Xiao Qi, Wait! - Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Xiao Qi, Wait: Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Official Song, a Rouge

Xiao Qi blinked, then blinked again. She saw Song Liang Zhuos expressionless face clearly, then turned her head to shake off his hand and hung her head.

Song Liang Zhuo lightly sighed then sat down next to her: Didnt you go home, why did you run over here?

Xiao Qi swept her gaze through the crowd, found Lu Li Chengs figure and couldnt help but curl her lips into a smile. Song Liang Zhuo followed her line of sight and looked over, his brows undetectably frowned.

Xiao Qi?Please do not copy

Huh? Xiao Qi withdrew her gaze and blinked: What?


Song Liang Zhuo moved himself, lifted the bowl and took a look. He said warmly: Stewed chicken? Xiao Qi made it?

The nanny made it, my mom told me to bring some for you. My mom said to tell you, when this place floods, the Qian family will still distribute food.

These words were originally good words, but saying it out loud made it a bit unpleasant to hear. Song Liang Zhuo rubbed his forehead then switched the topic: What medicinal herbs are these?

Xiao Qi poked her head over to take a look: I dont know. My mom said its cistanche stewed bamboo chicken.

Cistanche? For boosting kidney yang? Song Liang Zhuos face turned a bit red. He gave a light cough and said: Mother-in-law has taken a lot of trouble.

If you havent gotten the hint, its for boosting male sex drive.

Xiao Qi curled her lips, supported her chin and started daydreaming again. Song Liang Zhuo spoke: Xiao Qi came alone?

En.Please do not copy

I wont be able to return until a bit late at night.


Xiao Qi should return a bit later with me.

Oh.Please do not copy

Song Liang Zhuo sighed and poured himself a bowl of pickled plum soup. Xiao Qi saw the girl that had carried water to Song Liang Zhuo look over and pouted: Didnt you just drink a bowl of water?

A smile slowly surfaced on Song Liang Zhuos face and he warmly replied: It doesnt quench thirst as much as what Xiao Qi brings.

Xiao Qi gave a light humph. Song Liang Zhuo glanced at her slightly dry lips and passed the bowl over: Xiao Qi should also drink a bit to moisten your throat.

Xiao Qi licked her lips and took a sip and felt that the nanny indeed did not skimp on the job. Even peppermint herbs seemed to have been added, drinking it spread a pleasantly cool and sweet feeling throughout her mouth. Xiao Qi couldnt help but lifted the bowl and drank another two gulps, then licked the corners of her mouth: Nanny sure treats you well. The pickled plum soup she makes for you tastes even better than the ones she makes for me.

Song Liang Zhuo laughed, then lifted his hand to wipe away a drop of dark colored soup from the corner of Xiao Qis mouth. Song Liang Zhuos thumb paused at the corner of Xiao Qis mouth for a while. Only after seeing Xiao Qis face flush red in a flash did he withdrew his hand, satisfied.

Xiao Qi took a deep breath. Song Liang Zhuo saw her widen her eyes, the corner of his mouth carried a smile as he waited for her to explode. Xiao Qi suddenly dropped her head down to her chest, her hands covered her scarlet red ears and curled into a ball.

Song Liang Zhuo gave a light laugh, drank the pickled plum soup in the bowl and sighed happily. Song Liang Zhuo raised his head and looked at the sky: Hope that this rain will not come for a few more days. Although the dam is short, if the rise of the water level can be slowed a bit, we can help evacuate everyone.

Xiao Qi rubbed her ears, saying in a low voice: This thing of yours isnt a dam. I heard someone said so before, dams must stretch along the riverside continuously for a fifty thousand meters. You, you only have this little bit.

Song Liang Zhuo lifted his eyebrow, pulled away the hand Xiao Qi was using to cover her ear and used his own large palm to wrap around hers. His other hand pushed against the ground and he got up. Xiao Qi, being pulled by Song Liang Zhuo also got up. While walking he said: Xiao Qi heard or saw a flood management book before?

Xiao Qi struggled to get her hand free, but saw that Song Liang Zhuo had no intention of letting go. Xiao Qi tilted her head to look at the side of Song Liang Zhuos face and saw that straight nose bridge and dark glowing eyes and helplessly blushed again.

Xiao Qi tensely grinded her teeth and mumbled: Seem, seems to have seen before.

Song Liang Zhuo lightly nodded, pulling her straight to an area above ground and pointed at the river below: This is a tributary, along with another one, the one I brought you to see before, further downstream theyll merge into one. Its just this bypass is choked with silt and that tributary is more curved so if it floods, more than half will end up in this tributary. At that time, not only the Concave Village, but several lands in this perimeter may end up becoming a vast body of water.

Will it flood into the city?

Outside the city there are rock dikes, the terrain is also rather high. If it isnt an extremely large flood there probably wont be problems.Please do not copy

Xiao Qi looked at the tributary in front of her and rubbed her nose: Why do I feel like Ive been here before?

Xiao Qi pointed towards the tributary and said: It seems, it seems you need to dig up the silt, right? Once the silt is cleared away, no matter how large the amount of water, itll still be able to directly flow away.

Some sort of image flitted through her mind. Xiao Qi pulled away her hand and jump a few steps away, then smiled as she stretched apart her arms and said: The river must be broadened and cleaned of silt. Silt can be used to make the dam, the dam doesnt need to be made from stone for one side to be secured with stone is enough. Stones can also be used to construct a frame, filling the inside with silt. Once its filled and leveled, you can plant fruits and vegetables on top. Haha, I want lots of strawberries and ume. Aaah, if its like that, every year once it becomes spring the dike will be filled with apricot flowers.

Xiao Qis eyes sparkled, sucked her saliva and sighed: So pretty ah! And there are even fruits to eat!

Song Liang Zhuos eyes were full of pleasant surprise as he looked at Xiao Qis appearance swallowing her saliva. Song Liang Zhuo walked over, once again taking hold of Xiao Qis hand and warmly said: Xiao Qis way of thinking is original, and is also an ancient method. If the dam is built, then the silt collected every year from cleaning the silt would have a use.

Song Liang Zhuo lifted his hand and tucked the strand of hair blown loose by the wind behind Xiao Qis ear. The eyes he looked at Xiao Qi with seemed to contain something more.

Xiao Qi stopped smiling and tried to shake off that hand with a flushed face. Song Liang Zhuo walked closer to embrace her and dropped a soft kiss on the top of her head.

Xiao Qis entire body froze, she slightly lifted her head and saw the smile in the corner of Song Liang Zhuos mouth, then her whole body trembled for a moment.

It wasnt excitement, it was fear.

The smile at the corner of Song Liang Zhuos lips slowly widened, Xiao Qis head started to feel numb, her face also became more and more wrinkled until finally, it wrinkled into a steamed stuffed bun. Her cheekbones areas were forcefully scrunched together, exhibiting several naughty and embarrassed small wrinkles.

Song Liang Zhuo lifted his hand and stroked the wrinkles near her cheek bones and spoke with good intentions: Xiao Qi, wrinkles like these are ugly.

Ugly is good! If its ugly it wont catch the attention of bad guys!

Xiao Qi lowered her eyes, her gaze swept past his Adams apple. Perhaps he just happened to be swallowing because the Adams apples suddenly slid up and down, Xiao Qi couldnt help but also swallow. Her gaze slide downwards again, arriving at her usual eye level. Only then did Xiao Qi become aware that it turns out she doesnt even reach Song Liang Zhuos chin.

Xiao Qi lifted her hand to compare, her nose only reached between the first and second button of his front lapel as well.

Xiao Qi hadnt retrieved the hand she tapped against Song Liang Zhuos chest when it had already been pulled down by him. Song Liang Zhuo looked at the sky, then looked and saw that the people next to the dam had stopped working and were preparing to go back to the village to eat. He pulled Xiao Qi who was still hanging her head and walked down.

The girl that had brought the water earlier quickly walked up, then bashfully gave Song Liang Zhuo a curtsy. Looking at this woman from close range, she indeed was quite lovely. Just based on that pair of whirling almond eyes and the penetratingly beautiful slender brows, they surpassed Xiao Qis nonexistent charm.

Xiao Qi stared at her brows, a bit envious of this type of slender willow brows that could send out an alluring aura with every frown and smile.

Da ren, would you come to Cai Yuns house for dinner? Cai Yun prepared fish meat dumplings. The girls soft voice sweetly sounded.

Xiao Qi felt it was really interesting, her eyes also brightened up a few degrees. This girl was clearly trying to express goodwill towards Official Song. Official Song sure is a pretty boy thats good at fooling others, this girl might be the most beautiful one in Concave Village.

Eh? Theres large peony flowers pinned on the hairpin? Fresh flowers?!

Xiao Qi struggled to get free to take a look but was pulled back when Song Liang Zhuo secretly used strength. Song Liang Zhuo expressionlessly replied: I am grateful for lady Cai Yuns good intentions, but my wife has already brought food so I wont disturb.

Lady Cai Yun hung her head, a bit sad. Song Liang Zhuo had already apologetically nodded and pulled Xiao Qi to a place to sit.

Xiao Qi repeatedly looked back. That girl turned to leave and Xiao Qi was able to see the large purple peony pinned on her head. Xiao Qi pouted as she swung Song Liang Zhuos arm, whispering: Purple doesnt look good, pink is prettier.

Oh? Song Liang Zhuo glanced over and smiled: Perhaps. But I havent seem to see Xiao Qi wear flowers before.

Xiao Qi wrinkled her nose, rubbed her own glossy black hair and self confidently replied: I look good even without wearing any accessories. After speaking she even giggled a little.

Song Liang Zhuo laughed in spite of himself, but still nodded.

Xiao Qi saw Lu Li Cheng walk over and felt a bit uncomfortable and tried to get her hand free again. Song Liang Zhuo released her. Xiao Qi released a breath of relief, but before she even finished sighing Song Liang Zhuos arm had coiled around her waist and pulled her into his embrace.

Xiao Qi flushed as she sneakily glanced towards Lu Li Cheng, saying in a low voice: Then, um, Advisor Lu, lets eat together.

Lu Li Cheng looked at Song Liang Zhuos obviously guarding posture and found it a bit funny. He shook his head and replied, smiling: No need, Madam andda renshould enjoy together. This one will go to the village, came only to letda renknow.

Xiao Qi heard his laughter and her face turned even more red, pretty much burrowing her head into Song Liang Zhuos chest. The corner of Song Liang Zhuos mouth hooked and he nodded towards Lu Li Cheng. Lu Li Cheng lifted the corner of his brow, seeming to still have something to say. He stood there for a little while, then lightly laughed again before turning to return to the village.

There was already no one else on this side. Song Liang Zhuo released Xiao Qi and sat down, then pulled her down again with one hand.

Xiao Qi was slightly angry and gathered up her courage to slap the back of his hand and angrily stutter: Who, wh-wh-wh, who let you hug me?

Song Liang Zhuo raised an eyebrow: Why cant I hug you?

I, I-I-I-, I dont allow you to hug. Xiao Qi was indignant.


This tone again!

Xiao Qi trembled, then frowned as she looked at Song Liang Zhuo. Not looking would have been better. This one look caused her eyes to be dazzled by his hooked smile. Xiao Qi was stunned for a moment, her pupils slowly turned in a circle, then she covered her eyes and fake cried: You only know to bully me!

Are you really crying? Song Liang Zhuos voice was full of amusement.

Song Liang Zhuo smiled as he lifted away Xiao Qis hands. Xiao Qi, eager to have revenge, curled her lips and suddenly pushed Song Liang Zhuo over.

Song Liang Zhuo seemed to have been prepared, when he went down he also pulled Xiao Qi. Xiao Qi became unsteady and also fell down, right on top of Song Liang Zhuo, her cheeks pressed painfully on top of Song Liang Zhuos protruding buttons, her body was even sliding forward due to momentum.

Xiao Qi clutched her own face and was really angry now. She used her head to fiercely smash into Song Liang Zhuos chest and said with a sob: You seriously, wuu, hurts.

Song Liang Zhuo knitted his brows as he pried apart Xiao Qis hands and looked at the red mark on the side of her face. He gently stroked it and said softly: This time was my bad.Please do not copy.

When was it not your bad? Youre the most unreasonable, and you even like bullying people. You dont even blink when you bully people, yet others still say youre a good person. The more Xiao Qi said, the more wronged she felt. She recalled being chased out by her own mother and felt even more strongly that her wonderful life had already been seized by Song Liang Zhuos large hand and with a crack, shattered to pieces.

Xiao Qis brain enthusiastically grabbed onto the wrong conclusion and didnt perceive the ambiguous position they were in at all.

Song Liang Zhuo curled his lips as he listened to Xiao Qi mumble to herself. He smiled, sighed, then tightly drew her towards him, slightly lifting his head to block her incessantly jabbering lips.


Credits: Translated by Chiyomira, Edited by Sonia

[Chiyomiras Corner]