You Of All People - 65 Princess Carry Couple

65 Princess Carry Couple

King looked down at his shy wife. He lowered his face and whispered on her ears, "Runaway with me?"

Violet meekly nodded as her reply and was answered back by King's laughter. And with a plan brewing in his mind, he immediately went into action. He swiftly swept her off of her feet and carried her princess style. One arm under her legs and the other supporting her back like a groom carrying his bride. Then he started running. Violet panickly hug his neck to steady herself.

"KYAA!" shouted Violet while her face was planted by the side of his face.

"HAHAHA" laughed King as he took her away with him.

Unbeknownst to the couple, a handful of people fangirling over them took pictures and posted it online.

"To bad they had their back towards us. We only captured their silhouettes but it still came out pretty good" remarked a girl as she put down her phone.

"Maybe they're filming something? It was so romantic girl! I can't wait too see that. But who were they? I really want to know!" commented by another girl beside her.

"Shameless. If they aren't filming, they shouldn't display their affections publicly. Look! I can carry you too" said a guy trailing behind them.

"Hey stop it! Let go! You're not even as strong as that guy so stop it. Yeah girl! So romantic. I wish we saw their faces. They look so beautiful together even if it's just their backs" said the girl dreamily.

"Let's post it later. I should have taken a video. Ughh too late for regrets"

"Come on stop it, I thought we were out drinking" whined the guy who tried to lift the other girl up.

Unknown to the rowdy bunch and the newlyweds, that night became so viral. Many people looked all over the internet for them in case they're part of the s...o...b..z but none came to fruit. Everything came to a dead end. And instead, they were immortalized, became famous and was dubbed 'Princess Carry Couple'.

It then ushered a phase for the whole country and even overseas where it even became a challenge. Countless guys recording themselves carrying girls and worked hard to run. A variety show even featured it in an episode where the male celebrities were made to carry lucky fans in a marathon.

And of course, all their search became fruitless. All because of one person whose name was Leo Smith. That night after parting ways with his 'Lord' in front of the Lingerie Store, he quickly contacted Neukom. King's most trusted lawyer. He had him prepare numerous Non-disclosure agreements. All to be signed by everyone that worked in the mall. Not even the Valets, Guards, Cleaners and Gardeners were spared and were made to sign it too.

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As the height of the pictures that went viral, all of the workers were tortured because they knew but they're not allowed to talk about it. They can't even breathe a word towards their own family. So all the more they cherished the information only they knew.

All the people that worked at the mall grew closer from fangirling and fanboying their 'Lord' and 'G.o.ddess'. They all always looked forward whenever the couple visited the mall. All doing their best and catering to them like a die hard fan would. And because of that, their 'Lord' was so kind as to reward his employees frequently from making his wife happy. It even came to the point where the mall was featured in a lot of sites, articles and magazines. Detailing it as the #1 Employee Friendly place people love to work into.

"Everything is perfect Sir Alfred" said Leo to himself while wiping his face after finis.h.i.+ng all the NDA contracts that night.