Xiao Qi, Wait! - Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Xiao Qi, Wait: Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Xiao Qi, Dont Go Past The Walls

By the time Song Liang Zhuo successfully flung out his third fish, the upper river was already filled with people. The fish on this side also decreased significantly. The black spines that were easy to see earlier now took half the day to spot. But Qian Xiao Qi seemed to have finally gotten up the courage. She pulled up her bloomers and also entered the water.

Song Liang Zhuo looked at the naked calf Qian Xiao Qi exposed and knitted his brows in disapproval. But seeing that the peasant boys all deliberately avoided this section of the river, and Xiao Qis delighted expression, he held back and didnt say anything. Uncle Wang also returned to the bank, throwing his bamboo hat to Xiao Qi for her to use as a fishing net.

Xiao Qi stuck her butt out as she searched for half the day. Finally catching sight of a black spine, she slowly shifted over with a smile, cautiously pushing the bamboo hat into the water to capture it.

Song Liang Zhuo watched her movements with his mouth hooked, waiting for her to joyously lift up the hat. River water leaked down. As expected, there was nothing in there at all.

Xiao Qis smile turned puzzled. Glancing at Song Liang Zhuo she saw he was despicably laughing at her and fiercely shot him a glare, then, in addition, angrily used the bamboo hat to fling water towards him.

Song Liang Zhuo didnt get angry. Lifting a hand to wipe away the muddy water on his face, he spoke with a smile: To catch fish here you must be fast. From the start the fish are only a little stuck. Being slow and taking forever will let a lot of them to get away.

Xiao Qi gave a humph, and muttered: As if you know so much. Didnt you only catch a few as well?

Song Liang Zhuo walked over, taking the bamboo hat from her hand, bent his waist and speedily scooped up a fish on the other side. The fish flopped for a few seconds, then with one violent move jumped into the water again.

Xiao Qi spoke in a shame on you tone: Song Liang Zhuo also was wrong. It cant be too slow or too fast. Hehe, this is called too far is as bad as not enough.

Xiao Qi is also right, just dont know how much would be just right?

Xiao Qi tilted her head: To get it just right ah, only catching the fish means its done right. The process doesnt matter, only catching the fish means it was done just right.

Xiao Qi bent her waist and tried again. This fish wasnt big, when it left the water it also rapidly jumped a few times. Xiao Qi hastily threw it onto the shore, even throwing the bamboo hat with it. Xiao Qi proudly pointed to the fish that was jumping on the shore: How is it? Just right, isnt it!

Song Liang Zhuos mouth hooked into a smile. Seeing that not far away, Wen Ming Xuan was leading Liu Heng Zhi and Wen Ruo Shui this way, he hurriedly pulled Xiao Qi out of the water and stooped down to let down her trouser legs, while at it also pulled down the skirt that she had tucked onto her waist.

Song Liang Zhuos actions were smooth, with one hand he swept out the wrinkles her skirt before realizing that this action was a bit improper.

From the moment he bent down to let down her trouser legs Xiao Qi had already became a bit dazed. Seeing Song Liang Zhou straighten up and look over, she hurriedly turned her face away and lifted the fan to fan herself, laughing haha she said: This place, ah, so refreshingly cool.

Song Liang Zhuo swept his glance over her piping red ears and didnt expose it, just warmly said: Brother Ming Xuan and the others have arrived. Go put your shoes on.

Oh! Qian Xiao Qi scuttled over two three steps. Holding the shoes, she ran back again, mumbling: How am I supposed to wear it with dirty feet?

Song Liang Zhuo gave a sigh in his heart and gestured a sign towards Wen Ming Xuan. He then pulled Qian Xiao Qi towards the riverside, crouched down to lift her leg and rinsed it clean in a clearer area of the river and wiped it dry using the fringe of his clothes and helped her put on her shoes. Waiting until she balanced herself, he then took her other leg and slowly washed it.

Originally Xiao Qi felt a bit embarrassed, but for some reason, seeing the top of Song Liang Zhuo, some place in her heart went badump-badump and a sort of warm filling sensation rushed in, as if something she had waited for a long time had finally fallen into her hands; she was filled with the feeling of joy and sweetness.

Song Liang Zhuos movements as he used his hand to scoop water to wash her feet seemed to be playing in infinitely slow motion. Xiao Qi seemed to feel sort of dizzy. Vaguely she remembered someone telling her, if a man washes a womans feet, then that means he is sincere, and will hold your hand his entire life.

Xiao Qi stared blankly at Song Liang Zhuo. Even after he washed his hands and stood back, she still hadnt returned to her senses.

Song Liang Zhuo didnt ask either, pulling her hand and picking the sturdy parts of the riverbank to walk towards the outside. Xiao Qi followed Song Liang Zhuo and took several steps before foolishly asking: Official Song, I liked you a lot in the past, didnt I?

Song Liang Zhuos steps paused, he gave a nod: Yes.

You dont like me, do you?

Xiao Qi looked at their clasped hands, not knowing why but she felt a thread of sadness. That happy bubble in her heart was punctured by a hole, with a whoosh shouted grievances as it rushed away to the skies.

Song Liang Zhuo didnt know what to answer. He didnt have her, but also couldnt say that he liked her. He didnt have the intention to take a wife, even if it was someone whose eyes would sparkle the moment they see him, and even a bit foolish of a pretty lady.

Perhaps he did like her a little, otherwise he wouldnt have thought of borrowing money from the Qian family in the first place; or perhaps, he only, only didnt wish to continue seeing such a small frame stand in front of the government office with two parts timidness, two parts bashfulness, three parts admiration, and three parts adoration looking at him.

Song Liang Zhuo opened his mouth with embarrassment, but before he spoke Xiao Qi had already shook off his hand. Xiao Qi jumped a step ahead and lifted her chin, saying: Just pretend I didnt ask, okay. I dont know whats going on with me either.

Xiao Qi shook her head, vexed: That wasnt something I wanted to ask. I dont like you anyways and I still have to return to the Qian family to be the Third Miss!

Song Liang Zhuo lowered his head to look at his empty hand, feeling a faint sense of loss.

Xiao Qi patted her face. Looking away, she saw Ruo Shui weaning a large bamboo hat along with those two men she disliked standing outside of the riverbank. She shot a glance at Song Liang Zhuo and said with a laugh: Your Ruo Shui meimei has arrived la. Haha, you should go accompany her!

Song Liang Zhuo looked at the smile on her face and slightly frowned. Xiao Qi turned away to walk towards the outside. For some reason her chest felt a bit stuffy. Xiao Qi patted her chest. Before she even let out a breath Wen Luo Shui heavily swatted at her again.

Xiao Qi has no loyalty. How could you run off first with Zhuo gege? Ruo Shui sharply spoke, fuming.

Xiao Qi pouted: Who asked you to get up late? Its not like we sneaked away!

Ruo Shui also didnt pursue what it meant and tugged her sleeve: Why are there so many people here?

To catch fish.

Ruo Shui saw Song Liang Zhuo walk over barefooted and hurried over with small steps. Hugging his arm, she asked with a smile: Zhuo gege went to catch fish? How many did you catch?

Xiao Qi pouted as she glanced at the two, flipped her hair rather with ease and went to the carriage. Liu Heng Zhi saw Qian Xiao Qi pout in Song Liang Zhuos direction and gave a creepy laugh: Ruo Shui, lets go. Ill take you to catch fish.

Humph, no thanks. Ruo Shui swung Song Liang Zhuos arm: Zhuo gege, take me to catch fish please!

Song Liang Zhuo gently pushed away her hand and said: I still have some things to discuss with Brother Ming Xuan, Ruo Shui should go play with Heng Zhi.

Ruo Shui unhappily pouted. Liu Heng Zhi approached with great timing. Grabbing her hand, he pointed to the front: Ruo Shui, look, look at what that person over there is doing? Wow, another one!

Ruo Shui couldnt resist looking over. When she turned back, Song Liang Zhuo had already put on his shoes and walked some paces away with Wen Ming Xuan. Wen Ruo Shui angrily stomped her foot, saying in a high pitched voice: Liu Heng Zhi, stop following me!

I wont follow. Im going to watch them catch fish first. As Liu Heng Zhi spoke he took large steps and walked out for a bit, then stopped again and spoke to Ruo Shui: Ruo Shui, do you want to come take a look too? We can roast the fish we catch to eat tonight.

Ruo Shui pursed her lips as she looked at Song Liang Zhuo who had his hands clasped behind his back and was slowly walking away with Wen Ming Xuan, then swept her gaze towards Qian Xiao Qi who was wearing a white gauze hat and sitting next to the carriage in the shade and pouted unhappily.

Liu Heng Zhi purposefully cried loudly as he entered the water. Not long after, holding a fish, he over exaggeratedly lifted it up as he yelled and shouted. Ruo Shuis heart was tickled and couldnt help running over.

Xiao Qi watched Liu Heng Zhuis exaggerated movements and gave a heavy snort, then lowered her head to concentrate on looking at the hand that had been pulled by Song Liang Zhuo.

Xiao Qi ruefully rested her chin on her knees, thinking, that was close, she almost got deceived by the pretty face.

Wen Ming Xuan turned his head to glance at Xiao Qi who was sitting in the shade as he spoke with a smile: Liang Zhuo has finally taken a wife. I thought you were going to be single forever.

Song Liang Zhuo gave a wry smile as he shook his head: If I didnt marry, lets not say the parents, even outsiders would probably look at me with a strange gaze.

True ah, Heng Zhi at one time even guess that you were homosexual.

Song Liang Zhuo laughed self-mockingly: He just has this kind of laidback personality.

Wen Ming Xuan turned back to look at Wen Ruo Shui who was already playing happily with Liu Heng Zhui and sighed: I know Ruo Shuis feelings towards you, and also know your attitude towards her. But everything has finally passed. Liang Zhuo, since youve already taken a wife, treat everything of the past as if it died yesterday and just let it all go.

Song Liang Zhuo slightly knitted his rows: Brother Ming Xuan, why do you say such a thing? Im not an insensitive person. That year whether Zi Xiao was self-willing, since she already choose to enter the palace, we no longer had a future.

Wen Ming Xuan nodded, walking a while before giving a light sigh: Last month I visited the capital with Father. After making some inquiries, I found out that lady Zi Xiao had already been bestowed by the emperor to Hao wangye. But, Wen Ming Xuan took a glance at Song Liang Zhuo before continuing: I didnt hear that Hao wangyes fu had a ce fei or chong fei named Zi Xiao. Or perhaps it may be that lady Zi Xiao had changed her name.

wang ye = Prince/Master, wang by itself meaning something along the lines of king

ce fei and chong fei are titles of favored consorts.

Song Liang Zhuo pursed his lips but didnt speak.

Wen Ming Xuan clasped his hands behind his back and looked around before sighing: Without the support of family background, to cling to this kind of road wanting to ride on someone elses success is like throwing a pebble into a lake.

wanting to ride on someone elses success is kinda hinting that Zi Xiao wanted to marry into success or try to marry someone that will get a high rank in order to elevate her status, but Ming Xuan is saying that without family support, its hard for most girls to hit and not miss the goal.

Song Liang Zhuo shook his head with a bitter smile: No matter if its the imperial palace or wangye fu, that type of place, how can she survive?

Wen Ming Xuan sighed: Everyone has their own fate. But then again, you really tied this marriage knot in a rush. Why did you only send news to Ruzhou after you got married?

Perhaps it was delayed on the road. It should have arrived much earlier.

Wen Ming Xuan hooked the corner of his mouth: What did Uncle Song say?

Haha, what could he say? Just some complaints about how the son is unfilial.

Wen Ming Xuan looked in front at the Yellow River that seems almost to have no riverbank and warmly spoke: Managing the flood isnt something to be done in one or two years. Liang Zhuo should properly think about it.

I know. After the next two years where therell be extreme amounts of rain Ill return.

Some fish were on their last breath inside the cloth bag. Qian Xiao Qi watched those open and close as they gasped, her heart also felt tugs with them. She did like to eat fish. But seeing them suffocate it seems, a bit, mm, inhumane.

Xiao Qi stretch out a finger and poked the fishs head. Turning around, she asked Uncle Wang who was sitting under a poplar tree dozing off: Uncle Wang, this fish is about to die. What do we do?

Haha, Madam. We dont have a water jar, so it can only be like this.

Xiao Qi gloomily nodded. Not far away she saw Song Liang Zhuo who had his hands clasped behind his back, giving off a rather worldly atmosphere. Xiao Qi didnt like seeing him like this, being like the celestial beings that placed themselves above the common populace. Though she still has to go back to the Qian family to be the Third Miss Qian, but as the magistrates wife for this period of time she couldnt let him act like this. If he left home (to become a Buddhist monk) wouldnt other people say she didnt discipline (the child) well?

Worldly has 2 definitions. Of or concerned with material values or ordinary life rather than a spiritual existence and (of a person) experienced and sophisticated. This is referring to the latter. The words in parenthesis are implied because theyre what her choice of words usually refer to, lol.

Qian Xiao Qi nodded, brushed dust off her hands and got up, shouting in Song Liang Zhuos direction: Official Song, its about time to go home!

Song Liang Zhuo was originally gazing at the wide Yellow River and pondering deeply as he sighed, but was made to smile by Qian Xiao Qis yell. That anxious moment turned into yellow sand and scattered from between his fingers. Song Liang Zhuo unconsciously hooked the corner of his mouth as he turned around to speak to Wen Ming Xuan: Brother Ming Xuan, shall we head back?

Wen Ming Xuan took a look at Song Liang Zhuo who had unconsciously exposed a trace of tenderness and gave a laugh: You return first. No need to say goodbye to Ruo Shui, in a while Ill bring them back.

Song Liang Zhuo nodded and took another glance at the riverbank, then walked slowly towards the carriage.


Credits: Translated by Chiyomira, Edited by Sonia