World's Apocalypse Online - Chapter 358 - Coronation (2)

Chapter 358 - Coronation (2)

Chapter 358: Coronation (2)

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Juicetin

Proofreader: Arya

The scenery flashed before their eyes, they found themselves already back at the capital Grand Holy Church.

They exchanged looks in disbelief.

Beneath their feet were a marble-lined floor, a powerful voice could be heard from outside.

It was the Bishop of the Holy Church of Death, blessing the Empress.

The Bishop’s voice resounded together with solemn music across the entire hall.

“My mother is in the middle of her coronation, is that right?” the princess asked.

“Yes, you can go now to find her” Gu Qing Shan answered.

“Will there be a problem?”

“There won’t be any”

“About the people who kidnapped us ——“

“You can expose them in front of everyone”

“What then? What’s going to happen after that?”

“The ringleaders will pay the price”

The princess looked straight at Gu Qing Shan for a while before gracefully doing a curtsy.

“During the dance, my att.i.tude towards you was very arrogant, for that I apologize” she said.

Gu Qing Shan hurriedly clasped his fist in reply and said sincerely: “It’s a small matter, as long as you don’t keep treating others that way, you will naturally become the heir to the throne in the future”

The princess looked straight at him and whispered: “Only when choosing a fiancée will I act so arrogantly”

Gu Qing Shan kept his clasped fist pose, bowed his head and said nothing.

The princess evaluated him, suddenly snickered before turning to leave with the officials.

Her small muttering could be heard in the wind.

“… Anna… quite impressive…”

Gu Qing Shan wiped the sweat off his forehead.

It was now that the Earth Sword and Chao Yin Sword flew in through the roof of the building, hovering in front of Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan sighed, put the two swords away before scanning the sky with his inner sight again.

The monster in the sky was very close to freeing itself.

There’s no time to waste.

Gu Qing Shan headed towards a secluded corner of the church.

A small boy and girl sat in the corner, playing with their action figures.

They were playing so happily that they didn’t notice what was going on outside the church.

No one was there to look after them.

This was a bit strange.

Gu Qing Shan’s inner sight pa.s.sed through the two children.

Completely normal.

He then scanned the entire church with his inner sight, quickly locating the two children’s parents.

They brought a few guards with them, shouting the two children’s names at another corner of the church, searching for them.

—–what irresponsible parents.

Seems like there wasn’t anything strange, just that my nerves were being stretched so tightly that anything I look at seems like big trouble.

I’m kind of paranoid right now.

Gu Qing Shan smiled bitterly.

The two children now finally noticed a large figure standing close to them, so they looked up at him.

“Who are you?” the boy asked.

Gu Qing Shan regained his calm.

“Ah, sorry to bother you ——hm, are you playing superhero?”

He looked at toys in their hands.

“Yeah, it’s really fun” the girl answered.

Gu Qing Shan squatted down, smiled and asked the girl: “Then this heroine, would you mind telling me your name?”

Seeing his warm smile, the girl held a better impression of him and answered: “I’m Sisi”

The parents were indeed calling out the name Sisi.

Gu Qing Shan calmed down and asked: “Sisi, why aren’t you watching the Empress’ coronation?”

The boy b.u.t.ted in: “What is there to see, only the adults talking, it’s so boring”

“Yeah, it’s boring” Sisi agreed.

Gu Qing Shan looked at the action figures in their hands.

He then asked: “I heard a superhero who can fly will appear and perform by killing the monsters in front of the Empress”


The two children looked up, their eyes s.h.i.+ning.

Gu Qing Shan told them: “Of course it’s real, the monster has already appeared, so the superhero will quickly arrive as well”

Sisi tilted her head, hesitatingly asked: “Uncle, are you lying to me?”

Gu Qing Shan spoke with a stern face: “Uncle has never lied to beautiful girls before”

“Wow, that’s so cool”

Sisi believed, stood up and started running towards the tower platform.

The boy quickly ran after her.

“Which superhero will it be? I think it’ll be Justiceman!” the boy said while running.

“No, I think it’ll be the one-armed swordsman!” Sisi loudly reb.u.t.ted him.

They screamed as they ran and quickly went out of sight.

Since this was originally a quiet place, after the two cute children left, there were no one else here.

Gu Qing Shan released his inner sight and saw the children’s parents were heading towards the tower platform as well.

The children will soon meet up with their parents.


That was only a short intermission, what comes next is the real deal.

Gu Qing Shan tapped his Inventory Bag.

The faint golden You Ji General armor set appeared, split into their parts including a mask, breastplate, shoulder pads, wrist guards, gauntlets, belt, knee pads and marching shoes.

They contained no superfluous decoration, only carved with intricate runes that give off an indescribable sense of beauty.

“The girl actually got it right, I’m a swordsman…”

As Gu Qing Shan said so, the armor scattered, swimming in the air like animated fishes around him.

In a single moment, Gu Qing Shan had finished donning the armor.

Wearing the silver mask on his face, Gu Qing Shan also equipped the t.i.tle [Talented General].

The Chao Yin Sword and Earth Sword appeared from the air by themselves.

“——-although I am a swordsman, I’m not one-armed like the cartoon”

Gu Qing Shan’s body flashed and disappeared from place.

On the tower platform.

Varona was furious.

The princess was currently explaining how she got kidnapped.

Following the princess’ explanation, a commotion broke out.

The f.u.xi Emperor had only just pa.s.sed away and someone already dared to kidnap the princess!

The princess knelt at Varona’s feet, silently sobbing.

Everyone stared at Varona, waiting for her reaction.

Varona breathed in deeply and declared: “From now on, I will become the monarch of this nation!”

“I swear to protect my subjects, sparing them all the pain of losing their dignity!”

“I swear to eliminate all evil, guaranteeing this nation and its stability!”

“I swear to love every son and daughter of f.u.xi like I love my own!”

“I swear, to protect them!”

She stepped forward, received the crown from the Bishop and wore it on her head.

Empress Varona has now officially been crowned as Monarch Varona.

“I, Varona, am this country’s monarch, and I will protect this country!” she declared loudly.

The Confederate’s President was the first to stand up to applaud.

The applause gradually grew and become thunderous.

Crowning herself as Monarch is highly inappropriate, but she still received the applause of various world leaders thanks to her determination and att.i.tude.

And the rest of the scene followed after the leaders.

Suddenly, a sarcastic voice.

“The monster is still in the sky, you go and eliminate it!”

The voice came from the military side.

This time, the military official himself has spoken.

He is an experienced 5th stage Professionist.

Within the f.u.xi Empire, he was the one closest to the Emperor in strength.

Asides from the f.u.xi Emperor, no one could do anything to him.

Varona’s fury rose again.

This is a world-wide broadcast!

You dare to do this during my crucial coronation!?

She tried her best to maintain a calm voice and ordered: “Supreme Commander, I order you to gather the personnel and prepare to face the enemy”

The military official smirked and just replied: “You think one who puts the crown on themselves like you can order me around? Heh, sorry to disappoint you”

Varona shook her head and replied: “As the strength of the Empire, you have disappointed the Empire itself”

She then looked up at the sky.

The monster was still struggling, but was very close to escaping.


A familiar voice came to her ears.

The Empress was relieved.

She then lifted the black crow, softly calling out to it: “O’ Deity of our church, our guardian, I need your power”

Strange enough, the crow seems to understand her.

It spreads its wings.

Following that, a little girl’s voice could be heard yelling.

“Momma quickly look; I didn’t lie to you!”

The girl Sisi yelled out.

Under everyone’s watchful eyes, the black crow suddenly disappeared and turned into a bright golden light.

The golden light slowly descended and hovered by the tower platform.

Everyone looked to find that it was a person wearing a golden armor and a silver mask.

No one could see his face, and his figure covered in the golden armor let off an indescribable sense of mystery and solemnity.

The military official originally wanted to mock her again, but couldn’t help but be taken in by the golden-armored man.

He couldn’t even gauge the power of this person.

He wanted to think that this was only Varona’s bluffing.

——-but this isn’t magic, and there’s simply no way to fool so many Professionists’ eyes.

The black crow really did disappear and turned into the golden-armored man.

This can’t be fabricated.

And he could even fly.

Only a 5th stage Professionist can fly.

Since when did the Empire have a 5th stage as their guardian?

Could it be, that really is the Holy Church of Death’s divine messenger?

While everyone was still speculating, a solemn voice came from behind the mask.

“Varona, newly crowned Monarch of the Empire”

“I am here” Varona replied.

“From now on, your will shall be where the Empire’s sword is”

Varona spoke: “Then from my will, please kill the monster in the sky”

“As you wish, Monarch” the golden-armored deity answered.

Wind began to swirl around him, lifting him up into the sky.

Before anyone could see what happened, the golden-armored deity suddenly disappeared from sight.

“Look, meteors! How pretty!”

The girl Sisi’s voice could be heard again.

Everyone hurriedly looked up.

In the sky, streak after streak of light was slas.h.i.+ng through the giant monster’s body.

A complicated meteor-like pattern begin to manifest in the blue sky one at a time.

The meteors fell like literal rain, slicing through the monster’s body.

The monster had no time to react, it couldn’t even scream before being swiftly dismantled.

Even the casket was chopped to flying dust.

Secret Art, [Silver Star]

t.i.tle Skill, [Rampaging Sword Qi]

[Rampaging Sword Qi: Your sword is filled with countless fine and minute sword qi, whenever you activate this Skill, that sword qi shall concentrate to become phantoms and attack an extra time. (Note: This t.i.tle Skill is limited to activation while you’re using Swords)]

A never-before-seen terrifying monster that brought immense terror and pressure was easily dispatched.

Everyone was shocked.

The golden light slowly floated back down, stopping in front of the tower platform.

The golden-armored deity’s low voice came again.

“The Empire’s Monarch, do you need anything else?”

Varona then asked: “O’ guardian, please answer me, what fate befalls those that disobey the Monarch’s orders?”

“This one” the golden-armored deity answered.

His disappeared for a swift moment before reappearing.

He placed a severed head onto the tower platform.

The military official’s severed head.

His expression was still calm, as well as a bit stern and thoughtful.

His body was still standing in the seats, unmoved.

Obviously, he couldn’t even notice he was already beheaded before his death.

What a fast strike!

Varona then bowed: “Thank you, it is fine now, I shall call upon you again next time”

“I shall be ready to serve you again, Monarch”

After saying so, the golden-armored deity disappeared without a trace.

No, not disappeared.

The black crow had reappeared.

It cawed loudly at the Empress before flying away past the clouds.

This caused a change in every Professionist on the scene.

The crow used a method that no one understood to turn into a golden-armored deity, then violently eliminated both the monster and the military official.

Regardless of what it really was, its strength was enough to cause despair.

At this moment, every Professionist was silently questioning themselves.

If it was them, could they win against the black crow?

—–the answer was no.

Then, Monarch Varona moved.

She bent downwards, picking up the severed head of the military official by his hair.

She then declared directly to the screen.

“I am Varona, a lady of the Medici clan, Cardinal of the sleeping death G.o.d, and Monarch of the f.u.xi Empire”

“Regardless of who you are, remember my name, and think carefully before trying to disrespect me”

The head was then casually thrown off the tower platform.

Everyone went silent.

Only Ye Fei Li licked his lips in excitement.

Zhang Ying Hao muttered: “From now on, no one will dare to disrespect Varona again”