Chapter 655 - Negotiations With The Mythic Spirit (3)
“Don’t ask about the specifics, such as what the questions are. Although these are matters of common knowledge to all Emissaries of Hell, I’m unfortunately not at liberty to disclose these.” Qin Ye swirled the contents of his wine glass about, “Because as soon as I do… the Second King Yanluo’s wrath would come crashing down on me like a heavenly thunder. I don’t wish to perish in this place.”
He sipped his wine silently as he swept a glance around the table.
Nobody spoke.
Every single Yin spirit, including Black Mamba himself, were all deep in thought.
Keep guessing… You guys wouldn’t be able to enter Hell to verify this anyway. Sure, you might be able to send in some darkfeathers, but none can get out!
In other words, you’ll never be able to verify anything I’m saying right now! Besides, from your perspective, my honor as an Abyssal Prefect, a trade negotiator and a representative of one of the Eight Great Clans is clearly riding on the line. That being the case, do you think I’d really be lying to you right now?
You have no choice but to take my words at face value and assume that this is where Hell stands right now. Furthermore, given the Second King Yanluo’s cantankerous nature, it’s not unreasonable to expect him to pull a stunt like this.
Speaking of which, Brother Xu, rest in peace. Let us never see each other again…
Just then, something appeared to occur to Black Mamba, and he immediately leaned back into his seat for some time, before finally speaking up, “Are you allowed to disclose this much to begin with?”
Qin Ye smiled back, “After a hundred long years of reclusion, we’d been given the opportunity to make a trip out after clearing the fifth question. I’m not sure about the other Great Clans out there, but as for the Zhu Clan, shipping routes are our main source of wealth. We simply cannot afford to be cut off completely from it. Naturally, it was our top priority to ride on this opportunity to bag ourselves some profit. I’m afraid that an opportunity like this would be hard to come by once the new King Yanluo ascends the throne.”
This was how he was padding the groundwork.
Hell had to get bigger and stronger than ever before. After all, it was only during this trip out when he saw the sheer number of ghost ships sailing on the Red Sea and the pyramids floating in the sky that he finally understood how terrifying the P4 underworlds truly were.
Whether in terms of strength, geography and even influence, they were terrifying in every way!
And if they were that strong, how could they possibly still be dabbling in smuggling operations with the lesser underworlds?
Qin Ye went on, “Although the Second King Yanluo has placed restrictions on everyone, us Eight Great Clans are admittedly not reined in as closely. Besides, we’re all descendants of emperors at some point or another. Furthermore…”
He smiled and glanced at everyone, “This is, in a sense, a cautionary word that time is truly of the essence.”
“This period of free trade is at best only going to last for another hundred or so years…”
Just then, Black Mamba suddenly jerked his head back and stared at him.
Did I say something wrong?
Qin Ye raised his brows quizzically. However, he knew that this wasn’t the time to be considering these things. Thus, without missing a beat, he continued, “At the very least, things will have to stop for a time when the new king ascends the throne. After all, we wouldn’t want to get on his bad side at the incipience of his new reign. Everyone… do you still have any questions?”
Nobody said a word.
This was far more than they had expected, and they were all busy digesting the information. Several seconds later, Babulu finally smiled, “No more. Lord Mythic Spirit, what do you think?”
“Yes.” Black Mamba finally nodded his head and gazed deeply at Qin Ye, “We would gladly welcome Hell with open arms. As for the specifics, we can leave it to our emissaries to iron out the details.”
This was going to be a protracted process detailing the particulars of the goods to be sold and purchased, as well as the terms of trade. Generally speaking, it would take at least a month to draft up the inventory of goods, and then another three or four months to negotiate the payment terms. If everything went without a hitch, and luck was on his side, he might just be able to launch these shipments right after the New Year Festivities in Cathay.
Wouldn’t that excite the citizens?
First, they would get to see their family, and then, they would understand that Hell is thriving and prospering more by the minute! Who wouldn’t take pride in something like that?
Babulu stood up with a smile and raised his glass, “Then let’s toast to the reestablishment of trade relations between the Black Mamba Underworld and Hell. As you Cathayans say, bottoms up!”
“No hurry.” Qin Ye’s heart thumped wildly. He could even feel his breath grow warmer by the minute as he continued to build his case.
This is just the appetizer…
The main dish is going to be served shortly…
Tensions ran high, and he felt like a bowstring drawn back so far that it was