You Of All People - 137 Snap Out Of I

137 Snap Out Of I

If faucets have handles that controls the water, whether it should come out hot or cold, or just outright close it and cut off the running water. She wished her heart had one. She wished she could make it stop but she didn't know how or where to turn it off. Or maybe the handle was already broken and irreparable just like her. Try as she may to block it with her hands, the pressure was too strong for her to handle. The water went past her hands and splashed all over. Submerging everything within. 

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Drowning her until she can't breathe anymore. She tried to breathe in but instead of air, all she inhaled was water. The water filled up her entire body. There's no end in sight. It always seems to be expanding. Getting stronger with every pa.s.sing moment. Permeating the s.p.a.ce in her veins and her stomach, and her lungs, and her throat, and her head and her heart. Her body shook in her last throes before her death. She continously sunk, she went past the area that the light was able reach. Her surroundings dimmed as she went further away from the light until there was only darkness in sight. 

As she saw her body undergo all the stages of death, the pain in her heart didn't go away and instead took on a life form she have never seen before. It became her constant companion that severely crippled her in place and seeped into her entire being. Shackles crawled and twisted on her body like a snake. With a simple tug on the chains that came from somewhere unknown, it tore her apart into bits and pieces. Either that tug had a heavy force or she was just too fragile to the point she can't withstand something so simple.

As she was being torn apart, the process was like that of a cracked mirror. It began with one small crack. The jagged lines of the cracks crept all over without stopping until it shattered and broke apart. She tried to put it back together but it was no longer the same. The shards of the mirror were in different shapes and sizes. Even when every piece was in the right place, it was all misaligned. Causing every mirror piece to act like a single separate mirror with its own reflection. When she looked over it, she saw herself broken in multiple fragments. 

The once clear picture, fractured. When she stared down at it, she witnessed thousands of eyes staring back at her. Whose faces were the same as her. 

She was pulled back from her nightmarish thoughts when she felt something hit her forehead repeatedly. When she snapped out of her thoughts, she saw the Karen full of worry before her.

"Hey Violet! Snap out of it!" Karen worriedly knocked on Violet's forehead to wake her up from her thoughts.