Yari No Yuusha No Yarinaoshi - Chapter 435

Chapter 435

Redo of the Spear Hero Silt Welt Arc Feather Ornament

Mokoyasu-kun, get a hold of yourself!

When I came to, Father-in-law had bound my arms from behind.

Why is this? why am I being pinned down by Father-in-law?

Listen here, youre stronger than me, so it a real pain when you lose your marbles like that!

Father-in-law has this very nostalgic, ill-humored look.

Oh? why am I being pinned down, Father-in-law?

It seems I have erred. But, I simply, cannot help it


Though Ive calmed down, Father-in-law now put a blindfold over my eyes.

But I can still sense them around me, the Filorial, their presence, their magnificence...

Father-in-law, why have you now blindfolded me?

Goodness Kitamura-dono... please show some restraint. Well then, Yuki, can you tell us for what purpose this bunch has gathered before us?

I see... To test our strength is it? Kitamura-dono, do you happen to know anything about this?

Something like a ritual of inheritance?

Exactly. The Great Big Filorial-sama is a Filorial amongst Filorial.

Since we call Firo-tan, Yuki-chan and the others as Queens, she would be a highest among those Queens.

Furthermore, being acknowledged by the Great Big Filorial-sama isnt only about the rise in status.

She also helps you do a special Class Up

More importantly, Father-in-law, please remove these bindings quickly. I have a strong urge to embrace the Great Big Filorial-sama!

Yeah erm... Sorry about this Motoyasu-kun

Whats this? Father-in-law is blocking off my ears too.

Cant be helped it seems. I shall try picking up their faint voices.

Thank you Iwatani-dono. Since you are keeping Kitamura-dono at bay, we avoided the Legendary Filorial running off again. Yuki, Kou, Sakura, try taking the challenge

Looks fun! Ill do it!

You cant protect us if youre not strong right? Looks like itll be a challenge to test your skill so have at it


Father-in-law seems to have persuaded Sakura-chan.

I, Motoyasu, want to release myself from rationale and dive lovingly into the Great Big Filorial-sama.

Kay well have you go in order. Yuki-chan, you good to go first?

Alright then

After that, I couldnt hear quite much.

As it was Father-in-laws request, I, Motoyasu bore through the impulse to watch with all my might while feeling time ticking for an eternity.

But the magnificent flock of Filorial were completely gone.

I looked all around and found Yuki-chan and our other two Filorial completely exhausted and on the ground.

That sure was something

Still, for it to run so desperately after seeing Motoyasu-kun, just who is that guy...

Dont. It will be pointless thinking

I will go see how theyre doing.

And there was a little crest on all three of their heads.[1]

So Sakura-chan interpreted this for us, looks like the Legendary Filorial, Fitoria-san was it? Well she approved all of them as successor candidates. If one of them shows good growth... the one with the most promise might one day succeed her, it looks like

Motoyasu-kun, didnt you say you loved that Firo girl? Thats bad you know. I could count it as cheating

I gave you permission to cheat!?

And you say that is not unfaithful... No enough. Speaking with you is too tiresome. Yuki, be sure to polish your charms so Kitamura-dono will look your way

Yes... Eclaire-sama

Yuki-chan nods in agreement as she unsteadily stands up.

Im suuper exhausted, but that was fun!

Kou spoke with energy, while Sakura-chan looks to have fallen asleep.

Ah... Sakura-chan. Youll hurt your neck if you sleep like that

Father-in-law goes along to gently shake her awake.

Yuki-chans group looks to have powered up on this occasion.

Ah, Motoyasu-kun. Fitoria-san gave us a little something as a souvenir

Father-in-law received crests from the Great Big Filorial-sama as well.

And without the slightest hesitation, I commence the sniffing.

No... Not for that, its for putting it into our weapons, releases the Filorial Series or something


Father-in-law of the Future hadnt taught me this, the method to unlock the Filorial Series I mean.

If I put this in my spear, theres no telling if I can happen upon such an illustrious treasure a 2nd time.

Certainly I really might receive that chance if these loops were to continue... but I, Motoyasu, cant and shant put this feather into my spear.

... Not gonna use it?

I will treasure it forever

Getting one more good sniff in, I place it between the shaft and blade... I ornament my spear with the feather, fixing it at the base of the bladepiece.

Its the feather granted by the Great Big Filorial-sama after all.

Im sure it will become strength for me, for Father-in-law, and for everyone else too.

And since Father-in-law is already using his for the Series, there is no longer any need for myself to do the same.

It should add to Yuki-chan and the others growth correction with them being with us.

Motoyasu-kun, youre pretty amazing... in various meanings of the word. I think this a bit everyday but today, the feelings much deeper


Eclaire and the Silt Welt envoy agrees with Father-in-law.

They all ended it with a rather impressive sigh.

And with the by-chance powered up Yuki-chan team pulling our carriage, we went forth once more towards Silt Welt.

Around these parts, I could see monsters that I have yet to put in my spear.

My if it isnt the Heroes of the Shield and Spear

There came a large crowd of people greeting us at a town we stopped by.

We have come from Silt Welt to welcome the honorable heroes and their compatriots. It must have been a perilous journey here. Come come, let us guide you to our country post haste

It turned out we would be taken along by these dozens of demi-humans, the beastkin.

From inside the carriage, Father-in-law is peering restlessly at the Silt Welt troops marching along.

Iwatani-dono, I understand how you feel, but please calm yourself

A valid thought, weve certainly faced many attacks during this whole journey. Envoy, can we truly trust them?

Yes. Not to worry. However, it is somewhat unsettling that we havent had any more contact with Schildfrieden...

Caution is key.

But we cant accomplish anything if worrying is all we do.

If anything happens, I, Motoyasu, can simply blow them away

In this manner, we rendezvoused with the Silt Welt army, and attained a path of safe entry into their country.

That reminds me, whens the Wave coming?

Huh... Arent we cutting it a bit close there? Were supposed to be summoned to the location right?

That certainly is cutting it close.

There was a place in a country we passed by. If we go by Kitamura-donos story, you couldve made a registration there

Taking detours would have posed all sorts of risks. It wasnt like the assassins would simply go away, and they couldve even prepared a trap there

And we mustnt forget that the Dragons Era Hourglass has a Lv Reset function as well. Attempting Class Ups in unfamiliar territory would be like asking for such dangers.

From what Ive heard, yes. I do not have the exact details. They speak a different language after all, I can only manage daily conversation if need be...

This reminds me, the Heroes weapons happen to have a translation function built in.

Everyday language is a can do, but communication via writing would be problematic.

I make a quick glance outside the carriage.

Its a very wild-like country, would be my first impression.

Looks like theres flying demi-humans too. Compared to Melromarc, it looks different in many ways.

Then how about here? Whens the Silt Welt Wave?

Ive been informed that the previous Wave came 2 weeks after the one in Melromarc

The Silt Welt envoy explained.

Which means that these guys had the Wave right around when we were summoned huh

The envoy began speaking to the people outside.

Having finished, he then turned back towards Father-in-law.

We suspect that the next Wave in Silt Welt will hit in three weeks time

While that is indeed important, Iwatani-dono, I expect you will need to show your face in various places from now, no?

[1] Crest as in a feather.