Works Of Alexander Pushkin - Works of Alexander Pushkin Part 115

Works of Alexander Pushkin Part 115

But it no longer can be kept

From her. The headsman's fatal blow

Like thunder-stroke will echo loud

Throughout the whole Ukraine. The talk

Of prating world will reach her ears.

Alas, I see, the man, ordained

By fate to lead the world s big strife,

Alone should face the raging storm,

-Unhampered by a woman's love.

The restive steed and timid deer

Must ne'er be harnessed to one car.

This I incautiously forgot,

And now must pay the heavy price

Of my mad fault. For, all that has

Worth, all that lends to life a charm,

The blameless maiden brought to me,

To me, a stern old man... and I,

In what can I reward her love?"

Fondly he gazes where she lies,

Cradled and stilled in softest dream.

How sweet her sleep of trusting faith!

A happy smile her lips half part,

With fullest life her white breasts heave

But to-morrow?... And with a groan

He rose, and, with quick muffled steps,

Reeled blindly forth into the air.

Calm and soft is the Ukraine night.

No cloud to dull the wide expanse:

The stars are shining full and bright;

No breeze to wake the drowsy dream,

Nor scarce a breath that cares to fret

The sleep of silver-poplar leaves.

Mazeppa's soul is filled with strange