You Of All People - 13 Mommmm, Dad Called You Old!

13 Mommmm, Dad Called You Old!

"HEYYYYYY WHAT ABOUT ME!!!! DON'T YOU MISS ME AND LOVE ME ANYMORE?!" yelled Tony as he squeezed himself to Lorelei's phone even though he has his own.

"Miss you too Dad!" chimed Clovis and Calvin at the same time.

"NOOOOOOO!!!! I want my Treasure to say it not you ungrateful and uncouth boys! Why haven't you guys introduced girls to me and your Mom? We're growing old! Where's our grandchildren?!" said Tony as he was pushed away by Lorelei.

"You Old? You brought Mom around the world for a honeymoon! You're only returning today! C'mon Dad! Are we having another little sister soon? Hahahahahaha" said Calvin while laughing non-stop.

"Mommmmmmmm Dad called you OLD!!!!" Teased Clovis as he flips the pan.

"...You're sleeping on the couch tonight" said Lorelei while pinching Tony's waist.

"Ouch ouch ouch! Have mercy on me Sweetheart! I'm sorry! I won't do it again just don't let me sleep outside tonight! Please!!!! I'll die without your embrace!" said Tony as he dropped his phone and immediately hugged Lorelei's waist.

"Hahahahahahahaha" Laughed Violet, Calvin and Clovis.

['Beautiful Third (Anwyll Quinn) has joined video chat']

"Bonjour my Family! What'd I miss?" greeted by an androgynous man sporting a chic black turtle neck covered with trench coat and sun sitting inside the cabin of a private jet.

"Big bro um I mean Big Sis Third! Dad's sleeping outside!" said Calvin while fixing his bow tie.

"No I'm not!" shouted Tony as he embraced Lorelei and whisper sweet nothings by her ear.

"My eyes! It hurts! I thought I'm immune to their PDA throughout the years but it turns out they took it on another notch! d.a.m.n it!" said Calvin as he hastily covered his eyes.

"Dad stop torturing us single dogs!" teased Clovis.

"And whose fault is it that you're all single?! Huh?! Except for you Baby Girl, don't get any boyfriend and be Daddy's Baby Girl forever!" said Tony.

"Mom and Dad I have a boyfriend, can I bring him home?" asked Anwyll as he fidget in his seat.

"Sure. I saw your recent runway show, I'm very proud of you my child always" said Lorelei.

"Thank You Mom, means a lot to me" said Anwyll blus.h.i.+ngly.

"Of course my most beautiful gay son! Anything for you!" said Tony with a warm smile.

"Dad I'm your only son that's gay"

"Yeah that's why you have to be the most beautiful of them all!"

"Thanks Dad! I'm almost home. Baby Girl!!! I got you some new clothes! These are from my recent work and some were my designs just for you! You have to try them on when we all get home ok?" said Anwyll smiling from ear to ear.

"Of course Big Sis! I'd love to! See you soon! It's been a long time last we seen each other! I miss you!" said Violet while sending kisses emoji.