Et d'apres ma pensee
Je dirais ce que j'aime encore,
Si je n'etais au lycee.
Apres cela, mon cher ami,
L'on peut me reconnaitre:
Oui! tel que le bon Dieu me fit,
Je veux toujours paraitre.
Vrai demon pour l'espieglerie,
Vrai singe par sa mine,
Beaucoup et trop d'etourderie, -
Ma foi - voila Poushkine.
WITH scorning laughter at a fellow writer,
In a chorus the Russian scribes
With name of aristocrat me chide:
Just look, if please you... nonsense what!
Court Coachman not I, nor assessor,
Nor am I nobleman by cross;
No academician, nor professor,
I'm simply of Russia a citizen.
Well I know the times' corruption,
And, surely, not gainsay it shall I:
Our nobility but recent is:
The more recent it, the more noble 't is.
But of humbled races a chip,
And, God be thanked, not alone
Of ancient Lords am scion I;
Citizen I am, a citizen!
Not in cakes my grandsire traded,
Not a prince was newly-baked he;
Nor at church sang he in choir,
Nor polished he the boots of Tsar;
Was not escaped a soldier he
From the German powdered ranks;