World's Apocalypse Online - Chapter 777 - Soul Artifacts From The Bygone Era

Chapter 777 - Soul Artifacts From The Bygone Era

Chapter 777: Soul Artifacts From The Bygone Era

Looking at the miniature humanoid creature with a flame between its forehead, Gu Qing Shan almost couldn’t help but gasp.

Isn’t that just a mini Divinity?

According to the man’s explanation, this was a personal combat-type Soul Artifact.

The video screen formed from the sprites of light continued to display the recorded content in front of Gu Qing Shan.

The man continued his presentation.

[For these Soul Artifacts, I used the perpetual motion engine from the Technology branch to fuel the power of Magic branch, then creatively derived chaotic Elemental power to enable a quant.i.tative change in Magic output]

[Specifically, enough for these Soul Artifacts to display the power that can overcome Laws]

The man lightly tapped the mini Divinity.

[Take a look, this is something that no one had ever managed to research before, it’s really interesting]

Following his explanation, the mini Divinity opened its eyes.

The mini Divinity had a blank expression on its face and spoke with an emotionless tone: [I am the Fire Spirit Provider, would you like to engage in combat?]

The man spoke: [Combat will commence shortly, please give me the power of Fire]

The mini Divinity flew behind the man’s back and spread both arms towards him.


The man was immediately clad in fire.

He randomly picked up an automatic machine gun, half-explained and half-mumbled to himself: [I personally have the power of Elemental Wind, and this personal Combat-type Soul Artifact provided me with a second Elemental root, greatly boosting my own combat strength]

He pulled the trigger.

Tak tak tak tak tak tak tak!

The machine gun spat out numerous flaming bullets.

Several dozen meters away, each target dummy that was. .h.i.t by the bullets got sliced into numerous pieces, at the same time, each piece caught on fire and was quickly burnt to ashes.

[A Technological firearm was able to contain both the slicing power of Elemental Wind, the explosive and destructive power of Elemental Fire. Personally, I feel like the weapon I created this time was quite interesting indeed]

The man boasted.

He put the automatic machine gun away and pulled out a sharp dagger.

With a light slash from afar, a crescent-shaped arc of flames emerged from the dagger and accurately hit another target dummy.


The dummy was once again sliced in two, each piece caught on fire and was swallowed by the flames.

A perfect combination of Fire and Wind.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but stare in awe.

To perfectly grasp two Elemental powers at the same time, just like the man said, this power had truly overcome the restraints of Law.

But that wasn’t the end.

The man tapped the mini Divinity again.

The mini Divinity instantly morphed back into a ball of light and returned to the cl.u.s.ter of motionless b.a.l.l.s of light in the back.

The man continued:

[In truth, besides Magic, I also tried to infuse various other types of power into these weapons, like Mystic-type, Savage-type, Technological-type, Dark Spiritual-type, Nihility-type,… so on and so forth. In short, a lot of unprecedented power combinations were created]

The man explained.

He tapped another ball of light.

The ball of light scattered into sparks of light that was absorbed into the man’s body.

[This personal Combat-type Soul Artifact unit is different from the previous one. It contains Savage-type power, but since I had no way to absorb it, I had to infuse a Mystic-type power into it as well to create this unit]

The man slowly said.

He lightly leapt into the air.

All of a sudden, his body started to change.


As his feet touched the ground, an intense tremble and noise rang out.

Ashen grey hard skin, a body formed completely out of glowing rocks, ferocious killing intent that naturally drifted around his body.

He had turned into a 6-meters tall glowing rock giant.


He spoke with a thunderous booming voice.

From the void of s.p.a.ce, the 10 Elements of Metal-Wood-Water-Fire-Earth-Wind-Lightning-Light-Darkness-Sound manifested in the air, swirled and fused with one another to form a powerful magic that broke the void of s.p.a.ce as they appeared.




The blinding 10-colored spell struck the rock giant’s body directly.

The giant didn’t budge at all.

Only after the magic had dispersed did he begin to speak again: [As everyone knows, the Immortal Giant is extremely famous among supernatural creatures. Its body is immune to all magic attacks while physical attacks are practically unable to break through its defenses]

[And now, I’ve used this personal Combat-type Soul Artifact unit to harness its power]

The rock giant clenched his fist, about to punch the ground.

He suddenly stopped.

[Ahaha, I almost forgot, this storage facility isn’t able to take my and the Immortal Giant’s powers combined]

The glowing rock giant slowly shrank down and turned back into the man from before.

Sprites of light escaped from his body and gathered again, turning back into the ball of light.

The man scowled and muses: [Nihility-type powers aren’t very easy to visibly manifest, so I’ve only derived one type of Nihility power to form a personal Combat-type Soul Artifact unit]

He then caught a wiggly blue ball of light in the air and crushed it in his hand.

An invisible airflow came off his body.

Following that, black cracks in s.p.a.ce began to appear and disappear around his body.

The man scrunched up a small ball of paper and threw it into one of the black cracks around him.

[A very simple defensive Soul Artifact] the man explained, [Anything that touches the cracks in s.p.a.ce will be diverted to a random location, even I’m not sure where they would end up]

Recalling something, the man spoke in a low voice: [There isn’t time to perform long-term durability tests, so this research temporarily can’t be reported, how regretful]

[Alright, that should be everything. I need to depart now, these things can just be left here]

[After all, this place was already constructed, and there were nothing else to explore here]

[We’ve already made preparations for every situation. The normal people that remain here would be protected by the security measures we prepared, it can also act an alternative safety bunker]

[Farewell, hopefully, someone will discover the greatness of my invention in the future]

The screen faded.

Gu Qing Shan waited for a few moments.

The screen then began to gather again and displayed a different footage.

A Divinity with a signature flame light between his eyebrows faced the camera and began to speak.

[I don’t know which generation leader of the Divine race you are, but the secret I’m about to tell you must be kept to yourself. You must not tell anyone, otherwise, the Desolate race might discover it]

[Humanity entered the Gate of the World guarded by the Desolate monsters in search for the secret behind it, only leaving the old and weak humans here to rest and recover]

[But one day, the Desolate monsters that they raised suddenly turned on them]

[Humans are a powerful and intelligent race, so I believed that the Desolate monsters wouldn’t have tried to go against humanity and remained their pets without a reason]

[What kind of power or trigger caused the change in the Desolate race is a complete mystery]

[But I faintly found out a certain secret. Through the long years of history, a strange noise came from the other side of the Gate of the World]

[The Desolate monsters seemed to have received some sort of information from it to dare betray humanity]

[I believe that humanity has already gone extinct, otherwise, they would have found a way to send news or information back to this side]

[And so, for you who is the leader of our Divine race, the only thing you need to do is find a way to enter that Gate of the World and search for the items that remain after humanity’s death]

[Because we of the Divine race have two critical weaknesses]

[Firstly, our power is fixed, we cannot become any stronger]

[Secondly, two of us must die for a new Divinity to be born]

[At this rate, we will eventually become extinct]

[Only the old humanity’s technology and skills can change us from our essence]

[We must think of a solution to obtain the way to enter the Gate of the World from the Desolate monsters]

[The future of the Divine race, rests on the other side of that Gate]