World's Apocalypse Online - Chapter 971 - Born From The Void

Chapter 971 - Born From The Void

Chapter 971: Born From The Void

Everyone was stating their desires.

“I want to approach that human Duke and ask him what he did to get appointed as a n.o.ble of the Bramble Bird Kingdom”

“I want more wealth”

“I love the Bramble Bird Kingdom, after the ceremony is over, I will stay here without leaving”

“I want to see Laura”

At the venue of the grand ceremony, the countless guests all stated their desires.

Within the infinite worlds.

Those who heard the music or saw Gu Qing Shan’s group dancing were also openly stating their wishes.

“I don’t want to work today, the Apocalypse is already approaching, I want to play games”

“What kind of woman does this human Duke like?”

“The Apocalypse is too terrifying; I want to take my vengeance before the Apocalypse arrives”

“Lady, it really wasn’t me last night”

“When will my book become popular”

“Does he love me or not? I truly want to know”

Countless wishes and desires were being said out loud by all living beings.

Billions of worlds, countless living beings.

At this time, they were expressing the biggest desires in their heart.

Watching this strange scene, Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but ask in a low voice: “What exactly is going on?”

Him, Ye Fei Li, and Zhang Ying Hao were standing in place, slowly tapping to the beat.

Since there was a break in the dance steps, he had some time to ask what was happening.

Soon enough, the bald old man’s voice sounded in his mind:

[As you’ve successfully performed the second stage of the Living Being Ritual Dance, you are qualified to know a few things]

Gu Qing Shan felt a flash in between his eyebrows as something entered his Thought Sea.


Countless mixed and complicated information appeared in Gu Qing Shan’s mind.

A magnificent, unprecedented scene unfolded before him, displaying the beginning of the Bygone Era.

Within the silent darkness, countless blazing suns were swiftly moving forward.

They went through an indescribable barrier, crossed an unfathomable desolation, arriving at the s.p.a.ce vortex from an extremely faraway place.

Indeed, in the beginning, there were no worlds, only the s.p.a.ce vortex.

These suns finally settled down after flying for a long while.

The light around them scattered.

Gu Qing Shan could finally see what the ‘suns’ truly were.

Each of these ‘suns’ was an indescribably gigantic metal s.h.i.+p, even the smallest one was comparable to an Abyssal Behemoth—— or perhaps slightly bigger than one.

Inside the command center of one s.h.i.+p, Gu Qing Shan saw the bald old man.

This strongest human Combatant of the Bygone Era was giving his order to the entire fleet:

“On my order; status report”

[Yes sir!]

The sound of various reports resounded within the command center of the s.h.i.+p:

[Fleet casualty reached 79%]

[Successfully penetrated the parallel barrier]

[All fuel has basically been used up]

[Through a.n.a.lysis of the final fluctuations from the background, it can be confirmed that our original reality has been completely destroyed]

[Current environment: unknown parallel world]

Hearing the reports, the bald old man asked: “Do we have any loss of stockpiled species bioma.s.s material?”

[Sir, we have a loss factor of 21.793%]

Hearing that, the bald old man’s expression became a bit relaxed.

“That’s good, as long as the species remain, we can continue to breed and multiply, there is still hope”

He muttered.

The scene suddenly faded.

Gu Qing Shan regained his senses.

He noticed that only a split second had pa.s.sed.

His surroundings seemed to have been affected by some sort of magic.

The flow of time was incredibly slow.

Everyone had fallen into their own thoughts, unable to escape for the time being.

Gu Qing Shan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

It couldn’t be helped, what he just saw was too shocking.

[Did you see it?]

The bald old man asked.

Gu Qing Shan silently nodded and muttered: “I saw that this place was originally an endless s.p.a.ce vortex, while all the living beings that prospered within it arrived from the place you call home——– a certain destroyed parallel world”

[Indeed, this is the answer] the bald old man said.

“But there was a problem” Gu Qing Shan said, “Why did you not run to the next parallel world and instead stopped in the s.p.a.ce vortex?”

The bald old man replied: [Our s.h.i.+ps ran out of fuel]

Gu Qing Shan said: “I trust that with your capabilities, you would’ve been able to somehow replenish fuel for your s.h.i.+ps”

The bald old man answered him: [It wasn’t as simple as you think, this place was an endless void between parallel worlds——- before this, we’ve never traveled to a parallel world, only when we were forced to run by the threat of destruction did we have no choice but to make this trip]

[In truth, we did not know how to escape from this s.p.a.ce vortex, we did not have a way to travel to another parallel world]

Gu Qing Shan shook his head: “But since you made it here, from a logical standpoint, there must be a parallel world similar to this one, how could you have not found any clues at all?”

[Many of us dedicated ourselves to studying nothing but s.p.a.ce-Time and the void for generations, the more we studied, the more truths and secrets we encountered, many of us became truly mad—– the greatness of s.p.a.ce-Time was truly a bottomless depth] the bald old man explained.

Gu Qing Shan immediately asked: “And then, you found out about the Reality Gate inside the Eternal Abyss. You a.s.sumed that the gate was a path, a way out, so you left this place and went through the gate”

[Indeed] the bald old man sighed, [This void was too dangerous, not only there existed the Eternal Abyss, the s.p.a.ce-Time Mystery Nest, the unending abyss of broken worlds, but there were also various terrifying ent.i.ties that we couldn’t explain——- we had to leave this place as soon as we were able to]

“But what do these matters of the Bygone Era have to do with the Dance we’re currently performing?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The bald old man’s expression turned very serious.

[Gu Qing Shan, do you believe in G.o.d?]

“I think that is nothing but a term that refer to ent.i.ties more powerful than a certain degree”

The bald old man chuckled.

[It was only before the true me’s death that I made the decision to pa.s.s this Dance down]

[This Dance was the greatest discovery we found in this void]

[This Dance was able to awaken some sort of power—– an unstoppable power that we’ve never came into contact with before]

[But up to now, no one had been able to perform this Dance to the final stage, myself included]

“Didn’t you say that there were 9 stages of the Dance that you would teach me?”

[I can only guide you to the second stage, from the third stage onwards, you will need to be bestowed the corresponding dance steps by that power, each stage is the same]

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but voice the question he wanted to ask most: “Wait a minute, then why did you have to do all of this?”

[Because, in the end, all of you are lifeforms that our world nurtured and created, our brethren and kin, I had to leave something for you]

The old man’s voice carried a bit of warmth: [I truly believe that a person who’s willing to sacrifice themselves to kill the Demon Dragon would not be some sort of villain—— after all, during our era, no one had dared to attempt it at all]

“I understand, in other words——- the existence of this Dance isn’t purely to stop the power of the Demon Dragon?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

[Do not underestimate it. Stopping the power of the Demon Dragon is nothing but a small side effect of the Dance] the bald old man informed him.

He seemed to have more to say, but stopped himself.

[Look, it’s coming!]

The bald old man shouted.

Gu Qing Shan quickly looked up.

In the antic.i.p.ation of both him and the old man, while everyone was still stuck in a state of blankness, a new change occurred at the venue of the ceremony.

The Divinities in the sky were all gently lowered to the ground.

An invisible ent.i.ty appeared.

Although he couldn’t see it, Gu Qing Shan could feel this invisible ent.i.ty very clearly.

He felt as if he was standing in front of boundless scorching light.

All of a sudden, where the invisible ent.i.ty was, a hoa.r.s.e, dry female voice slowly sounded:

「…The Ritual Dance… regretful… this much Prayers… is still lacking…」

Hearing that, the bald old man panicked.

He suddenly flew out from Gu Qing Shan’s eyebrows, faithfully knelt on one knee and spoke:

[Regardless, I beg that you grant the performer of this Ritual Dance a faint hope]

[He is nothing but a normal and ordinary living being, without your protection and guidance, he would never be able to continue pa.s.sing the Ritual Dance down]

The bald old man prostrated himself.


「 Normal… and ordinary? 」

The hoa.r.s.e female voice sounded again.

Apparently, she didn’t agree with this description.

「 Your understanding of him is too shallow, but… the Ritual Dance truly does need to be pa.s.sed down again… very well 」

After saying so, the female voice disappeared.

Gu Qing Shan could clearly sense that the invisible ent.i.ty had disappeared from the void of s.p.a.ce.

That ent.i.ty had truly left.

At the same time, lines of glowing text appeared on the War G.o.d UI:

[You have been bestowed the third stage of the Living Being Sacrificial Dance]

[Due to your unique ident.i.ty, your third stage of the Ritual Dance is different from others]

[You’ve obtained the Four Pillars Ritual]

[You have inherited the Dance of the Earth G.o.d]