Tian Ling Empire, is presents state of war, city in wanted more anxious in those days, the cry of small merchant does not dare to make widely known, as if for fear that Hybrid Demon dropped from the clouds oneself extinguis.h.i.+ng generally.
Fixes equipment, supplemented that potion, raises the sword to go out of town immediately, Li Mu, w.a.n.g Jian and Lin Wan Er and the others arrives in abundance, after does not turn over to the sea fights, our personnel losses are serious, at present puts all sorts of things together also only then 1500 Steel Blade that can also attack ride, the sur- 2000 + inferior brand cavalry soldiers, in addition other Cla.s.s players, probably amount to about 7000 people, if attacks blood giant Kyle, light depends on the person many to be useless, BOSS of this rank is needs the powerful NPC a.s.sistance to attack obviously, but has Frost in us well, should not be very difficult.
The strong gale forest, everywhere is the temporary tent of build, the wild bear and a badger kind of wild animal frightens does not dare to come out, the strong gale forest was almost occupied by the human soldier completely , to continue to forward, after running out of shrubberies, we were shocked by present one
The front is a stretch of lake region, Luhu in legend, Tian Ling Empire goes nonstop to does not turn over to the sea the lake, above this time Luhu full is the dense and numerous wars.h.i.+ps, these from the wars.h.i.+p of awe empire manufacture, are Luo Lin subordinate one build to be used to counter-attack the human the battles.h.i.+p, above the wars.h.i.+p the station are bewitched the spirit big sword master, 4 levels of Hybrid Demon, dense and numerous piece, but the end of each wars.h.i.+p is ropes is pulling, the end of rope unexpectedly is the stone skin giant, NND, do these giants on such never turn over to the sea?
The vitality of giant is tenacious, although will not swim, cannot actually be drown to death, the intelligence quotient of Hybrid Demon territory is unable to compare with humanity, but the stupid person has the stupid method, saw that this situation almost provoked laughter me.
However, is these looks like the stupid giant makes the Tian Ling Empire major regiments be at a loss, large quant.i.ties of flame Dragon Juntuan, the soldiers of legendary Emperor Yu regiment defend in both banks, the fire, the arrow arrow flutter about again and again, as before is actually not able to block stops bleeding disembarking of giant regiment, Large expanse of demon spirit big sword Master to rush comes ash.o.r.e, the NPC soldier with ash.o.r.e strangles to death in the same place.
„Gains the meritorious value the opportunity?" Li Mu has smiled, fast draws out the Zhenhai blade: „I did not return to the city to cultivate to fill durable of Zhenhai blade in vain, the brothers, standing by!"
At present only then a few Guild construct the position to meet head-on Hybrid Demon here, around Luhu jungle was almost trampled flat, the trees were all felled to manufacture antler and other tools . Moreover the ash.o.r.e everywhere is the corpse, here experienced several times to fight frigidly, only then several small guilds here scattered resists the attack of Hybrid Demon.
The [Zhan Long] 7000 people of arrivals without doubt are the new forces, 1500 Steel Blade ride to clear the way, constructs the position in the Luhu edge, Healer, archer and others took place, start to attract the demon spirit big sword master to slaughter, the demon spirit big sword master is 4 levels of Hybrid Demon, the deep sea demon and walrus cavalry soldiers who the fierce degree might as well does not turn over to the sea were better to kill, but [Zhan Long] also remaining 1500 Steel Blade ride now is being repeatedly tempered true elite, at least more than 50% equipment inking flame wraps, let alone also had the Healer treatment, killed the demon spirit big sword master not dead sufficiently.
I raise the sword rush in the bund, demon spirit big sword Master Zhansha, then the long-distance skill attracts 5 levels of Hybrid Demon giants to come ash.o.r.e, several Steel Blade ride to sphere one to kill, three next five go to two overthrowing, the meritorious service succeeds in obtaining, then continues to seek for the new goal.
We already continuously online nearly 20 hours, but as if not think tired, since does not turn over to the sea to make war now, the fight has been tightening, has not given the opportunity that we pant for breath slightly, Luhu here fight did not end, this edition defense mission was not ended, but also early, moreover I secretly somewhat was excited, this Hybrid Demon territory set out three big BOSS, Luo Lin not to crop up, blood giant Kyle in Luhu, Sellin was killed, this time must be able to kill a Kyle again, killed two king level Hybrid Demon at one fell swoop, that was really great merit one.!
The Hybrid Demon strength is the deep sorrow of player, the country war nears, we rear Hybrid Demon tidying up appropriately, but also meets head-on Full Moon City and fire Yun City, the Port City three big main cities?
The rush, unknowingly I brought dozens Steel Blade to ride to kill above the position of flame dragon regiment along the way, but has also built Jiangjuntai one side of the position, when does not know, the senior king and Princess Pearl had own health/guard to come here, in Jiangjuntai, Theodore, Luo child and Luis and the others also.
, A transmitting orders officer shouted by far loudly: „Palace guard commands General Li Xiao Yao, your majesty is invited!"
My moral nature sinks, this NM...... In wasting the excellent time of my Shua meritorious service, but must go, if after all the senior king rewards me, should have more meritorious values to be right, I dissatisfied small below general, must continue upward to crawl to command more troops, proper......
Raised the sword to progress to arrive at Jiangjuntai, after discontinuing, turned over to the sheath the sword, the both arms hung down have been stepping onto Jiangjuntai.
The big imperial prince Theodore's complexion is not quite good, visits me who lets somebody cool off or calm down, said: „Li Xiao Yao, kneels down to me, can you know the crime?!"
I visit him proudly: „What crime has, why do I kneel down?"
Theodore sneers: „You order the palace guard to be stationed in the west side of strong gale forest, there absolutely does not have the Hybrid Demon regiment, your this clearly before the fear does not fight, how could is such timid person innocent?"
My words [Gouge] [Gouge] said: „Palace guard in does not turn over to the sea b.l.o.o.d.y battle sea-nymph clan, has damaged seriously, now only 10,000 people, over 80% are the wounded soldiers, their battle efficiencies usual do one-third, now as before make them bring death? Under the main hall, you may a little show solicitude for the gentleman final heart, can a little benevolent heart? If your 14 thousand flame dragon regiments only die the remaining 20,000 people, only then 2,000-3,000 people can fight, will you also make them bring death?"
Theodore was said by me is red in the face, unexpectedly could not speak.
Is good because of senior king Locker is also reasonable, said: „Li Xiao Yao commands to lead the palace guard to be bathed in blood to slaughter, I have watched, Theodore, does not need the multi- responsibility, the palace guard will be empire the regiment of pillar, will be keeping this pitiful fire seed, will have General Li Xiao Yao , the palace guard can definitely be the new trump card regiment of empire!"
Pearl said with a smile: „Father emperor is wise, palace guard discipline is strict, the military officer is heroic, has plenty of fight in one, this war later reconstruction palace guard, it definitely will become can with flame Dragon Juntuan, the legendary Emperor Yu regiment trump card army side by side!"
Pearl such saying, I was very actually happy, but Theodore and were not glad, these two imperial prince innermost feelings are stubborn, cannot accommodate including each other hand and foot, where will accommodate my this bystander?
Saying, Pearl looked to fight in Luhu, said: „Was a pity that my strong wind from afar regiment only remaining was less than 2 thousand people, heroic army that once it can also a.s.sume sole responsibility for an important task......"
The senior king looks to the daughter, affection smiles, the racket the shoulder of Pearl said: „Does not need to be worried, after this war, I the border several grand duke as well as the military strength of Monarch marquis will rea.s.sign more than 50%, in these old fogy at least everyone hands will be grasping several thousand troops, will squeeze to be able for the empire to increase 50 thousand military strength completely again, your strong wind from afar regiment can be 10 thousand person organization systems as before, don't worry, the military officer can also select from the war inst.i.tute, very special period, will not use, when they graduated can extract to enlist directly."
Pearl great happiness: „Good, thanks the father emperor!"
Nearby, two emperor's sons' complexions were uglier, in some sense, Pearl by the love of senior king, had been surpa.s.sed their two deeply already.
I take pleasure in others'misfortunes in side secretly, Theodore has looked my this palace guard commander is not feeling well, I thought that he is not feeling well, has the opportunity words, I hope actually Tian Ling Empire can depose him this crown prince, changes into or Pearl is good, the precedent that but as if Tian Ling Empire has not set up the queen, at least currently does not have, a Ba Huang City actually good example, but the situation is different, Angela did not have other brothers besides Luo Lin, can only she succeed to the throne, but the Pearl also two elder brothers, must kill somewhat were also many......
Thinks that this treason and heresy idea, I somewhat am unexpectedly excited, person who I have the protruding bones in the occipital region inborn? Cannot, I very much want to give loyalty to for the empire actually!
I sit respectfully, two imperial princes naturally do not know that I think, but I after treating for 10 minutes could not bear finally, turns around saying: „Your majesty, I must go to personally the imperial enemy, the demon spirit big sword master and stone skin giant was really too many, I worried that my adventurer friends will unable to resist, asking your majesty to approve me to fight!"
The senior king smiles: „Li Xiao Yao commands is really a heroic combat general, takes a broad view at the empire, if really n.o.body such as you so provides leaders.h.i.+p, [a.s.sault] to breach enemy lines each time! Goes, leads the good palace guard!"
„Thanked your majesty!"
Turned around to start to crash in the crowd of demon spirit big sword to kill, my meritorious value, was certainly high, otherwise this final winner was [Legend].
Ash.o.r.e, troop NPC in transporting artillery, „bang bang bang" the crackle of gunfire is unceasing, the Hybrid Demon wars.h.i.+p in Luhu was rumbled unceasingly torn to pieces, the demon spirit big sword master was rumbled to ma.s.sacre directly, but HP and defense of by far high big sword master stone skin giant, immediately submerges to come ash.o.r.e with the player and NPC to kill in one.
Airborne, several Dragon Yinsheng pa.s.sed over gently and swiftly, is Dragon Rider soldier corps that Qing Luo leads, several big dragons pa.s.sed over gently and swiftly together Luhu, Dragon Xi emits, in addition the sword light of Dragon Rider gentleman flows swiftly to fall, battles.h.i.+ps were torn into shreds, and demon spirit big sword master cannot reach the Dragon Rider gentleman, puts the arrow unable to break the scales of big dragon, the stone skin giant is so unwieldy is more impossible to hope to attain the Dragon Rider gentleman, this fought is Tian Ling Empire won obviously, had the side of Dragon Rider soldier to have completely the superiority simply.
„Roar roar......"
The distant place, transmits intermittent roaring, does not need to want also to know that is blood giant Kyle.
In the rush Li Mu trembled suddenly, looks up to the distant place: „Can blood giant Kyle come?"