slow speed. However, as the car moved forward, a lot of zombies jumped right onto her car, making it sway sporadically.

Fu Cao stepped out of her car, reached out her hands in the void to use mental power, a white van floated in midair, while using the other hand she grabbed a commercial van, then watched the cars arc through the air and back to the ground.

The zombies were crushed to the ground by the car.

But what was strange about Fu Cao was that just when she used her mental power, those zombies stopped on their tracks, it was evidently laden with significance yet easily missed. 

Hearing the sudden crash, people who were hiding inside their houses looked through the window.

The obstacles in front of Fu Cao's hand were destroyed automatically, leaving Fu Cao an unimpeded path.

    “Hey, what is this?”

    “Powers! The abilities written in the novel! The end of the world really came, first zombies appeared, and now powers!”

    “Help-save me, save us-“


 Most people here usually don't put a lot of food in their homes, especially those office workers, who basically solve three meals a day outside. Within a few days, there was not much food left at home for them.

Even though there is a supermarket downstairs and this way, they knew they would be starved to death, but no one had the guts to go out to face the horrible horde of zombies.

Of course, Fu Cao also heard the voices calling out for help, nevertheless she ignored them. The zombies right now were the least threatening, and if they do not have the courage to come out, there was no chance for them to survive in the future.

Zombies would only become stronger and stronger, thus they needed to face this truth, for them to become eligible enough to survive they needed to become stronger first.

Yes, If it was her previous life, she probably would've saved these people, but now Fu Cao just wanted to live a capricious life. To live as she pleased. 

When they saw Fu Cao's ruthlessly drive away on her battery car, not looking back at all. Some of them felt desperate, some of them collapsed, and even more people resented her.

It was precisely when they collapsed, there was a voice echoing in those people's minds.

    “Now the zombies are slow, their strength is only a little stronger than that of an adult man, their skin defense ability is very poor. Just cut off the zombies' heads. Be careful not to be bitten by the zombies or get scratched by their nails. Once injured, the wound can easily become infected and eventually turn you into a zombie. Of course, there is another possibility where you might be able to gain power, but the probability for that is very low.”

The faces of those hiding inside their homes became pale. The voice that came just now  inside their minds inexplicably, everyone agreed in union inside their hearts that it was the woman who had just left.

Right after hearing that some people left to find some weapons, ready to go out to find food. Whereas some people were s.h.i.+vering, frightened and unwilling to go out, waiting to be rescued.

There were also those who heard the clamor and immediately knew how strong Fu Cao was. They felt resentful, why couldn't she help them if she was so strong? 

She obviously had the ability, but was reluctant to put it in use!

    In D City University.

    It was the first day of freshmen on September 1st, there were still many students who did not make it. The number of teachers and students who arrived at the school on September 1st could only add up to about 5,000.

And yet, half of them turned into zombies. Now there are at most more than two thousand people left in the school, and only ten instructors left together with Zhang Zhongmin. No one knows whether the instructor sent earlier outside or successfully arrived at the military headquarters.

The security team was also left with only five people.

 The school cafeteria, along with the restaurants in the school, and the things in the shop were all being kept in the school cafeteria. But over the course of a few days, the food decreased .

    Zhang Zhongmin looked at what was left, he was afraid that they would not be able to persist for a week.

    The previous zombies were all cleaned up by them and they piled up those bodies at the entrance of several gates, just so they could mask their smell with the stench of zombies.

This translation belongs to Centinni.