You Of All People - 43 We Are Rich

43 We Are Rich

They came into a dead end. The whole wall of the dead end was painted with abstract art. The painting had a broken wall, an open door in the middle, clouds above it and a moon behind it. Beyond the entrance of the door, you can see a rocky path.

Beside the dead end, on the left side there was another long rectangular painting. It mostly consists of black and brown. The painting depicts 3 different pairs and getures of hands. On the left most of it, was a hand hanging downward and there was another hand holding it's wrists gently. On the middle of the painting, was another hand pointing upwards but this time it was held up forcefully and tightly by another hand. And lastly on the right most side of the painting, was a pair of hands palms against each other. The hands were holding each other but their fingers weren't interlocking.

"Why are we here K? Aren't we going outside? The doors the other way though. And you parked the car outside last night" questioned Violet when she faced King.

King smiled towards her and asked her, "Which of this pair of hands do you like?"

"Huh? Hmm" Violet got weirded out by his question but still looked over the painting to answer him.

"The last one" answered Violet.

"As expected of my Wife, we chose the same" smiled King then reached his hand out and placed his palm out on the third painting.

The place where his palm were, turned black for a bit and glowed slightly. Then the entrance in the opened door of the abstract painting by the dead end started to move. The whole door frame with a rocky path inside it of the abstract painting started to sink in itself opening an actual hidden entrance into the wall.

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Violet gasped from amazement, eyes wide and her mouth hung open. King looked over and was delighted from her reaction. Then he walked into the hidden pa.s.sage.

"Come" said King when he looked back. He waited for her to catch up. When she got inside, the hidden entrance closed. Then she felt the whole place go down.

"Eh? Elevator?" Violet was dumbfounded.

"Yes" replied King

"Wait! So you went all those trouble, the hands painting and the abstract art all for an elevator?"

"Yes" replied King with no change of tone.

"I know we are rich but still. Wow!" sighed Violet as she looked around the elevator. The whole place was a giant monitor. Even the floor she's standing on. All across the screens were different news, all from different sources.

"So why are we here?" asked Violet

"We're going to the Garage"

"Eh?! But if I remember correctly there was only the Villa on the cliff. There's nothing else there! But the elevator's going down?" asked Violet in disbelief.

"Yes, the Garage is under our house" replied King like it's the most normal thing.