The stone crashes into the lake water in abundance, one hour are slightly more, a not too firm dike already appeared, flame Dragon Juntuan, the legendary Emperor Yu regiment and Ba Huang City three big regiments have dispatched troops to guard above the dike, but distant place continuous Hybrid Demon wars.h.i.+p „bang bang bang" the complete hit above the dike, halted, the angry demon spirit big sword master disembarks to kill people in abundance, is also rushed from under water in the wars.h.i.+p rear stone skin giant, furiously the excavation dike, making everybody's heart hang, how long can this dike support under fiercely attacking of giant?
Angela's sword blade edge draws out suddenly, the sword color break-up, a head of demon spirit big sword has flown to airborne, Angela looks that wars.h.i.+ps ab.u.t.ted completely above the dike, immediately ordered saying: „Starts to fall the kerosene!"
Above the dikes as well as the cross-strait horse-drawn vehicles the oil drum were awaiting orders in the haulage, after Angela issues an order, barrels of black kerosenes fall immediately to Luhu, the kerosene density is lower than the water, therefore floated above the water surface, were getting more and more, dispersing, less than five minutes turned into the black big lake water in abundance, and thick sharp aroma filled the air in the surroundings, one group of players had frowned, this smell was really too ill-smelling.
However Li Mu and fellows of Old K these nerve big strip raise the pointed weapons to rush ahead in the crowd as before, I order the [Zhan Long] players not to permit with the hot attribute skill, in order to avoid lit these kerosenes now, 1000 + Steel Blade rode in the bund has formed a steel and iron barrier, how whatever the stone skin giant dashed stands one's ground steadfastly as before.
The shocking roar transmits once more, in center of the lake, a colossus is shoving open the wave and wars.h.i.+p comes, is blood giant Kyle, at least 10 meters deep lake water has not submerged his body completely, above his waist above the level of the lake, in the hand raises a handle ghost to be mad the dense war hammer as before, on the face full is the angry look, a hammer pounded the smas.h.i.+ng a wars.h.i.+p, the anger exclaimed: „Do your lazy stinking insects, why halt? Is what can resist our Hybrid Demon footsteps?"
An demon spirit big sword master leader steps onto the stern, has been kneeling to Kyle, said: „Kyle king, the front enemy has built the dike, lake interrupting, our wars.h.i.+ps was unable to pa.s.s, they were too violent in the firepower of both banks, a substantial number of adventurer reenforcement, we have not been able to break through!"
„What did you say? Isn't able to break through?"
On the blood giant Kyle's giant face reappears a fierce color, is suddenly single-handed to grasp the body of this demon spirit big sword in the hand, catches up suddenly, the blood and broken bone spatter in all directions, BOSS of accurate Demon Harvest step was pinched unexpectedly directly! Will bring the palm of flesh and blood to approach the corners of the mouth, Kyle licks to lick the above blood, sneers saying: „Can resist the footsteps of Hybrid Demon army without anything, does not want any excuse, Sir Dahlen does not want to listen to any excuse, immediately comes ash.o.r.e to me, kills off them, this dike, hey, gave me!"
Saying, blood giant Kyle was flus.h.i.+ng suddenly, brandished fights the hammer to fire into the dike, looked that this stance was thinks a hammer did break to pieces to the bang a about 20 meters wide dike?
Theodore complexion one cold, in the hand is grasping the long sword, the trembling sound track: „d.a.m.n, the blood giant came!"
Angela was slightly calm, clenches teeth to say in a low voice: „Rocket preparation, puts!"
Immediately both banks and above the dike have ignited the innumerable star light, rocket next quarters shoot at the north of dike all, in a flash, both banks completely are the flame, the flame above level of the lake shoot up to the sky, in an instant turned into the daytime the dark night, but the wars.h.i.+p on level of the lake completely is the blockhead builds, catches fire rapidly the spread, this type felt that some likely were Cao Cao 1 million army iron lock Heng Jiang by the fire attack, demon spirit big sword miserable howling interwove a piece with the roaring sound of stone skin giant, but this crowd of Hybrid Demon really had to plant, even if were the specific weight burns also as before raises the pointed weapons to fire into both banks and dikes. The pointed weapons throw to the match, pouring that then the body convulsion twitches in sea of fire.
I in the frontal line, am gripping tightly Zhen Yue Blade, comes up to chop one, at the same time said loudly: „Has the ignition effect, pays attention to own volume of blood, should not be burnt together!"
Li Mu is patting the flame on arm hastily: „f.u.c.k, good pain!"
Lin Wan Er opens the [Unyielding Spirit] effect, double dagger waves, just likes the beautiful female celestial graceful dance is the same in the monster group, the skill ray pa.s.sed over gently and swiftly, Hybrid Demon fall to the ground to change into the empirical value and meritorious value, our beautiful woman vice- Guildmaster lethality truly was too strong, almost ended to win the is other players.
Dong Cheng Yue hides in me behind, the Luming stick hangs down, the left hand is rubbing [Indigo Sea Arrow], ma.s.sacres demon spirit big sword Master Dian, [Indigo Sea Arrow] is the ice attribute attack, after this ice fire Heaven, attacks to injure suddenly to increase, will strike in the event of the violent will even appear 5 thousand injury figures, which the demon spirit big sword master can bear, Large expanse of hanging will fall.
The demon spirit big sword master who in the water clashes had almost been fired the remnant blood, so long as the player touches, then empirical value on 100% turning over to players, therefore this was time our [Zhan Long] captures the golden opportunity of the empirical value and meritorious value, I cannot help but secretly rejoiced that my status of this commanding applied, if did not have my exclusive news, [Zhan Long] will definitely not come to here, but what was different from us, [Hero's Mound], [Prague] and other Guild still blocked the Hybrid Demon wars.h.i.+p in end there of Luhu, blood giant Kyle on here!
Thinks that blood giant Kyle, distant place had a great shade to clash, the whole body flame, blood giant Kyle simply likely was a hot giant, in the hand fought the hammer also to splash many kerosenes, flaming was burning, even if were the G.o.d body, however under the ignition of kerosene as before burningly painful unceasingly, blood giant Kyle was also much more painful howling unceasingly, actually as before rushed to above the dike, in the hand fought the hammer to wield!
One group of Ba Huang City brave warriors were rumbled torn to pieces!
Angela hurried [say / way]: „Transfers the muzzle, bang blood giant!"
Dozens great artillery above dike transfer the muzzle in abundance, my Jianfeng one horizontal, said: „Everybody came to a stop, should not be under the impact of bombing shock-wave to fall in the water, once fell down must be fired the turkey!"
The people laugh, Steel Blade rides in abundance p.r.i.c.ks in the soil to stand firm the body the iron s.h.i.+eld and sharp knife blade.
The next quarter, the crackle of gunfire again and again, a series of dragon crystal artillery and hot crag artillery bombardment on Kyle's body, everywhere blossoms, in an instant the blood giant mail-armor and helmet of all had been rumbled broken, his body was too big, wants to avoid attack also very difficult of fire . Moreover the injury of dragon crystal artillery was really too big, the blood strip of blood giant was already dropping at the naked eye obvious speed.
Lin Wan Er has opened adorable small mouth, speechless [say / way]: „If this were rumbled, that blood giant Kyle definitely was in the entire destiny annals G.o.d level BOSS of most tragedy had the wood to have?"
I layer on layer nod: „Has!"
Artillery sounds, the blood giant miserable howling sound is unceasing, but the dragon crystal artillery forms burns the fierce shock-wave also unceasingly to affect us, good Steel Blade rides very sincerely, can support, at the same time also resists the invasion of demon spirit big sword with the iron s.h.i.+eld.
„Roar roar......"
The blood giant roars unceasingly, fights hammer to get angry suddenly pounds above the dike, immediately „bang" has made a giant opening, and pounded the smas.h.i.+ng a dragon crystal artillery, nearby soldier was completely has become by the crush the muddy flesh, it seems like wanted to ma.s.sacre the blood giant by the dragon crystal artillery too feasible not.
Big imperial prince Theodore complexion one cold, said: „Cannot make him such wreak havoc, cannot make the Ba Huang City soldier fall on such tragic death, comes the person, orders on the raging fire cavalry soldier, adds fuel to the blood giant again!"
In the crowd of flame dragon regiment ran out of one group of cavalry soldiers immediately, the whole body is flame light armor, and in the hand of everyone is holding a red bow crossbow, after installing the arrow arrow, started to ignite, is above the warhorse to graze, aimed at the blood giant one round to shoot fiercely, rockets „" falling on the body of blood giant, and as if this type of arrow arrow also quenched poisonously, on the blood giant had purple scabs immediately, is unable to heal fast.
„Steel and iron crossbow artillery!"
The two imperial princes give a loud shout, the legendary Emperor Yu regiment has promoted three giant crossbow artillery immediately, the continuous fire, at least the arm thick or thin great arrow flew Going out, and is also implicating a rope, the fire strength is greatly strengthened, „puff puff" the body deep place of p.r.i.c.k blood giant, one group of soldiers hold on rope fierce, immediately the body of blood giant started to sway.
I turn around to look, cannot bear the knitting the brows head, blood giant Kyle, did the G.o.d level powerhouse in this legend, such want OVER? Should be also insufficient?
Really, as if to substantiate my idea, blood giant Kyle roared continuously remove the steel arrow above body, the complexion fierce looks to the crowd, jumped to jump suddenly, no one has thought that his spring was so fearful, is bringing the flame and lake water shoots up to the sky, fell suddenly, fights the hammer bombardment on the steel and iron crossbow artillery position of legendary Emperor Yu regiment!
Three crossbow artillery change into the smas.h.i.+ng, what awfully is the blood giant this strikes to carry over the Dou Qi impact injury, surrounding one group of legendary Emperor Yu regiment soldiers have unravelled immediately, even the corpse of warhorse instantaneously was evaporated the courage vigor, is really astonis.h.i.+ng!
Startles continually draws back several steps, actually has the courage to raise the sword blade edge, overrunning of unexpectedly pushes to the front, exclaimed lowly: „Wire rope, do not dread, you are the Tian Ling Empire brave warriors, for our homelands, how discards this life?!"
Speed is extremely fast, progresses to pa.s.s through from the both feets of blood giant, the sword blade edge raised has left behind a sword mark above the blood giant ankle area, what a pity chopped also the insufficient depth, otherwise the words of wound and physique, the blood giant possibly could not stand.
Soldiers in abundance [a.s.sault] of one crowd of legendary Emperor Yu regiments, but the blood giant grins fiendishly is fighting the hammer to raise, sweeps dozens people directly flies, simultaneously armored hand bang place, is together the shock-wave, the periphery about hundred people will evaporate the courage vigor, Dou Qi is dense, the so tyrannical supernatural power is anybody is not willing to face, even I and Lin Wan Er look at one another, confirmed that the idea of opposite party, this BOSS makes NPC hit first, we do not touch the mildew head!