Xiao Qi, Wait! - Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Xiao Qi, Wait: Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Song Liang Zhuo, a Rogue

Revenge, its definitely revenge!

Song Liang Zhuos lips pressed together tightly, his arms used strength to rein Qian Xiao Qi in and caused her to continuously wail.

Lu Liu wanted to follow them in but Song Liang Zhuo had already kicked closed the door. Lu Liu wanted to enter but didnt dare, so she worriedly cried from outside the door: Guye! Guye, Miss is drunk, Guye please dont get angry with her. Guye, youre bigger than Miss, you cant hit her again! Ha Pi coordinated and also barked woof woof at the tightly closed door a few times.

The corners of Song Liang Zhuos mouth twitched. That one slap of his really did strike out to strike him back. Not only did it earn him the reputation of hitting woman, it even allowed this woman in his embrace to borrow alcohol to make a scene, taking the opportunity to get revenge.

Xiao Qi seemed to regained some consciousness due to Lu Lius frantic cries. She quietly sat on Song Liang Zhuos leg and matched her fingers. But it was too dark and it was swaying too much so she matched and matched but couldnt match a single finger.

Song Liang Zhuo gave a soft hum and tilted her head towards him, and said with his brows knitted: Were you borrowing alcohol to take revenge?

Xiao Qi shook her head and pouted: I didnt hit anyone.

Then who did you just hit?

Xiao Qi blinked her eyes, innocently looked around the dusky room and spoke unconfidently: Ha Pi?

Song Liang Zhuo pinched Xiao Qis chin and turned her face over again, saying with a humph: Are you pretending to be stupid?

Xiao Qi shook her head. Apparently she felt dizzy, so she simply cuddled next to Song Liang Zhuos face and mumbled: Xiao Qi isnt stupid. Im, Im really smart!

Song Liang Zhuo gave a light laugh and patted her back, saying softly: Dont hold a grudge anymore. Isnt pretending to have lost your memories really tiring?

En. Xiao Qi rubbed cheeks, whispering: Official Song hit people, and didnt let Xiao Qi eat full.

Haha, Ive wronged you!

Ha Pi, also hungry. He, he got skinny!

Song Liang Zhuo was a bit helpless. Actually he had let the dog eat all the chicken bits he carried home every other day! Song Liang Zhuo gave a bitter smile. Well, wasnt it just that he let the dog eat it!?

The tone of the above passage is kind hard to convey. I think its something like he didnt expect the dog to eat so much, but hes comforting himself that its just feeding a dog, not that much loss of money.

Xiao Qi. Song Liang Zhou sighed and called softly.

Xiao Qi stared blankly for a long time before responding with a clear sound and releasing a long breath.

Song Liang Zhuo raised his hand to adjust her chin a little as he asked in a soft voice: Xiao Qi, do you really feel like being with me is unpleasant?

Xiao Qis face burned unbearably, her thoughts also turned into a mess. She subconsciously nodded abruptly, then pointed towards the door and called woof woof.

Song Liang Zhuos mouth twitched, then sighed, preparing to carry her to the bed. Xiao Qi suddenly turned around, her lips softly brushed pass Song Liang Zhuos slightly cool lips. Xiao Qi was cooled comfortably by those slightly cold lips and rubbed against it a couple more times, even tentatively tried licking.

Song Liang Zhuos heart heated and the arm hugging Xiao Qi tightened. He slightly closed his eyes and pressed down on those disturbing lips.

Like, disturbing his calmness.

The moment the tip of Song Liang Zhuos tongue entered Xiao Qi opened her mouth and sucked it. Song Liang Zhuos body slightly stiffened for a moment, then slowly deepened the kiss.

She is his wife, and is the one he will hold hands with his entire life. Though her behavior was too casual and free, but it was simple and cute. He should tolerate her rudeness and slowly shape her to mature, shouldnt he?

Song Liang Zhuo couldnt really restrain his feelings anymore. Rationally, he was nothing but a hot blooded young man. He had his desires that hes shy of telling others, the embarrassments that he can not say. He also must relieve himself through some means. Relieve himself of those things that he cant bear to look straight at, cant bear to look straight at

Song Liang Zhuo supported Xiao Qis waist so that she straddled his leg. A pair of arms tightly wrapped around her and hugged her more and more tightly. His lower lip was sucked by Xiao Qi until it started stinging. Song Liang Zhuo tried pulling away and Xiao Qi already chomped onto his nose with a discontent aawuuu, and even pulled on it with her mouth. Song Liang Zhuo groaned in pain. Just as he was going to reach out to push he heard Xiao Qi cry: Im thirsty. Official Song, hic, wont let me drink water. Wuu, stingy chicken, sticky furred!

A stingy person is a chicken that wont even give away a single one of their feathers. Get it? Lol.

Song Liang Zhuo sighed, drawing Xiao Qi closer and leaned on her shoulder, taking two deep breaths. Xiao Qi dizzily leaned on Song Liang Zhuos shoulder and cried with boohoos, her body even twisted back and forth like a loach. Song Liang Zhuo fixed her waist, not letting her move around. Only after the heat in his body slowly dispersed did he carry her up to the bed.

Xiao Qi tightly clung onto Song Liang Zhuos body. The more Song Liang Zhuo tried to pull her the tighter she clung, almost like she was treating him like the wine cup she previously guarded. Song Liang Zhuo gave a bitter smile and just carried her like this to the table, then poured a cup tea to feed her.

Song Liang Zhuo watched her drink the tea with a gulp gulp and crooned: Arent you drunk? What do you still need to drink water for?

Song Liang Zhuo removed the tea cup from her mouth several times, teasing her until her mouth became an inverted crescent moon before lightly laughing and letting her smoothly finish drinking the tea.

Song Liang Zhuo, supporting Xiao Qi, moved back to the bed again, then softly and quietly laid down. Waiting in silence for a while, seeing that Xiao Qi didnt show any intentions of letting go of him, he gave a slight sigh and pulled the bedsheet over to cover the two of them, then closed his eyes.

Come tomorrow, what should I say!? Song Liang Zhuo gave a bitter smile.

Song Liang Zhuo had actually guessed wrong this time. When morning came, Xiao Qi had already rolled over to the inner side. Lu Liu waited on Song Liang Zhuo as he freshened up while trembling with fear. Her eyes, from start to finish, didnt dare to look towards Song Liang Zhuo even once, but rather glanced from time to time towards the inner room. Song Liang Zhuo finished tidying himself up and returned to the inner room and pinched her nose, tugging it a few times, but still didnt see her open her eyes. Lu Liu softly moved over, seeing that Xiao Qi was still alive, secretly released a breath of relief.

Liu Heng Zhi called from outside the door. Song Liang Zhuo raised his hand to tuck in the bedsheet that Xiao Qi had kicked off again, then instructed Lu Liu: I wont be back until later today. If she still doesnt sober up get her a bowl of sobering soup.

Just happened to see this while double checking the name. Its the hangover soup of a certain restaurant. Doesnt it look tasty? hangover-soup-xqw-18

Lu Liu had already started beaming when she saw him cover Xiao Qi with the bedsheet, then hearing him say that she hurriedly smiled and said: When Miss gets drunk shell recover after sleeping. Shell probably continue sleeping until noon.

Song Liang Zhuo glanced again at Xiao Qi with her terrible sleeping posture, his brows slightly knitted then he left the room.

Lu Liu tore away the blanket, pulled Xiao Qis arm and closely examined it, then lifted up her skirt to check her legs, even lifted her inner clothes to check her back before she sighed in relief and said: Good, good. Guye is a good guye just as Ive said, he definitely wouldnt hit Miss, haha.

Lu Liu held Xiao Qis shoulders to let her lie down levelly. Her eyes swept pass her slightly swollen lips and gave a soft eh, then rushed to the outer room to look at that tidy small couch. She covered her mouth and giggled as she trotted to the kitchen.

Wen Ming Xuan and the rest had already prepared everything and packed, only waiting to have breakfast together before heading out. Wen Ruo Shuis mood was clearly not good. From the moment Song Liang Zhuo entered the drawing room, her eyes had not left him, but that gaze became more and more annoyed.

Ruo Shui with her mouth pressed in a flat line looked towards the entrance, then asked with a light humph: Wheres Xiao Qi? Im about to leave, how could she not come to send me off?

Song Liang Zhou apologetically nodded towards Ming Xuan and Heng Zhi and faintly smiled as he said: Shes still drunk.

Ruo Shui gave a humph with her head lowered. She unhappily got up and said: Im going to find her, we still have things to discuss.

Song Liang Zhuo didnt stop her, he just looked with some astonishment towards Liu Heng Zhi who was staring blankly into space. Liu Heng Zhi slightly gaped for a moment, then gave a light laugh: Brother Liang Zhuo and sister-in-law sure are in love.

Song Liang Zhuo didnt understand.

Liu Heng Zhi pointed at his slightly swollen lower lip and the bite marks on his nose and spoke with a covered smile: Sure is passionate enough!

Song Liang Zhuo handsome face that didnt change in a thousand years in a rare moment flushed thoroughly red. Song Liang Zhuo covered his mouth with embarrassment and gave a light cough. Knitting his brows, he said: Heng Zhi, youre overstepping.

Wen Ming Xuan also exposed a smile: Its a rare chance to see Liang Zhuos distressed appearance.

Liu Heng Zhi slapped his leg as he laughed: An affectatious person like Brother Liang Zhuo, only someone that doesnt act according to norms like sister-in-law would be able tame.

Song Liang Zhuo wryly smiled as he shook his head.

Wen Ruo Shui stormed all the way to Xiao Qis bedroom feeling great bitterness and slightly angrily dragged the bewildered sleeping Xiao Qi up as she furiously asked: What did you do with Zhuo gege last night?

Xiao Qis face creased into a stuffed bun, then swatted at Wen Ruo Shuis hand and whispered something. Wen Ruo Shui released her hands and Xiao Qi heavily fell, knocking against the wall with a bang. Qian Xiao Qi cried out in shock and blinked open her eyes.

Qian Xiao Qis eyes unconsciously skated in a circle. When she saw Wen Ruo Shui who was sitting next to the bed she was going to curse her but before she could Ruo Shuis tears had already appeared. Qian Xiao Qi blankly looked at the Wen Ruo Shui that was crying more and more heartbreakingly, her mouth twitched for half the day before opening her mouth to speak with her slightly hoarse voice: Its the middle of the night, what are you going crazy for?

Xiao Qis throat was extremely dry, thats why her voice came out slightly hoarse and low. Ruo Shui heard that even her voice had changed and cried even more heartrendingly. She had heard many of her already married friends say before, that once a woman has gone through doing those bashful matters, their voice will change to become hoarse and alluring.

Wen Ruo Shui shoved Xiao Qi and angrily cried: You just dont know shame. Why would Zhuo gege like a woman like you who isnt the slightest bit virtuous and wise? Its all because, because you seduced Zhuo gege, right?

Xiao Qis head was a bit dizzy from the start, now, because of Wen Ruo Shuis shoves has started to hurt a little. Xiao Qi raised her hand to rap her head, and said with a frown: Ruo Shui jiejie, whats wrong?

Wuuuwuuu, you dont know shame, you seduced Zhuo gege. Im about to leave, once I leave I wont come back to find you. Humph, serves you right that you wont have anyone to play with anymore!

Xiao Qi scratched her head, a bit at a loss. She turned to look outside at the brightly colored sky, then blinked: Youre leaving ah, Ruo Shui jiejie, Ill miss you.

Wen Ruo Shui covered her face and sobbed. Xiao Qis heart also felt a bit sad. She thought for a moment then shook her dizzy head and in three or two steps jumped to the chest. Opening the lid, she rummaged through it for a long time. Xiao Qi rubbed the jadeite rabbit the fat old man had given her and couldnt bear to part with it so she put it back. From the side, with a clattering sound she carried out a bunch of hairpins.

Xiao Qi carried her hoard over to the bed and placed the various hairpins on the bed, magnanimously opening her mouth to say: Does Ruo Shui jiejie like them? Why dont you choose a couple to take as souvenirs?

Humph, who wants your things! Wen Ruo Shui rubbed her face, nasally speaking: You must treat Zhuo gege well. I know Zhuo gege had always only treated me as a little sister. I also wasnt serious about marrying him, I just, just, I just love him dearly.

Humph, if you dare hurt Zhuo geges feelings, even if I have to crawl back from Ruzhou Ill still come to beat you up! Wen Ruo Shui shook her fist. Sweeping her eyes over the various shining pearl hairpins on the bed, with a humph she swept the whole bunch into her smock and hugged it. She lifted her chin towards Xiao Qi, saying: Theyre all mine!

Xiao Qis face became a bit unsightly. Those were the good things she had collected over the years from various places ever since she started understanding how to dress up, inside were even the odd toys that the fat old man had brought back from sea. In just this small pile, jade, agate, pearls, night pearls, cats eyes, etc were all included within.

night pearl


cats eye = Chrysoberyl I think


What? Not willing? Wen Ruo Shuis red eyes turned deceitfully round.

Xiao Qi puffed her cheeks, reaching out wanting to scoop a couple back but Wen Ruo Shui had already ran out the door hugging it. Xiao Qi hurriedly ran out chasing.

That side had already ate breakfast and were currently standing in the front courtyard waiting for Ruo Shui. The three saw Ruo Shui run out hugging something in her arms and behind, chasing her was even a Qian Xiao Qi with her hair unbound, and they all looked over a bit at a loss.

Ruo Shui ran directly to hide behind Song Liang Zhuos back and gasped for breath: Your wife doesnt keep her word. She clearly said she would gift things to me but she wants to demand them back.

Xiao Qi saw Song Liang Zhuos gaze which was directed at her carried some displeasure and mumbled with her head hanging: I said she could pick a couple but she, she grabbed them all.

Liu Heng Zhi glanced at Ruo Shuis puffy red eyes and guessed that she was probably doing this out of a sense of revenge. But seeing her like this means her heart is broader, seems shes laid it down.

Wen Ming Xuan was originally about to reprimand Ruo Shui but Liu Heng Zhi had already started speaking with a laugh: Sister-in-law, dont be upset. Whatever you lack this brother, I, will compensate sister-in-law for.

Song Liang Zhuo walked over to obstruct Liu Heng Zhis line of sight and fixed Xiao Qis opened collar. With a dark expression he spoke in a low voice: Why didnt you rest properly before coming out?

Xiao Qi pressed her lips together aggrieved, saying in a low voice: My things.


Song Liang Zhuo only let out two sounds and Xiao Qi obediently closed her mouth.

Wen Ruo Shui lifted her chin, pleased, and said: Youll have to go to Ruzhou anyways. Ill just find some good things for you to play with once you arrive, so stingy!

Youre the one thats stingy! Xiao Qi was fuming and wanted to glare back, but sadly, in front of her was Song Liang Zhuo this type of ice wall.

Song Liang Zhuo glanced at her crumpled muslin skirt and the sand in the corners of her eyes and said in a low voice: Return to the room and wash up first before coming back out.

Xiao Qi was extremely good at understanding peoples looks. Right now though Song Liang Zhuo was a face of tranquility, but Xiao Qi could still hear the faint displeasure and anger in his voice.

Xiao Qi shot a glare at Wen Ruo Shui who had a face of delight, and angrily stomped back to the back courtyard.

Liu Heng Zhi said with a smile: Brother Liang Zhuo is too strict.

He should be! Xiao Qi lacks the experience of being lectured! Wen Ruo Shui softly humphed with a pout.

Song Liang Zhuo gave a light cough: Does Ruo Shui meimei want to eat breakfast first or

Lets eat on the road. If we head out early itll be easier to make it to the next horse relay station. Wen Ming Xuan spoke.

Thats also good.

Song Liang Zhuo led the way in front, Liu Heng Zhi walked to Wen Ruo Shuis side to peek at the things she was carrying, and clicked his tongue in admiration: Wow, those are good things. Without at least several thousand taels they cant brought. Oh, and theres even cats eyes!

Really?! Wen Ruo Shui responded with shock.

For real! Liu Heng Zhi picked up a gold hairpin, tapping the transparent little pendant that covered its entire length and said with his brows wrinkled: What is this? Its not agate, and isnt jade either. Tsk, tsk, since its using gold as a contrast, its probably every extremely expensive.

Something like this maybe


Wen Ruo Shuis mouth twitched and her heart felt uneasy. Lowering her head to look at these dozen hairpins gestured with her chin towards the manservant. She waited for the manservant to lift up the hem of his skirt, then put all of it there, giving a humph: Wait until the day after tomorrow to return it to Xiao Qi, understood? If I find out that you gave it back to her early, even if I have to crawl back from Ruzhou I still wont let you off!

I couldnt find the exact picture, and I forgot the time period of this novel but generally, the clothing is a robe and servants would lift the hem of their outer skirt to hold stuff that would probably be hard to hold in their hands like pebbles? Idk, they probably only rarely did it because being elegant used to be such a huge thing.


The manservant submissively promised. Wen Ruo Shui walked out several steps before running back again, giving a humph: Ill be telling Xiao Qi how many I took. If you dare to embezzle watch your skin!

watch your skin is implying that shell skin him.

Wen Ruo Shui saw the manservant instantly become halfway shorter and nodded with satisfaction. Looks like that phrase watch your skin that mother uses at home was really useful, no wonder she never leaves out this phrase whenever she lectured the servants.

Wen Ruo Shui bent over and picked through it for a long time, finally picking out several white colored elegant ones and tucked them away in her bosom before following the rest out. Ruo Shui didnt know, these few that she picked out were things that old man Qian brought back from overseas, and he called several specialists to make those few hairpins. On top it was weighed with all colors of colored glass and colorless crystal, each pendant could produce a rainbow of colors underneath the sunlight, and theyre also the most rare ones Xiao Qi had.

Years later, when glass appeared for the first time on the market at a high price, the already very wise and virtuous Xiao Qi had, in the middle of the street, pulled Song Liang Zhuos collar and gave him an aggrieved beating.
