You Of All People - 129 Your Idea

129 Your Idea

"Eh? People usually don't rent out Arcades" said Mrs. Chen curiously.

"My friend will pay right now. That friend!" said Karen as she pointed out Violet who was still trying to catch up to her.

"Please Mrs. Chen, my friend just went through a breakup last night. And I thought instead of drinking the pain away, why not let off some steam from playing in the Arcade? Please? I swear we will keep the place spick and span when you return" pleaded Karen earnestly as she clasped her hands together.

Karen was unaware the she was feeling tipsy while Violet took some time to finally arrive in front of the Arcade. As soon as she arrived, Mrs. Chen immediately faced her.

"Miss?" inquired Mrs. Chen.

"Vi-violet. Ha. Ha" answered back Violet while panting after she came running.

"h.e.l.lo Ms. Violet, you can call me Mrs. Chen. It's so nice to meet you. You are so beautiful! That guy is blind and doesn't deserve a woman like you. There are a lot of guys that will fall all over you with just one wink from you dear hehe. Too bad my sons are taken or else I would have introduced you" Mrs. Chen consoled and complimented Violet.

"Th-thank you" shyly said Violet while observing the woman who apparently owns the Arcade.

"Hey Karen. Since this is your idea, shouldn't you be paying?" asked Mrs. Chen teasingly.

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"Eh? But she's richer than me. Right Violet?" Karen tugged at Violet's sleeve as if to ask to save her.

"Yup, my treat. It's no biggie" nodded Violet while looking at Karen.

"Fine. You young people, I can't really relate to you guys. I must be getting old already. Wait let me put the padlock on this rolling metal doors then we'll go around the back to get inside. I won't be opening the front so you guys can have some privacy and the place all to yourselves" explained Mrs. Chen as she crouched down and locked the metal doors.

After Mrs. Chen was done, she stood up and led the way with the girls. They went around the store and Mrs. Chen opened the door at the back. When they got in, Mrs. Chen headed straight to the breakers to give the place electricity.

"Make yourselves at home. Stay here a bit, I'll go turn on the power" stated Mrs. Chen as she disappeared onto the dark room.

"So Karen, you're late today? That is unusual. How's your mom been lately?" Mrs. Chen's voice echoed through the dark room.

After a few minutes, the whole place lit up and every game in the Arcade turned on. It was as if the whole place came to life. Colorful blinking lights. Lively sounds and tunes playing in the background.

"Yeah. I had to cover someone else's s.h.i.+ft since my coworker got sick. Mom is ok. Maybe she'll come by with my son tomorrow?" replied Karen.