Xiao Qi, Wait! - Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Love, Youve Come ah

Xiao Qi woke up rather early the next day.

Xiao Qi tilted her head up to look at the still asleep Song Liang Zhuo, chewed her lips, and smiled. No matter how painful it was last night, she just liked being hugged to sleep. She felt it was very, very warm. Even warmer than hugging Ha Pi, Xiao Qi thought giggling.

Xiao Qi thought about what happened last night and glanced at Song Liang Zhuo again while blushing. She sneakily lifted open the blanket to look inside.

There was only a little bit of light inside the room. Xiao Qi stuck her head inside the blankets and her line of sight became even more indistinct. Xiao Qis line of sight moved from Song Liang Zhuos naked chest downwards, curiously and nervously traveling downward.

Ah, cant see it! Xiao Qis stretched out her arm to prop up the blanket, annoyed. Just as her eyes were able to make out a lump of shadow she was pulled into a warm embrace by an arm.

Youve woken up? A voice slightly hoarse and full of magnetic attraction.

Xiao Qi pursed her lips and rubbed her piping hot ears, nodding repeatedly. Xiao Qi flipped over and laid on the bed, tilting her head to look at Song Liang Zhuo who had his eyes closed.

Official Song, what does not raising mean?

Alas, its so early in the morning!

Song Liang Zhuo sighed and opened his eyes. Seeing Xiao Qis white arms pressed below her chin he closed his eyes again.

I want to know, my mom and my sister both know but they wont tell me. Xiao Qi frowned, perplexed.

Song Liang Zhuos face had a slight embarrassed blush. After thinking about it, he turned his body sideways and said: Its just, there. If it cant raise, no way to consummate marriage.

Xiao Qi blinked and then suddenly laughed: There ah, haha. Official Song, then youre perfectly fine ah.

Thats right ah, not only perfectly fine, but very very fine. However, talking about this sort of thing with a seventeen year old lady, how come it just feels like hes beguiling an ignorant and innocent young lady?

Song Liang Zhuo hadnt even finished sighing when Xiao Qi already rolled over and laid half on top of him, saying with a grin: Then when I go back Ill tell Mom you dont have that illness.

Song Liang Zhuos brows knitted: You cant say this sort of things to others.


This is something only a pair of husband and wife can talk about. Actually, even husbands and wives dont discuss this, Song Liang Zhuo sighed mournfully.

Oh. Xiao Qi rubbed her chin against Song Liang Zhuos chest and smiled: Then I wont tell her.

Song Liang Zhuos entire body turned rigid due to Xiao Qis rub, yet Xiao Qi still ignorantly traced Song Liang Zhuos chest, saying with a red face: Men and women arent the same. Haha, its so weird.

Song Liang Zhuo held Xiao Qis hand and warmly asked: Are you not getting up?

Xiao Qi stared at Song Liang Zhuo and smoothed her lips as she shook her head. Seeing Song Liang Zhuo was about to get up she hurriedly struggled free and grabbed him with a hug. Giggling heehee she said: Dont run away. Official Song never talked properly with me before.

Song Liang Zhuo sighed: Well, what do you want to talk about?

Xiao Qis eyes took a roll, then she leaned next to Song Liang Zhuos ear and whispered: Are Lu Liu and Big Brother Lu together now?

Why are

you talking like this?Song Liang Zhuo knitted his brows.

Xiao Qi made a shush sound and lowered her voice: Dont let Lu Liu hear, shell probably feel embarrassed.

Song Liang Zhuo was speechless.

Xiao Qi paused for a while, before gloomily asking: Official Song, will Big Brother Lu be able to recover completely from that illness? Lu Liu said that every year there was a possibility of a recurring fever.

Song Liang Zhuo was silent for a long while. Stroking Xiao Qis cheek he said: He will. Theres plenty of famous doctors in the world. Besides, people will also occasionally meet miracles. Perhaps after a nap, that illness would be completely cured.

Xiao Qi nodded, twisting into a ball inside Song Liang Zhuos arms. She stretched, then lifted her eyes stare at Song Liang Zhuo: Official Song, in the future what should I call you?

What does Xiao Qi want to call me?

(Lord) Husband?

Song Liang Zhuo lifted his eyebrows.

Husband (Official)?

Song Liang Zhuo tensed his lips.

Husband(master of household)?

The corners of Song Liang Zhuos lips twitched.

Aah, they all sound so strange. Xiao Qi bit her thumb, a bit troubled.

Official Song, my Mom calls my Dad Fat Old Man. But my Second Sister calls Second Brother-in-Law Fei ge. She even called him Darling Fei before, blergh! Xiao Qi stuck out her tongue, then continued: I remember when I was little my Mom called my Dad Damned Old Man and even called him Stingy Chicken for a time. Later, my dad got fat and my mom called him Big Barrel, and now she calls him Fat Old Man.

Xiao Qi blinked her eyes and asked: Then can I call you Skinny Official?

This is just teasing, Song Liang Zhuo was certain, but seeing Xiao Qis deadpan face, it didnt seem so.

Skinny gege? Xiao Qi sweetly called.

Song Liang Zhuo trembled for a moment, then grinned and said: Lets just go with Official Song.

Oh, I also think that Official Song sounds better. Xiao Qi nodded.

This line of thought, seriously. Its like a heavenly steed soaring across the skies, one unconstrained thought after another, Song Liang Zhuo thought inside.

Official Song, will you marry other people? Xiao Qi turned to ask.

I wont!

Xiao Qi twisted in another circle. Hugging Song Liang Zhuos waist she rubbed her chin against it.

Even if you marry someone else, Im not scared. If you marry then Ill divorce you, haha. Xiao Qi recalled the divorce paper and couldnt help but feel giddy.

Xiao Qis guts sure have grown big ah!

Xiao Qi glanced at Song Liang Zhuo and giggled with heehees: People that hit people are not good people. Official Song is a good person ah.

This contradiction in her words actually made Song Liang Zhuo feel guilt in his heart.

Xiao Qi curled her legs habitually and even slowly slid back and forth along Song Liang Zhuos leg.

Its so smooth and slippery, Xiao Qi thought as she rubbed her leg.

Xiao Qi flipped over to face Song Liang Zhuo, her two legs wanted to curl into a ball but her knee actually ran into a very hot area. She could feel that that thing, was precisely the thing that caused her to be in so much pain for so long last night.

Xiao Qis mouth flattened. Knitted her brows as she looked at Song Liang Zhuo, she pitifully spoke: Ill hurt. You, youve raised, havent you?

Song Liang Zhuos face flushed completely red. He quickly moved his body away as if he got scalded and stretched out his hand to grab the gown. When he got off the bed he had already put on his clothes, causing Xiao Qi who was staring fixedly at him to only be able to see a glance of his naked back.

Song Liang Zhuo took a deep breath with his back faced towards Xiao Qi. Steadying his breathing he said: Xiao Qi should lie down for a little while longer before getting up.

Xiao Qi watched as Song Liang Zhuo left the bed. Though the bed curtains she could see him putting on his clothes before heading to the outer room. Xiao Qi drilled into the blankets for another while. Her leg fished back and forth for half the day before she was finally able to fish out the silk skirt she wore yesterday.

Xiao Qi pulled it out and took a look at it. Seeing a small dark red stain on it, she disdainfully threw it outside the bed curtains.

Waiting for Xiao Qi to drill and play around enough so that she would put on clothes and come out, Song Liang Zhuo had already slowly walked two laps around the small courtyard.

Lu Liu helped Xiao Qi carefully wash up, then asked with a smile: Miss, does guye treat Miss well?

Xiao Qi pouted, then winked towards Lu Liu: Did you secretly get together with Big Brother Lu?

Lu Lius face instantly turned completely red. After a long time she finally humphed: Miss, dont talk nonsense. I only go over there to bring Advisor Lu his medicine.

Xiao Qi narrowed her eyes and cast a sideways glance at Lu Liu. Giggling creepily heehee she shook her head and said: Even if you get together its fine. Advisor Lu is a really good person.

Thats true. Lu Liu pouted: Back then he also treated Miss extremely well, even more tenderly than guye.

Hee, you know what tenderness is? Xiao Qi wrinkled her nose as she giggled.

Lu Liu smiled and said: Of course, Advisor Lus type is precisely that, treating people really well. Guye doesnt treat other people with any particular expression. Sometimes watching it makes people shocked.

Xiao Qi pouted: Official Song is good. Its enough that he just smiles at me, having no expression is better. But Big Brother Lu is also strangely good, he looks pretty friendly. Big Brother Lu also

Song Liang Zhuo lightly coughed. Xiao Qi glanced over, then stuck her tongue out at Lu Liu as she ran to Song Liang Zhuos side.

Lu Liu pursed her lips holding back laughter as she left the room. Xiao Qi smiled happily as she leaned against Song Liang Zhuo, waiting for Lu Liu to come out. Tugging at his sleeve, she lowered her head.

Song Liang Zhuo rubbed Xiao Qis ears. Xiao Qi ducked, then lifted her head and asked: Official Song, you really like to rub my ears ah. Why?

Song Liang Zhuo was somewhat taken aback for a moment, then his lips hooked as he said: Soft, yet its tenacious.

Xiao Qi stared at Song Liang Zhuos eyes. Her eyes rolled and rolled ah, in the end she lifted her hand to pinch Song Liang Zhuos ear.

Xiao Qi folded that ear over and kneaded it for a bit, then rubbed her own ears. Smiling, she said: Why are yours not attached? So weird.

Most peoples arent attached. Its the ones attached that are strange, Song Liang Zhuo thought silently.

Song Liang Zhuo led Xiao Qi to sit at the table: Does Xiao Qi have any plans today?

What about you?

Im going to the government office.

When are you going to build the dam?

After helping those people settle down.

Xiao Qi nodded: Then Ill wait for you to come back at home.

Song Liang Zhuo looked at Xiao Qis bright gleaming eyes and said: Then, Ill do my best to come back a bit earlier.

Xiao Qi repeatedly nodded her head. Her little hand held Song Liang Zhuos and swung for a bit, a slight bit of the newlywed bashfulness could be seen on her face.

Breakfast was as usual, yet Xiao Qi felt like it was different from the past. Xiao Qi even picked some side dishes several times for Song Liang Zhuo. As they were eating, the two didnt really say anything, yet Xiao Qi felt like Song Liang Zhuo was constantly looking after her. Xiao Qi couldnt explain why she had that feeling, that very subtle feeling. When they exchanged glances it would make her feel really happy.

Song Liang Zhuo was about to head out. Xiao Qi, seemingly bashfully hung her head as she held his hand, heading all the way to the courtyard entrance to send him off. Song Liang Zhuo, looking at the top of her hair, smiled.

Ah, how did Ha Pi come back?! Song Liang Zhuo smiled as he spoke.

Xiao Qi suddenly lifted her head, the smile on her face and the naughtiness in her eyes couldnt be concealed in time. Xiao Qi turned in a circle searching, then swung Song Liang Zhuos hand back and forth as she ask: Where?

Song Liang Zhuo lifted his hand to pinch Xiao Qis cheek. This time he pinched quite hard, a red mark even showed up on Xiao Qis face. Song Liang Zhuo let go and knitted his brows as he muttered: Why is it so hard to pinch?

Before he finished his words his line of sight fell on the teeth marks on Xiao Qis neck and his face turned a bit red. That was let by him when he got frustrated last night. Song Liang Zhuo lightly coughed and forced a smile: Alright, Im off.

Xiao Qi wrinkled her nose as she rubbed her cheek, then also lightly pinched Song Liang Zhuos cheek. Uncle Wang, seeing the two dawdling, smiled: If Madam feels uneasy, then you should just go with him to the government office.

Song Liang Zhuo lowered his eyes. Xiao Qis eyes widened as she asked: Can I go in?

This ah, Uncle Wang glanced at Song Liang Zhuo and stuck his lips out at him: You must ask da ren.

Xiao Qi turned her eyes towards Song Liang Zhuo. Song Liang Zhuo lightly coughed and said: Stay at home, otherwise, anyways, its not good.

Xiao Qi looked at Uncle Wang who was winking at her, bit her lips and said: Alright, Ill wait for you at home. And oh, Official Song, did you catch a cold? You keep coughing!

Song Liang Zhuo went slightly for a moment. After a pause, he nodded his head, turned around and got into the carriage.

Xiao Qi stuck out her tongue at Uncle Wang. Staying until the carriage disappeared from sight, only then did she jump a little and then lifted her skirt to run back into the courtyard.


Credits: Translated by Chiyomira, Edited by Sonia

[Chiyomiras Corner]

Heehee, enjoy~