World's Apocalypse Online - Chapter 1488 - Encounter

Chapter 1488 - Encounter

Chapter 1488: Encounter

“Younger sister? Are you saying that I am your younger sister?”

Reneedol cautiously asked.

“Indeed” the girl laughed, “I don’t know what happened to this world, but you’ve forgotten everything, Atropos”

Reneedol stared closely at her and asked: “You call me Atropos, then who are you?”

“I am your older sister Lachesis——- listen, I know that you wouldn’t easily believe me, but there is something that can prove everything” the girl said.

“That is?” Reneedol asked.

Lachesis lightly reached her hand out to touch the void of s.p.a.ce.

She chanted: “By the power of Fate above! By my younger sister’s name and my own, please distribute the power of my older sister Clotho between us two”

After chanting that, she told Reneedol: “Chant together with me: ‘The power of three lives, as the three sisters of Fate, let the past be past, the favor of Fate belongs to the present and future'”

Reneedol took a step back and prepared to defend herself.

Lachesis chuckled: “Not chanting? Or are you afraid of your original ident.i.ty? I know that you weren’t originally like this”

“If you’re trying to deceive me——-” Reneedol said.

Lachesis scoffed to cut her off and said: “Sister, the entire truth is right in front of your eyes, it is up to you whether or not you have the courage to expose it”

“You can choose to live in ignorance, or choose to awaken and recognize the truth of this world”

“In fact, I hope that you choose to remain ignorant and foolish, as that would only prove that among we three sisters, I, Lachesis, is the one truly favored by Fate”

“Come, make your choice, everything will be up to you”

She stared straight at Reneedol.

Reneedol hesitated a bit, then clenched her teeth and chanted: “The power of three lives, as the three sisters of Fate, let the past be past, the favor of Fate belongs to the present and future”

Out of nowhere, she seemed to have heard a horrifying shriek.

This shriek carried with it boundless hatred and bitterness, descending upon Reneedol and Lachesis through s.p.a.ce and Time.

A faint female voice whispered in their ears: “Lachesis, Atropos, I curse both of you to lose your souls, devoured by that ent.i.ty until nothing remains!”

The voice abruptly vanished.

A flash of fear appeared on Lachesis’ expression.

She then laughed: “Youngster sister, I don’t need to explain anything else, you can surely sense your power growing stronger as we speak!”

As Reneedol stood still, a glow of starlight appeared from the void of s.p.a.ce, slowly entering hers and Lachesis’ body.

Reneedol silently sensed it and replied: “I was able to sense a connection of blood—— now I believe that you’re my older sister”

Lachesis said: “About time you realized that”

“Then, what did you call me out for?” Reneedol asked.

Lachesis’ tone slowly became cold and quickly explained: “The calamity occurred too abruptly; the situation is getting increasingly dangerous. Everyone from the Pantheon that we have in the Realm of Life is dead, the only ones left are me and you”

“Atropos, we can no longer act following the original plan, you must kill that young man called Shroud immediately and steal the Fate that originally belonged to him, only then would you and I have a chance to survive”

Reneedol calmly asked: “Kill him? Why should I kill him?”

Lachesis explained: “The power of the Myriad Deities were pooled together in order to foresee a true future: the strongest being in the Realm of Life will survive all the calamities and become the future Divine King and reestablish the Pantheon!”

“According to our original plan, you must become the companion of the strongest and continue to remain by his side until he fully matured, then you would devour his power, awaken all the Deities, and become the Ruler of all Deities”

Lachesis slowly walked next to Reneedol and whispered into her ear:

“After all, only the three of us have the power that all the other Deities feared”

She began to chant an incantation.

Reneedol seemed to sense something and abruptly turned around, only to see countless black threads manifesting out of nowhere and weaving together into a giant humanoid face.

“What is this!?” Reneedol exclaimed.

Lachesis stopped chanting.

The black humanoid face slowly faded back into the void of s.p.a.ce.

“Can you sense it? This is the great power of Fate, no one could resist it” Lachesis said as she looked straight at her.

Reneedol took a few steps back to maintain distance with Lachesis and asked: “If you also have this power, why didn’t you devour him instead?”

Lachesis’ expression became cruel, but eventually returned to normal and explained in a regretful manner: “Young sister, you’ve always been a completely calm and rational person, that was why everyone decided for you to come out and search for the reason for Clotho’s death, unfortunately—–”

“Unfortunately, I’ve forgotten you and forgotten too many details” Reneedol calmly replied.

“Yes” Lachesis curtly answered, then quickly said: “What exactly happened that night, who you met, and why everyone have more or less forgotten everything, all of this had become a mystery”

Reneedol looked straight at her and slowly said: “That isn’t the same matter we were talking about earlier———- if you also have that devouring power, why did you not devour Shroud?”

Lachesis suppressed her anger and shouted in a whisper: “That’s because you hold the Wing of Fate! Without the Wing of Fate, even if I devoured that brat, I would only become an Overlord of Radiance, I wouldn’t be able to inherit his Fate or reach that prophesized future!”

Reneedol looked at her in surprise.

“Why do you a.s.sume that he would become the strongest in this world?” she asked.

“I saw everything that happened on your boat” Lachesis coldly laughed.

She calmly paced around the slowly explained: “In the beginning, I wasn’t sure that Shroud would become the strongest either, but the techniques he used to attack the elves, the unparalleled power of light, his skill, his transcendent spear technique. Even though everything was only displayed for a short moment, I was able to see just his terrifying latent potential”

“I, Lachesis, can swear that I have never seen a teenager with such potential ever before”

She stared straight at Reneedol and spoke with a gentle tone: “Sister, the calamity arrived too rapidly, Foresight Deity is dead, Poison Deity, Shadow Deity, and Mystery Deity are all dead as well. The only ones left in the Realm of Life are you and me”

“Kill him——- only you would be able to devour him and became the final Overlord of Radiance, a.s.sume this Fate, then lead us Myriad Deities into the future”

“I didn’t know about any of this” Reneedol pursed her lips, her complexion becoming a bit pale.

“And now you do—— you must always remember, you’re carrying the hope and survival of the Myriad Deities on your back, you must lead us through this era of calamity, then once again raise the power of the Myriad Deities to create a new future”

Reneedol didn’t say anything.

Lachesis’ expression became a bit unstable and continued: “I, Lachesis, hereby swear that as long as you can achieve this and carry me through all of these calamities alive, I will never try to compete with you again, I will admit that you are the real Divine King, the only master of Fate”

At this point, some noises could be heard behind her.

Lachesis took a few steps back and disappeared into the darkness again.

“Sister, I will be coming to see you again”

After saying that, she disappeared.

Leaving Reneedol alone in the cold night breeze.

A few moments later.

The sound of footsteps approaching could be heard.

Reneedol took a deep breath, then maintained her calm and turned around.

Only to see a young girl in a white dress slowly approaching her.

This girl seemed to carry the presence of light, spirit, and vitality on her body. As she smiled, Reneedol could even sense herself feeling more a.s.sured.

“Venerable Guardian of the Isle of Protection, greetings” Reneedol greeted her.

Little Dusk smiled and walked up, holding her hands.

“As expected, you don’t remember me at all” Little Dusk said.

Reneedol looked at her and discreetly pulled her hands away.

“Venerable Guardian, I have indeed forgotten a lot of things, what did you want to tell me?” she asked.

Little Dusk caught her hands again and squeezed tightly.

She smiled: “Sister, I am the other wing of the Twin Wings of Fate, your younger sister, I’m Dusk”

Reneedol was stunned.

——-an older sister just left, and now a younger sister came to find me?

What goals would she have?

What kind of secrets would she tell me?

Both of these people can wield Fate, but aren’t they all scheming too much?

What exactly should I do?

Reneedol’s heart was in turmoil, but her expression remained calm and curtly asked: “Oh? You’re my younger sister, so did you want to tell me something that you came to me? Or did you need me to do something?”

Little Dusk shook her head: “You don’t need to do a single thing”

She embraced her and whispered:

“You must have suffered a lot during the past few years alone by yourself”

“Don’t worry, from now on, I’ll protect you, sister”