World's Apocalypse Online - Chapter 1373 - Donation

Chapter 1373 - Donation

Chapter 1373: Donation

Disguising as the City Lord’s daughter and heading into the Wraith realm, what an exciting prospect that is.

Not to mention an abundance of rewards.

This is a deal that I can’t refuse!

“Then, to make one last thing clear, I won’t really be getting married to some wraith?” Crow continued sending his voice.

Gu Qing Shan shrugged: “Of course, that person—- erm, the City Lord’s daughter said that your disguising technique can be dispelled any time you wish; I trust that after it had been undone, no wraith would still want to marry you”

Both of them fell silent.

Crow reached his hand to stroke his face and said with concern: “If a female wraith were to take a liking to me…”

“Hm, that will be a huge issue” Gu Qing Shan agreed.

“All in all, this is a very dangerous matter, we need to go see her and discuss this more carefully” Gu Qing Shan continued.

“Hm, let’s go” Crow replied.

At this point, the men from before brought their women back towards them.

“I just remembered, although you’ve lost all your powers, you have definitely acc.u.mulated quite a bit of wealth over the years” one of them commented.

Crow replied: “That’s right, I’m very rich”

“You can simply retire and live out the rest of your life in Void City” another one of them added.

“That’s true” Crow also agreed.

The men exchanged glances, slowly grinning.

A gust of wind blew through the air.

All of them suddenly became headless bodies.

The woman screamed in panic and fled back into the bar.

Crow looked at the corpses on the ground, then at Gu Qing Shan.

“I’m moved, but killing them would just lower our status” Crow said.

“I just happened to check the wanted list earlier, they were slave traffickers” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“In this apocalyptic era, manpower and physical labor are still required everywhere, their existence in Void City was also thanks to the tacit agreement of the bigshots y’know” Crow told him.

“Crow, I’ve never liked to kill, unless there’s a proper reason” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Crow paused, then said with a solemn tone: “Dragon King, you’re now a t.i.tled cla.s.s. .h.i.tman, it should cost a lot to make you act even a single time, these small fries aren’t even worth you moving a pinky finger”

“All meetings are predestined; a missed opportunity is a regretful occasion” Gu Qing Shan answered.

He took out his. .h.i.tman medal and spoke a few words.

Very quickly, a man and a woman flew in from afar, both staff members of the Hitman Guild.

One of them was the girl who acted as Gu Qing Shan’s receptionist, Qin.

“Your grace, Dragon King. How may we help you?” she smiled and said.

Gu Qing Shan pointed at the ground and said: “I just got promoted to t.i.tled Hitman today, so turn these slave traffickers in for their bounty and get a round of drinks for everyone, my treat”

The two staff members’ eyes practically glowed as they heard that.

The male staff member said: “Dragon King sir, you truly are—-”

“Generous” Qin praised.

While they were smiling, they took care of the scene swiftly and professionally.

Crow shook his head and sighed: “Those guys definitely still have companions who’ll come to you looking for trouble…”

Gu Qing Shan was surprised: “Even after getting beat up, you’re still making predictions for them?”

Crow snapped out it up and quickly changed his words, following up on his previous statements: “But some of them truly are pathetically weak”

A moment later, some of the girls who fled earlier led a group of people out from the bar.

“It was them!”

The woman called Lize pointed at Crow and Gu Qing Shan.

Everyone turned towards them.

Gu Qing Shan turned to Qin and asked: “It’s a lot of trouble to check using my medal, can you take a look and see for me which one of them is on the wanted list?”

Qin glanced over them and replied: “They’re part of the same gang, so they’re all on the wanted list, just that no one had ever killed them——— their existence had received tacit understanding from the bigshots”

Gu Qing Shan grinned.

“Seems like there’s still a bit of money to be made” he muttered.


The leader on the other side only managed to utter a single word before his head vanished.

A light breeze.

Every slave trafficker on the wanted list had turned into headless bodies.

An autumn water-like clear blue steel sword hovered in mid-air, drawing a graceful arc, seemingly unsatisfied.

“A t.i.tled Hitman killing slave traffickers, that’s like using a cleaver to chop a fly” Crow shook his head again.

“Your dinner tonight will be on me as well” Gu Qing Shan told Qin.

“Understood, that should be enough as well” Qin smiled and replied.

She took a close look at this evil creature again.

——-this is a very impressive Archfiend.

When he first joined the Guild, I was afraid that evil creatures who liked to deceive people would cause chaos in the Guild.

But in the end, not only did he save me once, but he had also become promoted to t.i.tled Hitman at an unbelievable speed.

He’s renowned across the void.

I wonder… if my species allows marriage with evil creatures.

I’ll check it right away when I return.

Qin silently thought.

Crow suddenly made another statement: “Ah, I forgot earlier but they do have a boss, he’s quite strong though”

Gu Qing Shan stared at him.

Crow was a bit embarra.s.sed: “Sorry, when the premonition comes, I can’t stop it”

A thunderous shout resounded from inside the bar:


The door slammed open again as a man whose body was full of tattoos came out.

Just as he stood facing Gu Qing Shan and Crow, his chest was pierced through by a thin, razor-sharp rapier.

「 Ah… 」the man only managed to cough a few times before he fell and died.

Qin looked at the corpse and reported: “Captain of the Golden Slavers, they mostly sell women and children from the various races, frequently providing high-quality slaves for many bigshots, so they were allowed to remain in Void City”

Crow pulled his rapier back and asked: “This guy is worth quite a bit then, how should we deal with him?”

Gu Qing Shan pondered: “Other than those who support slavery, are there any forces in Void City that aid the weak?”

Crow replied: “That would be the Splendor Saint Church——- those angels of the church might be braindead, but they’re at least trustworthy then it comes to aiding the weak and bullied”

Gu Qing Shan then: “Qin, donate this guy’s bounty to the Splendor Saint Church, tell them that it’s specifically for the sake of their relief efforts”

“Understood, Dragon King sir” Qin replied.


Crow turned around.

Lize trembled as she looked at him, muttering: “You—— didn’t you already lose your powers?”

Crow paused a bit, frowning: “That’s right, I did lose my powers”

“Then how did you kill them? Were you lying to me before?” Lize questioned.

“I… was just joking”

“Uooo… uooo…, I don’t care, you emotional fraud!”

Lize ran over and fell into Crow’s embrace.

Out of habit, Crow hugged her.

“Our relations.h.i.+p is already broken off, even if you get my body, you won’t gain my heart” Crow sighed.

“I don’t care, I still love you” Lize insisted.

Crow looked at Gu Qing Shan, troubled.

Gu Qing Shan could kill without issues, but he really didn’t know how to resolve this matter either.

Suddenly, a solemn male voice declared:

“By the name of the Holy Father, I hereby express grat.i.tude to his grace Dragon King’s donation, and also make the following judgement towards his grace Crow’s marriage: You two are unsuitable”

As everyone turned towards the voice, they saw a handsome and graceful man standing at the road intersection.

A s.h.i.+ning halo that gave off gentle light hovered above his head.