World's Apocalypse Online - Chapter 1369 - White silk

Chapter 1369 - White silk

Chapter 1369: White silk

Gu Qing Shan slowly sighed.

Finally, I’ve become a t.i.tled Hitman.

The t.i.tle Skill [Warden] will be exceptionally useful for many situations, I’ll probably use it as much as I can.

He regained his senses, placing all the dishes onto the table, prepared utensils, then sat down with Xiao Die.

Xiao Die tasted each dish, then praised: “Hm, it tastes good, quite a bit better than mine”

Gu Qing Shan tapped his Inventory Bag and took out a bottle of liquor, asking her:

“Want some appetizer liquor?”

“—–No, we can’t drink alcohol today”

Saying that, Xiao Die waved her hand and summoned three cups of fruit juice.

Gu Qing Shan silently watched this.

Xiao Die put one cup in front of Gu Qing Shan and the remaining cup at an empty seat together with a set of utensils.

“I hope that you’ll be able to remain calm while you listen to what comes next” Xiao Die said.

Gu Qing Shan quickly realized and asked: “So there’s already news for my matter?”

Earlier, Xiao Die had agreed to help him enter the Wraith realm, but with the prerequisites that he must at least be a t.i.tled Combatant.

And now, Gu Qing Shan has achieved that.

He was the heir of the Dragon Ancestor, the eradicator of the Apocalypse, a Hitman everyone knew the t.i.tle of: Dragon King of Atrocity Jail.

Xiao Die spoke with a solemn expression: “I a.s.sume that the matter in the City Lord’s manor will soon finish. Just sit and wait, she’ll be here very soon. I also hope that you can remain calm during your discussion with her, as the matter that follows will be exceptionally important”

Suddenly, a female voice sounded from the void of s.p.a.ce:

“How fragrant, just when I was hungry too”

A girl appeared from the void of s.p.a.ce and leisurely sat on the empty seat.

She took a sip of the fruit juice.

Gu Qing Shan looked at the other party in thought.

“No need to think too much, I’m the one who gave you your codename” the girl nodded to greet him.

She had a pair of gem-like bright emerald eyes that couldn’t help but draw one’s eyes the more one looked at her.

Long black hair, and a pearly fair complexion.

She was clad in a long green mage robe with white cloud accents, exuding a sense of mystery, n.o.bility, and superiority.

“You are—– the head a.s.sistant of the City Lord?”

Gu Qing Shan evaluated her again and asked.

The girl lightly smiled: “Indeed, I am the a.s.sistant, because I’m responsible for everything in the City Lord’s manor”

Xiao Die made a stern expression, then said: “No one would be able to intrude my place, nor could they eavesdrop here, so if either of you wants to say something, just be out with it and don’t waste each other’s time”

Gu Qing Shan turned to Xiao Die.

“Just say what you need, I guarantee that she’s trustworthy—— but you must now prove to her that you’re also trustworthy” Xiao Die silently sent her voice.

Gu Qing Shan understood.

The girl on the other side slightly lowered her head and remained silent, seemingly waiting for Gu Qing Shan to talk first.

Gu Qing Shan stood up, prepared a full bowl of rice for the girl, then placed it in front of her.

“This is food that I made—- I hope you’ll be able to enjoy my cooking” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The girl’s expression moved a bit.

She then recalled that when this fiend came to her for divination, he had said that his desire was to open a diner.

What a strange fiend…

The girl picked up the bowl, tasting each dish once.

Her brows slowly unfurrowed.

“Xiao Die told me that you wanted to enter the Wraith realm” the girl commented.

Gu Qing Shan also picked up his bowl and answered as he ate: “Yes”

“Was the exposed matter of the Saint Spirit world not enough for you?”

The girl looked straight at Gu Qing Shan and curtly said: “Or perhaps, I can help mediate between you, my words at least have the weight to help resolve your grudge with the wraiths”

“I personally don’t have any grudges with the wraiths, even if there were, I would have already resolved it” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The girl put down her utensils and asked: “Then why did you ask Xiao Die to help you enter the Wraith realm?”

“I simply want to go to their world and finish a certain matter” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“What would that be?” the girl asked.

“Eradicate them all” Gu Qing Shan answered.

“Didn’t you say that you don’t have a grudge with them?” the girl asked again.

“No one would hold any grudges towards trash on the ground, but everyone would feel inclined to put the trash where they belong” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The girl’s lips slowly curled up, once again picking up her utensils, and resumed eating.

She then asked: “When I performed divination for you, you didn’t tell me your true name, was that simply because of your species’ customs?”

Gu Qing Shan paused for a short moment, then said: “My apologies, I’m actually human, my name is Gu Qing Shan”

The girl’s chopsticks abruptly stopped, then only continued to pick up more food after a while.

“Wielder of the Eternal Abyss’ ultimate Soul Artifact, Heaven and Earth; I know you”

“You know me?”

“Indeed, I also know that you cannot possibly stand on the side of the wraiths…”

The girl muttered.

She then took out a piece of white silk and placed it on the table in front of Gu Qing Shan.

There was a single word written on the piece of silk


Seeing this piece of silk, Xiao Die showed a leisurely smile.

She had only been listening to their talk, only now did she pick up her utensils and started eating as well.

“This is really good. Gu Qing Shan, if you have some free time, come here and cook more”

She began taking large bites from her food, completely ignoring the other two.

The girl turned to Gu Qing Shan and said: “Take this piece of white silk, it is Proof of Ident.i.ty”

“What kind of ident.i.ty?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“My servant” the girl continued to explain: “In half a month’s time, I will be leaving for the Wraith realm. With this piece of white silk, you will be considered part of my entourage and allowed entry into the Wraith realm”

“What are you heading into the Wraith realm for?” Gu Qing Shan questioned further.

“I’m getting married” the girl replied.

Gu Qing Shan was shocked.

The girl’s expression remained completely unchanged as she leisurely continued: “I am the daughter of Void City’s Lord, so I will be getting married to one of the three Wraith Lords as a means of strengthening our bonds”

Gu Qing Shan looked at the piece of silk on the table and asked: “So you’re going to live in the Wraith realm from now on, but also willing to bring me with you, someone with intentions to destroy the Wraith realm?”

The girl explained: “Getting married is fake. The Wraith realm had done many inexcusable things, and I hold an irreconcilable grudge against them. Most of the forces of Void City have been contacted and are silently making their preparations, using this marriage as a springboard to enter the Wraith realm——-”

She suddenly stopped.

Looking into her eyes, Gu Qing Shan slowly realized.

“So you also wanted to destroy the Wraith realm?” he asked.

The girl nodded and said: “We have made ample preparations and gathered a large number of experts, gradually completing our plans for the past few years. The only issue lies with how hard it was to enter the Wraith realm, so we finally decided to use my marriage as the official way to enter their world”

Gu Qing Shan pondered: “Why does the Wraith realm want you to marry into their world?”

The girl answered: “I am an expert at divining the link between individuals, as well as between all things and all living beings, they have been craving this ability of mine for a very long time”

Gu Qing Shan continued: “But since you are the daughter of Void City’s Lord, everyone is constantly paying close attention to your actions, they couldn’t continue with their regular arrogant nature and force you to do anything”

“Indeed, that’s why they went to ask my father for permission to marry me” the girl replied.

“Did your father accept their offer?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“My father is dead, I accepted their offer” the girl answered.

After a moment of silence, Gu Qing Shan pushed the piece of white silk back to her.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t accept this piece of silk”

He said.