You Of All People - 113 No Buts

113 No Buts

"Althoughhhhhhhh Karen. He doesn't resemble you at all. See? Even in every angle there's nothing that tells me that you are his mother" Violet flashed different photos and flipped the phone in every way to prove her point.

"Hey! I am his mother! I painstakingly gave birth to him" retorted Karen while pinching Violet's cheeks.

"But he looks so much like his father" remarked Karen while smiling as she remembered the boy and thought to herself, 'A decade has pa.s.sed, he probably looks different now. Maybe I won't recognize him even if he is in front of me'

"Speaking of giving birth? Was it hard? Is there anyone with you when you were under operation?" curiously asked Violet while handing over the phone to Karen.

"It was hard and easy at the same time. Contractions are a b.i.t.c.h! It hurts like h.e.l.l! Sadly, I went into labor alone. My mother wanted to be there with me but her doctor advised that mom should avoid getting agitated to maintain her health. But during my pregnancy, my son didn't give me a hard time. There was no morning sickness or anything at all. I was even working while pregnant too. Do you know what's so funny about being pregnant?" Karen took the phone and stored it in her bag.

"What?" Violet finished her cup.

"When you look down, you won't be able to see your feet for many months. And it's also heavy. It's like you are carrying a backpack but the only difference was that, it was in front of your body"

When Karen turned her back, Violet sneakily reached out to grab three unopened bottles. As soon as she opened the cap, Karen heard the sizzle. She hastily flipped her head to look at Violet.

"What are you doing?" Karen raised one of her brows at Violet.

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"Mi-mixing d-drinks?" nervously muttered Violet.

"No, you will not. Put the bottles back on the bench" Karen crossed her arms in front of her.

"'Bu-but!" complained Violet as she looked longingly at the drinks.

"No buts!" Karen narrowed her eyes at Violet.

Violet sighed in defeat and reluctantly complied. She obediently placed it on the bench and sat back to where she was seated earlier.

"Going back to the topic" sheepishly said Violet after she was caught in the act.

"When he finally got out from my body, it took him a few seconds to take his first breath. And when he finally let out his first little cry, my heart just melted into a puddle. They wrapped him up and laid him across my chest. I looked down at him and kissed his tiny forehead. He looked exactly how I had imagined he would be. He had little wispy tuffs of hair all over his head and the softest skin. He even grabbed my pinky with his tiny hand" Karen retold the story as she held up her pinky that her son held.