You Of All People - 135 Should I Fight It Out?

135 Should I Fight It Out?

"Come on! Push the cart towards that machine" Karen ordered as she sauntered away.

"What?!" Violet's eyes popped out of horror she received when she heard Karen then she complained, "That cart is filled to the brim with tokens?!"

Karen looked back over her shoulder and said "You can do it Violet! Fighting!"

Karen raised her forearm with her fist clenched and swung it downward towards her body in pumping motion as if to encourage Violet.

"Fighting your face!" scoffed Violet as her brows knits into a scowl then complained, "Come over here and help!"

"Absolu-" replied Karen as Violet commented, "Great!", only to be cut off when Karen finished what she said with, "-tely not!"

"Are you kidding me?! This cart is filled with 'METAL' tokens! METAL! This is freaking heavier than both our weights combined Karen!!!" protested Violet in vexation.

Karen slowly went back to Violet as she was contemplating something in her mind.

"Wow! So nice of you to finally decide to help out" stated Violet in sarcasm.

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"Of course.... not" mumble Karen with a smile, delighted with the idea she thought of and decided to take into action.

"What?? Are you kidding me?!" cried Violet and controlled her sudden urge to beat some 'sense' to that unreasonable 'someone'.

"Give me your phone" Karen held her hand out with her palm facing upwards then shook it to stress how serious she was with her command.

"UH h.e.l.lO?! Did you hear what I just said?" Violet rolled her eyes in annoyance then with her index finger gestured to the cart and towards herself. To emphasize her displeasure as she pursed her lips together and let out indignant sighs.

"Trust me. Just give me your phone. Come on! Out with your phone Violet! Quickly!" Karen tapped her feet impatiently and rested her other hand on her hip while waiting for Violet.

"Ughhhhhhhh. You are so unbelievable! Here!" huffed Violet as she gritted her teeth and took out her phone from her pocket then shoved it to Karen.

Karen accepted the phone with her mouth curving into crafty smile as she thought over her idea while she turned on Violet's phone. Her eyes gleamed with delight when she saw what she wanted to see.

She did not ask for Violet to unlock the phone since she already saw what she needed to see then muttered, "I knew it"

"What did you say?" Violet tried to lean closer to peek at what Karen was looking over in her phone but Karen hid it quickly.

"Come on! Get on with it!" Karen clapped her hands at Violet.

"Where the h.e.l.l are you going with this huh?" questioned Violet with apparent annoyance in her voice while her brow raised then thought, 'You are such a bully?! First you got rid of my booze, now it's manual labor. Should I fight it out with Karen?' 

"Do you wanna know?" teased Karen as she winked at the irked Violet.