Bind him! I never thought to catch him so quickly.
VARLAAM. (Snatching the paper.) Hands off, my lads!
What sort of a Grishka am I? What! Fifty years old,
grey beard, fat belly! No, brother. You're too young
to play off tricks on me. I have not read for a long time
and I make it out badly, but I shall manage to make it
out, as it's a hanging matter. (Spells it out.) "And his
age twenty." Why, brother, where does it say fifty? -
Do you see - twenty?
2ND OFFICER. Yes, I remember, twenty; even so it was
told us.
1ST OFFICER. (To GREGORY.) Then, evidently, you like a
joke, brother.
(During the reading GREGORY stands with downcast
head, and his hand in his breast.)
VARLAAM. (Continues.) "And in stature he is small, chest
broad, one arm shorter than the other, blue eyes, red
hair, a wart on his cheek, another on his forehead."
Then is it not you, my friend?
(GREGORY suddenly draws a dagger; all give way
before him; he dashes through the window.)
OFFICERS. Hold him! Hold him!
(All run out in disorder.) MOSCOW. SHUISKY'S HOUSE SHUISKY. A number of Guests. Supper SHUISKY. More wine! Now, my dear guests.
(He rises; all rise after him.) The final draught!
Read the prayer, boy.
Boy. Lord of the heavens, Who art
Eternally and everywhere, accept
The prayer of us Thy servants. For our monarch,
By Thee appointed, for our pious tsar,
Of all good Christians autocrat, we pray.
Preserve him in the palace, on the field
Of battle, on his nightly couch; grant to him
Victory o'er his foes; from sea to sea
May he be glorified; may all his house
Blossom with health, and may its precious branches