The cool breeze blows gently to come, to blow has to plant the especially neat feeling on the face, the stars full cloth sky, looks up looks like a glittering and translucent carving rare silk brocade, Flying Scythe War Horse is spurting the breath, exudes a restless cry, as if also feels Wu Shenhe the direction the crisis, but I do not have any stay to lead the palace guard to approach Wu Shenhe as before rapidly.
„Scouts, in the past had a look!"
The Han deep pool orders in a low voice, three cavalry soldiers urge the plan warhorse to submerge the dark night in immediately the jungle, several minutes later will return, said: „Control, the riverside has the battles.h.i.+p that 7 water rob, very excellent, above battles.h.i.+p equipment hot crag artillery, as if...... dragon crystal artillery indistinctly above, the ray is too dark, the subordinate is unable to see clearly completely."
The Han deep pool turns around to look to me: „General, what to do?"
I said: „Now how do you think us should?"
The Han deep pool grasps the long spear, clenches teeth saying: „This crowd of d.a.m.n water rob the human nature to disappear, slaughters the villagers, to rape and kill the female, early should be burnt down light, even if will be this fights us to have the buckle, but the subordinate will also suggest the storm, at the cavalry speed of palace guard, our buckle will not be many can embark, not general?"
I nod, the order said: „Squadron disperses, listening to me to order full speed to fire into their wars.h.i.+ps together, close water sh.o.r.e immediately discards the warhorse to embark, must leave behind this group of water robbers."
„Yes, General!"
One group of palace guard cavalries disperse in abundance, I have also grasped the shoulder of Dragon Reservoir Sword, gives a loud shout suddenly: „Attack!"
The barbarian blade s.h.i.+eld camp soldier holds up the flare, but a troop cavalry has groping fired into Wu Shenhe, I walk in the front line, less than hundred meters beyond was Wu Shenhe, the strength that above 7 wars.h.i.+ps indistinctly, it seems like that this crowd of water robbed was not truly weak, relied on these wars.h.i.+ps to be able with the Empire Sailors to contend?
Above the wars.h.i.+p, has floated the roaring sound of water robbers with the wind: „They came! Aims at them with the cannon, rumbles their pulp! The Georgian fathers, the palace guard of this crowd of minding others'business dare to provoke our dragon Dragon Jun unexpectedly, brings about own destruction simply!"
I laugh in one's heart, do the water of these motley crew rob also dares to say dragon Dragon Jun? That today the palace guard erases from this map dragon Dragon Jun, can fish the empirical value and spoils of war while convenient!
Above the wars.h.i.+p, the fire sound transmits, flames are flas.h.i.+ng before, sh.o.r.e „bang bang bang" explosions, but the palace guard dispersed . Moreover the ram speed was extremely fast, the opposite party is unable to calibrate, only then few dozens people were killed, other people arrived in the sh.o.r.e in abundance, several wars.h.i.+ps just received the water robber who fled, will leave.
Several palace guards progress to crash in the water, speed Qi Kuai p.r.i.c.ks the edge of wars.h.i.+p the sharp knife blade, then upward climb step by step.
On the wars.h.i.+p, one crowd of water robbed has raised the long bow, to under was being one ** shot, but the palace guard cavalry basically had the equipment armor, the bow and arrow is unable to shoot thoroughly, naturally is unable to kill, but was injured to be unavoidable, blood drops splashed in Wu Shenhe, has blood rain likely.
„Goes on board, chops to turn their helmsmen, forcing the wars.h.i.+p to approach sh.o.r.e!" The Han deep pool shouted to clear the way loudly.
One group of palace guard cavalry soldiers turned into the sailors instantaneously, draws out the sharp knife blade to start to climb up the wars.h.i.+p, but I also urge plan Flying Scythe War Horse to fire into another distance sh.o.r.e, only then less than 20 meters wars.h.i.+p, Flying Scythe War Horse entered the water to exude one to neigh to bring to the above attention immediately, water robs looks immediately to me, shouted to clear the way loudly: „Looked quickly that person is the palace guard commands, south the empire new town the general, the archer, shoots dead him, looked south this town the general does have in the legend such fierce, not the body of dying!"
I clench teeth, start thousand frost wings, Flying Scythe War Horse neigh to change into ice magnificent to seep my body again, the back locate the strength of Holy Domain to inflate, have to speak out, „bang" an eruption presented one pile of incorruptible wings, speed suddenly to increase, raised the sword to fly to the wars.h.i.+p, the body surface even also energy to protect the s.h.i.+eld, opened this crowd of t.i.tan levels the attack ball of archer in abundance, Jianfeng swept away on the wars.h.i.+p, the Zhen Yue Blade anger divided [Seven Star Fragment Slash], immediately one crowd of t.i.tan level monsters turned into the remnant blood, the small tiger was whoos.h.i.+ng killing, but , the flame burnt above the deck, Already a casualty piece.
Fights a boots gently deck, I flew to the steering direction, the sword blade edge to go straight, „" penetrated a chest of sailor, selects to fly to abandon the s.h.i.+p it directly, turned round a blade, Zhen Yue Blade blows out again fatally has struck, 8 thousand + the injury directly chopping to fly the head that water robbed, the left leg raised, fights boots „" to trample on the control panel, immediately the wars.h.i.+p changed has fired into the land, one group of palace guards also embarked while my s.h.i.+eld, under the attack of short distance, the artillery and dragon crystal artillery above wars.h.i.+p. Was useless, several minutes later, the barbarian blade s.h.i.+eld camp has embarked, dragon Dragon Jun of this group of motley crew disintegrates instantaneously!
The distant place has transmitted Han Yuan drinks the sound greatly, taking advantage of the star light, saw indistinctly altogether 4 wars.h.i.+ps approach the sh.o.r.e, another three sailed to the distant place to escape, can leave behind 4 is surprises me.
Puts on, pitiful yells, regarding the water robber, the palace guard do not keep the captive, killing, I opened the shapes of thousand frost wings, the soaring am falling on main wars.h.i.+p that in Han Yuan was, this s.h.i.+p compared with other wanted in a big way about half, the full load at least can accommodate 500 people, Han Yuan looked up me suddenly, in the eye was pa.s.sing astonished: „General, you...... Is your this Holy Domain shape?"
I in consternation: „...... Is?"
Han deep pool great happiness: „Our palace guards had the powerhouse of Holy Domain level finally, good...... Comes the person , to continue to chop, reduces this group of people completely, does not remain!"
Immediately, in the deck kneels a row of water robber, a monkey-like person almost frightened to cry, having the weeping voice saying: „I am innocent, I was deceived to embark into the water robber, do not kill me, my anything matter has not been done, do not kill me!"
Water robs said immediately bitterly: „Kou Chang, you are our dragon Dragon Jun's rear service officer, unexpectedly has not planted, your such person was really disappoints us, d.a.m.n thing!"
I sneer, puts out a hand to raise this water robber, said: „Do you have to plant? Slaughters to the weaponless common people have to plant? Good, I deliver you to walk personally!"
Dragon Reservoir Sword wields, this remnant blood the head of fellow flew to the sky, I lift the hand to throw, the body also fell in Wu Shenhe hey the fish.
Then, I moved toward that the rear service officer who again called Kou Chang, said: „Now, I asked that your some issues, you must the notice word express oneself fully all, Ok?"
Kou Chang visits me to kill people, has instead been afraid facing my smiling face, s.h.i.+vers saying: „Don't you kill me really? I...... I am untrustworthy you!"
My smiling face is brighter: „Is untrustworthy I, whom you can also believe? You look at my behind group of palace guards, they divide the minute to be able you to dismember a body, you must believe my words."
Han deep pool and the others face devils, Kou Chang the complexion was immediately green: „Good commands the Sir, please ask that the small certain knowledge said all, expresses oneself fully!"
I nod, said: „Dragon Dragon Jun grabs in Wu Shenhe the coastal village repeatedly has not actually received chasing down of Empire Armed forces, some do this people certainly contain? Then, does crazy Lei Jun roll?"
Kou Chang looks deathly pale: „I...... I am only a rear service officer, I do not know......"
I engage in self-examination am a blade, the head that another water robs flew, then sneers saying: „Do you know?"
Kou Chang the whole body s.h.i.+vers, the pants were wet: „I said that I said...... However the Sir, after I said really completely, you will not kill me, is right?"
I nod: „Um, you confessed truthfully that I do not kill you!"
Kou Changdao: „Yes, the dragon Dragon Jun's chieftain called ‚dragon scale', Zeng Jin was also an empire serviceman, because was drunk to insult many innocent females after the war, was whipped to expel the Empire Armed forces by Princess Pearl, because he formed this dragon Dragon Jun to retaliate the empire like this, one year ago, crazy Lei Jun rolled to move into, the crazy Lei Jun tuan long unit of armed soldiers controlled to call ‚luo', he and Dragon Lin were the old acquaintances, therefore reached the agreement, crazy Commander Lei Jun the unit of armed soldiers 5000 troops was stationed in the moon/month blade edge forest Northwest holds troops, whatever dragon Dragon Jun grabbed, the obtained materials and equipment divided half. To the luo control, even, the dragon crystal artillery and hot crag artillery on our wars.h.i.+p are also crazy Lei Jun tuan give to us...... Does not believe the Sir you to look that under the fort of dragon crystal artillery has crazy Lei Jun tuan engraving, although has abrasioned, but also has the trace that the armed forces print as before!"
My great happiness, turns around saying: „Han Yuan, protects these dragon crystal artillery!"
The Han deep pool already knows that I was thinking anything, said with a smile: „General felt relieved that end will handle matters will certainly not have any mistake!"
I continue to look to Kou Chang, said: „Said that what you during the cooperation with exceed luo control also do have? Or did you except for the belongings, what give back to more luo to send to?"
The Han deep pool chopped a person to throw down the s.h.i.+p conveniently, Kou Chang the whole body s.h.i.+vers, said: „Six months ago, we looted a star light town, in the small town to have a very beautiful young girl to follow us, I planned to lead her to return to one's old home to marry her, but...... However actually had a liking for by exceed luo, wants this female, when waits on the concubine, I also can only give to the luo control her, does not have the means that I......"
I sneer: „That young girl is Lan Xin, when you held her body, didn't she certainly want?"
Kou Chang the complexion was pale: „Sir, I...... I and Lan Xin are the sincerity falls in love!"
I could not bear smile: „You slaughter Lan Xin's village, can she fall in love with your sincerity? You work as Lan Xin are the idiot or, when I am an idiot?"
Kou Chang the whole body trembles greatly, as if knows that must what happened, screamed loudly: „General, you...... You had said that so long as I say the truth you not to kill my, you...... You must keep the promise!"
I lower the lower part of the body, gathers in front of him, vision ice-cold saying: „Yes, I had said I will not kill you, but I behind this black face guy naturally can kill your!"
Kou Changxia has cried, Han Yuan hand has the blade to fall, the number of people fell to the ground, sneers: „The thing of this timid as a rabbit, dares to study others to seize the daughter unexpectedly, is really laughable! Sir, we now what to do?"
I look to the darkness of distant place, said: „Immediately transmitted orders to Xiao severe, Dragon Xing, Xia Ye, making them dispatch 1 thousand person to come Wu Shenhe, nearby Wu Shenhe builds a dock, takes these four wars.h.i.+ps as the initial strength, constructs our sailors on the coast! Then, you and Xiao severe dispatch the palace guard army immediately, when I order!"
The Han deep pool is stunned: „Sir, the palace guard army constructs the dock except that thousand person, at least also 4 do about thousand people, completely convene?"
„Good!" Looks at my vision decidedly, Han Yuan also no longer said anything, but listened to the order to be enough.