Xiao Qi, Wait! - Chapter 60 part2

Chapter 60 part2

Chapter 60.2: What Happened to Us?

It was really the first time Xiaoqi had walked in Ruzhous streets. Thinking back, she hadnt strolled the streets ever since she entered Songfu. It was truly rare! The moment Xiaoqi left Songfu, the conflicted struggle in her heart instantly calmed down a lot as she looked at the pure blue sky and the children noisily playing beneath an ancient, coarse, tree with a girth of an adult males arms.

Ruoshui held Xiaoqis hand and swung it as they walked along the street. After a couple turns, they soon arrived downtown. Ruoshui pointed towards the end of the street as she said, Walk forward from here, then take one more turn and youll arrive at the government office. Right now, Zhuogeges probably there. Ss~~

Ruoshui sucked the cool air, then stuck out her tongue and said, Lets go drink some herb tea. My tongue is hurting again.

Xiaoqi looked at Ruoshui, then wrinkled her nose and covered her mouth as she laughed.

Aiy, if you want to laugh then just laugh. Whatre yah covering your mouth for? Its not like you lack front teeth! Ruoshui mumbled.

At first, when Xiaoqi moved her hand away, she smiled with her mouth closed, but as she looked at Ruoshui, the corners of her lips kept twitching. Xiaoqis smile slowly started to open, until the smile that only revealed two teeth at the start became a wide-mouthed hearty laugh. Ruoshui was stunned for a while from being laughed at, but in the end also laughed with her happily.

The two laughed heeheehaha together for half the day, then suddenly stopped their laughter all at once. Ruoshui blinked her eyes and lowered her voice mysteriously, Lets have food at Liu Hengzhis place, itll be free.

Xiaoqi blinked her eyes and pressed her head over, also lowering her voice, Is there book-telling?

Well just have Liu Hengzhi tell stories, ss~~ The stories he tells are really fun.

I want to hear book-telling, and we just ate lunch so Im not hungry. Xiaoqi pulled Ruoshui along to look for a large teashop. Qiu Tong sighed in relief and hurriedly chased after them.

There were plenty of teashops, but none that had book-telling. Ruoshui and Xiaoqi walked into several shops in succession, but they all only had singers. In the end, they had to choose a random one to take a break in, and they sat down in seats near the entrance as they listened to the singing.

Xiaoqis eyes looked around as she pouted, Why isnt there any book-telling?

Qiu Tong smiled and said, The larger restaurants have special performances with famous Misters that tell historical tales. Qiu Tong heard Madam talk about it before, and even went with Madam to listen to them, but it seems like they arent hosted every day.

The tea doctor* held a copper pot and carried teacups as he walked over. Then, as if performing a sideshow, he placed the cups on his armand before Xiaoqi could even open her mouth to stop him, he had already poured three times in succession.

The three stared at him dumbstruck with wide eyes, but the person just smiled and said, Three ladies, please enjoy.

Ruoshui was the first to react and she excitedly clapped her hands as she said, Amazing, amazing! Its even more amazing than book-telling.

Xiaoqi let out a heavy breath, still feeling some lingering fear. She crinkled her face as she looked at his arm. Seeing that the sleeve was perfectly clean without a single drop of moisture, she sighed in sincere relief. Truly amazing ah.

The tea doctor smiled as he said, Ladies wish to hear book-telling? There is a venue in a restaurant nearby, but it only takes place in the mornings. Theres also an old beggar on the street thats an expert book-teller. His performances arent set: whenever he feels like it, he would give a performance. If Ladies dont disdain it and have good luck, then perhaps you will be able to encounter a performance.

After the tea doctor finished speaking, he lifted his long-sprouted copper pot and went to greet other customers, leaving the three ladies behind to stare with limitless admiration. Not far from them, there was a man next to a table, looking towards this side with astonishment and inwardly shaking his head.

Xiaoqis luck has always been good. After the three finished their tea, when they returned to the street, they immediately saw an old man with a gray beard sitting beneath an old scholar tree. The inner three circles were filled with children of all sizes sitting with crossed legs on the ground. The outer circle consisted of adults who were either squatting or standing.

Qiu Tong looked at the sky to check the time, then exhorted Xiaoqi and Ruoshui not to go anywhere while she went back to call for a horse carriage.

The story the old beggar was telling was one that everyone knew, the story of the Cowherd and Weaving MaidT/N. At present, he was eating a steamed stuffed bun that a listener had passed over, but he was still somehow able to ask with clear articulation, Say, what do you guys think? Does that Cowherd count as someone of noble character?

He wasnt someone of noble character from the start, hes just a cowherd.

Someone behind Xiaoqi spoke. The voice was quite familiar.

Eh? The old beggar stroked his beard as he glanced towards the person that spoke. After examining him for a moment, he said, From the looks of it, this sir seems to be someone of riches and honor. Haha, please elaborate?

Xiaoqi turned around. When her eyes met with that of the mans, she was stunned for a moment. The man smiled at her, then said, Its very simple. Since ancient times, the term nobleman has only pointed to these few types: monarchs, people with outstanding talent and virtue, and men with wives. The cowherd was just a little nobody, with no virtue and no talents. Not to mention he even caused the Weaving Girl to be punished and exiled to the east of the Milky Way. How could he be called a nobleman?

Xiaoqi blinked her eyes with surprise, then turned to look back towards the old beggar. The old beggar smiled as he finished off the steamed bun, then replied, Thisgongzi, I also say that this cowherd isnt a nobleman. If he was a nobleman, he wouldve known that it wasnt easy for the Weaving Girl to weave the garments of the skies, and he shouldve known the consequences that the Weaving Girls abandonment of weaving wouldve brought about. This old beggar actually suspects that he was an all-take-and-no-give fellow that stole the Weaving Girls celestial garments to trade for wine money. Otherwise, as much as the two indulged in loving affection, the Weaving Girl still shouldve had the time to weave.

The old beggar paused for a moment, then said, Haa, human hearts are hard to fathom. If it was like that, the Celestial Emperors command actually served to save the Weaving Girl. At least it prevented her from being harmed for even longer.

The old beggar seemed to have eaten his fill. Giving a satisfied belch, he got up, dusted off his butt, and swayed away.

Eh? Xiaoqi blinked her eyes. She hadnt even listened to anything, and hes already leaving?

The children happily ran off noisily. Xiaoqi found out from the children that the story the old beggar told earlier was about an ancient mythological animal. What a pity, Xiaoqi wrinkled her nose.

The people had pretty much all scattered, but Qiu Tong still hadnt returned. Xiaoqi held Ruoshuis hand as they stood waiting. The man also smiled mildly as he stood there.

Ruoshui glanced repeatedly at the man and asked Xiaoqi in a low voice, Why is that guy here as well?

Xiaoqi also aimed a glance at the man. Before she even retrieved her gaze, the man smiled and asked, What brings Xiaoqi here to Ruzhou?