Due to Myself, Weapons and Yandere being a dead project (author took it off ncode and no backup) this story has been picked up. Though it is a main project, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE WEEKLY. It’s crazy long so it may end up being monthly, as I want to dedicate my time to WS. See more information on it here. I’ve wanted to translate this as I felt that there’s not much “Yandere novels” out there. If a translator wish to speed up the translation, feel free to contact me(info on disclaimer page). May think about releasing each types by part (As in one chapter having 3-4 parts), or keeping it one full and long story.
Without further ado, enjoy the short prologue (it’s really short).
“What the&h.e.l.lip;.What the heck is going on!”
This is a story of ominous occurrences, inexplicable events, and insanity
happening in the vicinity of the two boys.
A tale with a very very happy fear. Bizarre murders from pure love unleashed by madness.
Will all the boys and girls in this story’s conclusion have a good ending? Bad ending? That is for you to think about.
Main Characters:
Tagami Tarou
A boy whose curly hair makes him stand out. Personality is an easy to get along with person. Even so, he can be dense. After many occurences and events happening one after another, he always looking tired. Imouto-like girl friend does exist, but that girl&h.e.l.lip;..
By the way, he’s in charge of the tsukkomi. Wataru’s perverted comments are naturally met with his fist as judgment.
Weak at fighting in middle school, but when he entered high school, he was on the same level as Wataru.
Height: 165cm.
Is.h.i.+ Wataru
Useless cool boy. Even if stabbed with a kitchen knife, his face expression won’t change. If he must be described, he’s an ikemen accomplished in both literal and martial arts. However, inside he’s a pervert gentleman that’s cool and have a foot fetish. Belong to both the S and M side. 5th rank in Kendo (3rd rank in middle school) and is absurdly powerful in fights.
Height: 175cm
TL’s note: Tarou reminds me of Akihisa whle Wataru reminds me of Yuuji from baka to test (Not exactly but they each have a slight characteristic of the two)