Works Of Alexander Pushkin - Works of Alexander Pushkin Part 314

Works of Alexander Pushkin Part 314

Upward in a thin stream inclines.

But little warmth the fireplace lends,

Tobacco smoke the flue ascends,

The goblet still is bubbling bright -

Outside descend the mists of night.

How pleasantly the evening jogs

When o'er a glass with friends we prate

Just at the hour we designate

The time between the wolf and dogs -

I cannot tell on what pretence -

But lo! the friends to chat commence.


"How are our neighbours fair, pray tell,

Tattiana, saucy Olga thine?"

"The family are all quite well -

Give me just half a glass of wine -

They sent their compliments - but oh!

How charming Olga's shoulders grow!

Her figure perfect grows with time!

She is an angel! We sometime

Must visit them. Come! you must own,

My friend, 'tis but to pay a debt,

For twice you came to them and yet

You never since your nose have shown.

But stay! A dolt am I who speak!

They have invited you this week."


"Me?" - "Yes! It is Tattiana's fete

Next Saturday. The Larina

Told me to ask you. Ere that date

Make up your mind to go there." - "Ah!

It will be by a mob beset

Of every sort and every set!"

"Not in the least, assured am I!"

"Who will be there?" - "The family.