„Commands, do we also reenforce the strong gale forest?"
The Han deep pool raised full is being the bloodstain long spear, on the face has covered entirely the dirt and blood, almost revealed an eye, clenched jaws saying: „Palace guards are too few, could not withstand fights again, if we go to the strong gale forest and blood giant Kyle again socialize, perhaps our time really anything not remaining, but also asked the general three to think!"
I ride on Flying Scythe War Horse, observes the situation for one week, the palace guard linked the field fierce battle truly to be incapable of fighting again, the remaining people exceeded half are the wounded, hit again is also brings death.
Is raising Dragon Reservoir Sword, my sinking sound track: „Palace guard all backlash, deal with Sellin to attack by the adventurer team finally, that side the strong gale forest has flame Dragon Juntuan, the legendary Emperor Yu regiment, we do not need again."
Dragon Xing is stunned, raises long blade to walk saying: „Sir, such came you to defy the military order, once investigated that perhaps the palace guard could not take on this responsibility!"
I show a faint smile: „Has not related, what responsibility has I to take on . Moreover the palace guard goes to the words of strong gale forest, blood giant Kyle knows us, only needs one time to fiercely attack can make our palace guards vanish, the palace guards did not have had also feared that what defied the military order? Like this, Dragon Xing, Han Yuan, you lead the remaining people to enter south the strong gale forest, treats to the wounded soldier in the woods, do not approach the blood giant, this!"
The Han deep pool said: „Sir, you?"
I looked to the sound in sea level, said: „Sellin must lead the final sea-nymph clan military strength to start has struck finally, I must defend with the friends of mine here, you go to the strong gale forest immediately, is quick!"
The transportation battalion of palace guard supports by the arm wounded soldier to start to retreat, Dragon Xing, Han Yuan and other military officers direct the cavalry soldier to transport crossbow car(riage), artillery and other military baggage, the palace guard about 30,000 people meet head-on the sea-nymph clan, but now actually only remaining was less than 15,000, lost really seriously, but pa.s.sed through fierce battles, the person who lived at least rose 5 levels and a step, the overall strength had the enormous promotion in fact, came several again times such fight, these NPC strength will be stronger, this was also I the purpose that wanted to serve, the overall strength of palace guard dominates in a player clew team. Above, that is the true battle efficiency, otherwise very easily by player team consuming.
Palace guard complete withdrawal time, I return to the [Zhan Long] position, Li Mu, Yue Qing Qian and Lin Wan Er and the others again the fitting out team lineup and ensure each squad has the tank, treatment and output, otherwise the complete force will be greatly affected.
In the sea level broadcasts an intermittent conch sound, the final attack also finally came, the armed forces account place, Locker Great Emperor has not retreated unexpectedly, bringing daughter Pearl to sit well in armed forces account, as if has decided to look that here Sellin's time of death arrived, but Theodore, brought his army to go to the strong gale forest to meet head-on the blood giant regiment.
Li Mu smiles, said: „Sellin came finally, some of our also again opportunities saw king level Hybrid Demon, does not know how this time Sellin did want dead?"
Yue Qing Qian cannot bear the young lady smile: „Brother Li Mu do not crack a joke, we were not ma.s.sacred by Sellin have thanked heaven and earth, but also is thinking kills him? Too impractical......"
Lin Wan Er also said: „Looks at the situation, first lets on the NPC regiment, we waited for the opportunity to act."
The position on coastline was all of a sudden spa.r.s.er, but [Legend], [Hero's Mound], [Vanguard], [Prague], [Judgement] and other main Guild still , the player were also waiting for experiences the stance of Hybrid Demon king, the sea-nymph king Sellin's private car is getting more and more near, that throne fluctuation in sea level, close seacoast time suddenly „crash-bang", three flood dragons drilled from under water, makes us be surprised, Sellin's w.a.n.g is Jia drawn by three flood dragons unexpectedly?
„I go, the good old-style fan device......" w.a.n.g Jian to say in consternation.
I draw out Dragon Reservoir Sword suddenly, said: „Steel Blade rides the set, prepares to attack at any time!"
Also at this moment, system ting from the sky is fluttering suddenly
System Announcement: Please note, Hybrid Demon king 【Sea-nymph king Sellin】 Carrier Country Weapon 【Water deity halberd】( China) appears in does not turn over to the sea the south bank, kills sea-nymph king Sellin 100% to blow out the Country Weapon water deity halberd, the brave warriors, kills the enemy heroically, for glory and homeland!
All people tremble, this time Sellin came to have a that big ritual unexpectedly, it seems like that this water deity halberd has been doomed belongs to the Chinese war zone, it is estimated that the players of other servers must envy, many lord cities did not have the Country Weapon time China area already second Country Weapon, but can also understand that the Tian Ling Empire domain was too big, the player were also many, Country Weapon naturally must be many some, why otherwise to defend the territory?
Li Mu is grasping the Zhenhai blade, excited saying: „Country Weapon of another weapon department, exploded crisply!"
I raise the hand hurriedly: „No, do not act rashly, this time is not Demon Harvest step BOSS, this time is Sellin, the Hybrid Demon king, having a look at the sound to move again, relax, the sea-nymph king had not died easily."
The fight of ash.o.r.e vanishes gradually, the 12 combat generals of Sellin subordinates were killed all, 4 die in the player hand, I and Fang Ge Que, Q-Sword, Ye Lai have ma.s.sacred one respectively, other 8 completely die under the attack of Tian Ling Empire army, in the sea level, Sellin led several thousand demon and fish person regiments to come merely, but was as before not allow to neglect.
Raises the s.h.i.+eld to stand the flame dragon regiment s.h.i.+eld soldier emphatically in seash.o.r.e cannot bear raise the thick eyebrows, raises Axe Ha Ha to say with a smile: „Sea-nymph king Sellin, unexpectedly on the remaining a little military strength? Ha Ha, a time of death of sea-nymph clan came finally!"
The voice has not fallen, the sea-nymph w.a.n.g Sailin right hand drawing water G.o.d halberd, the left hand loosens the reins suddenly, immediately three flood dragons brought the tide to plunge the sh.o.r.e, suddenly horizontal sharp claws, „" pa.s.sed over gently and swiftly, ridiculed a moment ago the s.h.i.+eld soldier of sea-nymph king has been decapitated immediately, an flame dragon regiment Yorozuo long hurried loudly shouted to clear the way: „Defense, the archer prepares! Kills these flood dragons, d.a.m.n, puts the arrow!"
„Puff puff......"
The arrow arrow such as the rain flew Going out, what a pity is actually unable to penetrate the scale of flood dragon, 10,000 soldiers who the flame dragon regiment keeps is brave, immediately raised the steel knife to progress to Going out, encircled chops to divide around the personal appearance giant flood dragon unceasingly.
„Roar roar......"
The cry of flood dragon is grating, is swaying from side to side the huge body, the sharp claws wave to rip the fragment the crowd, simultaneously the yawn is incorruptible Dragon Xi, turned into piles of ice pieces one group of bursting with energy soldiers, the blood instantaneously had been frozen, the person died, the ground actually links a drop of blood unable to see.
The armed forces account place, Locker Great Emperor is grasping the sword of King, clenches jaws saying: „Pearl, lets the strong wind from afar regiment on together, must ma.s.sacre three flood dragons together!"
Pearl nodded, turns around to look to a middle-aged man: „Teacher!"
This male strong wind from afar regiment commands hundred Ningxia, as soon as he raids light armor, the body binds in the white long gown, stood up from failure to start to raise staff to fire into the flood dragon, roared lowly, staff was state-of-art dense one group of roaring flame, raised suddenly, the flame shot up to the sky, wrapped a recent flood dragon directly, immediately the miserable howling sound of flood dragon was earthshaking, scale was fired piece by piece flakes, cavalry soldiers of one crowd of flame dragon regiments walloped to go immediately, has projected the long spear in hand, „puff puff" the body of p.r.i.c.k flood dragon, a rear gate dragon crystal artillery one struck again.!
A fulmination, the abdomen of that flood dragon blasted out instantaneously, the blood plasma and internal organs unceasing gus.h.i.+ng out, so caused heavy losses to the later flood dragon naturally unable to live, wail tumbles in the sand beach, blood incarnadine surrounding sandy soil, 155 levels of Demon Harvest step BOSS such hung unexpectedly!
The player camp can calm down actually, guilds have not gone to battle, stands there waits for NPC to kill the flood dragon, but also has unable to calm down, for example [Valley of the G.o.ds], fought to fight day one to drink greatly brings 500 + to ride the war is the player flushed Going out, probably was hopes to be able before the flood dragon died can scoop up an empirical value and equipment, what a pity this goods had underestimated the strength of flood dragon, the second flood dragon went against hundred dead to fight with attack of one group of strong wind from afar regiment soldiers does not draw back, several dragon rests/breaths on by the [Valley of the G.o.ds] 500 person buckles half, the sharp claws had been brandished the cyclone, In an instant fought to fight side day to have dozens people.
However sometimes several times bombed, armed forces account nearby dragon crystal artillery is also preserving the quant.i.ty many dragon crystal sh.e.l.ls, several times attack the second flood dragon body changes soft, dropping down before fighting to fight instantaneously day rushes, is a round skill kills, unexpectedly mysterious has ma.s.sacred this Demon Harvest step BOSS, rose several levels instantaneously, fights to fight day blus.h.i.+ng light, picks up equipment that the flood dragon blows out to run, Lu Dongbin has the person to aid hurriedly, for fear that this love will be ripped fragment by the third flood dragon claw.
Fights to fight day to get to know the benefits , other Guild have also been ready to make trouble, soon , the sword porch, Emperor's Blood and temple Knight group and other Guild have sent for encircling kills the last flood dragon, even [House of Prestige] cannot calm down, Bai Li Ruo Feng raised the long bow to have several thousand people to meet head-on personally.
„Xiao Yao elder brother, on us?" w.a.n.g Jian said: „Flood dragon is Demon Harvest step BOSS, moreover is Sellin's own health/guard, if ma.s.sacres, should also be able to blow out Demon Harvest."
I shake the head: „Do not go, sea-nymph king Sellin was away from the sh.o.r.e to be too near, momentarily will attack, we favored Sellin's forms of defensive action to be good carefully, do not seek after 1-2 Demon Harvest, our goals were the water deity halberds!"
In an instant, in the NPC the attack of army and under player regiment, HP of third flood dragon, only then 20% allow, [House of Prestige] vice- Guildmaster Quick Thunder Swift Wind blus.h.i.+ng light, raised Axe hey to say with a smile: „The output, the second squad approaches BOSS fully, has the opportunity to capture equipment, third team of scaling of ride toward the right clash, do not attack, but must push the person of sword porch from BOSS to me, do not make them approach the flood dragon!"
The person indignation of sword porch, the vice- Guildmaster iron b.a.l.l.s does not raise the long halberd, the anger is exclaiming: „Quick Thunder Swift Wind, did you go too far?"
Quick Thunder Swift Wind has not responded him, perhaps is simply has not paid attention to the iron b.a.l.l.s, still the director people kill BOSS.