World's Apocalypse Online - Chapter 1482 - Undetected monster

Chapter 1482 - Undetected monster

Chapter 1482: Undetected monster

A Temporal Oasis, the World of the Spire.

The world itself was travelling forward through the River of Time, heading towards a certain moment in the future.

The Main Spire.

The strongest people of the world were gathered here to discuss a crucial matter.

“Why are so many people still not here?” Barry asked.

“We’ve already informed them all, we sent some people to call them as well” the Spire Keeper’s chairman said.

“What exactly is the issue?” Ye Ru Xi asked.

As soon as she asked, everyone appeared cautious.

Ye Ru Xi was the [Harbinger of Apocalypse’s End], a person of considerable strength, so no one would dare to disrespect her.

The chairman answered: “Something troublesome seemed to have happened to our world”

A young girl with cat ears suddenly appeared in front of everyone and casually asked:

“What kind of trouble was it that needed all of us to be here?”

——–Spatial Master, Kitty.

The chairman clapped his hands.

Ye Fei Li and Zhang Ying Hao came forward.

“Huh? Did the two of you cause trouble?” Kitty asked in surprise.

“We didn’t, it was actually quite a small matter——–” Ye Fei Li didn’t know how to explain it.

A yawning voice spoke up.

It was Boss.

“I was in the middle of sleeping when you all called me—– let’s get on with it so I can go back to sleep” he rubbed his eyes and said.

Ye Fei Li looked at Zhang Ying Hao.

Zhang Ying Hao cleared his throat and said: “Yesterday, Ye Fei Li came to me and said that I promised to accompany him to the East Coast Wizard Spire to steal a TCG binder from the Wizard Spire”

Everyone turned to Ye Fei Li.

Ye Fei Li awkwardly said: “That’s not important, continue”

Zhang Ying Hao continued: “But even now, I can’t remember ever agreeing to accompany him to the East Coast Wizard Spire to steal anything”

Ye Fei Li said: “It’s very strange, I can clearly remember Zhang Ying Hao telling me that the East Coast Wizard Spire had the most complete TCG binder collection, which was left on the second room on the third floor”

Zhang Ying Hao shrugged: “And I insisted that I didn’t tell him about this”

Everyone listened for a bit, exchanged glances, then sighed.

“Hah, there’s no need for you to tell us about such a minor thing, you’re stopping me from writing the next chapter, my readers will urge me to release more” Kitty lazily said.

“No” Barry looked at his sister, then signaled Zhang Ying Hao to continue.

Zhang Ying Hao pushed his up a bit as his voice became low:

“Ye Fei Li had already matured greatly, and I was originally a professional hitman, so it’s impossible for both of us to forget something that happened recently”

“What are you trying to say?” Kitty curiously asked.

Zhang Ying Hao replied: “I felt that there was something strange, so I thought there might have been someone who impersonated me to deceive Ye Fei Li——- if that was the truth, then it wouldn’t be anything notable, just a small prank”

“So, did you find the one who disguised himself as you?” Kitty asked.

Zhang Ying Hao paused for a second and said: “I didn’t”

“Such a person doesn’t exist at all”

Kitty was surprised and her expression slowly became serious.

She didn’t mention her writing anymore and pondered: “If someone impersonated you, it would be a minor issue, but if no one did anything of the sort, then it must have been an issue with either your or Ye Fei Li’s memories”

Zhang Ying Hao raised his hand to signal her not to speak for now.

“Everyone, I also felt that this was very eerie, so I felt uneasy and purposely investigated to see if anything out of the ordinary occurred recently”

“What are the results?” Ye Ru Xi asked.

Zhang Ying Hao exhaled to try and keep himself calm, then continued: “The people of the Wizard a.s.sociation accepted an invitation to tour [Order]’s Square, but the guards at [Order]’s Square insisted that there was no such invitation”

“The pixies loudly insisted that the taste of the bar’s sweet strawberry liquor was wrong, but when I made a trip to investigate, I found that the bar’s recipe hadn’t been changed ever since it was established”

“Furthermore, one person went missing yesterday, a Void Spirit Wielder who fought against the Soul Shrieker called Ma.s.sat”

“He’s missing? I’m quite an expert at searching for people, how about I take a look?” Kitty offered.

Zhang Ying Hao shook his head and said: “Among those who knew Ma.s.sat, half of them said that he had already lost his life during the battle against the Soul Shrieker; but the other half insisted that Ma.s.sat was still alive and that they saw him just a few days ago”

Barry followed up: “This was very easy to check since we have a censoring department to record those who had fallen in battle”

Zhang Ying Hao didn’t say anything else.

He took out a book and handed it to Kitty.

Kitty received it, then flipped to the section that recorded people who went MIA to find Ma.s.sat’s name.

“Strange, why did his friends have to lie about something like this?” Kitty doubtfully questioned.

Zhang Ying Hao took the book back from Kitty and handed her another book.

Kitty was a bit confused.

“This one was done by another censor at the same time” Zhang Ying Hao explained.

Kitty flipped through the book to the same section and the same position.

That spot was blank.

Ma.s.sat’s name wasn’t there.

Kitty was shocked.

“…That can’t be right, where exactly was this issue coming from?” she muttered.

Everyone was speechless.

This was beyond their understanding.

Ye Fei Li continued: “Zhang Ying Hao and I had double-checked and even triple-checked everything, we can prove that everything we’ve spoken so far was the truth”

“This is very troublesome; we don’t even know who the enemies are” Barry scowled.

As they were talking, one of the two Wizards who stood guard at the entrance suddenly vanished without a trace.

He disappeared without a sound or warning as if he had never existed in the first place.


“——–where is he?”

“d.a.m.n it, the a.s.sailant is here!”

Barry, Kitty, and Zhang Ying Hao all called out at the same time.

The others didn’t move at all and even appeared shocked.

“What are you doing?” Ye Fei Li asked in confusion.

Zhang Ying Hao lowered his hands and asked in disbelief: “Someone just disappeared right here without any warnings, didn’t you see it?”

Ye Fei Li replied: “There had always been only one guard standing there since we entered the room”

The chairman also cleared his throat and volunteered proof: “I only arranged for one guard today”

Ye Ru Xi and the others all nodded.

Zhang Ying Hao was stunned.

He looked at the entrance, only to see the guard looking at him with a strange expression.

A sense of indescribable dread manifested at the depths of Zhang Ying Hao’s heart.

Barry’s expression also changed.

He didn’t even blink when he fought against the Soul Shrieker, but he was now feeling an inexplicable eeriness.

Kitty barely managed to remain calm and explained: “Let me explain, just earlier, there really was a guard….”

She told everyone what the three of them saw.

Everyone finally realized what had happened.

So the same thing they were discussing had just occurred again.

Everyone was completely speechless.

This couldn’t be explained at all, most of them didn’t even notice it had happened and a.s.sumed that things had always been this way.

How could they deal with something like this?

Barry suddenly called out: “Among all of us, the one who knows the most secrets of the infinite worlds and the void would be none other than Greatest Above the Star Crown, Great Lord of Infinite Origins, perhaps only he would know about what happened”

Everyone was suddenly startled and noticed that Boss hasn’t spoken since the beginning.

They noticed that Boss was looking down as if he was contemplating something.

His complexion was dreadfully pale.

Barry was the one who had been closest to Boss, so he asked: “Do you know what actually happened here?”

Boss suddenly gulped, then begin to explain with a hoa.r.s.e voice:

“My memories are obscured by fog”

With a strange tone of tone, he explained to them in a low voice: “Within the River of Fate, once Cause and Effect had been determined they would not change; so most of the time, the only place where interference was possible would be during the process”

“For that reason, I buried a total of six Sealing Tokens within the past eras, using them to anchor the progression of the past and make sure that it wouldn’t change too drastically”

“It wasn’t until Gu Qing Shan returned to the past that I was confident that I would be able to retrieve those six Sealing Tokens by using his powers”

“Why him?” Kitty couldn’t help but ask.

“Because he was the only one in possession of the Key of the Past, capable of using the power of [Distortion], and I’ve already left an empty role in the past for someone to fill. It wouldn’t be until he went to the Age of Immemorial that the true progression of history would become determined” Boss explained.

Boss wiped the sweat from his forehead, then continued with a trembling voice:

“——-But today, I learnt that there was an ent.i.ty I had never been able to notice that had remained hidden in the River of Fate, silently waiting until Gu Qing Shan returned to that past era. It is changing the Cause of Effect of the past, causing all pasts and futures to also change drastically”

Ye Ru Xi refuted: “That’s impossible! I’ve heard that Causality cannot be changed, only the process can be manipulated and changed, you’ve also just confirmed that fact”

Boss sighed: “This occurrence you’re experiencing could only be explained by the fact that there was no longer a Causality in the past. The past, present, and future of this reality are rapidly being altered”

“To be capable of such a thing… what kind of ent.i.ty would that be?” Ye Ru Xi questioned.

Boss shook his head: “I don’t know, it hid so well that I couldn’t discover it even at my peak”

“Would Gu Qing Shan be able to resist this ent.i.ty?” Zhang Ying Hao asked.

“This ent.i.ty’s strength had far surpa.s.sed even the Myriad Deities, capable of altering even Causality. Gu Qing Shan is currently in an extremely dangerous situation where he could lose his life at any moment” Boss replied.

Barry said: “Speak frankly, what should we do now?”

Boss looked up at the ceiling and remained silent for a long while.

Suddenly, a hurried female voice asked.

“Boss, do you remember? You surely have a way to help him, don’t you?”


Laura had been hiding here the entire time.

With [Shelter of Infinite Worlds], she was capable of avoiding detection from anyone and everyone!

Boss turned to Laura.

Laura rushed forward and caught his wrist: “I once had an Occultism hand—– it was a precious treasure of we Bramble Birds, I gave it to Gu Qing Shan, which he used to save you, do you still remember?”

Boss nodded.

Laura held onto him tightly and said: “You and Gu Qing Shan are mutual saviors; this was something that even Occultism itself had recognized—- but can definitely save him!”

Boss looked at Laura and suddenly smiled.

“I… can’t guarantee that I’d be able to do that”

He shook his head and let Laura’s hand go.

Starlight manifested all over his body like a river of stars in the sky.

“I’ve lost all my powers and have nothing left but my life. Would my half-a.s.sed life actually be able to do something?”

Boss slowly took a step back and entered the starlight.

“But fine, regardless of life or death, I should make a trip to the Age of Immemorial”

“After all, that was my era”

His body slowly disappeared from everyone’s view.