Chapter 1029: Perfect Conclusion to the Energy Resource Conference
While it was true that crude oil was more expensive than electricity as an energy resource, the scale of the market for electricity far exceeded that of crude oil!
In terms of the number of people using the two energy resources, electricity had crude oil comprehensively beaten.
Even if the total annual profits for electricity were only eighty trillion, 0.00000001% would still be eight million! Compared with the patent usage fees that they were receiving, which amounted to less than 10,000 a month on average, this was such a massive improvement that it scarcely seemed real!
They were all completely immersed in the shock factor of the massive profits they were going to be earning, but they failed to realize that every time they tried to ask about the state of the new energy resource, their questions were always skilfully diverted.
"Ghost King Zhao will stay here to hold the contract signing ceremony, I'll be going on ahead. If you're interested, I suggest you stick around to witness the birth of this grand contract. This is going to be a monumental moment in history. Trust me, the underworld's technology boom is going to start from this contract."
"Of course!" There wasn't even the slightest hint of anger to be seen on all of the scientists' faces at this point. All of them were smiling like sunflowers looking up at the sun, and all of their indignation and fury had faded away like snow under a scorching summer sun.
"We will be fully supporting the birth of the new energy resource!"
"If nuclear energy is the peak of all energy resources, then electricity would be the foundation of all energy resources! I don't even dare to imagine what's going to happen after an electricity-like energy resource appears in this world!"
"A scientific revolution is about to sweep through the entire underworld!"
"A while back, I was considering whether I should enter the cycle of reincarnation, I'm extremely thankful that I decided against it in the end!"
Qin Ye gave a pleased nod in response to everyone's reactions.
Was there still any need for him to ask whether they wanted to withhold their patent usage rights from the Cathayan Underworld?
All of these scientists were on the verge of kneeling down to lick Qin Ye's boots! If the three pillars were to instruct them to withhold their patents from the Cathayan Underworld, they would jump onto the three pillars and tear them into shreds even without Qin Ye having to say anything!
Thus, the biggest obstacle on the path of developing the new energy resource had been removed, and Qin Ye heaved an internal sigh of relief. Of course, this only served to buy the research team some time, the most important thing was that the Cathayan Underworld's research and development had to keep up!
The lack of an energy resource was a problem that had stumped the entire underworld for centuries, and there was no shortcut to the end. However, the fact that they had already developed the electron Yin rune meant that they were ahead of the rest of the world!
He had never been as optimistic about the future as he was now, and he couldn't wait to return to the Yin Mountains. With that in mind, he rose to his feet and gave a parting nod as he said, "This is where we part ways, everyone. The Cathayan Underworld will compile the relevant data as soon as possible, and I guarantee you that all of the initial experimentation data will be released during the conference that the Cathayan Underworld will be holding in Jeju-do next year."
"That's not a problem at all, Yanluo Qin. If you need any of my patents, you can feel free to use them as you see fit!"
"Yanluo Qin, we are very much looking forward to the day when we can enter the Cathayan Underworld to contribute to the development of the new energy resource!"
"We eagerly await our opportunity to play a role in the development of the new energy resource!"
"Please feel free to contact me via messenger bird if you require my services. Even if I'm on the other side of the world, I'll be sure to heed your call!"
All of the scientists immediately began to express their devotion toward the new energy resource project.
There was no better time to speak up!
If they could provide sufficient assistance, was there a possibility, even just the slightest sliver of a possibility, that their 0.00000001% share could turn into 0.00000002%?
When dealing with numbers in the trillions, even a tiny change in the number at the end of the seven zeros after the decimal point would result in an enormous difference! Was there a possibility that they could shorten the number after the decimal point to only seven digits as opposed to eight?
Just the mere thought of this was enough to make their spines tingle with excitement!
Qin Ye merely smiled before vanishing on the spot as a gust of Yin wind.
By the time he reappeared, he had already arrived in the floating fortress that had been given to him by the second King Yanluo. This floating fortress was his mode of transportation for all trips out of the Cathayan Underworld at the moment. A short while later, the sound of a foghorn rang out across the entirety of Dubai, and the fortress began to rapidly fly toward the Cathayan Underworld atop a vast Yin cloud.
In the distance, a pair of shriveled eyes concealed behind bandages that were etched with golden Yin runes were looking on at the departing fortress. Osiris was standing at the top of the tallest building in the Dubai Underworld, the Dubai Tower, and he heaved a forlorn sigh as he looked on with a defeated expression.
"Did the two death gods of the Argosian Underworld fail in the end?" A seductive female voice suddenly rang out beside him, and a woman wearing a white dress and a golden snake crown with dark green eyeshadow and golden eyeliner appeared beside him, seemingly out of thin air.
This was Queen Cleopatra the Seventh, the final female elder of the Ptolemaic dynasty.
"I'm afraid they did," Osiris replied with a slight nod. He cast a forlorn gaze toward the horizon, as well as the majestic palace sitting atop the vast Yin cloud in the distance, and he sighed, "I suggest that the panel of elders raise the evaluation on Yanluo Qin. He is far more difficult to deal with than we first imagined."
One of the main jobs of all nations' panels of elders was to assess the rulers of other nations and predict what they were going to do next, as well as determine their logical thinking process. However, the Cathayan Underworld had been isolated from the rest of the world for over a century, so there was no information available for anyone to make an analysis on Qin Ye based on the Cathayan Underworld's internal affairs. As such, they could only gather information on him based on his handling of international affairs!
"Last time, he managed to completely disband the Utopia Alliance. This time, he put an end to the Prometheus plan before it could even be conceived. While it's true that he's different from the second King Yanluo in that he appears to be a man of reason, he's far more sly and cunning! I think he's an extremely dangerous character!"
Cleopatra turned to Osiris with a rather surprised expression. "Very rarely do I see you make such a high appraisal of any world leader!"
"He's definitely deserving of this appraisal," Osiris sighed. "It's no wonder that he was chosen to be the second King Yanluo's successor, he's definitely no slouch. During the Cathayan Underworld's century-long absence, it lost virtually all of its political influence on the rest of the world. In fact, most of their former allies have already switched sides to join us, but I have a feeling that this third King Yanluo will lead the Cathayan Underworld on a mighty resurgence."
Cleopatra looked on with an absentminded expression at the waves of undulating sand and Yin energy in the distance as she said, "Indeed, a mere century is not a very long time for an underworld that has already stood for thousands of years."
Several seconds later, she asked, "In that case, do you think it's necessary for us to change our attitude toward the Cathayan Underworld? The Prometheus plan has failed before it even had a chance to succeed, and under these circumstances, no one will be able to prevent the emergence of the new energy resource. Once that happens, the state of the entire world is going to undergo a massive transformation."
Osiris faltered slightly upon hearing this, following which a cold look appeared on his face as he turned toward Cleopatra. "Are you a lobbyist? Who are you lobbying for? Tutankhamun? Ramesses?"
Cleopatra didn't answer the question. Instead, she picked up her dress with a smile before extending an elegant curtsey. "The times are constantly advancing. The new energy resource is most likely going to crush this era into pieces, and anyone who tries to stand in its way will be crushed as well. Ever since the Aegyptian Underworld conquered the middle east all those years ago, we've found ourselves in very close proximity with the Cathayan Underworld, and that's why Lord Anubis insisted on trying to stifle the resurgence of the Cathayan Underworld. However, two attempts have already been made, both of which have failed, and dissenting voices are beginning to arise among the panel of elders. If you ask me, our Aegyptian Underworld and the Hindustani Underworld are the two pillars closest to the Cathayan Underworld, so shouldn't we be abandoning the Argosian Underworld, which is far away in the continent of Europa? This is most likely going to be their last attempt to try and bring down the Cathayan Underworld, right? The scientists have chosen to side with the Cathayan Underworld, and without the scientists on their side, they won't be able to withhold patent usage rights from the Cathayan Underworld, thereby rendering them unable to interfere with the Cathayan Underworld's research and development. In addition to that, the Prometheus plan has become an utter failure as well. What can they do next? Can they impose economic sanctions upon them? The Cathayan Underworld wouldn't care about that at all, considering they're isolated from the rest of the world anyway. Can they impose technological sanctions upon them? How will they go about doing that? There's no way the scientists would support them. Every single one of them will receive a 0.00000001% share of the profits... What a lucrative promise! Even I'm shocked by his generosity!"
A gorgeous smile that resembled a blooming flower appeared on her face as she continued, "Seeing as we can't stop this juggernaut, why don't we consider joining them?"
Her body began to slowly disintegrate into Yin wind as she said, "The next meeting between the panel of elders will be held in three years. If you want to know our thoughts, you're more than welcome to attend, and perhaps our ideas can open up new possibilities to you. We may be in competition with the Cathayan Underworld now, but that doesn't mean we can't become allies in the future. Why do we insist on trying to defy the arrival of the new era?"
Moments later, she completely vanished on the spot, but Osiris stood by himself in silence for a very long time following her departure.
There were definitely going to be different voices in any nation.
No death god could run a true dictatorship unless they were ungodly powerful like the second King Yanluo.
Perhaps it really was time to carefully consider the possibility of forging an allegiance with the Cathayan Underworld. After news of what had just happened spread throughout the entire world, the other two pillars were also undoubtedly going to reassess their relationship with this dormant powerhouse that had just emerged from its slumber.
After heaving a faint sigh, Osiris also vanished as a gust of Yin wind.
All things in world politics were related to one another somehow, but Qin Ye didn't have time to consider these correlations at the moment.
There was only one question on his mind: what was he going to do next?
He was seated in the tallest pavilion of the floating fortress. The floor of this pavilion was paved with white jade, and countless pieces of renowned artwork and calligraphy were hanging on the walls around the room. Aside from that, the only other things in the room were a table and a chair.
There was a piece of paper placed on the table, and many grids and columns had been drawn onto the piece of paper. Qin Ye was supporting his own chin with one hand while twirling a calligraphy brush lazily with his other hand, taking long pauses before writing onto the sheet of paper.
He was devising a plan for the next step.
The biggest external obstacles had been cleared away, and it was time to focus wholeheartedly on developing this new energy resource.
This was something that he couldn't help with, but that didn't mean that he couldn't do some other things!
Why were the three pillars so desperate to try and stop him?
On one hand, there was the notion of trying to reduce the four pillars to only three pillars so there would be more resources distributed to each pillar, but the other factor was the possibility of the dragon jade taking over the world!
If Qin Ye could play his cards well, then the new energy resource would be the perfect springboard to elevate the dragon jade into the dominant currency on the world market, and that was what the three pillars were most wary of.
At this point, the Cathayan Underworld has not declared whether the new energy resource was going to be tied to the dragon jade. Furthermore, there was still going to be quite some time before the new energy resource was fully developed. However, Qin Ye was certain that as soon as he announced a connection between the dragon jade and the new energy resource, such as "all new energy resource output was going to be settled in the dragon jade currency", then the three pillars would immediately cast aside all pretenses of geniality and do everything in their power to resist the rise of the dragon jade!
That would send tremors through the entire world, and it could even be the catalyst to kick off the next world war!
"I can't rush this process, everything has to be done slowly and steadily," Qin Ye murmured to himself as he looked down at the plan he was writing down onto the sheet of paper. "This is an extremely impactful card, and I have to find the best way to play it. I don't mind holding it for a bit longer than I have to, but when I do play it, I have to make sure that it completely crushes the opposition!"