Chapter 758 - The Cancer in the Army
That afternoon, we hit the streets of Hang Zhou.
Even though it was already getting close to the beginning of spring, it was still chilly outside. A lot of the girls out were wearing tights and a skirt to hide from the cold. Yan An street is pretty much one of Hang Zhou’s most flouris.h.i.+ng commercial streets, and so even in this weather, there was no lack of eye candy for the boys. As we slowly walked along the street, we saw a girl wearing a very short skirt and pantyhose. She carried a large purse and had a smile on her face. The skirt was flowy and swayed with her stride. I then looked over at Wan Er and Dong Cheng who were completely covered. Dong Cheng and Wan Er were practically dressed like they were from the past conservative society. Despite that, the thick coats and sweaters didn’t detract from the girl’s beauty at all.
“What’s that expression?” Wan Er had a puzzled look. She then looked at the pants that she was wearing. With a scoff she said, “Alright alright, when it’s new year I’ll change into skirts…. Men, so unreliable….”
I protested, “Dearest, what kind of a man do you think I am? Am I really the kind of person that only focuses on outer looks?”
Wan Er pouted her lip, “Are you saying you aren’t? Look, that girl wearing the short skirt on the left, her legs are so long…”
“Where?! Where!?”
After getting beat up by Wan Er, I was dragged into a women’s clothing store. I hadn’t looked into the different brands, but the price tags on these clothes were all easily over ten thousand RMB. My heart stopped for a second when I saw the numbers. Wan Er, Dong Cheng and Dong Cheng Lei appeared completely calm. After all, they were born into rich families. I composed myself. After all, I was the guildmaster of [Zhan Long], I was at least valued over a hundred million, if not a billion. No matter what, I shouldn’t be balking here.
Very soon, the girls had picked out several pieces. The bill itself was over 130,000!
I did all I could to compose myself. Wan Er put the clothing bag in my hand and suddenly wrapped her arm around my arm. She smiled, “Let’s go and get some new clothes for you. Who knows, maybe you’ll have to go and visit relatives for the New Years.”
I replied, “Besides going to my auntie’s, I don’t have any other relatives to go to…”
“Even so you need to look good for that! That’s right, isn’t Meng Yao coming back to Hang Zhou too?”
Hasn’t she been spending the entire time grinding levels? I heard that she’s arriving in the afternoon. She told me not to pick her up, she’s planning on going straight home.”
After walking a short distance, Dong Cheng grinned, “Wan Er, the only Zegna flags.h.i.+p store is here. Do you want to take Li Xiao Yao over to take a look?”
Wan Er tugged on my hand and quickened her pace, “Pig, come and see if you like it or not.”
The moment I entered, I could tell that the store was very high end. So this was the Zegna that Dong Cheng was talking about. Even though I didn’t know much about brand names, I understood all I needed to know just by looking at the price tag. Just one piece of clothing was over 20,000 RMB. They’re practically stealing from me!
“What do you think of this one?” Wan Er picked out a navy blue casual blazer. She put it against my chest and sweetly smiled, “Looks like this piece suits you very well….”
I balked, “27,000…. It's so expensive!”
“But of course. A suit from Zegna is naturally very expensive. To top it off, this is their newest style. Do you like it?” She flashed a very beautiful smile as she looked into my eyes.
I quickly pointed at the male clothing store across the street and said, “The suits in that store look pretty good too. Very straight, how about we go to that store!”
Wan Er’s expression didn’t change at all, “That’s G2000, it's rumored to be a uniform store. Are you trying to dress like a waiter?”
I replied, “But, it's so expensive….”
“Oh grow up…” Wan Er sighed, “Alright then, now that I have decided for you, then I’ll pay for this. Either way, I still have a lot of money on my card. If I don’t spend it, it’ll go to waste….”
To which I replied, “No you can’t, I’ll pay for it….”
“Don't you even try. For a stingy person like you, it’d be strange if your heart didn’t straight up stop after paying that much. How could I allow that?”
I was speechless.
She then went over and picked out another couple of clothes. She was not satisfied until the bill was at least 100,000. She then pulled out her card to pay the bill. It was as though she would be very angry if I ended up paying, so I didn’t force it. There was no need after all.
I carried the heavy shopping bags in one hand, while I held Wan Er’s hand in my other and said, “I remember…. At first, you were very unwilling to part with your wallet when you bought that tiger from me. How is it that now, you can pay for a 100,000 bill without batting an eyelash?”
Wan Er grinned, “That’s because, before, my relations.h.i.+p with my dad was a bit tense. I wasn’t even willing to touch the card that he gave me. These past few days together with you, dad’s personality seems to be changing a bit. And so, he’s given me a new card. There’s around nine digits in it. He said that it's my allowance. I can’t even spend it all….”
I rubbed my nose and felt a surge of sorrow, “This is the woe of different social… Why haven’t my parents given me something like a card? Instead, they left Meng Yao with me, forcing me to work hard and raise her into a successful young woman all by myself….”
“Yea right, wasn’t Auntie the one that brought her up!”
After we finished shopping, we returned to our house. Not long after, Meng Yao arrived in Hang Zhou. Without anything to do, I logged onto the game after dinner to see if there was anything to do in the game.