Works Of Alexander Pushkin - Works of Alexander Pushkin Part 24

Works of Alexander Pushkin Part 24

Et d'apres ma pensee

Je dirais ce que j'aime encore,

Si je n'etais au lycee.

Apres cela, mon cher ami,

L'on peut me reconnaitre:

Oui! tel que le bon Dieu me fit,

Je veux toujours paraitre.

Vrai demon pour l'espieglerie,

Vrai singe par sa mine,

Beaucoup et trop d'etourderie, -

Ma foi - voila Poushkine.


WITH scorning laughter at a fellow writer,

In a chorus the Russian scribes

With name of aristocrat me chide:

Just look, if please you... nonsense what!

Court Coachman not I, nor assessor,

Nor am I nobleman by cross;

No academician, nor professor,

I'm simply of Russia a citizen.

Well I know the times' corruption,

And, surely, not gainsay it shall I:

Our nobility but recent is:

The more recent it, the more noble 't is.

But of humbled races a chip,

And, God be thanked, not alone

Of ancient Lords am scion I;

Citizen I am, a citizen!

Not in cakes my grandsire traded,

Not a prince was newly-baked he;

Nor at church sang he in choir,

Nor polished he the boots of Tsar;

Was not escaped a soldier he

From the German powdered ranks;