Zhan Long - Chapter 798

Chapter 798

I relaxed, Sellin ran out of the armed forces account to prey on NPC of these strong wind from afar regiments, but I also obtained the precious restoration skill, made Sellin come an attack again, perhaps I must hang here, the Shuanglong effect can rescue my one time, was impossible to rescue my second time in short Cooldown again.


„General Li......"

Pearl walks to go forward, looks at the halberd mark on my Hidden Dragon Armor, said in consternation: „You...... Are you all right?"

The little princess's tears soon fell shortly, I somewhat cannot help but gratified, my this palace guard commands is her promotes, saw that I dare alone to face the Sellin that fearful match, the little princess will worry unexpectedly my comfort, this explained that she is not using me, at least, not only uses that simply.

I have cleaned trace on the chest Qingyan armor, said: „I am all right, your highness does not need to be worried, but this Sellin what to do, as if n.o.body has been able to kill him......"

Pearl said: „Teacher, do you think?"

Hundred stands there, the appearance of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, actually suddenly the body trembles, in the mouth puts out a blood, it seems like his might as well I, when ties is broken he has been injured.

Locker Great Emperor raises the sword of King, on the face is bringing reluctantly, said: „Pearl and General Li, do not attack again on own initiative, the empire cannot lack you to command like this, lets...... Makes the brave warriors of strong wind from afar regiment attack Sellin, Sellin his strength also has the limit again, so long as consumes light his strength, has to kill his opportunity, this time must ma.s.sacre Sellin, getting it over and done does not turn over to the sea to integrate the territory of our empire!"

I in consternation: „Makes the people of strong wind from afar regiment bring death in vain? This......"

Locker Great Emperor cold snort: „Li Xiao Yao commanded too the womanly compa.s.sion, when you are command should know, sometimes to win can resort to all means!"

I nod: „Yes, your majesty......"

Saying, me was turning around to leave the tent, after filling health potion returned to the full blood, stands up from failure to start, actually discovered that Lin Wan Er and Li Mu and the others brought the [Zhan Long] team to arrive in the distance the armed forces account less than 200 yards place, not only that [Legend], [Hero's Mound], [Judgement], [Prague] and other Guild the players also in abundance came, was waiting for Sellin's death.


„Xiao Yao!"

Ye Lai raises Axe to walk to go forward, said: „A moment ago king these NPC here what happened, was Sellin entered butchering the king?"

I shake the head: „Temporarily did not have, later was difficult to say......"

[Prague] Guildmaster Yan Zhao Warrior also walked, said: „This fight continues Cooldown to be really long, the Tian Ling Empire NPC regiment does not know that died many, the loss is serious, this has the empirical value and equipment reward regarding us is the good deed, but fights regarding the entire country is actually not the good deed, the Tian Ling Empire army hangs are more, our defenses are weaker."

I smile: „Yanzhao uncle did not need extremely in being worried, the military strength of main city met Shua to be new, generally speaking was insufficient to be too few, moreover this was the game, was not the realistic world, cultivates the speed that lived to rest up to be quick."

„Um!" Yan Zhao Warrior looks that the distant place in Sellin who in the cavalry soldier group slaughters, said: „With NPC, Sellin has at least ma.s.sacred about 2 thousand people, simply is the brave general of match for ten thousand......"

Lin Wan Er smiled: „If cannot the match for ten thousand, that not say that was first ten BOSS of destiny!"

Yan Zhao Warrior has narrowed the eye, said with a smile: „Wan Er, the water deity halberd in Sellin hand, do you have the meaning? When I had not asked that [Zhan Long] will not want how possibly the water deity halberd, after is Country Weapon, the attribute perhaps will be much stronger."

I said: „Water deity halberd, those who are able occupy it, was inferior that we come an agreement, who can strike to Sellin finally, who is the owner of water deity halberd, we did not want the civil war to slaughter, how? Fang Ge Que, Q-Sword, Jian Feng Han and Ye Lai, your several do think?"

Fang Ge Que is raising staff, said with a smile: „Xiao Yao this proposition is quite good, the civil war loses own Level in vain, might as well this, who ma.s.sacre Sellin, who is the owner of water deity halberd, afterward other how many Guild must protect the water deity halberd 10 hours to be insufficient to be lost by the main force, how? Such a gentlemen's agreement is very good."

Ye Lai nods: „I agreed."

Jian Feng Han and Simple whisper , the nod said: „Our [Vanguard] also approves."

Q-Sword smiles: „Good!"

Afterward, Yan Zhao Warrior, Mu Xuan, Misty Clouds and other main Guild the Guildmaster 11 agreements, this gentlemen's agreement has also decided that I had a look at my skill fence, [Thundering Heavens] CD already to prepare, such came me to kill the BOSS probability is very big, such dropped, can also keep [Zhan Long] the water deity halberd, that it would be the best.

However, all premises can ma.s.sacre Sellin, at present looks like the difficulty is very big.


„Shua Shua......"

In the crowd of strong wind from afar regiment, the halberd wind able to move unhindered, just likes sharp knife blade cutting on the body of cavalry soldiers, Sellin ma.s.sacres one, the water deity halberd bombardment above the earth, the circular shock-wave sweeps across suddenly immediately together, brings to destroy the day to extinguish the prestige of place, the blade s.h.i.+eld soldiers, cavalry soldiers and the long spear soldier surrounding troop strong wind from afar regiment turned into pile of flesh and blood in abundance, this strikes merely, at least has ma.s.sacred several thousand strong wind from afar regiment soldiers.

Princess Pearl stands in armed forces account stage, on face a paleness: „......"

The senior king as if not endure to make the strong wind from afar regiment continue to bring death again, then ordered: „Demon flame regiment, on you, incomparably cuts to kill Sellin this devil to me! Comes the person, supervising the wars.h.i.+p to go to sea, constructs the defense line in the coastline, blocks Sellin all escape routes, today he must die here, otherwise empire constant disorder and unrest!"

It seems like old Locker is lives also to ma.s.sacre Sellin completely.

Hoofbeat Zheng called, the quick another troops appeared, was the person of demon flame regiment, the appearances about 3 thousand + people, looked like as if are very elite appearances, gathered round Sellin is crazy besieging, the javelin and arrow arrow spatters in all directions, the cavalry attacked to shake the will of the people, soon , a Sellin low roar, the defense level above arm was broken through suddenly, a black arrow arrow p.r.i.c.ked, the arrow was presenting the black.


On Sellin's face is completely angry, captures the arrow, the anger exclaims: „Mean humanity, you use the poison-tipped arrow to this emperor unexpectedly, d.a.m.n, I must kill off your this crowd of mean things!"

Only then ma.s.sacres Sellin to have the opportunity of survival, humanity seemed not overrated again mean.

Sellin after starting that shock-wave attacked has breathed was gradually rapid, now is wounded by the poison-tipped arrow again, entered the body violently poisonously, as if truly has arrived at the end, however, the strength of this sea-nymph king as if inexhaustibly was the same, the arm and front inserted arrow arrows actually like are being bystanders, continued to brandish the water deity halberd, flowed swiftly to fall halberd winds in the crowd, dying that the people of demon flame regiment piled in heaps, horrible to look.


About 20 minutes, Sellin's HP projected on 50% finally, the demon flame regiment actually also only remaining was less than half, people one excited, Q-Sword was raising the sharp knife blade, said: „Was inferior that we attack, hits again like this, the NPC regiment can die really......"

Fang Ge Que knits the brows: „50% HP...... good, we do not hide contraband, attacks together, how?"

Ye Lai is raising Axe: „On!"

The unity is strength, I am not good to stroke intent, then the nod said: „Steel Blade rides, with me on, Sellin's auspicious day to the end, everybody on together, I brought Steel Blade to ride to the BOSS north together circuitously, [Hero's Mound], [Judgement] and [Prague] are initiative, [Legend] from the flank guard, the archer and Mage is as far as possible close, maintains the firepower!"

People Qi Qi nods, the major Guild minute of minute of neat good soldiers and horses to attack, I lead 2000 + Steel Blade outriders to howl, starts to attack from the north circuitously.

At this time, Yue Qing Qian said in guild channel: „In strong gale forest has made into one piece, but blood giant Kyle as if not feel better, receives the tenacious blockades of Tian Ling Empire several big regiments, Ba Huang City Princess Angela also brings Ba Huang City several main force army corps to cross child Wushan, from the Eastern attack blood giant regiment . Moreover, cold uncultivated land Dragon's den Frost also led 15 Dragon Rider gentlemen to reenforce, the fight of strong gale forest wanted compared with here with ease."

I nod: „Quite strong NPC in that side, here strongest NPC was Pearl that big demon teacher teacher, looked like, his function might as well I......"

Yue Qing Qian eats to smile: „Naturally, my Brother Xiao Yao is strongest!"

I was secret, bringing Steel Blade to ride have fired into Sellin's back, loudly raised Dragon Reservoir Sword to shout to clear the way: „Disperses, his halberd wind attack is ruthless, everybody reduces the loss as far as possible!"

One crowd of Steel Blade ride the dispersion to go, many people distant to BOSS is being sword air/Qi daybreak + the long-distance attack of imperial swordsmans.h.i.+p, but at least 50% players too do not dare to approach this G.o.d level BOSS to cause the sword air/Qi unable to reach, looks like aerobic is also funny, awe-inspiring Steel Blade rides also has the fear the time!


The crowd is crowded, Sellin actually like has. .h.i.t the chicken blood went crazy, brandishes the water deity halberd to rush ahead in the crowd everywhere, what unacceptable is this water deity halberd seems has the piece to kill the effect appearance, and is a piece of trim region kills, one herd of [Legend] Dawn Mills brand ride, finally was living on Enchanted Painting and Xuan Yuan Feng two people, was simply cruel!


Li Mu is raising the Zhenhai blade, chops cuts in BOSS outrageously, but Sellin does not return, will wave will be a fist in the future, „bang" Li Mu was rumbled continuously flies to draw back, turned several somersaults with horse, will be good because of being only a fist, but will not be the skill attack of water deity halberd, otherwise this struck almost awfully.


Jian Feng Han is raising the long sword, long-distance sh.e.l.ls BOSS by the skill, Simple is coordinating in the one side, however, Sellin gains ground suddenly looks at Jian Feng Han, the next quarter electricity shoots, the water deity halberd pa.s.ses the chest of Jian Feng Han, erupts to fight the attack of spin of halberd together, immediately Jian Feng Han fell dead in battle, Simple flashed before the backlash hurriedly, but the water deity halberd had the life to fly likely Going out!


Simple also directly knelt.

Ye Lai raises the pointed weapons to draw back anxiously, sees only a Sellin distant hand, wreaks havoc incorruptible, suddenly Ye Lai behind Queen Mu Xuan miserable snort also but actually, as if has realized anything, Ye Lai progresses to dash backward, shouted to clear the way loudly: „Carefully specially person who Xiao Yao, you, this BOSS kill meritorious Bang Kaoqian!"